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Immunitybio Inc

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I will give you a stock

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IBRX - I don't understand something

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Biotechs on the Radar Screen: $IOVA, $IBRX, $SILO, $LUMO, $SMMT

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Biotechs on the Radar Screen: $IOVA, $IBRX, $SILO, $LUMO, $SMMT

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Biotechs on the Radar Screen: $IOVA, $IBRX, $SILO, $LUMO, $SMMT

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Biotechs on the Radar Screen: $IBRX, $ILO, $LUMO, $SMMT

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Biotechs on the Radar Screen: $IBRX, $ILO, $LUMO, $SMMT

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Biotechs on the Radar Screen: $IBRX, $ILO, $LUMO, $SMMT

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Biotechs on the Radar Screen: $IBRX, $ILO, $LUMO, $SMMT

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Dealing with Fears of Loss, that leads to many lost opportunities - help needed

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Dealing with Fears of Loss, that leads to many lost opportunities - help needed

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June's penny stock marvels: supercharge your portfolio with these gems!

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

Will $IBRX go to $7 or even $10 by may 23?

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

IBRX is ready for a squeeze, has just begun.

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

$IBRX in strong uptrend.

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

IBRX get in now before it squeezes!!

r/StockMarketSee Post

A List of Biotech Stocks With Major Price Movement and Continued Upside Potential.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$IBRX Strong after hours buying and chart grabbed my attention..$2 break could really send of late points to some big things com.

r/pennystocksSee Post

Penny stocks in focus ($TRKA, $BTBT, $IBRX)

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

ImmunityBio (IBRX) Set To Bounce

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IBRX on the launch pad to double digit area

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Top Doctors Discuss Blow Out Phase 3 results of Immunity Bio Quilt Study to treat bladder cancer

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Double YOLO - IBRX and SKLZ

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IBRX ImmunityBio has the vaccine for all covid variants and more

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IBRX ImmunityBio has the cure for all covid variants

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IBRX expecting BLA submission to FDA this month

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IBRX on the verge of skyrocketing

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$IBRX I am an idiot. I’m all in and I’m getting a biblical ass pounding. Every fucking stock I buy, it dies. #mayor of tard-city

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$IBRX. I am an idiot. Tell me why I am being a tard and blowing away my paycheck on this pile of dogeshit.

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

$IBRX , $AMRS. Complete Joint Venture. NFA.

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$IBRX , Nfa. News. Complete Joint Venture

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A Keytruda competitor has a BLA filing and the market is overlooking them!

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Immunitybio is the next big thing or will they fade away due to the greed of the fat suits?

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TKO Covid-19

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TKO Covid-19

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TKO Covid-19 Once and For All

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Apes 🦍 needed to End Covid - Buy IBRX - 1st 2nd Gen Vaccine

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IBRX ImmunityBio announces primary endpoint met in bladder cancer trial

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IBRX ImmunityBio

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IBRX stock is one to get in on

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ImmunityBio (IBRX) Announces Positive Durable Responses in BCG Unresponsive Bladder Cancer Patients with a Complete Response Rate of 72%, Median Duration of Complete Response of 19.9 Months, and 85% R

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$IBRX their bladder cancer treatment is nearly 2x more effective than the leading treatment.

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IBRX, Immunitybio, 72% Complete Response for bladder cancer

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IBRX, Immunitybio, 72% Complete Response for bladder cancer

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IBRX, Immunitybio, 72% Complete Response for bladder cancer


Get your IBRX calls while they're still cheap!


IBRX and ZOM are completely different animals. I made a couple grand on Zomedica a few years ago and it hasn’t barely moved since. IBRX is an effective cancer treatment, ZOM deals with pets.




I'm heavy in IBRX as a long term investment. Definitely has not played out for me so far, but here's to hoping Dr Pat actually solves cancer.


