Reddit Posts
I educated myself about the SEC as I was pretty basic about it besides the memes.
Gary Gensler gets grilled multiple times in court. Funny and sad at the same time.
How well do you know your crypto fundamentals? TIL that you can take a free crypto course offered by MIT. The best part is Gary Gensler (yeah the guy we don't like in crypto right now) teaches the course titled: "Blockchain & Money".
How well do you know your crypto fundamentals? TIL that you can take a free crypto course offered by MIT. The best part is Gary Gensler (yeah the guy we don’t like in crypto right now) teaches the course titled: “Blockchain & Money”.
CBDC Update: TPS Speeds & Design Team
SEC Chair Gary Gensler could be the most oblivious BTC pumper we have seen yet.
Join the Nym team for an AMA on 20th September at 1pm UTC & enter a $1,000 in $NYM Giveaway
Open Letter to the Open Source Software Industry
Billion-Dollar Dips: The Biggest Crypto Losses of 2022
I watched a dozen+ interviews with Ben McKenzie, actor and ‘crypto-critic’. Here are his main talking points.
MIT Digital Currency Initiative introduces at-scale, programmable CBDC platform
Walk down memory lane: what did the media had to say about Bitcoin in 2013?
Jason Lowrey’s ‘Softwar’ removed from circulation and MIT library for unknown reasons
Softwar by Major Jason Paul Lowery has been banned by the Pentagon. Request for bitcoiners to make available online
Climate Impacts of Bitcoin Mining in the U.S. | By MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research
Algorand is not a security in the USA- more proof
MIT researchers acknowledge the grid balancing, methane mitigating benefits of Bitcoin mining in a new paper.
At MIT, Gensler ‘read more white papers’ than anyone: Former teaching assistant
Gary Gensler is rumored to resign on Monday
About Bitcoin Cash - Questions - Relevant feedback is welcome
Anyone else find Shakespearean irony in the fact that Gemsler is one of the few experts who understands crypto and blockchain in government? (This is a playlist of his MIT videos teaching the subject.)
Join Nym’s CEO and COO for an AMA on 28th June at 12pm CET & enter a $2,000 in NYM Giveaway
If SEC Gary loses against Crypto or get Fired then Bitcoin wont reach $100k in the next 2024/25 Bull Run
Gary Gensler should get sued for promoting a security - Gensler promoted Algorand in 2019, which he now alleges is a security.
Gary Gensler's played favorites with FTX, dropped the ball and is now trying to look like an enforcer
It doesn't matter if SEC attacks more exchanges.
ChatGPT founder’s Worldcoin hits $3b valuation - Are investors just blinded by the 'Orb'?
Gary Gensler surely is not the symbol of good, but I still fell like he is getting way too overhated. There is barely anything he can do himself.
One MOON is almost the same price as one ALGO
Gary Gensler spoke fondly of blockchain technology, Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, and Pizza day in 2018. Most people were excited when he became SEC chair in 2021. Now he is a major villain here. What happened?
Gary Gensler Says SEC Believes Ethereum Is Not a Security—At MIT in 2018
The viral video of Gary Gensler saying three quarters of cryptocurrencies are non-securities is being misinterpreted/ misrepresented.
Gary Gensler Says SEC Believes Ethereum Is Not a Security—At MIT in 2018 - Decrypt
Was Mike Novogratz of Luna tattoo fame a guest Lecturer for Gary at MIT?
Let's take a deeper look at Gary Gensler and his "attack on crypto"
Gary Gensler Changes His Tune to Please the Octogenarians Running the U.S. Gov
US National Defense Fellow at MIT, Major Jason Lowery: Blaming Bitcoin to protect your failing hegemony is not going to help you
I wish senator toomey was there too, to grill Gary gensler.
Did Gary Gensler lie under oath about never owning bitcoin?
SEC Chair, Gary Gensler taught Bitcoin and blockchain at MIT, but never used or even owned it.
Ben McKenzie is going to war with Crypto - releasing a book and doing interviews against it that will probably get the attention of the general public.
Blockchain and Money - MIT Open Courseware - Guess Who is the Instructor? 😮
Bitcoin MIT Thesis Becomes Amazon Best Seller
Charlie Lee, Founder of Litecoin, to Speak at the 10th MIT Bitcoin Expo in April 2023
MIT Space Force major proposes Bitcoin mining as cybersecurity tool
Algorand Governance Program is a participation program.
Here is a perfect example of why we are not in a bull run yet and it's time to stay away from shady "influencers"!
A Series of Unfortunate Events for Algorand Investors.
MIT Bitcoin Hackathon and Conference (Free for Students)
Top 10 Women in Crypto You Should Follow
March 8: International Women's Day - Important Women In The Crypto Field Today.
WSJ article (posted today) on Binance issues w/ US trading site and regulation policy
I was today years old when I came to know that Gary Gensler (SEC chair) gave high-level classes at MIT on blockchain, crypto and finance
Something to do during the bear market: Berkeley offers two free courses with free certification on Blockchain tech
I'm bullish on AI & Crypto. You should be as well! If You Aren't, I'd Love to Know Why.
