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r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

A strong narrative around LSDfi is building up with exciting airdrops opportunities


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

How are you guys pro-crypto but against innovation in crypto? There is still so much to build. I don't see how funding being low can be good news. Being happy about funding being low because less shitcoins is the same as being unhappy about winning the lottery because you pay more taxes. Just a few public goods projects coming up on Ethereum that NEED funding and whose success can pump your bags: -DVT & potentially the first truly decentralized & permissionless LST from Diva -liquity v2 & censorship resistant stables like GRAI - Uniswap v4 I mentioned Ethereum because it may look like it is the chain with one of the highest variety of Dapp choice. Well, guess what, other chains need even more funding!
