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r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Time to FO-MOOO !!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

MOOO..second floor?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Between the MOOO makers and the Megaman encroachment we all proved what could be done with cooperation and partnership.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Spent hours fighting the fools turning it into "MOOO" 😂

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm probably not gonna keep track of too much more; I think I have shown my dedication to the cause xD 1) [Like this? xD]( Defend the moon! 2) [TGAS Defends again!]( 3) [No rest for the wicked]( 4) [Fixing MOON again, coz trolls keep making it say MOOO xD]( 5) [HODL the line!]( 6) [Defend the Eastern Border!]( 7) [MOON is made from cheese!]( 8) [One small pixel for MOON, one glorious NFT for MOONkind!]( 9) [X marks the spot!]( 10) [If it weren't for these damn meddling kids!]( 11) [We need reinforcements!]( 12) [Halp!]( 13) [This is perfect for Crypto people... check the charts every 5 minutes, fix the moon every 5 mins... xD]( 14) [Well, I think I've provided enough evidence I have no life xD]( ... 28) [Just keep fixing, just keep fixing!]( 29) [To moon, or not to moon]( 30) [Oh we paint day and night, on the sweet canvas tower... they have the numbers, but we have the power!]( 31) [Our Commoonity!]( ... 35-39) [Single-handedly fixing that upper right crater xD]( ... OFC - we've since changed the design a little, so I'll keep chipping in with the defense!