Started watching the free MIT course "Introduction to Blockchain and Money"
Gensler (SEC): Cryptocurrencies should not ve sold freely, except Bitcoin
Blur Founder 'Pacman' Revealed as 24-Year-Old High School, MIT Dropout - Decrypt
Maybe parents can finally take blockchain seriously now that some major universities like MIT and Harvard are introducing blockchain classes
Sam Trabucco, a Roxbury Latin and MIT grad, got rich trading crypto. Now he’s the odd man out in the FTX saga.
Sam Trabucco, a Roxbury Latin and MIT grad, got rich trading crypto. Now he’s the odd man out in the FTX saga.
mfw learning about the real estate NFT by Harvard and MIT students
mfw learning about the real estate NFT by Harvard and MIT students
FTX and SBF: how deep does corruption run in America?
Even universities are starting to teach blockchain classes. Mainstream adoption isn’t a far fetched prospect anymore.
Caroline Ellison and SBF created Alameda Research and FTX to test her father’s 1992 MIT game theory thesis.
Boston Fed, MIT complete research project into feasibility of a central bank digital currency
SBF won't contest U.S. extradition, one week in Fox Hill saw to that
Why are crypto fraudsters so incompetent?
What should we call our group chat for fraud?
University of Southern California held a blockchain conference a couple weeks ago and was very interesting. Glad to see universities boosting blockchain tech
[SERIOUS]SBF Still Free and speaking at events. Had ties and meetings with SEC's Gensler as well as CFTC. Politicians already tried blocking prior FTX investigation. Dozens of SBF-backed politicians were elected. Media defends him. When is justice coming?
BlockFi Most Likely to Pay SEC First, Crypto Lawyer Says
Listen to Silvio Micali (Turing Award winner, Godel Prize winner, ACM Fellow, ZK proof creator, MIT Ford Professor of Engineering, referenced multiple times in Bitcoin whitepaper) give his keynote address at Algorand's annual event. Super powerful.
Craig Wright’s Believe it or Not – Sam Bankman-Fried
Garry Gensler's reputation needs to be destroyed.
MIT brings security and profitability in the current Crypto Market.
SBF and Caroline Ellison, both have degrees in Mathematics from MIT and Stanford. They did not do anything “accidentally“. It was all conscious decisions.
The charts alone should never be an indicator to the success of a market. Development shows a much brighter picture of what the future holds
According to chairman at CFTC, SBF has been going a lot to the CFTC for the past 10-11 months. Could he actually be lobbying against other cryptos-contenders?
SBF, Caroline, DoKwon, CZ followed same career paths
Dude has also been a partner at Goldman and a professor at MIT. I've heard those jobs pay pretty ok. It's not like he's been some line govt worker for the past 15 years and *somehow* made money. There's lots of legitimate reasons to hate Gary as the SEC chairman. No reason to also imply that he's somehow a criminal.
JPM tried to buy them they wanted 50% Ripple refused. The meeting where JPM executives showed up in Brad's office is documented. Gensler is also on video in his MIT course talking about having to give up ownership to the big banks already in those markets. When they didn't they were attacked by Sullivan & Cromwell and JPM through the SEC.
Ok, so I hate this guy like everyone else. . . But you do have to ask yourself where the fuck this guy even came from. Like, he just suddenly showed up on TV in interviews a few years ago, suddenly a billionaire, suddenly getting everyone's attention?? He's a tech bro from MIT. How did he even know how to start up this company, base himself in the Bahamas, organize all these layers of trading companies sending funds to each other?! He's literally some 30 year old with the business sense of a 55 year old scammer. The layers of fraud and balance sheets he had to show people. . .where does a tech bro even learn any of this?? I dunno. I think it's a little too easy to just blame SBF. Yeah, he should go to jail but Brett Harrison (or whatever the old CEOs name is) should be on trial too. And clearly some people with hardcore business acumen helped SBF and Brett set the company up into the fraud it was. It's one thing for a few million dollars to float around before someone gets caught. But these were Bernie Madoff levels of cash flying around before FTX was caught?? Bullshit. SBF couldn't orchestrate this all himself. And someone helped put him in front of all those cameras, news agencies, etc really fast. . . That guy had major help.
All is not as simple as it's made out to be. 1) People who were early on Bitcoin were making one among many irrational choices. They were not all geniuses. Many other projects they invested in, and things they tried, were failures. I'm talking the druggie types and trust fund types who thought they were "alternative", etc. 2023 people are different from 2013 people. 2) People who poopooed Bitcoin early on were not all idiots. It was far from obvious that this monetary experiment would work. It was just an experiment and time would tell. MOST forms of electronic cash had already failed by the time Bitcoin was created. Points (1) and (2) above are about TIME. Things are clearer about Bitcoin now then they were in 2013 when it was mostly just people buying and selling drugs. Bitcoin is different and more proven here in 2023 than it was in 2013. 3) What Blackrock and other investment banks say about Bitcoin may not be necessarily what they believe to be true. I've watched Larry Fink being interviewed. He's got a lot of things up his sleeve. People in his position don't just reveal their strategy to the TV. Maybe he was against Bitcoin but not really. Maybe now he's for Bitcoin but not really. All you can be 100% sure about is that he's looking after Blackrock's interests. 4) The only consistent enemy of Bitcoin from 2009 until today was and is Gary Gensler and the machinery of fiat central banks, including the US government. He comes out of that CIA/MIT thing and he's going to drag his heels and conspire every step of the way to bring it down. Blackrock is not incentivised to do that. Gensler is a Democrat powerplay. These guys are lifelong enemies of the cyberpunks.
