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r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

SWIN looks good -- gapped up, rising on volume, high short interest


Someone (much smarter than me) should DD $SWIN. Interesting looking chart


I sit out at these prices loaded up SWIN


SWIN stresses me out too much


I know lol, I’ve been waiting it out since it’s last crash to see what it’s going to do, but I think you’re right it s probably safe to throw money back in.. I just sold my shares of SISI after an amazing 30 day run, so perhaps I’ll take that and put it in SWIN.


SWIN take a look


SWIN...take a look


SWIN reversal started ..soon well over 10$


Stop selling SWIN below $5


SWIN stepping it up!


SWIN is popping right now and soon will be over 10$


Come in SWIN


Posted about SWIN and it's popping right now



Took a small position on both..JDZG and SWIN..just for watch the movie


JDZG and SWIN have more potential


CRDL & SWIN green at open!


$SWIN about to make money.


Add SWIN and CRDL!!


HOLO and SWIN are bound to do something before the end of the summer. Maybe not to the same price as before, but even a nice $20 PT is a nice pay day.


HOLO & SWIN both green today ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


HOLO, AGBA, SWIN, CRDL Thinking either NUKK (short term) or NVAX (longer term)

SWIN is another one


SWIN & SCPX seem promising


$SWIN still looking to moon. Don’t be late.


$SWIN up 10%. Push the volume.


Added SWIN - broke $39 two weeks ago. Starting to pick up volume.


$SWIN trying to run again. Eyes up.


$SWIN Baby!!!


SWIN looks good, if it went down $36 in one day then in theory it should be able to go back up $36, I see no real info on why it dropped and share structure of when it was 40+ is still in tact. Huge upside potential


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$SWIN running


Do we think SWIN is ever going to have another spike before year end?


SWIN shall skyrocket soon again 🚀




SWIN could get wild. chart + float = 🔥


SWIN is due for earnings and has a conference this coming week, 90% drop occurred from manipulation of low float. This has major skyrocket potential


SWIN will move


I’ve been trading for almost 40 years, but I’m not a professional trader, but I like to read factual data, and trade on my own. I don’t play options, but I have 10% of my portfolio for things like this. Usually I can get the trade right by watching dark pool data to “know what’s coming” in the lit markets. In the case of this stock, it looks like they hammered this stock in the unlit market and released most the trades the same day, highly unusual from what I’ve seen. What I’m looking for is a slight drop Tuesday, maybe Wednesday also while the unlits finish releasing any transactions, however, the SEC should put a SSR ( short sale restricted ) on the stock which all institutions must abide by, but guess what? Everything in unlit markets were already shorted…all in one day, because they know it would go on the SSR list, and short sellers want a payday. The SEC issues a SSR when the shorted shares in all markets either get within a percentage of or exceed the shares available for trading, or free float, because the only way that could occur is through naked shorting. So Tuesday, short sellers may have to return quite a few shares to get it off the list, so they could start returning them Tuesday/Wednesday in the unlits and them be released by end of the week. If you don’t understand short selling, it is selling your stock to someone who wants to buy it, in this case, say $40, then it goes to $6, they buy it back, making $34 for every share. If there is enough demand for the shares, they create more shares, known as naked shorting, to sell for that profit. Because this stock is only listed on the Nasdaq, and the home of this company is in Hong Kong, I’m not fully privy to any news or information other than what I see in the US. There are no options showing in US markets for SWIN, but not sure about the Hong Kong markets. Finally, don’t be worried about “Insiders” having accounts in the Cayman Islands, most Hong Kong companies do this, and create LLC’s in case Mainland China forces them back to China rules and no longer becomes a free state, so to speak. Short sellers will use this as a scare tactic in order to get people to sell.


SWIN was halted on the way down


Yeah like the SEC/exchange was playing legally when they let SWIN dump to nothing and halted it like 30 times


Chinese liquidation plays have panned out for me this week. 1. CTNT Trade: On Tuesday, I entered CTNT at $1.48, then averaged down double my initial size on Wednesday at $0.97 to get my average down to $1.06, then sold into the squeeze on Thursday for profit. 2. MTC Trade: On Thursday I grabbed some MTC after hours at $0.50 then today I added more at $0.46 then I sold at around $0.60. I wrote a post about CTNT when I saw the unusual volume yesterday since it moved with SWIN and I wrote a post about MTC yesterday since it could potentially move (it did this morning) but mods deleted both of my posts.

NASDAQ has an automated system to halt a stock in times of huge fluctuations. Basically take the a percentage of what it’s worth now. If it crosses that percentage up or down in a short amount of time it is auto halted for its “security” to make sure it’s not a malfunction. SWIN dropping from $45 to $4 definitely would trigger that. Then everyone jumped on which cause it to shoot to triggering it again.


Not in SWIN anymore, but can anyone explain why it's not getting halted today? It halted so many times yesterday and not a single halt yet at -20%.


Not a penny but SWIN going to moon again?


Sorry about your luck, but i invested in SWIN yesterday, which guarantees a loss.


