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r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Cryptocurrency as a Source of Passive Income - staking, lending, farming, mining ... explained


Yes, that is a good move if it is in the proper direction, mate. For example, I recently added some ORE, DKT, BIX, and TOWER after a thorough review of them. Buying the dip is the way to go, whereas selling is like setting fire to your portfolio.

I like the LUNA and AXL picks because they are on my watch list, along with DKT, UDO, and BIX.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

GMT and IMX are gems to watch, as are some low caps like DKT CVP TOWER and BIX. They have a lot of room for growth and could make a lot of money in the next market upswing.