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-50.00% Today

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Celestica is Celestial

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AMD- big earnings coming.

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So are we all just gambling on AMD tomorrow

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is AMD valid tomorrow?

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Price jacked up after hours crashes during trading pattern?

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What are we thinking about AMD for eerrrrmingsss

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Looking to to all in but which one is a "safer" play. AMD vs Msft

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AMD 1400 PE ratio sustainable?

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AMD's new powerhouse cpu ZEN 5 is about turn heads... leaked specs and launch date...

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AMD will trade at this level....yeah, i know it sounds a mad Bear the Perma

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AMD- earnings tomorrow 01/30. Is it breaking upwards on this channel?

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Elon just informally announced he would buy AMD chips for Tesla's dojo supercomputer

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All in on AMD

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AMD - Elon Musk

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Oh, the mistakes I’ve made!

r/pennystocksSee Post

The AI innovation storm has swept through CES 2024, The annual CES has become a Tech-Stage

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The AI innovation storm has swept through CES 2024, The annual CES has become a Tech-Stage

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Earnings & economic calendar

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AMD - To The Clucking Stratosphere

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Me going into earnings week with $5000 in SMCI, MSFT, & AMD calls

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Who’s ready to burn their life savings this week

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AMD - 200 or bust? What 1-30-2024 to watch for...

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Which stocks should I consider investing in?

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Any advice on what to YOLO on this week?

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Trying Butterfly Strategy

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Load up on NVIDIA && AMD CALLS Bros!!

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Post

FOMC Week… 1-26-24 SPY/ ES Futures, QQQ/ NQ Futures, 10YR Yield, DXY/ US Dollar and Cl/ Oil Futures Weekly Market Analysis

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FOMC Week… 1-26-24 SPY/ ES Futures, QQQ/ NQ Futures, 10YR Yield, DXY/ US Dollar and Cl/ Oil Futures Weekly Market Analysis

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

FOMC Week… 1-26-24 SPY/ ES Futures, QQQ/ NQ Futures, 10YR Yield, DXY/ US Dollar and Cl/ Oil Futures Weekly Market Analysis

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AMD Calls

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AMD PE Ratio

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Option strategy on AMD and META

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AMD's new MI300x vs the field, plus future projections.

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Im dead inside, but TGIF

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AMD Call

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Theta Decay

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GOOGL April 19'24 $170 Calls - Up 100%... Thoughts?

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Low risk Semis

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Low risk Semi - conductor/s

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Fk u AMD

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Strangely the US wants to Intel to succeed but their price does not look that way

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Who’s buying MSFT & AMD calls for earnings?

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Bullish on NVDA after Intel Guidance

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Should I sell my long AMD calls before earnings?

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Intel stock sinks as early 2024 outlook comes up short

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First time buying an option - need help understanding

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AMD earning call 1/30

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Intel vs AMD; CPU 3D Cache physics theory

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Intel vs AMD; CPU 3D Cache physics theory

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$3000 -> $60,000 🔥🔥

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Should I hold onto TSLA or cut my losses and diversify?

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$2,900> $173,000

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$TSLA dip buy

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“Bringing YOLOs back”

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AMD- testing weekly regression with strong greens recently.

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I'm the $2k to $50k Options Account Challenge Guy and I Have Some Gains to Share From My Larger Account

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AMD $200 call 1/26 worth it?

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I believe them puts on NVDA and AMD I guess?

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Best single day

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Investing in usd stocks/taxation canada

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KitKat Canada AI Ad? I’m Bullish on NVDA, AMD, & SMCI

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Is a career at AMD even worth it??

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Knowing when to pull out

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Best. Day. Ever.

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Any reason why I shouldn’t invest in TSM given its current price?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Is anyone else breaking out the popcorn to watch AMD stock on a daily basis?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Just buy SEMI/AI and ride the hype. The roller coaster will end soon but for now it’s green day’s ahead.

r/investingSee Post

Made My First Investment At 20.

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CSP for 10-11 Months Total Return ?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

One of my AMD calls that I haven't sold yet

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Am I doing options right?

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$12k AMD gain 🔥 by Taking over "Update 2: It's either several million or..." from u/ThrowAwayhfhdjhxnjd

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Bullish on $AMD (Long-term)

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Is AMD a good buy?

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Some AMD vs Intel CPU 3D cache design theory

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My recent AMD vs INTC insight + 69% in 2 days

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Part two- been practicing option trading (80 % success rate)

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Niche ETF Option Arb Strategy

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$2K to $50K in 90 Days - Options Trading Challenge (Day 2 +$519.03 Net Realized)

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TSLA Unloading

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PART 2 Been practicing option trading for a year

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AMD round 2 tomorrow lol

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ASML Sympathy Play/ ER Gambol

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Optimal Exit on AMD Jan26 175C?

