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r/pennystocksSee Post

$BDRX all the way

r/pennystocksSee Post

Hey guys! I'm the guy that called out $CXYTQ when it was sitting around 0.02 and BDRX when it was sitting around 5 to 4 dollars. CXYTQ went up 300% and BDRX has multiple times went up 80%+. I have another one this time being $CTCX!

r/investingSee Post

BDRX Biodexa pharmaceuticals

r/pennystocksSee Post

Hey guys! I'm the guy that called out $CXYTQ when it was sitting around 0.02. If you listened to me, you would've been up 300%+ by now. I have another one this time being $BDRX

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post


r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

BDRX , ready , set , go , call # 2!!!

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

BDRX , another one for all of you !!!


BDRX is the best


Sigh. Guess I’ll add it to my bag collection along with FFIE, IBRX, BDRX, BBAI…..

I would like to take a long on $BDRX around $0.95 if it’s coming down. Not a lot. At most 500 shares.


Biodexa Announces Additional Positive Results Of Phase 2 Trial Of eRapa in Treatment Of Precancerous Polyps in the GI Tract - Now 12-Month Data BDRX 🚀


Why do you keep bringing up BDRX? I’m so confused


Your money lol tf you mean losing what , what am I avoiding ? I proved you wrong already and you doubled down to now it being priced in when in all reality it’s not priced in because no one knows where VWAP will be once registered instead of saying you were wrong about the dilution. Those $1.35 could be exercised here if they really wanted to , that’s the whole VWAP clause. Read the filing for yourself and learn some things on how these Chinese scams work. You probably said the same thing about BDRX, how did that work out ? Dilution killed it. Shorts are not paying 600% CTB for no reason. They’re not dumb.


Check out the dilution waiting for you :) another BDRX.


I did too, lost 13k. on FFIE and BDRX. Now FFIE went down to .2 and is now at .59. I got my losses back and it is still rising, while the squeeze is not yet taking place. I bought a lot on .5, .4 and .3 - and 7k at <.24. The FFIE company is now not an exotic penny stock, but a serious company. UAE investors are on board and the habibis are buying up the stock like it is Black Friday, while HFs are trowing out 20 million short chunks - to no avail. Look at the volume and the short interest short volume. The HFs can short any stock down - if he is not by investors ready to spend billions. Those are on board. It is UAE oil money vs Wallstreet hedge funds. The problem with Wallstreet hedge funds is, that there is no honor among thieves - that mean there are HF participating in the squeeze. So, forget your losses, check out what I told and make your own informed decissions.

BDRX movement


Time to let go of BDRX?


Feelings on BDRX? They announced some good news and still went negative wsp with that


KTRA,BDRX and IBRX. IBRX has come back up and supposed to pop soon I guess. We’ll see

And $BDRX will immediately dilute. They did this 5/21-5/22.


Looking at BDRX (will release great results) and EMKR (hyped rn)


Looking at BDRX (will release great results) and EMKR (hyped rn)


On 5/21/24, they released news and the stock spiked to $2.95 - and the very next day: “May 22, 2024 Biodexa Pharmaceuticals PLC (“Biodexa” or the “Company”) Biodexa Announces $7 Million of Gross Proceeds from Warrant Exercises Proceeds Cover Year 1 eRapa Phase 3 Obligations, Unlocking Twice that Amount in Non-dilutive Grant Funding Biodexa Pharmaceuticals PLC, (Nasdaq: BDRX), an acquisition-focused clinical stage biopharmaceutical company developing a pipeline of innovative products for the treatment of diseases with unmet medical needs, announces $7 million of gross proceeds from the exercise of previously issued warrants and an agreement between the Company and several accredited investors to exercise certain existing Series E warrants (“Series E Warrants”) and Series F warrants (“Series F Warrants,” and together with the Series E Warrants, the “Existing Warrants”) to purchase up to an aggregate of 4,358,322 of the Company’s American Depositary Shares (“ADSs) (each ADS represents 400 ordinary shares, nominal value £0.001 of the Company (“Ordinary Shares”)).”


