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Long Jim Cramer ETF Shutters After Luring in Just $1.3 Million

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I know we like to joke about Cramer, but as we can see from SJIM’s chart, it’s also not wise to inverse everything he says

r/StockMarketSee Post

I know we like to joke about Cramer, but be careful going against him all the time. As we see from SJIM, it’s not wise to inverse everything he says.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Cramer is right - SJIM lags LJIM and broader markets

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

What would happen if Cramer said he was bullish on $SJIM and that was the only ETF or stock he talked about until his retirement?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

NASDAQ is down -1% today. $SJIM — inevitable 📈

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

SJIM for the win

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Post

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Long $SJIM

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I know a highly regarded sub where I can reach every single one of the $SJIM bag holders

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$SJIM my senses have pointed to this regarded investment. Bullish.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$SJIM seems just a little sus to me not gonna lie


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I you just reminded me to check the SJIM ETF. The SJIM ETF is no more, apparently.

r/stocksSee Comment

**SJIM** Performance Overview \-8.31% YTD Daily Total Return \-14.99% YTD-7.86% 1-Month-7.86% 3-Month-12.89%

r/stocksSee Comment

Google Finance shows his YEAR RANGE as 19.35 – 26.26, closing at 19.78 last month. Looks like nearly a 25% loss since inception. [](

r/stocksSee Comment

“SJIM” obviously would be down way more than 25 percent lol. He’s just a meme he’s not actually a terrible investor

r/stocksSee Comment

Inverse Cramer ETF, SJIM, is down around 20% since its inception in Feb 2023, and looks like it just got liquidated last week.

r/stocksSee Comment

There’s a fund for that called SJIM. It’s down about 25% over the last year

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Yeah I think the failure of SJIM ETF emboldened him

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

wait holy fuck what??? SJIM got delisted? fucking WHY? god fucking damn it I was holding shares, why didnt I get alerts? Maybe they went to my spam email??

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

wait holy fuck what??? SJIM got delisted? fucking WHY? god fucking damn it I was holding shares, why didnt I get alerts? Maybe they went to my spam email??

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

wait holy fuck what??? SJIM got delisted? fucking WHY? god fucking damn it I was holding shares, why didnt I get alerts? Maybe they went to my spam email??

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

What happened with SJIM? Can’t be traded on RH anymore

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

SJIM has delisted ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

$SARK really exists. $SJIM was shut down after 10 months (with a negative return of 15 %).

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

There is also an inverse of Cramer (SJIM)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

SJIM -21% since inception. Inverse wsb beats inverse Cramer every time

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

If you bought SJIM at inception you are -21%

r/stocksSee Comment

I like this idea. However the Inverse Cramer ETF (SJIM) didn’t do too well.

r/stocksSee Comment

To be fair to Cramer, despite all the hate he gets, the LJIM fund was slightly outperforming the SJIM fund before it was canned due to lack of interest. If you make a ton of predictions you're bound to eventually get some really right and some really wrong that could be cherry picked to both make you look like a genius and like a fool.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

The real SJIM

r/StockMarketSee Comment

I've been tracking inverse Cramer Tracker ETF and the payout isn't great, in fact it has been loosing some money since its inception. Ticker SJIM

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Cramer advised it as a buy. Or you could just get in on a basket of inverse Cramer picks, lol. SJIM

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Not sure what ETF you’re looking at, but inverse Cramer ETF (SJIM) is down since inception and most certainly down over the past year. It ain’t doing well hombre

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Was $SJIM a scam?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

SJIM the inverse Cramer ETF has completely crashed and burned. So I'm skeptical about these claims. Dude just pissed off meme stonkers but he's been right about the same as any other pundit/analyst over the last while. I remember a highly upvoted post here a year ago when Cramer said the bed bath towel company was dying and a bunch of morons were pushing it up like that meant it was going to moon. Well, Cramer was right, company was shit and doesn't exist anymore.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Plot Twist: Cramer started the Inverse Cramer ETF just to short it. Not only giving himself the benefit of making money, but also making SJIM bagholders look like fools.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Jim Cramer is having the last laugh as SJIM is closing

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Rip SJIM Nobody knew a good way to construct that one

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

inversing cramer can be very rewarding. the SJIM ETF did not do it correctly at all, so no surprise there that it didn't make money.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