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AMD $172.5 Jan 26 Call

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$2K to $50K in 90 Days - Options Trading Challenge (Day 1 +$250 Unrealized)

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AMD stock. Buy or no

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$2K to $50K in 90 Days - Options Trading Challenge (Day 1 +$250 Unrealized)

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AMD: All My Dinero. It's either Dinner or no Dinner

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Sucks to hold AMD!

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AMD Ava Hahn Stock Slide

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Fess Up, who ate it on AMD today?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$AMD buy the dip

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$ADM falls 16% as investors suddenly realize they made a typo while trying to buy $AMD


Wow what a week coming up! I almost wish half these big hitters were next week to spread it out some. Spy calls and Nvidia dip for the win! Thinking about loading up on Meta but probably after earnings. I don't see them flying on earnings. Coin is another one I want to load back up on but waiting on the dip. Apple was very slow but got some nice momentum before we got hit the past two weeks. Microsoft could really use a stock split. Probably Meta too and abubch of other companies. AMD I'm skeptical of. I've been watching the stock for a very long time and it barely moved until it finally got a nice push to the 180s and 190s before tanking. Arm is a nice wild card and might get the biggest jump from this list. Let's see what happens and check back at the end of the week. Good luck to everyone  Market makers wanted your shares cheap before heading into the biggest time of the year for gains! When others are fearful be greedy!


> Now I will call fidelity to remove options from my account and will buy stocks NVDA, AVGO and AMD is the plan. Be careful not to burn your hands, Mr. /r/personalfinance. Better stick to MSCI World and a healthy bond allocation.

AMD sold on stoploss, rebought way bellow price. But that said, there are lot “reds” on my stocks and crypto. Markets are dull lately. Just fucking let it be, go out and enjoy summer🫠 Unless you are professional trader, but then you won’t be writing this stuff on Reddit 😁


Most of my individual picks were busts, exception was AMD around $70 where I first learned to read a companies profile and performance. Second best trade was VOO bc obvs


Thank you. I will be playing safe from here. Plan to sell secured puts on tesla, NVDA, AMD and AVGO to climb backup slowly is the plan.

META calls, MSFT calls, AMD puts, AMZN puts

Going to 595 again if your plan is only NVDA, AMD and AVGO lol

Pat Gelsinger isn't the "engineering savior" - that's Jim Keller, the genius behind AMD's Ryzen chip architecture that started the company's turnaround. And then Keller had to leave Intel because of dumbass in-fighting.


Heh, I did the same with a few hundred of the AMD I picked up when it was a penny stock circa 2012. Still made out like a bandit with the rest, but man.....


imagine AMD ends at 140 next week after earnings![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Nice writeup. I think we really have to see if META, MSFT, AAPL, or AMZN can justify AI capex to their investors. If they give the big boys something to salivate over, I think we rocket into earnings, which I believe NVDA will crush. I can see 140-150 range post earnings if both scenarios occur. If they don’t alleviate AI bubble fears, we may be seeing new lows until earnings. I think INTC and AMD are going to tank on earnings, and fear NVDA may follow.

I’m also in IT/Tech and I’d say they were far from a joke. Sure, their GPUs were not the best, but they have really caught up. And as we approach the apex of computer graphics (4k 240 fps). There will be a point of negligible gain via GPU. They also have the enterprise Epyc cores for servers. They provided a value buy for a long time. I’ve personally never have owned an Intel chip. I’ve run AMD at the core of every one of my systems. The best? No. But super cheap. I think every one of my processors has been less than $160 dollars.


Meta puts, MSFT puts, AMD calls, AMZN calls

What are the chances of AMD beating earnings.... or actually just going up.


Next week Apple, AMD, Amazon, Microsoft, Intel and Meta report earnings. If all beat spy can rise 10% in one week.


When I bought Astrazeneca the VP resigned shortly after and tanked the stock. It has recovered though. Otherwise I've been quite lucky but most of my stock is volatile so it could tank any day and I have only my self to blame. Astrazeneca was my "safe" bet. I've made bank on AMD and will continue to hold. I just bought more actually.


NVDA down 24% from its ATH Dell down 40% from its ATH SMCI down 43% from its ATH ARM down 20% from ATH VRT down 27% from ATH AMD down 40% from ATH MU down 30% from ATH I don’t want to turn into a bear but I think these upcoming earnings might make or break this rally for the rest of the year or so

META calls, MSFT puts, AMD calls, AMZN calls

Compare their YTD. With AI hype NVDA, AAPL, and GOOGL have performed the best. Google beat and still dropped more this week than AAPL and NVDA. These are really the last two standing this quarter and if there is a positive response to their ER it’s going to dramatically boost them more than AMD, GOOGL, and MSFT. If they dump as well then we’re all fucked.