Fuck, that's rough, maybe sell half of it? I just noticed reli still going up today, unlike the biotechs garbage I normally bet on. But with this stuff, if you decide to hold overnight you must must must absolutely must wake up at 4 and reassess . I've seen them go up 100% and then back down before 410. I took hits of similar magnitude after the dilution at BDRX, gme, kwe and tpst. It's hard to just accept it and close the position, but I ended up doing just that every time after letting the losses accumulate much longer than needed. Reli was pumped and dumped, there's no guarantee it will go back up. You might as well get up at 4 and watch on the scanner what's pumping and jump into that.


BDRX. I see you pumped that as well. Not at all similar to this situation. I do appreciate that you actually did put effort into your response and that you explained your thought process. But in explaining, you also kinda pointed out other reasons why no one should invest in this stock. What I hope is that people will begin to look at SEC fillings and track trends, and the extra work you put into explaining your point will help them in analyzing things going forward. Thank you. Good luck on your trade.


You have to look at the balance sheet, income statement and kind of make an educated guess. Also analyze the situation. For instance, I INSM's dilution occurred at $52 and it's over $60 now. Unimpacted. GPCR is another one which diluted and hurt the stock a little bit but not much when looking at that rally. VKTX is one that dropped substantially after its raise. But notice the difference between these stocks and something like GWAV or BDRX

This is exactly what I am saying WON'T work. How many penny stock bags do people need to hold before realizing that high short interest on these stocks just means massive dilution is coming? Was HOLO and BDRX not enough of a lesson?


Don't know if I'm supposed to take offense, but whatever the intention of this comment, I'm just sharing my experience, and I wish someone told me that. After the last ah spike, I woke up 20 minutes before 4 to watch it. It had closed the previous ah session at 80% up for the day, it opened in premarket around 250% up. Within 10 minutes it lost more than half, that's 4 to 4.10 am. At market open it was close to 80% up for the day, about the same as it closed in ah the previous day, then continued to drop and never recovered. Some guy YOLO his entire portfolio of about 150k at .7 the day of the spike, didn't bother w premarket, then sold at .8 instead of 1.69. ON top of that, I have been diluted in premarket by BDRX, smfl, gme and kwe, 4 times in less than a month, so there you have it.


Thank you, already doing that. My biggest losses came from being diluted 3 time in 3 weeks. One I barely escaped, but BDRX and gme cost me my margin account and half the capital. Both of them were praised to high heaven as the safest plays on these forums, buy and hold, can't go wrong. Now I'm treating all penny stocks as toxic waste and promised myself I would never hold through premarket no matter how tempting potential gains might look. If I buy in the evening, I wake up at 4 and get rid of it. Speaking of which, is there a way to protect against dilution? I'm traumatized now, as I feel it can hit me at any time, and I've watched stop losses not trigger as the price is in free fall.


Not interested in either. They are better than BDRX, worse than SPWR if I had to put them in a tier list of other popular stocks on here.


And was I wrong? You'd rather see people lose money on BDRX forever instead of me telling them that it's a dilution scam with no hope?


Has nothing to do with the fundamentals. Just saying they have warrants that are due to exercise when the price rises to a certain amount. Just means a bunch of shares get dropped. Same thing that happened the BDRX and SMFL. Like a built in rug pull to be mindful of.