Also, if your friend actually understood the technology he would be a firm believer in the product. I think the super majority of the world is either not smart enough or does not want to understand the inner workings of bitcoin/blockchain. I've taken courses offered from Oxford and MIT on blockchain technology and it truly is incredible and will change the way normal business functions... but it will happen behind the scenes and you wont notice the difference... back to BTC price, there are many sound counterarguments to your friend including risks against (well, a lot of things), institutions allocating a small portion of their holdings to capture market exposure, simple supply/demand economics, etc.
I worked at ICE in 2019. Intercontinental Exchange(ICE)- the company that owns the NYSE. I was telling my new boss (MIT grad) about the halving approaching and how it was a good chance that the bitcoin price would take off similar to 2017 bull market. He had never heard of halving, after I explained it he said ,"but market probably already knows that right?" to his credit he quickly said, .."but I guess I didn't so maybe you have something". Most people have no idea.
Then read this investor's report and spread it to people who should understand it better: [](
I guess we'll see if he does. If I remember correctly people were initially bullish on Gensler because he taught blockchain at MIT, and we know how his appointment turned out.
Absolutely not. Swartz was using a university IP address to download journal articles from JSTOR (because the articles were freely available to students). MIT found out, JSTOR found out who was behind it, and the prosecution were rather zealous in their pursuit of Swartz. Reddit was already in the distant past and he had moved on to Open Access considerations that extended far beyond this social media site.
It trips me out he taught a Cryptocurrency and Money course at MIT. The corruption is astonishing! He should be getting crucified for his blatant hypocrisy, but instead 'don't worry nothing to see here'
There are commissioners in the SEC that disagree with Gensler's management style. He can't answer simple questions at the Financial Services hearings. He teaches Bitcoin at MIT and never even purchased a dollars worth of BTC. He was in bed with SBF. He arbitrarily rejected all spot Bitcoin ETFs. He was sued by Ripple and Grayscale and lost. He calls every crypto exchange fraudsters. Investors lost billions on his watch.
If it was that obvious of a scam it wouldn’t have gone on so long and no one would’ve invested with them. It would’ve never got off the ground. I don’t think their genius is secret . He has a degree in physics from MIT which is one of the hardest schools to get into . Whether or not he bought his way in he didn’t buy his grades. Also he has aspergers which often comes with above average iq .
I like that it's created from bitcoins main premise, but with a few things made better that weren't known back when it was created. I really like that it's Harvard and MIT grads at its helm. It's kdx wallet works amazingly. And the dagknight protocol is a top runner for cryptocurrencies speed and efficiency. From its website: "Kaspa is the fastest, open-source, decentralized & fully scalable Layer-1 in the world. The world’s first blockDAG – a digital ledger enabling parallel blocks and instant transaction confirmation – built on a robust proof-of-work engine with rapid single-second block intervals. Built by industry pioneers, led by the people."
While I cant quite put a handle on the current day Gary, It's worth typing his name in youtube. His MIT course is surprisingly balanced and good crypto education.
No problem. If you want a really deep technical dive, checkout this fee MIT course.
Gary worked with Caroline's father when they both taught at MIT. Something is for sure fishy here and I want to see how this shitshow unfolds.
The MIT course with Gary Gensler is free and surprisingly informative. It’s interesting to watch him present the lectures as a crypto neutral instead of his current anti crypto position
Check out his lecture at MIT on YT for free
Pretty sure he's not really "against" Bitcoin but heavily against every other shitcoin. I remember in one of his MIT classes he mentioned he's keeping a neutral stance. Perhaps singlehandedly declaring Bitcoin a commodity is not within his reach.
He is not on anyone's side but his own. That said, he does know what he is talking about. The dude gave MIT classes on the topic for fucks sake.
There is no way Gensler does not have Bitcoin. I watched his MIT lectures and the glow in his eyes while explaining it shows someone who is fascinated by it.
There was a warning a least 4 years ago about Deep Fakes when MIT introduced their Deep Learning Course with a completely AI generated speech from Obama. Since then, it seemed only considered as a far-in-the-future kind of problem when even mentioned. Here we are, in the Fake News Era with Deep Fake videos of industry and political leaders.
It sickening how corrupt Gensler is and his ties to FTX are immoral. SEC never once questioned or looked into FTX yet continue to throw lawsuits at other exchanges. His ties are absolutely crazy. The guy is in bed with FTX. - Gensler refused to be transparent to Congress on his meetings with FTX - Gensler never requested permission to meet with SBF. A breach of protocol - FTX hired one of Gensler’s previous legal counsel serve as their own counsel - Caroline’s dad was head of MIT Econ dept where Gensler taught a blockchain course in 2018
There is a large difference between "Humans are leading the current mass extinction event" (true) and "If you do not do what we tell you and give us everything you own (own nothing and be happy) and live in poverty on toxic battery systems (that make fossil fuels look like an ice cream social) dug out of the ground by hand and use children to walk around naked in chemical vats to refine and process deadly toxic materials for said batteries so we can go green... You are all going to die to global it we will just call it climate change...." A hoax you cannot question despite all evidence and even MIT studies proving it a hoax is still a hoax - in fact after the whole covid thing it should be a knee jerk reaction Can I question it? No? Then it is a hoax.