I’m kinda realizing that there’s a period of time which is now when stocks squeeze which is before earnings. I wonder if this always happens. Month before earnings there’s a squeeze with last days on Fintel reporting the short interest? Mentioning this cause I bought shares of IBRX when it was $7-8 and it’s been fluctuating a bit and now going down. On Fintel, the short interest ratio of states there are 24.66 days to cover. I’m just thankful there seems to be support at levels. It rebounds frequently


In at over 2000 shares of IBRX


Wondering if you're still in IBRX? I literally just bought another 1000 shares 3 mins ago 🤭 Gonna wait it out and hope for a pop on good news, aiming for at least $8 which would give me 29% profit


IBRX regards show yourselves ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421). You told me this was a sure thing my leaps need reassurance.


I got IBRX not because I think it'll moon, but because I believe its a good stock long term. Same for LUNR


Sigh. Guess I’ll add it to my bag collection along with FFIE, IBRX, BDRX, BBAI…..

Fundamentals: MAMO Mix between fundamentals/short squeeze potential: URGN, IBRX Quick flip on news: KZIA Shitty squeeze/pump and dump play: BENF Trading way below cash because it's a failed biojunker but due for a bounce: HLVX

Yep. IBRX is making deliveries of an effective cancer drug. What has that stock done? Whole bunch of not much.


IBRX 12$ by eoy


Go IBRX , I’m in


Thinking about IBRX eoy calls. Anyone else investing in IBRX?


Play SPY and add to my IBRX position


IBRX and BMR IBRX - should easily be a B/O candidate by big pharma. Anktiva is a game changing drug and has the potential for several more use cases. Doses are 35K each and revenues are expected to skyrocket. Only reason future cash flows haven’t been priced in is due to the lingering approval decisions needed. $30B mkt cap isn’t out of the question. Translates to a run from $6 to $40-45ish. BMR - NVDA partner with tons of potential to corner the market on AI video stabilization and production. Likely will be a baby NVDA if the strategy is executed right. Bonus - ATOM. Love/Hate relationship with the ticker. If it’s vaporware, MST could be a game changer in the chip/semi industry. If it’s vaporware, stock was a scam and goes to $0

ImmunityBio $IBRX I appreciate the value of what they currently have but their pipeline is next level. They are positioned to either be big pharma or bought out by one.


Everyone buy my IBRX bags now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


I've became recently aware of a tactic. >Turns out that my prediction was 100% bang on. AEMD's shares outstanding haven't reached 20 million yet, but 13.6 million from 9 million is a good start. And the short interest plummeted to 10% with the stock price under $0.50 and no squeeze. But the prime pumper and spammer on this, instead of admitting he was a liar/pumper/ clueless about how this was going to go down, is now blaming retail traders for selling so that a squeeze didn't occur. Instead of admitting his pump failed, he is trying to gaslight people into bagholding further so that their, say 20-30% loss (still can come back from that) turns into an eventual 80% loss by diamond-handsing this garbage down to 15 cents. >Let me tell you this again. It doesn't matter if 100% of retail holds their stock. The "short interest" was from warrant holders who are now covering the shorts with the shares issued from the exercise of the warrants. There was never, ever going to be any squeeze on here no matter what retail baggies did. Because there were no true shorts. Period. You can either look at the evidence yourself, use your brain cells and come to the same conclusion after the fact that I knew weeks ago - but at least learn something for next time. Or take a look at the simultaneously increasing share count and tanking short interest, not glean anything from this, and be a willing rube for the next pump and dump from the next group of charlatans that come along. >Don't listen to pumpers of penny stocks on here, they aren't the same as GME, IBRX, CVNA type of stocks. I do have some penny stock picks from Canada, but they operate with very different rules than U.S. junk listings so there is a way to actually make money on them if you know what you're doing. Canada's market has been pummeled but has a tendency to turn around quickly and I think we are near that point. >P.S. If you respect my analysis here, understand that I am still very bullish on the idea of a squeeze on URGN even though so far it hasn't really worked out.

NVAX, IBRX were Covid plays and might be dead for now, but Med/Biotech can explode anytime if they come up with a new product. RYCEY, CELH will be fine I think. Wouldn't sell if you don't need the money.

NVAX, IBRX, RYCEY, and CELH. Two are massively shorted, and two were supposed to be value plays. I tried buying the dip on the CELH downgrade and then it tanked like 20 more points. RYCEY is usually green, but not meaningfully enough at my price to want to sell. It has maxed like +$200 on like $3400 cost basis.