See I had it when they announced the new shares and was just horrified as it dropped and I kinda learned my lesson there after I let it sink lower and cut my losses. I bought the whole superstonk thing and wanted to believe and then did it again with FFIE, after that I was like when anyone says HODL im out. But at this point my trades are so lightning fast that it doesn't matter. Hey, I call alot of these stocks correctly and they go big, but I still sell way way early and it doesent bother me anymore. Sure I could have had 300% on this one stock that I completely called correctly, but im happy taking my 20% of 10k and I dont think twice about it. Honestly at this point with the way I do things, im not going to follow any tips or leads and dont listen to what anybody says. I only really come on here to try and help support people because the volatility chasers are essential to me and if i can persuade people to stay away from loosing their money in things like gamestop and FFIE because thats no good for me either. Sure buy it if its going up but sell it. Jesus I was screaming at my friends last night to sell, literally talking so much shit in the group chat begging them to sell. They told me today "well I sold a little" lol. And to be honest I went into gamestop to buy some switch controllers this week, it kinda sucks now. Used to love hanging out for midnight releases back in the day but that was all before skyrim it seems(last game I bought at gamestop) I lost on BDRX to when it diluted lol, again why I dont follow any of this anymore. I feel bad for you man, good luck with everything. And if you do continue then write your own rules and follow them, only way I am successful everyday is if I follow my rules.

Thanks man, really appreciate this🙏 By now the damage goes much deeper and I'm sort of distancing myself from it, as it will take some time to fully process. I hope some lessons will stick this time around, as I have lost significant amounts to dilution before, but it was usually house money, so it's a bit easier to stomach. Now it's 2 years worth of savings evaporated, so there's that. It just seems like all that could go wrong did, but the reality is that it's my own actions and psychology that lead to this, therefore some soul searching is much needed once I fully come to terms with what happened. On Tuesday I was fully invested in gme, but right before closing I took out more than half the position, about 12k at 32 after seeing AEMD go up so fast. I figured gme would take some time since earnings were scheduled for next week, and was gonna get back in today, hopefully w my margin account restored. I was also itching to do something, as I was used to the margin account, and the cash account didn't let me trade as much. By That kept me up all night , trying to find a good entry for AEMD, bought in , then went to work without sleeping. I've done this sort of thing before, and sleep deprivation affects my mood and judgement in the worst way, yet I keep falling into it. When I saw AEMD pull back after market open, I convinced myself it would recover, as I've been in a similar situation several other times, and let the losses accumulate. Then I noticed the daily pnl was somehow positive.. turns out what I had left in gme was offsetting the AEMD loss. Instead of immediately closing the losing trade and moving the funds into the winners, I bizarrely started rooting for AEMD and against gme, to avoid the discomfort of admitting I made a mistake by taking money out of gme and spending the whole night trying to find a good deal to multiply it. By the time I left work, gme was approaching 40 and my regret and frustration only grew bigger, as AEMD refused to move in my direction. So, in my sleep deprivation induced stupor, as I watched gme go 50 within minutes, instead of being happy my losses from AEMD were more than offset, I became more and more angry with myself for having taken the money out of the good trade, and kept calculating in my head how much I would have had had I done nothing the day before and just left the entire 20k in gme. Eventually, I snapped out of my stupor and made a thread on shortsqueeze asking if gme could possibly dip in the morning. My inquiry was met with derision and I was ridiculed and chastised for even daring to question the trajectory of the super stonk. You just buy at any price, it will fly into the sky and land on the moon. Phone number prices, with area codes. So I just closed all positions at a loss, took the remaining cash in my account and put it all into gme at 50. As late as it was , it didn't seem like a bad decision, as the stock went past 60 that evening. I considered closing the position and starting fresh in the am, but then remembered how AEMD closed at 80% up at 8pm NY time, and opened at 260% gain at 4am NY time. Gme also got the initial premarket pump in Europe Monday morning, going over 40 before dropping again in premarket, so I left it open. Woke up at 4 am today to check for any overnight developments, saw it was still at 60, and fell back asleep after watching it for a few minutes. When I woke up again before 8 clock, the stock was 40, which was quite the shock. Then it started to drop again real fast, so I placed a stop loss at 37. I don't know why they allow you to put a stop loss in premarket if it doesn't work, but the price blew rigjt past it without triggering the sell order. Tried selling manually, thinking it could go all the way back to 20, and it told me I couldn't bc of the stop loss, so by the time I managed to undo that and placed a market sell order , it got filled at 35. Of course, that was the new support and it went back up as high as 44, so I started thinking what have I done, this thing could bounce back and I just sold at the bottom. So I waited till the market opened and bought back in at 36, which was the support level for a while. Sure enough that guy got online and had no miracles to perform, so the stock tanked once again. Sorry for writing such a novel, if you even made it to this point I'm just trying to make sense of what just happened. I'll have to write down what I've learned from this disaster, because this was one expensive lesson, paid all out of pocket. Hopefully there's another spike at some point, giving reasonable people a chance to get out. Browsing the gme forums feels surreal, people are suggesting they tanked the stock to give poor people a chance to buy more of it before it really takes off. They call it charity by a corporation, and they get upvoted and praised for such insights. This level of avoiding facing reality gives me hope there will be another pump. Why do you think they issued new shares and gave the other bad news ahead of schedule? Had they waited a little, they could have diluted at a much higher price, and once momentum was strong enough, people would have just kept buying and the price would have just gotten higher. Many paid 500 back in 21, before the inflation, when the stock had been just a few dollars the previous month. The company had 1 billion in Treasury bills I'm hearing, with no advertised plans to expand in ways that would require more funds. I've lost thousands on BDRX when they diluted, but thats a small biotech with high debt and high drug development expenses. Also, it's a penny stock no one cares about, except speculators who want to pump and dump the shares. Gme has such a loyal , devoted following, and they choose to alienate them by killing the momentum and stealing their money via dilution for no good reason.