He went to MIT and worked on Wall St for a number of years and generated billions, he ran a successful high-frequency trading operation. He solicited a couple of hundred million in startup investment from his previous colleagues and contacts. Keep in mind his previous contacts were billionaires, so securing a few million from them wasn't hard. Once Alameda and FTX were generating significant profits, FTX threw absurd amounts of cash at sponsorship deals (often breaking records), which brought them into the public eye. After that. celebs were throwing themselves at him to invest. ​ The whole thing is a cautionary tale in "don't trust - verify". Right from the start, people failed to do due diligence and invested based on personal relationships. And towards the end, people were simply investing because so many others had already, and they assumed *someone* must have done their due diligence at some point. The bizarre exception seems to be Taylor Swift, who saw right through it and declined to invest.
Her father heads MIT's used to work with Gary Gensler. Her father, Glenn Ellison, is head of the economics department at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Pretty sure Gensler is a Bitcoin bull all the way back to his MIT class. People just knee jerk react with hatred towards folks in power without doing any research.
#Algorand Pro-Arguments Below is a Algorand pro-argument written by CreepToeCurrentSea. > Algorand is an open-source, decentralized cryptocurrency and smart contract platform founded by Silvio Micali on 2017. It operates through a Proof of Stake variation called the Pure Proof of Stake. It officially launched it's main network on 2019. It's native token is called ALGO. Algorand is composed of a company and a foundation. The company functions on the core development of the protocol whereas the foundation oversees award funding, cryptographic research, on-chain governance, and decentralization of the Algorand network including nodes. > > # PROs > > **The Founders** > > * The creators/founders of a network/protocol are one of the most important factors influencing its future. The more experience they have in the field, the more likely a project will succeed. Enter Algorand's founders, Silvio Micali and Jing Chen. Micali is an Italian computer scientist and professor at MIT. He is best known for his early work on public-key cryptosystems, pseudorandom functions, digital signatures, oblivious transfer, secure multiparty computation, and is one of the co-inventors of zero-knowledge proofs. Chen is Algorand Inc.'s Chief Scientist and Head of Theory Research. Game theory, mechanism design, distributed ledgers, smart contracts, and algorithms are among her research interests. She is a member of the Computer Science Department at Stony Brook University. She is also associated with the Department of Economics and the Center for Game Theory in Economics. This is just a summary of their experiences, and it demonstrates how serious they are about finding a solution to the blockchain trillemma while also improving the Algorand protocol's unique strengths. > > **The Protocol** > > * As indicated previously in the introduction, Algorand employs PPoS, a variant of the PoS algorithm in which validators of the network are not rewarded and are not at risk of being slashed. It becomes hard for the minority to cheat, and cheating the system would be illogical for the majority because it would devalue their assets. There is also no token locking, thus a user's tokens are always available. Based on this rationale, regardless of the amount of alleged bad actors in the system, it would result in a loss for them while keeping the network safe. > > **Security** > > * Security is essential for a network to run efficiently, safeguard digital assets, and build confidence with other companies/entities. Without this, a network will eventually fail or, worse, be hacked. Algorand divides security into three levels: user security, consensus security, and partition security. > * User-Level Security is primarily concerned with the security of a user's stake. Users will be given a spending key as well as a participation key. The Spending key will be used to sign transactions and spend stakes, whilst the Participation key will be used to propose and confirm blocks. Both these keys are separated with the Participation key being secret and can be stored in cold storage. > * Consensus-Level Security focuses on preventing bad actors from corrupting the network by seizing control of block generation. This is accomplished through the secret and random selection of users to participate in the certification of blocks. The bad actor will be unable to determine which user will generate the block, and by the time the bad actor does, the action will have already been completed. > * Partition-Level Security increases resistance to network partition attacks. The goal of bad actors who do this is to double-spend their money in the network by creating a contradiction of transactions, completely asynchronous the network, and have complete control over who receives which messages and when. This does not happen in the Algorand network because the bad actor cannot deceive the users in the same round with this strategy because the Algorand blockchain will never fork, and all transactions in the network are final. > > **Scalability** > > * Algorand utilises Pure Proof of Stake (PPoS) consensus, in which network validators are not rewarded and are not at risk of being slashed. In contrast to Bitcoin's Proof of Work model, it will not require network participants solving cryptographic puzzles for the production/validation of blocks, resulting in less computation waste. A user only needs to generate and verify signatures and count operations, with the cost based solely on the number of selected users for each block, which is constant and unaffected by the overall network size. As a result, the network would be able to serve millions of users while maintaining a higher TPS and lower computation cost. > > > **Crypto Rating** > > * Algorand received a 2 out of 5 rating from the Crypto Rating Council (CRC) in its Securities Framework Asset Ratings. When an asset appears to have many characteristics that are consistent with the Howey-test factors, it receives a score of 5. When an asset appears to have few characteristics that are consistent with the Howey-test factors, it receives a score of 1. Based on this rating, the SEC will be less likely to rule Algorand as a security. It also helps that both the foundation and the company, Algorand, are committed to decentralized development. > > *Sources:* > [**]( > [**]( > [*\_Micali*]( > [*\/\~jingchen/*](\/~jingchen/) > [**]( > [**]( > [**]( > [**]( > [**]( ***** Would you like to learn more? Check out the [Cointest archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Algorand) to find submissions for other topics.
