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r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

coin better be called GIL.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This! I think this is what a lot of gamers are missing — earning something in-game, and having the potential of selling it for real money. Since it's Square Enix's turn to get criticized for even considering NFTs, I'll use them as an example. For example, let's say I earned an NFT by completing a savage-difficulty raid from a future Final Fantasy MMO. I could display that NFT in my free company's virtual house, or sell it to some collector for $GIL tokens, which then I can sell the $GIL tokens on an exchange like Coinbase or Kraken. Or, that NFT could provide perks and boons while playing other Square Enix games. Let's say that same NFT from that future FF MMO resembles the Genji Sword with a random set of stats. A future Deus Ex, Tomb Raider, Hitman, Nier, or Just Cause game could detect this NFT in my wallet, and award me with this sword (or similar item) once I progressed far enough in that game to allow me to use it. However, a downside I picture from this, if implemented in an MMO setting, is that it could then turn the game too much like a "job" and less like a "game." When I used to play WoW many expansions ago, raid leaders would often treat their progression like a "job," even though they're not paid to do so — now that real carrot-on-the-stick could be an NFT that could sell for stupid amounts of money if they are the first ones to acquire it. Still, I could realistically see Square Enix implementing NFTs for their gacha and mobile games. If it works well and the whales are all-in on it, then NFTs could make their way to future non-Final Fantasy projects before eventually ending up in a mainline Final Fantasy game. In my opinion, it's too early to tell. For me, I'm more interested on *how* a developer will implement NFTs and Blockchain Technology. As long as the game has great gameplay and an exceptional story that hits me with all kinds of feels, then I don't really care how NFTs are implemented, as long the NFTs aren't the primary focus of the game. I mean, if I can sell an Achievement-NFT for the cost of an extra large pizza, then why not right?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There is, Gilgamesh Eth (GIL). $0.000000000001

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I wish there was crypto currency called “GIL” named after the final fantasy currency. I would buy that based solely on nostalgia.