You have no problem pumping SMFL, BDRX, or FFIE, but sure let’s do the source joke

BDRX and TPET will make you a rich man this year..


I am now thinking in a different way ... GWAV/BDRX and SMLF, there are with low trading volume. This, FFIE are with big trading volume. Maybe they dont care about dilution, or actual SI ...

As others have said tread lightly there is a possibility of dilution here, with the way GWAV and BDRX went down with the warrants I’m too weary of strike 3


Guys. CISS is heavily warranted, which means it will dilute as it starts to rise. Remember BDRX and SMFL? Exact same situation. Best case you get a double up and then a rug pull but not even looking like it’s getting there.

BDRX is manipulated to have once a month or so a pump and dump. So wait until its pumped again.


I did this, then BDRX abd TANH back to back to back. No good.


Heavy warrants so heads up for a BDRX/SMFL situation but do think it’ll run tomorrow. I’m in for a bit on it, just not staying long.


Don't know about CISS, but there's a lot of posts about them lately. I was talking about BDRX and Smfl diluting within a week of each other. If you're caught with a big position, something like Smfl increasing the float by 87% can wipe you out


Took my 2x gains on FFIE and placed them carefully into some heavy GWAV and BDRX bags

For sure. Happened twice already with BDRX and SMFL, more information going around on them on this sub the better.


I had a huge stake but accidentally sold it when I was in a rush and put limit order instead of stop limit. Got me a DT call, but maybe it's for the best. Woke up this morning and was still up 4% , then it just bottomed. I wonder if a stop loss order would even work when the drop is so sudden. It happened to me w BDRX I lost quite a bit there


They diluted the float in premarket not ah. Same as BDRX, so the drop was almost instant


I’m not sure if the website keeps historical data or not, maybe reach out and ask. They had a week free trial and I noticed it after they caught I believe BDRX and the target price would have gotten me out before it crashed. So I signed up and followed the watchlist and the alerts to see how they did. It’s more conservative than the moons we like to predict here but it was profitable so I joined up and decided to start with this play because the squeeze score was so high. Ya could do the month free trial and just follow for a couple weeks of it before ya make a play to see what ya think. Once again, I have zero affiliation just appreciate the tool and the work someone put in to make it.


Pump and dump like he did with BDRX


MineETH look him up, he’s been spamming this sub among others with SMFL the past couple of days, did the same with BDRX and FFIE

He called BDRX before a 159% run and called SMFL before a 100%+ run. I think he’s been pretty dead on. 