AI Summary: * **Jim Cramer ETFs Are History**: The article reports that two ETFs inspired by CNBC’s Jim Cramer are closing due to lack of investor interest and poor performance. * **SJIM to Close**: The Inverse Cramer Tracker ETF (SJIM), which shorted stocks recommended by Cramer, will stop trading on Feb. 13, 2024. It had only $2.4 million in assets and lost 15% since its launch in March 2023[1](,noheader,udsedgeshop,channelstable,ntpquery,udsdlpconsent,&shellsig=24d2599de3565d030a9a271fcdf32ef1eb3a486c&setlang=en-US&darkschemeovr=1#sjevt%7CDiscover.Chat.SydneyClickPag * **LJIM Closed Earlier**: The Long Cramer Tracker ETF (LJIM), which bought stocks recommended by Cramer, closed in September 2023. It had even fewer assets than SJIM and underperformed the market. * **Tuttle’s Other Products**: The ETFs were created by Matt Tuttle, who also launched other products such as SARK, which bets against Cathie Wood’s fund, and double-leveraged ETFs on single stocks like Tesla and Nvidia.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Just look at SJIM.... It's not going great.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

It's a meme. Maybe? But probably not: [](

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Is he in this chapter? The "inverse Cramer" refers to a couple of related phenomena in the world of finance and popular culture: **1. Betting against Jim Cramer's stock picks:** Jim Cramer is a well-known television personality and host of Mad Money on CNBC. He frequently recommends stocks on his show. The "inverse Cramer" concept suggests that doing the opposite of his recommendations might lead to better returns. This idea stems from the perception that Cramer's picks often underperform the market or even lead to losses. **2. The Inverse Cramer Tracker ETF (SJIM):** Launched in March 2023, this actively managed ETF aims to achieve returns opposite to those of Cramer's stock picks. It does this by taking short positions on stocks he recommends and long positions on those he disparages. While its performance has been mixed, the ETF's existence reflects the widespread belief in the "inverse Cramer" phenomenon. **3. Humor and commentary:** The "inverse Cramer" has also spawned a community of online memes, jokes, and commentary. Fans track Cramer's recommendations and create humorous content based on whether his picks succeed or fail. This adds a layer of entertainment and lightheartedness to the financial world. **Important Notes:** * The "inverse Cramer" is not a guaranteed strategy for investment success. Past performance is not indicative of future results, and Jim Cramer can sometimes make accurate stock picks. * Investing always carries risks, and following any strategy blindly, including the "inverse Cramer," can lead to financial losses. * Always conduct your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions. I hope this explanation provides a clearer picture of the "inverse Cramer" and its various facets. Feel free to ask any further questions you may have!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

short the SJIM

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Will this meme ever die? $SJIM is not doing so hot these days.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

SJIM is what you’re looking for

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

lookup [sjim]( and stop these trash-tier memes.

r/stocksSee Comment

It's really not as good of an inverse as people think. He called the GME absolute top and said to buy Nvidia pre-2019. SJIM couldn't even stay alive - SHZRD would probably.compete with the s&p.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

sorry no audio. video is still up on cnbc. basically cramer is saying to buy on friday for the dip on monday. SJIM wins again.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I thought they already closed down the SJIM ETF?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

what happens if cramer likes [SJIM](

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

If you shorted SJIM last year you would have beaten most traders

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

There is: SJIM

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

You realize $SJIM is down like 15% since inception right?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

SARK would be one of the most profitable ETFs along with SJIM

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Cramer is an ascended lose-lose advisor. You take his advice, and you end up buying a bunch of 0.1% per year boomer stocks, then have those microscopic gains wiped out by his actual interesting picks, which are always wrong. You short him (strictly, as SJIM does), and you end up losing a lot of money on the boomer stocks, because they *do* still go up a little, and the other shorts don’t make enough to cover it, due to the disproportionate risk shorting has compared to going long. His advice is literally so bad even inverting it doesn’t fix it. The main way to actually make money off him is to short his weird picks, and ignore the sea of milquetoast shit he peddles.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

You don't own SJIM??