How will SPY on Wednesday be with MSFT and AMD's earnings playing into the morning and then Jpow talking at 2pm EST 🤔


Any reason for being bearish for those three stocks? I thought GOOG earnings were good and they have so much cash that could acquire something big in the future. AMD, as long as they get more marketshare I think they will be fine. MSFT, no idea.

AMD looked good - bought some shares


sell NVDA and AMD next week. rare that semis let these fat ups print like this. I love how they move.


can I take back my ban bet? I have puts on semiconductors into next week. $AMD and $NVDA my next little victims in the red


This isn’t just profit taking  I’m losing on calls of stocks that are all down  DIS  UPS SNOW AMD MRVL Why would you be profit taking on these stocks?

Going to hold through AMD earnings?


Upcoming earnings calls: Tuesday 30th: MSFT, AMD Wednesday 31st: META, QCOM, ARM Thursday 1st: AAPL, AMZN, INTC Now where's my popcorn

Yelling at my phone all day for AMD and DIS to please go up but they can’t get over strikes because everyone auto selling even though they are down over past 6m


they are working on chips like dozen of other companies. they are decades behind NVDA, even AMD Intel can't make chips like NVDA but amazon would? that's laughable


I'm planning to gamble $10K spread across different symbols. I have looked at 8 companies so far but will probably sort it out to maybe 4 or 5. At the very least would be $2K per symbol but I might just do $5K just for AMD alone, since I feel I have the biggest confidence in winning with AMD.


AMD - someone told me this was Advanced Money Developer, seems like it is more of a advanced money destroyer...


Those are about the percentage reflected in the Steam Survey, which I looked at to try and get the best representation possible for AMD. Their niche is budget gaming products for use in PC and console, and even there people still prefer Intel/nvidia. I really don't get the hype and certainly not at a premium.


calls on cortisol, puts on AMD


AMD is killing me  Why do I have the feeling we are about to have the biggest rug pull of the week?


Only NVDA and AMD don’t deserve for a rebound

Mentions:#NVDA#AMD Yea I never got the whole "must invest in AMD" thing.. I don't see anything that warrants paying 200x earnings for, do you?


AMD is so useless, my 175c for earnings are cooked![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) avg price I have is $0.37


I would say META puts and AMD trades sideways otherwise I agree


place your bets! META call, MSFT call, AMZN puts, AAPL puts, AMD puts

I've got more "your AMD calls have lost more than 20%" notifications from Robinhood than everything else I have combined.


AMD so inspirational, just only needs another 10% gain to retrace back all the losses this week ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


I heard the exact up opposite of AMD this morning lmao


MSFT or AMD or META next week?![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259)?


those .05c AMD $145 calls expiring today i mentioned 20 mins ago are up at .09c already and i didnt pull the trigger, wtf?


AMD making a valiant attempt at going green for the year


Wait why is AMD the same color as ASTS?


can AMD hit $145 by close?


AMD beta when market is red: 3 AMD beta when market is green: 1.1


those .05 $145 AMD calls expiring today are tempting, you never know


5k gains on ASTS options alone shares are looking nice too. If only I never touched AMD or Micron I would've been a winner. Alas, I'm still a regard.


I don’t think AMD is going anywhere for awhile. Not too bullish on GOOG and MSFT for the rest of the year either.

They aren’t even selling at a strike look what happened to AMD as soon as it gets to .5 they dump


AMD after all this selling is still at a 200 P/E ratio $100 puts 8/23


AMD keeps running up to 140 and then immediately chunking down by .5 selling down to 139


NVDA and AMD are underperforming QQQ SPY SOXX![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

How much you wanna bet AMD doesn’t go over 140 to screw the  60k fills on zero day call


by revenue? AMD's data center and client revenue has grown significantly since 2020 while Intel's data center and client revenue has stagnated or decreased since then


I bought AMD when it originally peaked at 144/share at its ATH Nov 2021. It dropped into the 50s. Take the drops as an opportunity to lower your cost per share. AMD will be around.


AMD to 180 EOD i have calls :(


LMAO NVDA and AMD are so fucking done. They are underperforming market so much.![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Retails have no interests in NVDA or AMD if ASTS and SERV could land us whole year profit of NVDA AMD by a week. These low institutional holding stocks have less manipulation.