Hold the bag. gwav did a 150 reverse stock split lmfao. FFIE is in the toilet down like 50% in a week maybe less. BDRX popped to 3 and died is at under 1 now. SMFL looks like everyone took profits today wouldn’t be surprised if LUCY gets a similar treatment.

So then how should one proceed? When I want the squeeze to happen fast, is not so much bc of a lack of patience, it's bc I'm afraid to hold these stocks for a week. Was planning to hold BDRX for a little while based on the optimism surrounding it, but took my biggest loss when it dropped 50% in premarket. Even during market hours, I don't think a stop loss order would have prevented that since it was an instant fall due to dilution. My question is, how does one hold very volatile stocks for a week without risking a big loss?


Ok, but what about the other risks, such as dilution and reverse splits. Btw, is there a list somewhere with all the things that can happen while you're holding a stock to instantly devalue it? BDRX was also described as a good company, with a solid product and had virtually 100% support on Reddit. Then, late at night , the day bf the event, I read a warning post by a guy named #shortsqueeze saying that they like to dilute, but didn't pay much attention. Next day, in premarket, they did just that, but the forums remained bullish, so I waited for it to bounce back, which it still hasn't to this day. Ijust listened to a series on market psychology by Michael Douglas, where he insists that whatever your assumptions based on TA and other factors, chances are that it has nothing to do with the reason the price moved, even if the movement was in your favor. So then I guess all the narrative about the big guys doing such and such are just stories we tell ourselves and each other, and there's no way to know why they do what they do unless they tell you.


No one saw what happened to BDRX coming. That's on the company plus why are you trusting a reddit user? Do your own DD


Maybe don’t blindly trust Mine, this guy will prob not be online for another week and will come in and spam another ticker. Just cause he got lucky with FFIE doesn’t mean BDRX or SMFL were going to run

I'm quite new to this, but still learned that patience when holding penny stocks doesn't always pay off. 50% instant drop on BDRX. GWAV at all time low, can only go up, then reverse split and it goes down some more . I'm starting to believe there are many more tricks the companies can pull out of the hat to make sure they get the best out of these pumps before retail has time to proceed with the dumping.


Yeah he needed you to pump, this will drop soon and if you don’t take your profits and gtfo u can join the BDRX bagholders he screwed over


At u/mineETH Alright you fucking cocksucker. I apologize for being pissy with you last time. It really felt like a trap with BDRX when half my life savings disappeared as soon as I got in. And I was never warned about those damn WARRENTs. .. I feel like that would have been a helpful warning to disclose. Anyways I'm sorry for saying "I'm gonna put my nuts in your mouth" 🙄 If you get my portfolio back to green on your next few plays you will regain daddy status again. Im at 30k. I need to get back up to 80k again Don't let me down!


Unfortunately this sub has a mixture of pumpers and people who actually know what they are talking about. You have to weed thru the bullshit sometimes. It also doesn't help that sometimes the pumpers get lucky and sometimes the smart people are wrong. This guy, in my experience, is pretty good. And before anyone calls out BDRX... It was a good call but those fuckers diluted the shares. We all got blindsided on that one.


BDRX was a successful play that went up 150%. However CEO randomly issued new warrants which capped the stock at a price, causing the price to go down. FFIE was a successful short squeeze that went up 4000%+. Of course there's risks with every stock, but people should make their own decisions based on their own risk tolerance. I also hope the data with FFIE's 96.98% short interest and 400k market cap speaks for itself too.


It started to move around $3.50 (base). If it goes up 4000%, that sends the price to $140. But, if this really squeezes, it can go up way higher than that! GME would have easily reached $1k had they not removed the buy button and played dirty…. The little Guys/Us are hardly ever aloud to Win…. The Market is a dirty game…. Brutal at times…. What happened to $BDRX was brutal…


Nobody is right 100% of the time or they wouldn’t be in this sub haha. I truly do appreciate his DD, the only mistake is thinking anything with high short % and small MC is going to run 4000% like it’s guaranteed. BDRX gave a nice 3-4x if people paid attention to the warrants and exited. Make sure you know the risks and stick to an exit plan. The moon is great but a penthouse is pretty high up too.