It closed at $6.27 yesterday - did you see this is a sign to stop out as it closed below $6.3? Have valued your posts so I’m interested in what your updated thinking is on IBRX and whether it’s still a medium term swing play.


IBRX was very high on the list the other day. What happened to have it removed from the Shortsqueeze list ?


I also own IBRX. Took some profits on FLYE last week, might re-enter. VIGL is also one I bought around $4.00 but that's not a squeeze play more of a "Sanofi just invested into VIGL at $7.44 to look into Alzheimer's drugs at the same time SAVA and AVXL are struggling so maybe I should buy at $4" play.

I'm looking forward to IBRX earnings in August. New cancer treatment FDA approved and most recently covered by health insurance. After the insurance announcement, it peaked over $8 for a bit, but it had a sell off and now sits at 6.30. Great time to buy IMO.


And they will actually make a lot of money. Next two earnings will give IBRX a moonshot.


Search my post history. About a month and a half ago I posted a DD on IBRX


Everyone buy my $IBRX bags


I actually have KTRA (not sweating that yet) and I just jumped today to (IBRX) shit, now I'm second guessing 😬


It’s actually a good stock, I like it. But I smell a market correction soon so I am out for now on all bio stocks. I also like IBRX and that one will soar I think on next financials but BTC correction and a few other indicators out there have me smelling bubble break. If that happens my money needs to be in GME. Naturally just my thoughts and not financial advice.


KTRA,BDRX and IBRX. IBRX has come back up and supposed to pop soon I guess. We’ll see

Right, IBRX is off up 2% lol. These posts are so annoying.


IBRX todays olay


IBRX is not just a squeeze candidate it’s also doing some big things with some huge potential for long term hold. I suggest doing some DD on this company if you haven’t already.


This was due to no catalysts and a heavy short interest. It’s peaked at almost 9 again today. All stocks dip and rise. I hold 1204 shares and I am so confident in this stock. What do you know about IBRX? I don’t mean this in an antagonistic way I’m asking how much DD you’ve done?


IBRX is a great play but don’t know when. First it was June 11, now a few months.


I'm up 14% on my IBRX and imaging how I'll spend my money when it hits $400 a share. This is usually the point where the stock tanks and I kick myself for not taking profit. Despite that, 1000% sure it hits $10 in the first 5 minutes on monday.


The whole market is a grift. It's amazing how stocks constantly get bought and sold perfectly ahead of news releases. Take IBRX last week. Amazingly, it had a reversal 2 days before the news drop that they got their cancer treatment covered by insurance. It's BS. I took profits because it was looking like it would go lower, but no, shorts covered, it reversed, then like magic BIG NEWS DROP. Happens constantly. Insider trading everywhere. SEC is asleep at the wheel. I wish I could get stock tips from my owner class buddies at the country club...


IBRX.. think it has juice to pump another day tomorrow?


$IBRX super short and cure for cancer help


Biotech (hit within a few months): IBRX - Anktiva approval and sales. ARDX - 2 approvals both tenapanor sales. Space (hit before end of 2026): LUNR, RKLB - space race back on. QS, SLPW - solid state batteries backed by big auto. 3D industrial printing (hit by end of 2025): DM, NNDM - massive cash positions

IBRX, URGN, VXRT and FLYE are the ones I'm most optimistic on for next week.

IBRX had some serious volume today. Hopefully she’s starting to get moving


IBRX had some damn good volume today. Hope it keeps cooking


I have 1.2k IBRX and not swelling until $30


Biotech stocks are weird. I do think IBRX has a lot of potential with their new bladder cancer treatment drug approval. I wouldn't put 10k on it though. If you got that much sitting around, put it into an ETF.


Something that took me a bit to learn when I first started dabbling in stocks like this is that dilution happens quite often. These are usually all struggling companies & it might be their last ditch effort to raise capital. Giving shares to employees is different. A hypothetical example would be if IBRX got approved to sell a million more shares (to the public). This sounds more like a way to keep their staff from going elsewhere or boost moral if I had to guess 🤔 (not sure, just a guess) **Better example of dilution is GME selling 75 million more shares a few weeks back.