The bitcoin and cryptocurrency on MIT open course is pretty good
Softwar is good but it got banned and pulled from the MIT library. you can still find PDF online.
I like Saylor ... but I don't see him as a guru or even anyone who intentionally became a "personality" for BTC. Saylor is an engineering geek, he went to MIT. I think Saylor (in true semi-autisic science & engineering geek fashion) found something he likes ... ... and now he can shut up about it! Because, God love him, he's a big nerd! He's the kind of guy who would cause a hot woman to roll her eyes and walk away on a date because he couldn't shut up about this really hard line of computer code he was trying to get to compile. ... but unlike the rest of us schlubs he was also a business geek and is uber rich. I don't think his 'status' makes him someone worth listening to ... No I think he might be worth listening to because he's just autistic enough that he might know what he's talking about. That said, I always remember to take him with a grain of salt because he is so very very heavily invested in BTC.
Don’t know, this guys name was Gary Wang. Apparently he and SBF were roommates at MIT too
I never expected much. His mum is a super pac donor for the Democratic party. And his girlfriends dad used to work with Gary Gensler at MIT.
Gensler's MIT Blockchain course was partnered with Wanxiang institute directly. Joe Lubin also worked with Gensler when Lubin was VP of technology in wealth management at GoldmanSachs. He is a corrupt piece of shit.
I agree, but what I’m saying is “why doesn’t he like the SEC”? Is it because he thinks crypto should be allowed to flourish without limiting regulations, or does he perhaps think they aren’t heavy handed enough? Would he actually support regulating crypto heavily but just differently to the way the SEC does? Until we know these things we should proceed with caution and scepticism and resist hero worshipping anyone (which this sub has a tendency to do). It feels the same as the way that people here were excited about Gary Gensler becoming SEC chair because he was “pro-crypto” and had given some lectures on it at MIT. And look what a shit he turned out to be.
WAIT! Gensler used to do lectures on crypto at MIT. What if he's been secretly laying the foundations for a crypto-friendly future this entire time?! Maybe it's not Evil G. Gensler. Maybe it's Good Guy Gary who has been trying to act as if he is fighting against crypto for the benefit of old guard established powers-that-be, while secretly *intentionally* fumbling all of these cases, so everything enshrined in civil law becomes in favor of crypto? Probably not the case, but if it was, it would be one of the funniest things that I've ever seen. What a movie that would make someday.
tldr; Sam Bankman-Fried, often referred to as SBF, is about to face one of the most significant legal battles in the crypto industry. Less than a year ago, SBF was a renowned figure in the crypto industry, leading the celebrity-endorsed cryptocurrency exchange FTX. With an impeccable academic record from MIT and a promise to philanthropically distribute […] The post The Trial of Sam Bankman-Fried: Key Points to Understand appeared first on CryptoSlate. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.
Joe Lubin worked for Gensler at GoldmanSachs when he was VP of technology in wealth management. He was also invited along with Novagratz who was his college roommate to speak at MIT Blockchain course by Gensler. Also Gensler's MIT Blockchain course was partnered with Wanxiang the CCP company that setup the Ethereum foundation wallets.
Is there any compelling reasoning for not approving it other than that GaRy gEnSlEr is in charge of the SEC? A person who has publicly been pro bitcoin with a deep enough understanding of it to teach a class at MIT. Have you read the documents? The only reason the SEC has been declining it is because they believe the spot market can be manipulated by Binance (basically). Many other countries have one approved. Look at the political pressure being very publicly broadcast and Gary gets lashed in front of politicians. Read the room it is not just Blackrock applying for one lol. I'm not saying the ETF is for sure getting approved, but there are plenty of compelling reasons to believe it could.
Except he actually believes in crypto and blockchain and understands how it all works incredibly well. You don’t get to teach courses at one of the worlds leading technology universities (MIT) if you don’t understand the subject matter incredibly well. His stance has always been the same, BTC is a commodity, premines/ICOs/VC backed coins are potentially securities. It’s all outlined in his MIT coursework, two of his lectures go in depth on the topic. Anyone surprised by the way he runs the SEC hasn’t paid any attention for years prior to him taking the post.
he had a course on blockchain on MIT, he is a finance guy and told everyone that most shitcoins are securities and then lo and behold he went on to preside the SEC and actually keept his word. He is hated because he crashed the market and suing everyone except FTX.
He was the professor teaching Blockchain and Money course at MIT so he definitely is aware of the halving...
So back in 2018 Gary was actually very pro crypto. He even taught a crypto course at MIT. Apparently he was lined up to get a big paying job at Binance. It didn't work out, and now he seems to be doing everything in his power to go after crypto.
