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Considering adding bonds to my portfolio?

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MDAI - announced the submission of an application in the United Kingdom for its predictive software DeepView AI®-Burn to be registered as UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) for burn wound use in the UK.

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PRE - UK Based Rare Earth Miner & Processor - recent rises

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Almost one in five UK-listed companies issued profit warnings last year, exceeding the height of the 2008 financial crisis, according to E&Y

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Can big crowdfunding companies be sued for their incorrect valuations of start-up companies which lead to failed investment? Seedrs and AllPlants

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Replacing SP500 ETF exposure with options (or similar)

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The Market Maker's Kryptonite: Civil Spoofing Exposure

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Why the fuck is UK100/FTSE so dead?

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The hedgies who sniffed out Wirecard have a new target: the AI bubble

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PHE - UK Green Energy Company

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UK housing market and 99% mortgage

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$CELH. Is their appointment of Suntory instead of PepsiCo for UK market a concern?

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Looking for a place to invest in the S&P500 in the UK without high minimum costs.

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UK Inflation Sees First Uptick in Nearly a Year, Sparking Debate on Monetary Policy.

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Russia’s Gazprom Says Gas Flow to China Set New Daily Record

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(Bloomberg) Apple Vision Pro deliveries are delayed to March

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Wall Street Newsletter S03E06: All-time highs are here. What's next?

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10k Dollars to my name and nothing else (26M)

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10k Dollars to my name and nothing else (26M)

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UK - 500k float, 13k shares short, we can push this!

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Can US do good while the rest of the world is cratering?

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We are 5y to 10y away from global EV adoption mandate deadlines. Is now a good time to be bullish on lithium stocks while they’re cheap?

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We are 5y to 10y away from global EV adoption mandate deadlines (EU, CA, US). Is now a good time to be bullish on lithium stocks while they’re cheap?

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Why the EU COMMISSION can't legally veto the Amazon and Irobot Merger/Acquisition. (All in 40k.)

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Hypothetical Question About China-Taiwan Military Conflict

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Anyone been looking into CEL-SCI?

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$INBS - another UK whale, FDA/USA awaits

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The American System - Profits Over Life; A Tiny Biotech's Battle to Bring a Cancer Vaccine to Market

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A UK ISA to buy whatever US stocks I feel like buying!

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Gotta sink the ship if you wanna get rich – Jan 17 2024 – 24 hours post opening trade

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Why are UK banking stocks priced so lowly with limited growth compared to US banking stocks?

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Career advice - wanting to change into something involving S&S, data analysis and investing

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Zim will 🚀🌕

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Everything to watch and expect for the trading week ahead, including expectations and analysis around AAPL, TSLA, and RETAIL SALES data.

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Everything I'm Watching going into the trading week, including expectations around TESLA, AAPL and SPX Call Resistance at 4800.

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Vanguard services (Voyager Select, etc.) for UK Residents?

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Opinions on trading212 (safe and legit?)

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50k in savings. Novice to investing in stocks and bonds. Not so much novice in crypto.

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ETF Help (New investor advice)

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What are your thoughts on Uranium plays?

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So should I put money into Lockheed/Raytheon after tonight?

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Stock screener and portfolio tracking, Google finance vs Yahoo finance

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How can CPI data impact stocks?

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UK Broker for Norway Stock Exchange?

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Thank goodness. My $ZIM calls were growing cold.

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Calling all non-regarded. Help me cheat at the New Coinbase Quiz

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Avricore Health - AVCR.V making waves in Pharmacy Point of Care Testing! CEO interview this evening as well.

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Clean Vision Corporation’s Subsidiary, Clean-Seas Partners UK Ltd, Successfully Receives ESG Second-Party-Opinion for Its Green Bonds From ISS ESG

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Found Old share certificates from 1995

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M&A Arb: Amazon Buying iRobot

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Chief executive of collapsed crypto fund HyperVerse does not appear to exist

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Buying Apple stock from UK

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How do you short a stock ?

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Intelligent Bio Solutions - FDA/USA awaits

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UK GILTS vs Vanguard UK GILT ETF (Acc) What's the difference?

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Feedback on my first Stocks and Shares ISA portfolio

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Feedback on my first Stocks and Shares ISA portfolio

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Just starting (UK) - advice required

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What happens to shares when a company delists from a stock exchange?