>they've been eating Intel's lunch in the CPU division for a while now by what metric? Look at today's Steam Hardware Survey- the figures are \~65% Intel / 34% AMD. They're getting even more destroyed in the GPU space here - 76% nvidia / 15.5% AMD. So clearly not. Intel is even MORE represented if we start looking at enterprise equipment. I went with the Steam survey to try and provide the most charitable representation possible.


if you didn’t make money today, you must be stupid and bought NVDA or AMD![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


Look at AMD chart it’s a giant slope down just like semis this whole month 


AMD can suck my balls but if you go all in on calls at these cheap prices and they slightly beat earnings that's eassssssy money.


This can't possibly be a hot take if you look at where AMD came from pre zen to where it is now. If you look at this year in a vacuum and evaluate based only on stock price, then sure, I could see your opinion being sour.


Semiconductors is actually a not-so great sector. Traditionally very cyclical. NVDA today is the exception to the norm, thanks to the AI hype / money printing machine. But back in the days, it used to be a cyclical and bit crappy stock as well, not too dissimilar to AMD.


AMD options only have increments of 5 I feel like this is done on purpose usually increments of 1 I can’t even roll my 140 deeper without risking way more now it will go back to 140 and my call will be worth less than half of what it was 20 min ago 


Can I ask why? As someone in the IT world their products have been considered a joke for many years, always second best. Second best GPUs, second best CPUs you would NEVER consider for any enterprise application outside casual PC gaming. AMD shriveling up in NVIDIA's shadow makes perfect sense to me as someone watching this space for many years.


I don't own AMD. I just find it hilarious that someone who bought a stock with no DD and held it for less than 2 weeks before selling at a loss is somehow qualified to say it's a bad stock. Nice try projecting your bitterness at AMD on me though.


Well I am not bearish on AMD. You know Asians are more pragmatic…leadership like Lisa most likely works on the next innovation without creating a buzz. That’s how they beat INTC. Intel is like GM, they require huge government subsidies to survive. When the chip act ends and the corporate socialism ends, INTEL is over


Honestly a big buying opportunity for AMD


Why is everyone selling AMD at 140? Doesn’t look good for earnings 


Nah but I’m only down 2% with what I bought. Gotcha on AMD just lower I figured it’d hit around 150 and bought then a little more when it was around 140


When I started seeing paid ads for AMD and INTC last week on every website, I knew something was up.


Taking a big LOSS on IWM Calls, 62 percent. Moving to big TECH. Before I was last in on the IWM, now I am first in the QQQ, NVDA, AMD, etc.!

AMD is down 4% YTD FYI


This sub has a terrible track record, it was a highly popular opinion that Intel, Disney or Paypal won't go anywhere, the fact that Open AI has better chat alghoritm and they're releasing a search engine is. You guys refuse to see how poeople hate Google's search and them shoving ads everywhere down their throat, the fact that Google's ad profits are growing is a reason for concern long term in the way they do things, they sacrifice short term profit to squeeze all they can by making their main product garbage that will make people jump the shit even easier if Open AI becomes a worthy replacement. You guys expect an instant change but these things take time, look at AMD vs Intel, it took AMD years to establish itself, at first Intel's stock was going up to until the reality hit the bagholders.


AMD: +0.99% today ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258) \+0.80% YTD ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


AMD day chart is like a heart rate monitor for someone on cocaine


UPS can’t even get over 130 DIS can’t get over 90 Look at the dumping happening to AMD


NVDA and AMD are like trash bros out there recently![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


I should have parked my YTD gains in a 3 month bond or something instead of being a dumbass and letting the momentum get to my head, still up on the year but these last few weeks have been a kick in the balls![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260) also, fuck you AMD you useless piece of shit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


Stocks are so god damn weak Like even AMD down so much with earnings next week can’t even stay over 140


If you bought AMD four and a half years ago you’re in the red ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


AMD selling off at 140


I feel like buying AMD is like buying the 3 logged horse in a horse race.


one of the worst performing chip stocks of 2024. Imagine owning AMD![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


!banbet AMD 100 30d


AMD calls bought at the close yesterday thank god I offloaded them right at the open


I own all chip stocks via ETF. I just have calls on AMD right now![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Fuck this. Bought AMD calls at open, sold for $100 loss, bought puts, sold for a 75 loss, now back to holding calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) My psych is all fucked up, so I'm scared to hold very long. I'd take a break, but I was already on one and now I gotta grind this shit out.


Decent products, good company, terrible stock. AMD have always treated their shareholders with a bit of contempt.


AMD selloff is insane. Its down 38% from its all time high.


LOL, if you had spent even a minute looking at AMD you would have seen this is how it works. If you own stock just sit on it a while and it will come back up eventually.


AMD is still stagnant after NVDA stock split


AMD 🤣🤣🤣