How did he get that job though? And why did he get that job? He admitted under oath he has never owned or used any crypto including Bitcoin. He started with Goldman Sachs. Then he moved to chair the CFTC where he exonerated those same Wall Street banks for manipulating the silver market. Then he goes to MIT... Glen Ellison (Head of Economics at MIT) is an insider. His daughter Caroline is the one that blew up the space while heading FTX's investment arm at Alameda. SBF had closed door meetings with Gensler, how did he get those? Anyone who thinks Gary was ever a good guy is delusional. He has always been a semen guzzling demon.
Softwar by MIT Jason Ap. Lowery is becoming reality, holy f**k. If this goes as outlined.. wow. Read the book.
Agreed. I wasn't the one commenting to that effect, but the claim that he's bullish is stretched from his time at MIT rubbing shoulders with Silvio Micali. A mere mention or acknowledgment doesn't mean he's bullish, though.
What's interesting is that his class lectures at MIT were very pro blockchain: [MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018]( Makes me think he's purposefully shutting down the legal avenues for the SEC to deal with blockchain regulation. The only direction regulation can come from now is congress, which is in complete gridlock when it comes to understanding blockchain, let alone regulate it.
Its not that he was incorrect. Its that it took him 43 seconds to answer the simplest question, which should require no thought because it has already been answered. It appears that it took him 30 seconds to recall his prior statements about the howie test. At some point a while back this appearance of incompetence has reputationally blown back on the SEC and on MIT. And it undermines the US government itself -- its disrespectful to the process of government. "Contempt of government" citation needed. What's so strange about the deliberate prevarication theory is he's not doing himself any favors here by presenting as incompetent and pissing off all the lawmakers who suspect a deliberate act. It feels like a career ending strategy to me.
He was a professor at MIT and taught about BTC and the blockchain. He understands it
The guy taught a class on cryptocurrency at MIT. In the first class he said the only thing he likes more than crypto is legislation. I'm sure there are other reasons but there you go.
Everyone needs to keep this hearing in perspective. Gary knows *exactly* what a security is. He facilitated courses at MIT, he’s no stranger to what crypto is or how it works. The real issue is he’s a bureaucrat, which makes him a patsy for whatever the agenda is for the government of the day. He’s little more than a scapegoat. The bigger picture is the US government, regardless of who is currently in it, is generally not supportive of crypto, and the SEC chair will always reflect that attitude until it changes.
1) Gensler taught blockchain courses in MIT 2) SEC already approved bitcoin futures etf The argument that they dont understand BTC is not convincing.
Yeah I hear you but as others have said I just don't get why they would delay the inevitable Gary is clearly a puppet he seemed so enthusiastic about Blockchain technology in his MIT talks but now apparently feels the need to protect us all from crypto. Something doesn't seem right
I hate him so much because he is acting like he doesn't know shit when in reality we have him on record that he actually knows a lot about crypto. USA is so corrupt that even an MIT professor like Garry looks like an idiot when he tries to play by those corrupt rules. It hurts to see how low he can go when it fills his pockets.
He needs to understand further how exactly bitcoin works to be able to answer the question whether bitcoin fails the Howie test. I mean he's only the chair of the SEC and a former MIT professor who gave a course on crypto currencies,. How can you expect him to know the answer? /s
Gary really fell off from the days he was lecturing about crypto in MIT and when he was an Algo maxi 😂
Right? I watched a few of his classes on btc at MIT and had high hopes when he was appointed chiar, which quickly turned into disappointment.
I’m not sure if I believe that. Even since the days of his MIT lecturing he stated he was “neutral on crypto, probably leaning towards against”, so I just can’t see him applying for a job at binance
Great journalism on uncovering the SBF story. I have the following questions: 1. When did you first notice that FTX had a big problem? Did anyone inside the firm leak it to you? 2. What is your opinion on WorldCoin? A scam or a great innovation on digital identity? A MIT tech review in 2022 has revealed the dark sides of Worldcoin when collecting biometric data. Anyone in CoinDesk investigating whether their biometric days collection violate personal data privacy laws? And any unethical wrongdoings they found now during data collection? 3. What would be the next big scoop of coin desk?
He's a graduate of MIT in physics, I doubt he's a puppet. That doesn't he couldn't be manipulated though, finance isn't his forte, remember. Why? I can think of one reason, maybe the parents and him thought FTX could be considered the "only" viable exchange in the US after regulation with their political connections. If they got approval and other exchanges didn't, how much money do you think they'd make off of it? Just guessing, of course.
I guesse book will be called MIT gating surrogate stance
DID YOU KNOW, Caroline Ellison, SBFs ex-girlfriends, dad, Glenn Ellison, is a professor of economics at MIT and also Gary genslers former boss..