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Uranium in 2024; what's next?

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Amateur UK-based Trading 212er: Is it normal for a January dip post christmas? If so why?

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British expat living in the US. Thoughts on my investing and saving strategy

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Brokerage Issue

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British expat in the UK, want to run my logic past some 3rd party people

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Investing in software companies (tin foil chat)

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Does anyone know why AstraZeneca's (AZN on Nasdaq) retained earnings are negative?

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Giving you a 2024 outlook/2023 recap links compilation for homework

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Learning to Invest in stocks and shares

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Paying tax on gains/losses for a UK based trader

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Summary of US and European stock markets in 2023

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$FSR Fisker Shares Soar as EV Maker Plans to Accelerate Sales, Deliveries

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Can I get some input on my choice on pension investments?

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Cannot Purchase Specific Stock

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SQ: The Premierly Diversified Company in Its Field

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Covid Chaos in Great Britain

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UK Options Broker

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If you had £800 ($1,015) spare each month where would you invest it?

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UK ISA advice

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Year end reflections

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REITs vs SP500 vs dividend delusion

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The benefits of portfolio building over trading; more profits less pain essentially: my journey

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UK at risk of recession after economy shrinks by more than expected, from a 0.2% growth to -0.1%.

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Advice on my current stocks and shares funds

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10 points that identify a successful investment that High Tide inc owns

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I'm a professional regard and these are my notes 19/12

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($ADBE vs Figma) Why Do US-based Companies Need To Get Approval From EU or The UK before They Can Acquire Another Company

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Adobe and Figma call off $20 billion merger

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What do you think about Robinhood ($HOOD)?

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Im a professional money manager and this is everything I'm watching for the week ahead

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Im a professional money manager and this is everything I'm watching for the week ahead. I hope it helps someone

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I'm a professional money manager and this is everything I'm watching for the week ahead

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I'm a professional money manager and this is everything I'm watching for this week ahead.

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Does anyone here acoomulate $MSTR to not buy BTC on shitxchangers?

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YOLO on ViaPlay (SHORT until death or glory) YOLO

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What's the general opinion on Versarien here?

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Economic Events and Notable Earnings for the week starting 12-11

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10 points that identify a successful investment that High Tide inc owns

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10 points that identify a successful investment that High Tide owns

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Austrian government bond comparison for all maturities


I'm don't think I can buy that here in the UK where I'm from. But i do invest in vuag, and an all world etf


No one cares about anything UK..This is America


So if I'm from the UK I can't say cigarette the correct way![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Except for the UK, France, Portugal & EU elections in the past few months lol


Nobody gives a shit about the DAX, and you shouldn’t either. China/France/UK is all that matters.


I don’t think we’ve done a kidnapping episode yet? I volunteer. Kate Beckinsale can come over from UK, kidnap me, alone, me and her, she and me, just the two of us.


U know what they call a cigarette in the UK?


I'm not from the UK, though.


For sensible, diversified and simple investment advice then you can’t go wrong with boggle heads. There are plenty of good blogs as well, but as I’m from the UK the ones I follow are probably less helpful for a US citizen (making some assumptions) The rational reminder podcast is pretty good as well if you want a better understanding market theory.


Never bet against America 🦅🇺🇸🦅 Regards from UK.


You may want to check the fee structure closer. Leverage costs money so the fees normally are higher. As for trustworthy - investment managers are regulated. In the UK - the FCA regulates such firms. []( - you can always check out brokers and investments managers who are registered to provide financial services in the UK. WisdomTree is a well-known US investment manager. Both Xtrackers and Leverage Shares are EU/UK based so I don't know as much about them. But their products usually come up in the context of leveraged ETPs for UK residents occasionally in this sub.


That’s a UK law so I’m not sure why you’re acting as if jurisdiction makes no difference


i was born and raised in london and then went to ucl. it’s by far the best city in the UK and one of the best in the world. i couldn’t imagine living or going to university in any other city. soho/chinatown is so fun. £250 rent per month is a steal. i paid £850 per month for a shoebox opposite King’s Cross back in 2015. it depends how long your time horizon is. if it’s less than 5 years then i would stick the money in a savings account to make 5% for a couple of years. S&P500/stocks are great and will provide you with better returns but you can’t guarantee that in 3-6 years if you want to use this money for a house deposit.