IBRX let’s go!


Thousands of stocks to choose from. And guys are in here wasting their time trying to find out how to squeeze a few bucks out of GME. Money is money you know. Doesn't matter how you make it. Instead of thinking about GME so much you could have bought IBRX sub-$6 and now it looks like it's in a way better position to squeeze than GME is. I have traded GME. Both long stock as well as calls and puts. Right now it looks like a big freaking waste of time. GME buyers have RK opening his big yap at random intervals as their prime investment thesis. As in other words, a shitty investment thesis. Eventually the SEC and DOJ is going to look into what that guy is doing and if/when they do, that's going to tank the stock.


Looks like IBRX might be reversing. Good swing opportunity


I’ve been accumulating IBRX the past few weeks and I’m thinking of averaging up. The potential is insane on this. Share price is extremely undervalued.




Good to see at IBRX woke back up. If it can just get back to $9 a share so I can sell my bags.


finally some action with IBRX again🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

r/stocksSee Comment

anyone know why IBRX is rising so fast right now?


IBRX absolutely taking off. Is it finally my time to shine????

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Yes I saw that post as well. Only 7 trading days left in the month to hear the news about the FDA lung cancer meeting. IBRX started creeping back up on Tuesday.


There are 2 main risks to pre-revenue companies: tech and government regulations. IBRX somewhat has the tech but FDA nipped them in the bud (although they might still comeback). Once that happened the binary thesis was done and 0 was the chosen value ASTS tech is succesfully de-risked. BW3 is in space and it works. They are easily +95% of the way there. And government regulation is not a problem. FCC already signaled approval is a done deal and they are even batting for ASTS. There is no "FDA" here to nip anything.


IBRX finally had a green day, fucking finally.


Idk man I heard IBRX being talked up in a similar tone and it pumped and dumped


Is IBRX capable of anything other than shitting the bed?


Thinking about buying back my IBRX covered calls

r/stocksSee Comment

IBRX...... curing cancer without chemo. About to start it's rise to the moon. Starts before Q2 reporting then will climb without looking back.


I like your mindset about URGN and IBRX. But if you're going to be a consistent winner, you're going to have to get off this idea that a high CTB and zero shares available to short is a GOOD thing. Maybe on mid to large cap stocks (GME, CVNA, RILY etc.). But on penny stocks, microcaps and SPACs, it's a clear sign the stock will tank. Shorters are that desperate to short because they KNOW something that you don't. Not THINK, but KNOW, with 100% certainty. Because they are the ones with the access to these garbage financing deals, taking the arbitrage through financial engineering, and the high CTB is just the cost of doing business.

0 shares available to borrow for AEMD and CTB through the roof. Im a novice but I smell a squeeze waiting to happen. URGN looks great as well. I will definitely get some shares. Would love to play options on URGN but high premiums for ATM. Reminds me of IBRX. Great company as well that has good stuff going on. Just a matter of when it’ll pop again.

I'll answer your question with a question of my own. How big is GME's market cap? CVNA? RILY? SMCI? IBRX? All of these had short squeezes and/or are popular with the short squeeze crowd. You have it the opposite. Smaller market cap companies are WORSE to squeeze. Because they usually end up being garbage dilution machines and fuck over retail suckers who buy their crap stock. See: BURU for a recent example.

I’m not sure what is looked at for short squeezes but does IBRX have a good chance?


I vomited in my mouth just reading that fluff headline. Companies with $3 million market cap and barely any cash don't do transformative anything in biotech. You need a minimum of $50 million but more like $500 million or more to make something work in oncology. Look how much money IBRX spent just to get to where they are.


Right there with you. I’ve got 20 $10 calls expiring in January and creeping up to 2k shares at $6 average. I’m in this to the end. Years ago, like 15 or so, I was seriously into Genentech. Everything I read about them was solid and I had that gut feeling. But I was also freshly married and poor. Sure as shit it took off and eventually was bought out by Roche. I’ve hated myself for it ever since. Luckily I think this is my redemption stock. I’m very confident in IBRX.


