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Oklo Inc.

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I bought NVDA, NKE, BB at top and sold OKLO at 7.2 . Inverse me .

Get out when the fever pitch of posts is peaking. Better to leave some profit on the table than get slaughtered Examples: meme stocks, BBY, OKLO


Lay out the thesis. I see catalysts like big AI needing tons of power. It makes more sense for them to power their data centres with their own supply. The first problem with OKLO is regulation. A lot of people say it's not gonna happen.


OKLO, potential 100-bagger


I’d keep OKLO, huge potential


She did buy into a SPAC, lol OKLO


cant you crayon eaters understand its a potential play on when they release the product? not everyone buys calls that expire in a week. if you bought NNE/SMR when the OKLO news were circulating you'd be up more than 500% on both because they are closer to releasing a product but still YEARS away


OKLO only because the Saltman can hook it up to his tech buddies datacenters


OP you mentioned Altman. do you see OKLO being a competitor at some point? Looks like the plan smaller & lower cost to build plants.


I have been slowly adding to my position in NuScale up until recently with their substantial increase in valuation. I am concerned they are currently overvalued because they do not have any plants built yet and are mostly still in the planning stages. NuScale is a long-term play and appears to have some serious potential in the next 10 - 15 years; they will probably be hemorrhaging cash between now and then until the demand catches up. I still do firmly believe that we are on the cusp of a nuclear renaissance and am very bullish on just about anything nuclear or uranium related. The electric grid in the United States as a whole is under a massive strain right now and is struggling to keep up, especially with the rate that demand is increasing. Throw electric vehicles, datacenters, and an increasing domestic production base into the mix and that gap grows even more. Combine the massive demand with the phasing out of high-polluting forms of evergy leaves us in a tough spot that I firmly believe only nuclear energy can solve. It's reliabe, it's clean, and most importantly it provides an unmatched amount of capacity. Not to mention it is actually quite safe contrary to popular belief. The future of the US electric grid lies with SMR's and next-gen reactor types that are currently being experimented with by companies like NuScale, Kairos, TerraPower, X-Energy, Oklo, the list goes on and on... But I digress. The point is nuclear is coming back and we need companies to design the reactors, build the power plants, and provide the uranium. I have been adding to my positions in DNN, UEC, SMR, URNM, URA, UUUU, and OKLO. Just my perspective.

Guh? You give it a $5.3 billion valuation because SMR was founded in Oregon? Is the $22 PT completely arbitrary or did you base it on their whopping $1.38 million revenue / -$16.57 million net income last quarter? They’ll also be competing with OKLO in a few years and OKLO is sitting on $308 million with $11 million in liabilities.


OKLO will be up against it with Microsoft/Bill Gates investment in Terrapower


(Proceeds to short OKLO)


OKLO has a healthier balance sheet, a more robust commercialization pipeline, and is only valued at $1B. They also have more potential within the nuclear recycling space, which may be lucrative if the SMR sector takes off in the next decade. I think they will have first mover advantage over NuScale in the long-term, would recommend picking up OKLO instead.


GG OKLO holders, sorry for your loss


BWXT is a much better buy than OKLO


So this means sell OKLO.


SMR, NNE, OKLO, etc. i like to get SMR at 14 if i can.


Y'all have any thoughts about OKLO? Nuclear power for AI


OKLO back to $10 by Monday


NNE and SMR both saw massive jumps in recent weeks, hoping for the same with OKLO. $20 and I'm buying a new car, $4 and I'm eating ramen for years ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


OKLO to $4 or $20?


What's up with the dart-throw nuclear sector today? SMR up 17% and OKLO up 17%.




OKLO …still overall -9000% ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

r/stocksSee Comment

Yes but I think their product has proven not economically feasible… like it makes no sense for companies to buy it bc it costs too much… but someone else probably knows more… I think their product is basically dead in the water? I hold OKLO they also do SMRs but they don’t have a product thru the NRC yet. They are supposed to submit soon but who knows

r/stocksSee Comment

Yes be wary of OKLO too. I bought that one


thinking of hopping into OKLO considering the run that SMR and NNE have had ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


OKLO coming back to life




Im more bullish of OKLO, they have 300m cash and are down from IPO, also Sam Altman is on the board


OKLO seems undervalued when compared to the others, given their $300M cash position and robust commercialization pipeline.


OKLO coming back


Is there any particular reason SMR is so highly valued compared to NNE and OKLO? Are they at different stages of the approval process or is there something more? All of these companies are pre energy production at this point.

r/stocksSee Comment

Sam Altman’s OKLO also looks like it’s picking up some momentum.

r/stocksSee Comment

What about OKLO?

r/stocksSee Comment

Put a small amount in OKLO for moonshot, potential for 100-1,000 bagger within that timeframe.


$80k in diversified ETFs, and the rest across a handful of small caps with 100-1,000 bagger potential (OKLO for example).


Time for OKLO to catch up with SMR 🚀


Time for OKLO to catch up.


how's that OKLO play going buddy 😂🤣


Google Gemini gave me OKLO for a similar question


Waiting for OKLO to go below 5 so I can wait longer. May buy back in at 4.50. Thank fuck nne and SMR saved me from being a stupid new investor and waking up and donating another $1,000 to Sam Altman buying Oklo at $16. I’m up 10 percent since and learned my lesson.


low entry point for OKLO


That YTD chart on OKLO is hysterical. Maybe offering ALCC shareholders 10.88 per share when ALCC was at 14 wasn't the brilliant idea Altman thought it was LOL


Is OKLO still a thing


OKLO near ATL, looking cheap


OKLO looking cheap


Should I buy OKLO yet? Hold til 2030?