DID YOU KNOW, Caroline Ellison, SBFs ex-girlfriends, dad, Glenn Ellison, is a professor of economics at MIT and also Gary genslers former boss 🤔
You also going to thank Tether for printing money in the time since then to pump and prop up the price at critical junctures to keep it from falling into irrelevancy? (MIT researchers proved this)
Seriously. People forget / ignore all the others that came before Bitcoin that were nearly exactly the same. A large proportion of success is timing. Btc hit the timing better than the others did. Not intelligence or smarts, just good timing that he was already doing that work when one of the biggest black swan events ever happened, and it was a black swan event that related to what he was doing in a way that he could use it to market it. ​ They should also thank Tether for printing money in the time since then to pump the price and keep it from falling into irrelevancy at critical junctures. (MIT researcher proved this)
He used to do lectures at MIT about blockchains lol
>he did teach a blockchain class at MIT He is a believer in blockchain, which is not the same as being a believer in cryptocurrencies. During his teaching career he highlighted the need for regulation and the lack of protection for investors in the space.
For what it’s worth, he did teach a blockchain class at MIT. And he offered to serve as an advisor at Binance. I think he is pro crypto and is just a mere puppet under the SEC.
I was sold on Algorand after listening to countless speeches from Silvio. Also it’s a MIT project and has direct ties to the Boston Fed…name any other blockchain that’s openly working with the Fed.
the gensler MIT blockchain lectures were informative and easy viewing, plus Gary’s sweet smile, and sudden appearances from his identical twin added a nice element of theatre to the whole thing
He went to MIT and got a degree in physics, but I bet he forgot to take an Ethics class in there somewhere.
#IOTA Con-Arguments Below is a IOTA con-argument written by Blendzi0r. > *First published on: 28.07.2021* > > **Long history of vulnerabilities and controversies** > > > > In 2017, security researchers from Boston University and MIT disclosed to IOTA a critical flaw: the hash function was broken. Weeks later, they published their findings and IOTA patched the vulnerabilities. > > > > However, in 2018 the e-mails exchanged between the researchers and IOTA regarding the critical flaw were made public. Those e-mails exposed that the IOTA’s response to the disclosure of the critical flaw was very aggressive and IOTA founders even accused the researchers of “academic fraud” and threatened them with legal action. > > > > As a result, many renowned security researchers and academic cryptographers criticized IOTA and advised others to avoid the project. > > > > It is also important to note that it was not the first time that MIT and Boston University researchers found vulnerabilities in IOTA. > > > > ( source: ) > > > > **IOTA is not decentralized** > > > > IOTA is not decentralized and the security of the network continues to be exposed. > > > > In February 2020, IOTA turned off the coordinator node and shut down the network because their wallet was hacked. Not only the hacking was embarrassing but shutting down the network proved beyond any doubt that IOTA is not really decentralized (shutting down a decentralized network should not be possible). > > > > ( source: ) > > > > **Transactions on IOTA are marketed as free but they are not free** > > > > IOTA claims to have no transaction fees but in reality it requires users to perform PoW on their own devices. This is questionable marketing strategy as users are forced to validate two other transactions before their own transaction is processed. So even though users do not have to pay for the transaction, they have to become "miners/validators" for IOTA. > > ( source:\/posts/iota-response/ ) > > > > **Melody of the future?** > > > > IOTA is one of the oldest crypto projects but it is not production-ready yet. It also does not have smart contracts. IOTA strives to provide machine-to-machine transactions. But, as mentioned above, in order to make a transaction you are required to validate two other transactions. This requires you to have a full node so that you know the true state of consensus. Small IoT devices cannot host Gb/Tb of data in order to validate transactions. As a result, IOTA is not really suitable for machine-to-machine communication of devices with limited capabilities. > > > > It is also important to realize that Internet of Things is in its infancy. It might take years before it’s widely adopted. IOTA might be long gone before it happens. Especially when you take into consideration their bumpy past. > > > > **New beginning** > > > > Speaking of bumpy past – failure to achieve their goals for so many years prompted IOTA team to completely revamp the network. Instead of their original and rather peculiar ideas which made the network insecure, the team has finally decided to adopt industry standards. Chrysalis update is to bring decentralization and better scalability, among other. But this also means that it might still be years before IOTA is production-ready. Again. And it also remains to be seen if IOTA team has learned from their mistakes. > > > > ( source: ) ***** Would you like to learn more? Check out the [Cointest archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_IOTA) to find submissions for other topics.
The same parents that were Superpac donors for the Democrat party, and used to work with Gary Gensler at MIT? Well I never!
