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r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No no, it would have to be akin to the youth. LEAN or SLAT would be more fitting.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

IMO Spot ETF : No... It'll bring liquidity, but it won't get people into crypto. That Liquidity will be 'smart' money sharks and market monsters. Defi: NO I feel like you already need to be into crypto,++ like to lever/lend/risk. It might get those who taste it to stick though. BITCOIN: Yes. In time, the People will come. They'll 'get it' eventually.... Crypto Gaming: LEAN no. Could be yes.. I think the gamers into crypto will try it. But I think those who are not, are probably anti-crypto and anti-nfts... Bonus: Spread the Love. Random "worthless" MEMEcoins/NFTS that people get gifted by degen friends. Perhaps Gift someone a seed-phrase... and walk them through setting it up and moving funds out of it. (seed exposed, I funded it.) Put a note on that transaction, on-chain to link to a learning resource.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I have 4 degrees from 3 different schools. My first is aerospace, and we were even trained during the degree at KSC (NASA) because there was a direct job lineup afterwards. My graduation year of that man space flight went in smoke and any job we could get also went. Then general computer, network engineering (with this I got several Cisco networking certifications), and then finally a higher networking degree with a focus on cyber security. During my life I came across people who came from a "caliber" school like MIT who couldn't get a job. Just because you came from a top end school doesn't mean jack shit unless if you networked to know the right people. In fact, it can hurt you. Like some of my certifications and training like LEAN manufacturing I had to hide because companies thought I was overqualified and wouldn't stick around. But in reality, you apply to them because they are the best you can get even if it's flipping burgers.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm going all in on $LEAN