Had NNE at 5, sold at 4.60 to buy OKLO at 10 lol


Sam Altmans maybe? Everyone loves that dude. OKLO


bullish on nuclear - NNE, CEG, OKLO


SMR, OKLO and SO are a few to look at.


BRLT and OKLO for 5 year hold


$OKLO and $HUMA. Oklo is completely speculative as it doesn’t even have approval to build a nuclear reactor yet. But I think if they do and can prove their model works, it could take off. Humacyte is a firm that manufactures “acellular tissues” (their words) that can be used in treating wounds, such as bullet wounds. This is more of a defense contract play, as once they can show they can produce vast quantities, the DoD is going to want as much as they can get their hands on. Oh, and other NATO allies as well.


Does anyone care about OKLO anymore? Anyone holding?


OKLO, the future of energy


SMR, OKLO, SO with their Vogel plant now online.


For those that would be willing to start an OKLO position, how low does this need to drop before you’d consider entry? I could see this going sub-$4 but also has the potential to meme


What do you think about OKLO?


RYCEY and OKLO are positioning themselves in the small scale nuclear reactor market with the later working on recycling spent fuel from previous technology reactors


OKLO has fucked me every single day for weeks


Whoever suggested by OKLO your moms a hoe


Considering wars and China Im betting big on space and moon (RKLB and LUNR). Also I like nuclear (RYCE, SMR, OKLO) and gene editing (CRISPR) and quantum computing (QMCO, QUBT, GOOGL, IBM). Tbh I only have postions in RKLB and LUNR, still not sure about those other companies, I just like idea of them, would really apreciate if anyone can persuade me to invest.

#All in OKLO


Yeah,sell Nvdia and buy OKLO 🔥


i don't aim specific stocks, I watch a handful of tickers in the same neighborhood and see which horse seems to be getting the most attention. right now, AI is all the hype, and nvda is the selling shovels to the gold digger blahblah. but the other side of the shovel is small nuclear reactor energy companies: SMR, NNE, OKLO are the ones I'm looking specifically to swing trade. my personal favorite bid is SMR for the nvda-esque growth trajectory. I think they will win the race, and have been shown to be resistant to short reports


Why are all the nuclear stocks tanking today? CEG, VST, OKLO. Was there some policy news?


$OKLO presenting at Citi today. Buying some here...Maybe it gets back to $10 today


OKLO and RIVN are my two plays right now


Sold a bunch $APLD $CORZ and buying $OKLO Free $$ if u listened to me yesterday.

Man, the kicker is, Ive had a tiny position in rivian and saw this post and thought "fuck it, I'll sell some bags and move it into rivian, I like it long". This was at like 4:02, sold about $1k worth of OKLO and opened rivian to buy it, then saw the price jump. 2 minutes late. Still grabbed $1k worth @ $15.5 but dangg


Lol. Why tf is OKLO just pumping like crazy for 2 days straight?


OKLO going to the moon soon


like what? I have CEG, OKLO, VST, and URA and no bananas here.

Nuscale (SMR) up over 200% this year as well. Wild. OKLO is probably a decent play too unless you were dumb enough to buy into the SPAC deal early haha.


The OKLO chart is going to violently break up or down in the next week


it's a guh day when OKLO is the only green thing in my portfolio


I think nuclear is the way to go, but I am not sold on the $OKLO story. It doesn't have the economy of scale while being expensive to build/maintain. They are pushing for zero-personnel sites to lower costs, but that is just asking for trouble imo. Their reactor design doesn't use as much fissile materials, but it still poses a danger. With that being said, I am happy to open a minor position to pull a few swing trades.


>I thought I heard there was some kind of limit due to power consumption and companies will basically need nuclear reactors or fields and fields of solar or whatnot to run the real gangster AI. This is where $OKLO comes in


I thought OKLO was Wall Street bets official nuclear stock pick

r/stocksSee Comment

just an fyi OKLO is a pre-revenue company backed by sam altman. it won't make any revenue by 2027. please do DD before you blindly invest in commentors by revenue. you're asking to lose money by investing in something that literally hasn't earned a cent in revenue, let alone profit.

r/stocksSee Comment

NNE and OKLO! And pray that Helion goes public one day.

r/stocksSee Comment



Nope, that'll just juice energy stocks. I personally am very optimistic about SMR's and currently hold 250 shares each of the only two publicly-traded companies that make them. An SMR is a Small Modular (nuclear) Reactor. The two publicly-traded companies that make them are Nuscale, ticker SMR (clever of them to grab that ticker before anyone else), and Oklo, ticker OKLO. [\_modular\_reactor](


What's the best nuclear energy stock to buy into given the bill that's likely to be signed? I know shits still a little pumped up on the news but once things settle I want to take a position in some solid leaps. Already bagholding some OKLO. Leaning towards SMR but would like some regarded input.

r/stocksSee Comment

As am I, and have started investing in SMR/NuScale, NNE, OKLO and BWXT.

OKLO above 11 EOD


I’m balls deep in OKLO. Wish me luck ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


OKLO is a nuclear dumpster fire - quite literally, that is their planned business model


$OKLO is going to rip on news and technical breakout. Not sure if there will be a good buying opportunity to ride it today


The $OKLO chart looks ready for a strong breakout
