
Comments / Mentions

The Annihilator of Assets. The Bane of Bulls. The Crusher of Candlesticks. The Duke of Dumps. The Exterminator of Exercises. The Feared of Finance. The Genocider of Gains. The Humiliator of Holdings. The Intimidator of Investments. The Juggler of Jobbers. The King of Kickers. The Lord of Leverage. The Master of Margins. The Normalizer of Negatives. The Overlord of Options. The Pulverizer of Profits. The Queller of Quartiles. The Ravager of Returns. The Sultan of Shorts. The Tamer of Trends. The Undertaker of Utility. The Vacillator of Volatility. The Withdrawer of Wealth. The Xenophobe of Xenocurrency. The Yanker of Yields. The Zhar of Zig Zags. THE INDOMITUS REX THE ALPHA OF ALPHAS THE KING OF KINGS THE LORD OF LORDS THE JUSTICIAR OF JUSTICE THE TALLEST OF THE TALL BOBO THE BEAR APEXPREDATORbo the MASCULINE GRIPbo the CRUSHING INSURMOUNTABLEbo the UNSURPASSABLE INDOMITABLEbo the UNYIELDING AESTHETICbo the BEAUTIFUL SWOLEbo the RIPPED TANKbo the RESOLUTE PHYSICALLYIMPOSINGbo the INTIMIDATING GLAREbo the DOMINEERING JUGGERNAUGHTbo the UNSTOPPABLE DISCIPLINEDbo the ENLIGHTENED ZENbo the SPIRITUAL POTENTbo the VIRILE ALMIGHTYbo the INVINCIBLE VALORbo the DAUNTLESS IMPERIOUSbo the DOMINATOR INVICTUSbo the ETERNAL MAELSTROMbo the TITANIC QUAKEbo the SPACE-TIME SHAKING COLOSSUSbo the LEVIATHAN BEHEMOTHbo the MASTODONIC MONSTERbo the TERRIFYING LORDbo the KING DEITYbo the CHRIST CRIMSONbo the LEGEND SUPERNOVAbo the TRANSIENT BOCHAD THE BO CHADBO THE BO BOCHAD THE CHAD KINGCHAD THE LORDBO THE CHAD OF CHADS BOCHAD CHADBO CHADCHAD CHADCHAD CHA CHAD ENTER BOBO
The Annihilator of Assets. The Bane of Bulls. The Crusher of Candlesticks. The Duke of Dumps. The Exterminator of Exercises. The Feared of Finance. The Genocider of Gains. The Humiliator of Holdings. The Intimidator of Investments. The Juggler of Jobbers. The King of Kickers. The Lord of Leverage. The Master of Margins. The Normalizer of Negatives. The Overlord of Options. The Pulverizer of Profits. The Queller of Quartiles. The Ravager of Returns. The Sultan of Shorts. The Tamer of Trends. The Undertaker of Utility. The Vacillator of Volatility. The Withdrawer of Wealth. The Xenophobe of Xenocurrency. The Yanker of Yields. The Zhar of Zig Zags. THE INDOMITUS REX THE ALPHA OF ALPHAS THE KING OF KINGS THE LORD OF LORDS THE JUSTICIAR OF JUSTICE THE TALLEST OF THE TALL BOBO THE BEAR APEXPREDATORbo the MASCULINE GRIPbo the CRUSHING INSURMOUNTABLEbo the UNSURPASSABLE INDOMITABLEbo the UNYIELDING AESTHETICbo the BEAUTIFUL SWOLEbo the RIPPED TANKbo the RESOLUTE PHYSICALLYIMPOSINGbo the INTIMIDATING GLAREbo the DOMINEERING JUGGERNAUGHTbo the UNSTOPPABLE DISCIPLINEDbo the ENLIGHTENED ZENbo the SPIRITUAL POTENTbo the VIRILE ALMIGHTYbo the INVINCIBLE VALORbo the DAUNTLESS IMPERIOUSbo the DOMINATOR INVICTUSbo the ETERNAL MAELSTROMbo the TITANIC QUAKEbo the SPACE-TIME SHAKING COLOSSUSbo the LEVIATHAN BEHEMOTHbo the MASTODONIC MONSTERbo the TERRIFYING LORDbo the KING DEITYbo the CHRIST CRIMSONbo the LEGEND SUPERNOVAbo the TRANSIENT BOCHAD THE BO CHADBO THE BO BOCHAD THE CHAD KINGCHAD THE LORDBO THE CHAD OF CHADS BOCHAD CHADBO CHADCHAD CHADCHAD CHA CHAD ENTER BOBO
>I noticed most people dont wipre their ass properly or clean or brush teeth resulting in the m feeling like shit and having low performance here is the solution you need to be not working and NEET KING to follow this routine it will bring you massive gain's both physical and financial. >Brush teeth 1h minimum lower side and top side each 2 times normally each inner and outer side then 2 times circle style and then tongue use alot of paste then you floss. >Do you also wipe your ass for 12h and then go bathe for 4h "after the bathe you can shave your whole body in the water here with safety razor without cut like chad with infinite discipline or you can vax your entire body" resulting in you being at your peak level's? >And then to disinfect everything like Handle's and everything you use including toilet and bath. >Do you cum at last 4-6x times during 2-4-6h session and use 4-6 pieces of 3 kitchen towel squares to wipe each nut into? and then 2 separate square pieces