
Comments / Mentions The nuclear weapons disposal facility on Shadow Moses Island in Alaska's Fox Archipelago was attacked and captured by Next-Generation Special Forces being led by members of COW-BULL. They're demanding that the government turn over the remains of the Bogdanoffs and they say that if their demands are not met within 24 hours, they'll launch a nuclear weapon. You'll have two mission objectives. First, you're to rescue DARPA chief Wojak and the President of ArmsTech, Apu. Both are being held as hostages. Secondly, you're to investigate whether or not the terrorists have the ability to make a nuclear strike. And stop them if they do. - What's the insertion method? We'll approach the disposal facility by sub. - And then? We'll launch a one-bear SDV (swimmer delivery vehicle). After the SDV gets as close as it can, dispose of it. From there on you'll have to swim. High Tech Special Forces Unit COW-BULL. Your former unit... and one that I was a commander of. - So they're still around... There are six members of COW-BULL involved in this terrorist activity. Sminem, with his powerful psychic abilities. Changpeng Zhao, the beautiful and deadly sharpshooter. Snibs, master of disguise. Sirgay Nazarov, giant and shaman. And Craig Wright, specialist in interrogation and a formidable gunfighter. And finally, in charge of them... COW-BULLS's squad leader, Mumu. - Mumu? Yes. The bull with udders. The nuclear weapons disposal facility covers the whole island. I'll instruct you by codec after you reach your target. - Anyone going with me? As usual, this is a one-bear infiltration mission. - Weapons and equipment OSP (on-site procurement)? Yes. This is a top-secret black op. Don't expect any official support.