I'm heavy in IBRX, cost basis around $7 and a bunch of $7.50 calls expiring 1/17/25


Further proof you are either a swing trader, scalp trading, or thrive on shorting stocks. You’ve “pushed” $SLS, $IBRX, and definitely $GDHG many times…and conveniently your timing of these “DD” posts coincide with a price spike and then a major drop usually lower than the price spike the previous day.

Can cat man mention IBRX? There’s decent short squeeze potential and more importantly I can sell my bags.


IBRX bag holders where you at??? I was promised 20 dollars by end of year why the fuck did the company authorize the issuance of 20 million more additional shares if not to dilute?? And why are they hiding sales data and have said nothing about it in the investor conference.


IBRX has been a loser since I picked up shares. Should I dump?


I know it's an old thread but would appreciate your opinion on the current state of IBRX. I hold plenty of shares and needles to say I am in deep red. Do you think it still holds promise and can be a long term winner?!?

r/stocksSee Comment

Anyone know wtf happened to IBRX today? What did they say? It tanked right after the investor presentation and I can’t find any news as to why


aye partna take a look at IBRX


IBRX looking good this morning


IBRX is the only one that really checks all of those boxes. SPWR has some aspects of that too. But people needs to learn to differentiate between stocks with short squeeze potential and stocks with high short interest. A stock with high short interest but is diluting like crazy and shorts are riding 90% profits cannot be squeezed. You might get a small bounce on short covering (aka they are taking their profits) but you can't squeeze them. In contrast, a stock like LPA which may have had 50,000 short interest, if that...but those few shorts got skull fucked. On a stock that barely has any volume, that's enough to cause a squeeze.

Okay? And it'll also have 400 million shares outstanding and a pretty mid short interest compared to any number of stocks. IBRX is better. CVNA, a company I don't like at all, is better. At least CVNA has had a real short squeeze - a sustained and brutal increase in the SP followed by actual short covering.


It's not at all that. Why? Because it already pumped and dumped twice in the last month. By that very nature, it's disqualified to be the most tightly wound up spring loaded cannon. That honor almost certainly goes to some stock you never heard of. Like LPA two weeks ago. In terms of short squeeze potential of more well known names, GME isn't the top dog there either. That belongs to IBRX. Just facts. IBRX has a far higher % short interest.


I agree with IBRX. That will have a good day tomorrow and next earnings in August


Loading up more IBRX


Update on my previous post in this thread. IBRX jumping a bit in PM.


Just copying what I wrote in yesterday's weekend thread for those who are too cool to visit the weekend thread but may still be interested in a lotto ticket: "Good morning degens. Usually I just make shitty jokes at other people's expense but this time I'm actually posting some potentially relevant info. IBRX has popped up a few times on here, either someone else posting DD or me spamming the ticker like the most basic bagholder ever (not really but it sure feels like it). Anyway, they have an AGM scheduled on Tuesday with some speculation of positive news following their April FDA clearance for their flagship drug. They also have/had an FDA meeting this month regarding expanding the use of their drug for other diseases. Stock price been kinda beaten down since first approval announcement and it's pretty heavily shorted (~33% SI of last reporting). This could be for good reason but I don't know shit and like the company because of what they're trying to do. Anyways, if Tuesday brings major news there could be a good opportunity on Monday with 6/14 $7c and $8c being relatively cheap lotto tickets for any potential moves off the AGM (Friday close SP of $6.10). I'm holding shares but might grab a few of these on Monday. Edit: they could also provide bad news just because fuck me, but I'm betting on the positive."


Good morning degens. Usually I just make shitty jokes at other people's expense but this time I'm actually posting some potentially relevant info. IBRX has popped up a few times on here, either someone else posting DD or me spamming the ticker like the most basic bagholder ever (not really but it sure feels like it). Anyway, they have an AGM scheduled on Tuesday with some speculation of positive news following their April FDA clearance for their flagship drug. They also have/had an FDA meeting this month regarding expanding the use of their drug for other diseases. Stock price been kinda beaten down since first approval announcement and it's pretty heavily shorted (~33% SI of last reporting). This could be for good reason but I don't know shit and like the company because of what they're trying to do. Anyways, if Tuesday brings major news there could be a good opportunity on Monday with 6/14 $7c and $8c being relatively cheap lotto tickets for any potential moves off the AGM (Friday close SP of $6.10). I'm holding shares but might grab a few of these on Monday.