to wipe your dick and to place the cum soaked towels into, Then proceed to go piss and wipe your dick again with 5 toilet square pieces and wash your hands with liquid soap. >Drink 2,7L Tea because you are 6 feet CHAD and that is you required intake, When you are shitting you might consume 4,5-6l of bottled water to piss it all out and clean your kidney's. >Shave your head with safety razor after done apply entire tube of anything representing form of lube and clean do same for beard. >Cut your nails closest you can then sew 2 times with plyer you will be 3 days in agony as just diping your fingers in water and wiping ass be torture >You can make religion out of this isntead of wasting time reading text people can use all that time to better their body this would be best replacement for "religion" as it would just be a few simple "rituals" that would better society. >Copy and Paste this Pasta Everywhere to improve lifes this Alien-Tier knowledge can't get better.
>You hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza Girls look at your gymcel body and think "ewww what a try hard" while they look at the chad and think "i love him, he just does what he wants, not even concerned about the whole bodybuilding thing". Chad STILL looks INFINITELY better than you because of his GENETICALLY DETERMINED HEIGHT, FRAME and FACE. Women are getting more and more choice and validation and its either CHAD or NOTHING Why haven't you gymcels learnt yet? It's either ALPHA GENETICS, or BETA RESULTS. Face it, face is EVERYTHING. HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME are literally ALL that matter. >i'd like you if you were more muscular! SAID LITERALLY NO WOMAN EVER. LMFAO. Gymcels are so fucking stupid, seriously. You can gymcel your ENTIRE LIFE but it won't change these SET IN STONE, GENETIC factors that MATTER THE MOST. Really the only way working out will make you look better is if you're already overweight and losing weight reveals previously hidden cheekbones/jawline, and therefore improves your FACE. Thinking women like guys with autistic bulging muscles is stupid as FUCK. STATUS and MONEY may make women want to DATE you, but literally the ONLY THING that matters in terms of SEXUAL ATTRACTION are ALPHA LOOKS which means a good HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME. Oh, and as for personality, just fucking LOL. Personality is just another word for looks. Chad stands in the corner of the room and says nothing. Women go crazy over how "mysterious" he is. You do the same and they call the police.
You hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza Girls look at your gymcel body and think "ewww what a try hard" while they look at the chad and think "i love him, he just does what he wants, not even concerned about the whole bodybuilding thing". Chad STILL looks INFINITELY better than you because of his GENETICALLY DETERMINED HEIGHT, FRAME and FACE. Women are getting more and more choice and validation and its either CHAD or NOTHING Why haven't you gymcels learnt yet? It's either ALPHA GENETICS, or BETA RESULTS. Face it, face is EVERYTHING. HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME are literally ALL that matter. >i'd like you if you were more muscular! SAID LITERALLY NO WOMAN EVER. LMFAO. Gymcels are so fucking stupid, seriously. You can gymcel your ENTIRE LIFE but it won't change these SET IN STONE, GENETIC factors that MATTER THE MOST. Really the only way working out will make you look better is if you're already overweight and losing weight reveals previously hidden cheekbones/jawline, and therefore improves your FACE. Thinking women like guys with autistic bulging muscles is stupid as FUCK. STATUS and MONEY may make women want to DATE you, but literally the ONLY THING that matters in terms of SEXUAL ATTRACTION are ALPHA LOOKS which means a good HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME. Oh, and as for personality, just fucking LOL. Personality is just another word for looks. Chad stands in the corner of the room and says nothing. Women go crazy over how "mysterious" he is. You do the same and they call the police.