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r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

A.I Crypto Scheme


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

In a world ruled by corporations and governments? You tried. You were not helped but you were not exactly held back after initial issues. You pretty much created a financial system on meth and repeated each mistake you could do at least twice. a decentralised heaven wouldn’t work because people are greedy. Not just the evil corporations up there, you and me. I would fuck you over if possible and you would fuck me over if possible. Hence why 99.5% of crypto is pump and dump. You know what makes these systems work? Regulations. There was a zero percent chance that people would have formed a SRO so „we the people“ were bound to fail with this. The system we came up with fail faster and are even more corrupt than tradfi. It’s literally worse than banks. We’re looking at 15 years of trying out whether we can and turns out we can’t. Leave it to people who know how money works instead of 22 year old XS majors which want to „borrow against their assets“ while not knowing what a credit spread is supposed to be. Downvote me if you want, you know I’m right.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

[Incorrect]( (if it's a real Casascius).

r/BitcoinSee Comment This one sold at auction about a year ago when Bitcoin was around 22k. It sold for the equivalent of 2 bitcoins. This is a reputable auction house you can consider if you want to sell some day.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

why not valid ? {   "asm": "1692429480 OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY OP_DROP OP_IF 03cd18ace3a339fcd0039fd87d7a7a8377537cd9a9f2afa2a3e76f40e53112a535 OP_CHECKSIG OP_ELSE 1692602280 OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY OP_DROP 036bb176ed8fe2e38949a63ff964eed3c5e79fd88ac011cad1eecf22702ea65d23 OP_CHECKSIG OP_ENDIF",   "desc": "raw(04a86ce064b175632103cd18ace3a339fcd0039fd87d7a7a8377537cd9a9f2afa2a3e76f40e53112a535ac6704a80fe364b17521036bb176ed8fe2e38949a63ff964eed3c5e79fd88ac011cad1eecf22702ea65d23ac68)#r3dcxvh2",   "type": "nonstandard",   "p2sh": "38cTqVJf1jPBDCjg8wKdFx476uHX3qgEaB",   "segwit": {     "asm": "0 69672524bb7737429280e9c862b3fdcea0dc22037cbaaa755d6132b4841811e4",     "desc": "wsh(raw(04a86ce064b175632103cd18ace3a339fcd0039fd87d7a7a8377537cd9a9f2afa2a3e76f40e53112a535ac6704a80fe364b17521036bb176ed8fe2e38949a63ff964eed3c5e79fd88ac011cad1eecf22702ea65d23ac68))#7uzehfsr",     "hex": "002069672524bb7737429280e9c862b3fdcea0dc22037cbaaa755d6132b4841811e4",     "address": "bc1qd9nrj2f9mwum59y5qa8yx9vlae6sdcgsr0ja25a2avyetfpqcz8jqg69shh",     "type": "witness_v0_scripthash",     "p2sh-segwit": "3NqDPiKTsbYA18GRWzrsE5wYYxGhH9XS96"   } } { "address": "bc1qd9nj2f9mwum59y5qa8yx9vlae6sdcgsr0ja25a2avyetfpqcz8jqg69shh", "total_received": 6000, "total_sent": 0, "balance": 6000, "unconfirmed_balance": 0, "final_balance": 6000, "n_tx": 1, "unconfirmed_n_tx": 0, "final_n_tx": 1, "txs": [ { "block_hash": "0000000000000000000529076d2a697673f90b17ac62af43af177f9bb2eddc56", "block_height": 803433, "block_index": 1044, "hash": "0292c4d86e79a6bc1dc5983ac282323dbb58653a06d538808ec457192064d153"