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Then why SJIM is down?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Except SJIM lost money so they had to shut the ETF down

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

dude always misses: [](

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

they clearly don't know the fate of [SJIM](

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

There is actually [](

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

To add to this in case it's not clear: * SJIM does the `opposite*` of Cramer's recommendations * LJIM actually follows his advice in a legit Cramer-Believer mindset

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Isn’t $SJIM down 15% since its IPO?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Inverse Cramer fund (SJIM) is down 12.8% ytd.

r/investingSee Comment

You realize that "SJIM" ETF that inverses Cramers advice is down 15% since inception.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

> $SJIM Net Assets 3.1M Down ~15% since inception(9 months ago) interesting

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

SJIM is -14% since inception so I’m not sure it’s as consistent as you think

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I don’t visit this sub often anymore. When I do it’s the same regards making this stale joke. If you actually look, SJIM is down nearly 9% since its creation.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Does SJIM have crypto Because cramer reverse caught the bottom IIRC which has to be incredible gains

r/ShortsqueezeSee Comment


r/ShortsqueezeSee Comment

SJIM and not great.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

So what would happen if he invested in $SJIM?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

In fact it’s an ETF. $SJIM

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I hate the guy but SJIM is down 9.15% for the year.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Yeah the SJIM has been red all year

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

“Inverse Cramer is undefeated” Then why is the inverse Cramer ETF SJIM near all time lows? Don’t get me wrong, the guys a total asshat and when he talks about an individual stock, he’s often wrong or shilling. But, when it comes to discussing the broader market or recession he knows the exact same as EVERYONE else…..nothing.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

SJIM holdings have nothing to do with Cramer, take a look.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Technically, Jim Cramer is beating his own short eft $SJIM

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Exactly!! I constantly see all these posts about Jim Cramer being constantly wrong, yet SJIM is a loser. Gotta love it.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

SJIM didn’t work out so well

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

SJIM is -11% YTD. Don’t get caught shorting Cramer folks ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

SJIM is down 11% since it started trading in February, whilst LJIM is up.. go figure

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Then why am I down 13% on my $SJIM shares? 😭

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

$SJIM is [down](, that's where it's at

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

!Banbet SJIM 25 5D

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

$ SJIM -- a search![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)

r/investingSee Comment

> SJIM His etf might be "forever", but Cramer sure won't be (maybe he can be replaced with AI Cramer, of course)

r/investingSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

More like anti-idiot Stan. Take a classic example of OP comment that has 500 upvotes. He says Cramer makes calls so that the buddies can unload. If so, when Cramer makes a call a stock should pop according to 1000s of idiots that upvoted similar comments. If so, why can't those idiots buy the stock and unload it themselves. So, either Cramer makes the stock goes up or he makes the stock goes down or he makes the stock goes up and immediately down or vice versa. Each of those can be traded and you can make money for yourself. in fact ETF's like SJIM, SARK, NANC are designed for gullible idiots who are anti-Cramer, anti-Cathie, anti-Nancy. Yet, all of those have lost money or not beaten QQQ. A non-idiot would take a step back and think "Hey wait-a-minute" may be WSB is full of actual regards. But here we are

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

The Inverse Cramer ETF SJIM is down 10.6% since its inception in March 2023.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Y'all know SJIM is down?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

WSB losers who believe in Inverse Cramer have lost 10% this year The only thing that really needs to be inversed in WSB. One DFV can't negate 11 million idiots.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

And despite all the memes, SJIM has only gathered 3 million in assets and is down 11% since inception in March.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

The S&P 500 has a beta of 1. Over the displayed time period, SJIM seems to inversely correlate with the S&P fairly well. So yeah that checks out.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Must admit I thought SJIM would do better than it has so far.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

There's already SJIM, the inverse Cramer ETF

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

[]( ​ >Matthew Tuttle, founder and CEO of Tuttle Capital Management, said: “We started LJIM in order to facilitate a conversation with Jim Cramer around his stock picks as the other side to SJIM. > >“Unfortunately, Mr Cramer and CNBC have been unwilling to engage in dialogue and instead have chosen to ignore the funds, therefore there is no reason to keep the long side going. > >“Going forward we will just focus on the short side,” Tuttle concluded. 

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I thought the whole premise was to use his tweets and show, but if it’s not, how is SJIM still around? They just short him as a middle finger for not getting back to them?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

So in what scenario hypothetically does SJIM go to the moon?

r/stocksSee Comment

SJIM bets against Cramer

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258) LJIM outperformed SJIM

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

SJIM: *How do you do, Fellow Kids* in ETF form

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

FOMO and SJIM etfs

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Lmfao LJIM is delisted, only SJIM survives.
