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tldr; The Tezos blockchain is set to undergo significant improvements with the Paris A and B upgrade proposals. These upgrades aim to enhance efficiency and functionality by introducing lower latency with 10-second block times, activating the Data Availability Layer (DAL) for increased throughput and scalability of Smart Rollups, and refining the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) mechanism. Paris B, in particular, proposes a major overhaul of PoS fundamentals through Adaptive Issuance, Staking, and Adaptive Slashing, offering a dynamic approach to consensus. Paris A allows for later activation of these features through on-chain signaling. Developed by Nomadic Labs, Marigold, TriliTech, and Functori, these proposals mark a significant step towards a more efficient and scalable Tezos ecosystem. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If MS paint and DAL-E had a bastard child!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The larger problem is how you get your id in the first place. Humankind was a project that tried to get around the problem by having each human need to be verified by people already on the system. Only takes a few corrupt human to get infiltrated by bots though. As horrible as it sounds, in the future I think humanness will likely be a scale - have this many interactions on these different platforms, we can probably prove you're not a bot. Be a lurker and we really can't verify you. It's how credit score works currently, they take data points from your banking record, voting record etc and construct a profile of you. I anticipate the same thing for identity once bots get good enough. It's only so long until someone creates DAL-E for passports.
