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DAG when it was an erc token. Missed the mainnet swap. Lost 100%. Lost 98% on Open Protocol, Hydrogen, and Endor. Lost 50-60% on Origin Protocol, Modefi, XRT, ALN, and recently 90% on GRO. There are others on a ledger I have from 2018 where it would cost way more in gas and fees to sell them. So they sit, forever. That is my shame wallet. But I did a 10x on a large purchase of Kadena, 10x on Secret, over 10x on Ren, 9x on FTM, 35x on QNT, and a ridiculous amount on ETH when I bought a lot when it was only $80-100 during the darkest days of 2018. Bought a lot of BTC that same time at around $3k per coin.