Yeah I've made a lot of *shit* speculative plays that haven't worked out. Still have a couple like IBRX as lotto tickets, but fuck me at least it has grander plans than selling Funko pops.


$IBRX where is that FDA announcement???


IBRX your dead to me... POS!


I feel the sane about IBRX.


My GoFundMe address is registered under ticker "IBRX". Feel free to donate to the regarded. This isn't a scam. I promise.

Mentions:#IBRX Buy these IBRX $8 calls , 2 contracts worth , you'll thank me next week (2 IBRX 06/14 8c)


IBRX, thanks for asking. Now if you could please purchase at least 1 million shares at $7, I would be very grateful. Think of this as a GoFundMe for a new found friend. Cheers!

r/stocksSee Comment

How should we understand this? ---------------------------- LadRx (OTCQB:LADX), a drug developer focused on chemotherapeutics, and California-based biotech, ImmunityBio (NASDAQ:IBRX) have reached a mutual agreement to terminate a licensing deal for aldoxorubicin, an investigational therapy targeted at soft tissue sarcoma and other cancers. XOMA Corporation (NASDAQ:XOMA), which bought royalty and milestone rights related to aldoxorubicin following a multimillion-dollar deal in 2023, has also given the go-ahead to the decision, the companies said in a statement late Monday. As the deal ends, LadRx (OTCQB:LADX) regains control of aldoxorubicin, which has already demonstrated its potential in a Phase 2 trial against a rare type of cancer called advanced soft tissue sarcoma. Concurrently, XOMA (XOMA) and ImmunityBio (IBRX) unit NantCell have revised their 2023 royalty purchase agreement related to aldoxorubicin. The companies said that per the revised deal, XOMA would receive a low-single-digit royalty and a mid-single-digit percentage of any economics generated from a potential out-licensing agreement related to the drug. “Over the coming months, we will be reviewing the pre-clinical and clinical data for aldoxorubicin and plotting a path forward for its continued clinical development,” LadRx (OTCQB:LADX) CEO Stephen Snowdy remarked. ----------------------------

r/stocksSee Comment

How should we understand this? ---------------------------- ImmunityBio, LadRx end licensing deal for cancer drug Jun. 04, 2024 7:06 AM ETLadRx Corporation (LADX) Stock, IBRX Stock, XOMA StockBy: Dulan Lokuwithana, SA News Editor Deal is broken. Bad not secure deal ADragan LadRx (OTCQB:LADX), a drug developer focused on chemotherapeutics, and California-based biotech, ImmunityBio (NASDAQ:IBRX) have reached a mutual agreement to terminate a licensing deal for aldoxorubicin, an investigational therapy targeted at soft tissue sarcoma and other cancers. XOMA Corporation (NASDAQ:XOMA), which bought royalty and milestone rights related to aldoxorubicin following a multimillion-dollar deal in 2023, has also given the go-ahead to the decision, the companies said in a statement late Monday. As the deal ends, LadRx (OTCQB:LADX) regains control of aldoxorubicin, which has already demonstrated its potential in a Phase 2 trial against a rare type of cancer called advanced soft tissue sarcoma. Concurrently, XOMA (XOMA) and ImmunityBio (IBRX) unit NantCell have revised their 2023 royalty purchase agreement related to aldoxorubicin. The companies said that per the revised deal, XOMA would receive a low-single-digit royalty and a mid-single-digit percentage of any economics generated from a potential out-licensing agreement related to the drug. “Over the coming months, we will be reviewing the pre-clinical and clinical data for aldoxorubicin and plotting a path forward for its continued clinical development,” LadRx (OTCQB:LADX) CEO Stephen Snowdy remarked. ----------------------------

GME and IBRX (not just short play, long term as well)
