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This is what I've been working on for the Binance Shit Chain


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Me 2017: “SLOT MACHINE THESE ALTS!” Me 2023: “Build this cycle. Build next cycle.” Me 2035: “Would you like to trade these canned goods for a lighter and safe passage?”

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The problem is as much technical as it is social. As answered by /u/Maleficent_Plankton in [a much earlier post]( > It's very unlikely they will lower it. This is due to how long it takes to aggregate signatures using BLS protocol. There is a limit to how many validators can be supported without slowing down signature aggregation for Casper. > > More details: As noted in the [beacon chain's specs](,MAX_COMMITTEES_PER_SLOT,-uint64\(2**6): > The minimum amount of ETH needed to reach a full-sized committee for every shard in every slot (now **32 ETH * 128 committee size * 64 shards per slot * 32 slots per epoch = 8,388,608 ETH**) becomes too high; we're reasonably confident we can get 8.3m ETH staking, but if we increased the number of shards to 128, say, then we'd need to get 16.7m ETH staking; this is significantly harder, and if we were to fall short, the system would be forced to compromise by making cross-shard transactions take longer. In short, technical improvements have to be made (& currently are in the middle of development) in order to reduce it downwards to 16, 8 ETH, etc. The other thing is that Lido was one of the first & loudest in the liquid staking space, consequently leading to an oversized position in the space. Once withdrawals are enabled in the next update, there'll be a rebalance of market share towards other providers (Rocket Pool, Stakewise, etc.). With regards to ETH requirements, Rocket Pool's already experimenting with 8 ETH deposits for their validators. [The requirements can be made lower](, but it's best to lower it one step at a time.