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Shibarium, DOG, LEASH, BONES, water bowl, collar, flea spray, poo bags, chew toy, DogeChain. Wtf is next?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There's a "I want to get off Mr BONES wild ride" meme in here somewhere, I can feel it

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I’ve been stacking cash since the June 2022 dip. I’ve def missed out a lot on these bear market rallies but I feel it in my BONES that my time to drop this fat stack will come later this year. Not missing out on this next dip. (If it comes)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

My kid was an energy parasite before he was even born. Even in our sleep-deprived delirium in our first few weeks, my wife said she was *less* tired than she was during her entire pregnancy. And if you don’t eat enough calcium they EAT YOUR BONES?! Babies are wild

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Once, when I was taking a shortcut through the old graveyard during a thunderstorm, I found a moss-covered headstone that said, "Here lies Mr. Skeltal. He programmed a really badass hot wallet." with a QR code. Below that it said "Download if you're not a NERD." I scanned the code and started to download the app. The download finished shortly after I got home. I noticed the app was called "CryptWallet". Funny misspelling, I thought. I generated a new seed phrase and was surprised to see that it already had a token balance. It said, "You have 206 BONES." Could I have generated a used set of private keys in a cosmically unlikely accident? I decided to check the phase I had generated, and to my horror it said, 1. BONES 2. BONES 3. BONES 4. BONES 5. BONES 6. BONES 7. BONES 8. BONES 9. BONES 10. BONES 11. BONES 12. BONES And then a skeleton popped out!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

“Look at the BONES!!!!”

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I felt that in my BONES

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We’re going to 35-40k by Friday this week everyone, I feel it in my BONES 🚀🚀🚀🚀

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I want to get off Mr. BONES wild ride.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You are damn right they (the developers who tweet like f\*\*king kids) need to be more transparent. I used to be a huge bag holder of shib but once they (the damn developers) started prioritizing leash and bone, i have been selling of portions everytime it hits .3s and high 2s. It is obvious that the developers don't care about shiba coins anymore as they hold bone and are intent to push that to the sky. The community knows this and the passion for this project is down. A lot just want 1 last pump to offload their bags forever. The engagement of the shib community is down now and i can't see it going up due to these stinking developers. It will be worse if they doxx themselves as i am pretty sure they are just a bunch of kids who are greedy for their BONES...