#Algorand Pro-Arguments Below is a Algorand pro-argument written by CreepToeCurrentSea. > Algorand is an open-source, decentralized cryptocurrency and smart contract platform founded by Silvio Micali on 2017. It operates through a Proof of Stake variation called the Pure Proof of Stake. It officially launched it's main network on 2019. It's native token is called ALGO. Algorand is composed of a company and a foundation. The company functions on the core development of the protocol whereas the foundation oversees award funding, cryptographic research, on-chain governance, and decentralization of the Algorand network including nodes. > > # PROs > > **The Founders** > > * The creators/founders of a network/protocol are one of the most important factors influencing its future. The more experience they have in the field, the more likely a project will succeed. Enter Algorand's founders, Silvio Micali and Jing Chen. Micali is an Italian computer scientist and professor at MIT. He is best known for his early work on public-key cryptosystems, pseudorandom functions, digital signatures, oblivious transfer, secure multiparty computation, and is one of the co-inventors of zero-knowledge proofs. Chen is Algorand Inc.'s Chief Scientist and Head of Theory Research. Game theory, mechanism design, distributed ledgers, smart contracts, and algorithms are among her research interests. She is a member of the Computer Science Department at Stony Brook University. She is also associated with the Department of Economics and the Center for Game Theory in Economics. This is just a summary of their experiences, and it demonstrates how serious they are about finding a solution to the blockchain trillemma while also improving the Algorand protocol's unique strengths. > > **The Protocol** > > * As indicated previously in the introduction, Algorand employs PPoS, a variant of the PoS algorithm in which validators of the network are not rewarded and are not at risk of being slashed. It becomes hard for the minority to cheat, and cheating the system would be illogical for the majority because it would devalue their assets. There is also no token locking, thus a user's tokens are always available. Based on this rationale, regardless of the amount of alleged bad actors in the system, it would result in a loss for them while keeping the network safe. > > **Security** > > * Security is essential for a network to run efficiently, safeguard digital assets, and build confidence with other companies/entities. Without this, a network will eventually fail or, worse, be hacked. Algorand divides security into three levels: user security, consensus security, and partition security. > * User-Level Security is primarily concerned with the security of a user's stake. Users will be given a spending key as well as a participation key. The Spending key will be used to sign transactions and spend stakes, whilst the Participation key will be used to propose and confirm blocks. Both these keys are separated with the Participation key being secret and can be stored in cold storage. > * Consensus-Level Security focuses on preventing bad actors from corrupting the network by seizing control of block generation. This is accomplished through the secret and random selection of users to participate in the certification of blocks. The bad actor will be unable to determine which user will generate the block, and by the time the bad actor does, the action will have already been completed. > * Partition-Level Security increases resistance to network partition attacks. The goal of bad actors who do this is to double-spend their money in the network by creating a contradiction of transactions, completely asynchronous the network, and have complete control over who receives which messages and when. This does not happen in the Algorand network because the bad actor cannot deceive the users in the same round with this strategy because the Algorand blockchain will never fork, and all transactions in the network are final. > > **Scalability** > > * Algorand utilises Pure Proof of Stake (PPoS) consensus, in which network validators are not rewarded and are not at risk of being slashed. In contrast to Bitcoin's Proof of Work model, it will not require network participants solving cryptographic puzzles for the production/validation of blocks, resulting in less computation waste. A user only needs to generate and verify signatures and count operations, with the cost based solely on the number of selected users for each block, which is constant and unaffected by the overall network size. As a result, the network would be able to serve millions of users while maintaining a higher TPS and lower computation cost. > > > **Crypto Rating** > > * Algorand received a 2 out of 5 rating from the Crypto Rating Council (CRC) in its Securities Framework Asset Ratings. When an asset appears to have many characteristics that are consistent with the Howey-test factors, it receives a score of 5. When an asset appears to have few characteristics that are consistent with the Howey-test factors, it receives a score of 1. Based on this rating, the SEC will be less likely to rule Algorand as a security. It also helps that both the foundation and the company, Algorand, are committed to decentralized development. > > *Sources:* > [**]( > [**]( > [*\_Micali*]( > [*\/\~jingchen/*](\/~jingchen/) > [**]( > [**]( > [**]( > [**]( > [**]( ***** Would you like to learn more? Check out the [Cointest archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Algorand) to find submissions for other topics.
Most important observation here is that, on Bitcoin : *Everything changes*. The entire security feature rests on spending enough on mining to keep the “…prohibitively high cost of attack…” that defends a PoW network. [MIT Paper - PoW security]( This has been quite true. In the past. For BTC to be investable - longer term - this would need to continue to be true. This is the one and only true thing we can say for certain, though. On Bitcoin, the entire business plan changes. The past tells us very close to **zero** about the future. On that particular chain. Other than that Tx Fees so far have grown to around : [$700 k per day.]( And if they don’t grow enough to support a $30 Million per day Security Budget, (Along with the declining Subsidy). Then the chain’s Security fails. . So, We earn $0.7 M per day. We need $30 M per day. Thoughts ?
I see someone gave a source, also the fact that he was pro crypto and taught a blockchain class at MIT before his position here kind of tells us that he’s being pushed to have this anti-crypto stance now.
MIT professor founder, what could go wrong. Wait, SBF is MIT alumni as wel ...
Sure! My phrasing is somewhat anecdotal, but you might be surprised to see all the adoption that’s been going on behind the scenes. I’d start [here]( and [here]( for that. There’s even adoption of blockchain in regards to AI as they complement each other quite nicely. You can google around and find use cases but I’d start [here]( and [here]( Additionally all the major US tech schools offer blockchain tracks (MIT, RIT, CIT, Caltech, RPI, Stanford, etc.). Given just these starting points it’s easy to make the argument that if you’re 16 and looking at tech school right now you could be debating “AI? Or blockchain? Or blockchain for AI? Or AI for blockchain?”
All narratives are BS, some just line up more closely with the cold hard factual reality we all have to exist in. Two sides of the same spectrum to highlight a point. Jim Cramer obvious intellectually and morally bankrupt establishment shill on one end, Michael Saylor the MIT big brained software CEO on the other. Both gave bad advice based on their BS narratives. Saylor's is just more educated, closer to factual reality, and he actually believes it.