Reverse split isn’t the concern here as they’d want to increase their share offering to raise capital but I don’t think there’s a need to be wary yet, tomorrow will be a free run up. BDRX had warrants so no announcement was needed so you’ll at least get a little heads up about dilution before it happens here. After tomorrow I’d probably take out at least my cost of entry and play for the moon with the rest.


Lmao this guy was claiming that BDRX would be the next ffie and then now its SMFL? Pump and dump king right here


I didn't understand any of you people who distrusted what he was saying because of how BDRX panned out. BDRX only even got shit on because they diluted shares which isn't exactly predictable. SMFL was a good shorted stock on it's own and research aside from what just he was saying, backed him up ![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6882)




This is a company who just finished a restructure and has a history of reverse splits, looks like it has room to run for sure but be mindful of a BDRX type situation where it gets diluted on the way up because they do need capital. Just a friendly reminder to take some profits as it runs and take the risks with the gravy. Don’t wanna be in a FFIE boat as it’s sinking.


BDRX went up 150% before it went down from the CEO capping stock price with warrants. It’s a successful play that was stopped short. FFIE was another successful play that was not stopped short and went up 4000%. SFML 95.8% SI and 400k market cap looks a lot more similar to FFIE


When BDRX increased 150%, they diluted shares by issuing more warrants at $2.5, which caps any possible gains. Same thing happened with AMC where they diluted shareholders during the rally. However, there's stocks like GME or FFIE that embrace shareholders and let it squeeze. We'll see what happens!

You mean just like how you were posting fake data on BDRX?


Between BDRX and IBRX, I’m down bad, but IBRX is a long term play for me so I’m not stressed too hard about it


BDRX literally doubled in price for 24 hours though


We've chatted a few times on the random BDRX stuff. I do think it will recover but I don't think it will have the squeeze we were hoping for. Hoping to break even lol


I hope SFML pumps for your sake, but you've been shilling this WAAAAAAY too hard for me to take seriously - I see you in almost every post. Further, you were doing the same shit with BDRX. How'd that work out for you?


So you're just going to conveniently ignore the fact that he was spot on with his analysis of what was going to happen to ffie? But you want to point out that he was "wrong" (for now) about BDRX? Which one is it?


I’m a fellow BDRX bag holder as well. I still stand by my opinion that it had all the makings of a genuine squeeze, but the warrants exercised killed the volume and it never recovered.


100% agree. Then all the FFIE bag holders moved over here and started pushing their secondary longshots like GWAV, BDRX, and BNET to try to recoup their losses, which also all slowly fizzled out.

Yeah BDRX has burned me a bit. I think it'll bounce back to at least make my money back but it sure sucks.


Exactly. They did the same thing with BDRX a week ago. And SMFL dumped at opening.


FfIE is fucked. But your just pumping your new shill stock SMFL like you were doing BDRX a week ago ![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6888)![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6888)![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6888)


Even though listening to u/mineETH litterally lost my life savings in BDRX. I gotta say he was right about ffie. That fucker just dropped like a brick this morning 😂 this is gonna get interesting


Can’t even sell yet wtf, I may as well just hold and loose everything I put in on it at this point…. Hopefully. GWAV, BDRX & GME will help recover 40% loss on FFIE. Good post good call btw. Wish I sold last night post market

Coz he's holding that bag. I just hope he got off on top with BDRX and isn't holding that bag as well.


Why are you pumping SMFL in every single post now the same way you pumped BDRX last week?


How did BDRX workout for you, when you were pushing it. I’ll do the exact opposite of what you say and I’ll be fine.