SWIN catching a premarket pump


Doubt it, I expect SWIN to have a decent day after it tanked though.


I'm currently watching SWIN, craxy dip yesterday. I'm hoping it rockets!!!


When I saw SWIN I told my boy, he looked, and went 300 long off the top


Long $SWIN ✅


$SWIN Webull (FUTU) buyout? I’m cornfused


What's going on with $SWIN? Down 85% today on seemingly no news and nobody here is mentioning it.


To everyone who got on the SWIN train, thanks for playing and hope you’re in the green. Don’t get caught waiting for $30-40 if you’re in the green just sell a portion and wait. Don’t listen to people who compare it to CTNT because every stock is different. Your money is your own responsibility

Mentions:#SWIN#CTNT No idea what a SWIN is, but this looks sketchy AF - notice the complete flat action with 80+ RSI - that's not normal. Someone's algo is taking your money


Long $SWIN ✅


SWIN looks like another sketch Hong Kong stock. Pumping on 0 fundamentals. Hoping it’s the next HKD


Looks like a pump & dump is going on now in SWIN, like what happened in March


Watching SWIN apes blaming the SEC for getting dumped on while china whales obliterate them is hilarious


SWIN did all that gap up to trap everyone’s money and now you can’t get out if you wanted to. The holds are getting longer and dropping harder. Huge scam.


Whats weird, is that SWIN is halting on NASDAQ...I would understand if this was on the Chinese exchange but not too sure why it would halt so much here.


Why is this going to squeeze? Its got a 6 percent SI , .2 days to cover... []( This isnt a squeeze.


SWIN halted down for the first time in an hour.


$SWIN trades for like 30 seconds and halts for 5-10 mins and still trending upwards. NFA but AH could pop off. Once again, credit to u/ziqqiz for finding this stock


Anyone have any info on SWIN, why did it drop and could it recover


I assume you’re talking about $SWIN. It never reached $9. Currently price is $7.57 and halted. You should set limit price when you buy


Congrats if u added SWIN when i alerted at 4.3, 7.7 now and halted up🔥


$SWIN was found by user u/ziqqiz and may possibly rise back up today. NFA and don’t listen to morons comparing it to CTNT


SWIN halted up, throw in a Lotto amount before u see it back at 20🔥


If u guys saw What CTNT did, the excact same liquidation move is happening to SWIN🔥


Adding some SWIN💯 we all saw What happened to CTNT


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Has anyone been following SWIN stock symbol?


SWIN is down 88% today....![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

SWIN about to 2X tomorrow :)

r/ShortsqueezeSee Comment

Happens to the best of us lol, I pulled out yesterday and almost got lured back in today. Same shit happened to me a few months back with $SWIN

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

To the guy who said SWIN, thanks!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

You can now use your remaining $3,800 to buy SWIN, which will give you the confidence to invest again

r/ShortsqueezeSee Comment

I think the point of this thread is to post stocks that seem like attractive squeeze candidates. You and I have been going back and forth on my thread which is in favor of ‘the squeeze isn’t over on one little pop’ but rather showing that % shirting has increased. CTB started 230% today, maxed out at 304% then settled at 188%. Maybe the brokerages lowered the % for a reason—who knows right now. The other metrics on Fintel show 93% of the float is shorted. I’d like to see which candidate you would suggest. OCEA has been #1 on Fintel the last 3 days in row. Look at SWIN. Why would that stock move like that? It goes up and down $30 in a day. What does Ortex say about SWIN? It does have a small float according to Fintel, but the metrics don’t approach OCEA…SWIN is #67 on Fintel.

r/ShortsqueezeSee Comment

$OCEA $SWIN $GXAI $PIXY $HOLO all have the exact same pattern. Looks like algos, mm’s, heggies are playing around today. $OCEA on Fintel, not much changed, more short shares were traded yesterday than the day before. Cost to borrow jumped from 234% to just over 300% as of the latest. Only 1,000 shares listed available to short.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

wtf? How'd you get inside information, you must be the son of the CFO or sumtin, no hairbrained regard in this sub even ever hears of SWIN, but you must know sumtin no one else knows, give it up--tell us how you made this swindle![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

it has been a nice crazy ride on SWIN.... [\_up\_30k\_for\_another\_100k\_run\_on\_swin/](

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Which one of you regards is in SWIN today?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

SWIN halted

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Long $SWIN 👀

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Can someone explain why SWIN is up 1,000% this month?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

$SWIN IPO lockup expires next week, 3/5.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

$SWIN IPO lockup ends next week, 3/5

r/stocksSee Comment

Ahh ok. Not sure if this company ($SWIN) has significant short interest or not. Weird how they've just been steadily increasing over the past two weeks and it's been under the radar. Lockup ends the 5th so i'm interested to see what happens.

r/pennystocksSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Anyone like $SWIN?

r/pennystocksSee Comment

Everyone wave bye-bye to $SWIN

r/ShortsqueezeSee Comment

$SWIN looks good