I have reviewed u/MineETH's post history and I don't see spam. I guess we just disagree there. My point in constantly bringing up FFIE is a lot of what you are accusing him of is exactly what the droves of FFIE apes do. It wasn't long ago that they essentially invaded this subreddit with shitposts. The result is a lot of animosity towards that stock and anyone associated with that subreddit. A cursory glance at your post history led me to believe you were from that clique and I thought you were attacking this guy for speaking bad about FFIE. But maybe that's not the case. I don't have a stake in SMFL but it does have squeeze potential, which is the point of this subreddit. Pretty much all stocks discussed here are pump and dumps. No one is here to long hold any of this crap. Pegy, SMFL, BDRX, FFIE, spwr, allr, Holo, GWAV, crkn, I could go on and on, none of these stocks are places for you to put a significant amount of money into and just let it sit there. You ride the squeeze, take your profits, and get out. If you're making profit day trading FFIE, that's awesome, and I guess you really aren't affiliated with that clique as that would chastise the shit out of you for selling.

Bro what’s your obsession with FFIE? There’s literally paragraphs on why FFIE is good and paragraphs on why it is bad and at the end of the day it’s not about one vs the other that’s the point. My rebuttal is that this guy is literally copying and pasting the same shit out of self interest. Period. I don’t like that and I’ll continue to call it out. Like I said, and keep having to say since apparently you can’t read, it’s not about being for or against a stock…. (Read that a few times so it sticks) It’s also not about defending a stock (should probably read that a few times too since apparently it’s hard for you to comprehend what it means). It’s about people who are literally no better than bots trying to sway people just to increase their position. You know what that’s called? Pump and Dump. Homie posted the same shit for BDRX, look how that turned out. Share your thoughts, share your opinions, share your ideas…. But as soon as you just copy and paste and spam is where I call you out. Don’t like it? Guess who doesn’t care and who’s going to keep doing it.


How’d BDRX go?


Yep! Good to remember that I posted due diligence about FFIE before it went up 2000% and BDRX before it went up 150%. Prices can go down too, in FFIE's case short squeeze was succesful and hedge funds covered. In BDRX's case, CEO issued more shares to dilute shareholders. I see SMFL looking like FFIE at the start with a 380k market cap and a 60% short interest.

Are the people seeing this just as lucky at the people who saw your BDRX post spam right before it went down 60%?


If your attempt to pump BDRX didn’t go down the toilet, maybe you would have some merit in pumping stocks. Post your position.


I just did DD on BDRX, which had a 97.6% short interest. I'm not the person who finds the plays. Price went up 150% because it was a successful squeeze but company issued new shares to dilute shareholders. Can't do anything about new dilutions. FFIE went up 2000%+ because there wasn't any new dilutions. Regardless, most DD leads to a few hundred percent run because the data from market cap to short interest look inciting for some people. Some work out, some don't


I just did DD on BDRX's 97.6% short interest. Price went up 150% and company issued new shares to dilute shareholders. Can't do anything about new dilutions but it was a successful play minus the warrants. Also did FFIE and that went up 2000%+. Glad people are loading up on something that has more than half the short interest and 30 times the market cap as SMFL. But yes, let's not discuss any data but just point at charts.

He pumped his own money into it similar to BDRX, once it gets a couple of cents up, I guarantee it’s going to be sold immediately by him, the share price will drive down. Think he got a lucky million off FFIE which is only why he’s able to manipulate


He’s the guy that told everyone to pile into BDRX btw, just don’t respond lol


No thanks; I’m bag holding BDRX after your last recommendation


Anyone still in BDRX, FFIE or GWAV??

BDRX. Heavy ass bag.


BDRX too


It's not just about if you need the money, it's about where is the best place for your money right now. If you think that's BDRX, fine, I'm talking about the many people who buy during a pump, then bag hold forever hoping to get their money back.

r/ShortsqueezeSee Comment

BDRX went from 180% to 32% on Friday trading?

r/ShortsqueezeSee Comment


r/ShortsqueezeSee Comment

BDRX still has most squeeze elements minus volume