Is there any brokerage in the UK that does these easy to understand options like Robinhood in the US? I have a IB UK/England account with options trading using options wizard but it doesn’t seem as clear cut as the simple options explanation I have heard on YouTube.


You from the UK?


My bad! Bit less than UK corporation tax


Look into wealth preservation. Italian families have done it since the 12th century. They primarily invest in gold and art (NOT stocks I would add). In the UK we have Personal Assets Trust (PNL) which is a good fund for parking wealth. To all those who say stocks only go up, look at the Japanese market 1989 onwards. Personally I'm hugely overweight cash as I'm not far from retirement and the dire state of the IT job market tells me a major correction is looming. Plus people (mainly boomers) are boasting about the value of their homes. I remember that from 2006. In theory we should all exit stocks and rush into bonds at the first interest rate cut/sure sign of recession but bond prices don't seem to be rising. This is ominous. Also JPY looks ripe for a massive rip higher. This is also ominous.


I need help with the following. The following excerpt is taken from Financial Times Guide to Investing 3rd Edition: At the age of 20, Sally Kelk decided to put £100 per month into an investment fund that invested in a broad range of shares on the London Stock Exchange. She did this for the last 20 years of the twentieth century. The return that she achieved during this period amounted to 19 per cent per annum (the actual average annual return for UK shares between 1980 and 1999). At the age of 40, in the first week of the new millennium, she sold all of her shares. She banked £215,245. Not bad for the sacrifice of £100 per month, or a total of £24,000. She feels the sacrifice was not too onerous as she spread the pain of saving over 20 years. It gets even better. Sally has a chance of being a millionaire! She concluded in 2000 that she did not need to use any of the £215,245 and decided to invest it in the stock market again and leave it there for the next 25 years when she expects to retire. Will she retire comfortably? You bet she will. If average annual returns over the first 25 years of the twenty-first century are the same as those over the last 20 years of the twentieth century, so that the fund grows by 19 per cent per year, Sally will have over £16.6 million by her 65th birthday. That is the power of compounding the return! Compounding is ploughing back the income received and then getting a return on the accumulated ploughed-back money as well as the original capital. My question is how does the return amount to £215,245 after investing £100 a month from the year 1980 to the year 2000 with the rate of return being 19% per annum? My calculation for the return: 1200(1.19)^(20) = £38,915 £215,245 clearly does not equal £38,915. So what am I missing? It could be that the money was compounding every month instead of annually with a variable rate of return. Is there anyway to determine the average monthly rate of return from the annual rate of return?


You probably go short on banks in the UK. No clue tho


Are you seeing a lot of EV BMWs, Audis and Mercs in the USA? See them all the time in the UK now, which means Teslas first mover advantage is over and they haven't released a decent new model in years.


Yes this is the 2nd board member added in the last few months and he's European and involved in international expansions. Clearly they will expand soon and look the sell the GLP in Europe or Canada. I was using my VPN. and putting my location as UK and found you can essentially buy Wegovy for 200 ~Euros overseas, where as the charge over $1000 in the USA. I remember last year when they were talking about waiting to start selling weight loss drugs, the pills came 6 months later and the injection about 12 months. With these new international board members I expect them to talk about international expansion this earnings call and maybe start selling in Europe next year.


I'm based in the UK and doing the exact same thing through VPN using Poland as my location. Here it's like £20p/m and I'm paying £5 p/m cannot go wrong.


It's visible for me. It Has happened before on AGGG.UK. I was watching my portfolio at that time I went from 5% to 30% in one tick. This was happening fór about 3 minutes and then It started moving ",normally"


There should be funds available to UK investors that provide access to the S&P 500, but using the local currency.


The energy price cap (which is what they all charge) for electricity from July 1 to September 30, 2024 is 22.36 pence per kilowatt hour (kWh) with a daily standing charge of 60.12 pence So that's 0.22 for residents in UK.


I’m in the UK


This post is 3 months old :) Based on your pension balance, age, and investment objectives, I wouldn't put all of this money into any single stock. I'd plop it into whatever the UK equivalent of an IRA is (some sort of tax deferrable investment account) and just let it sit in an index fund. Then, when you're comfortable with some sort of emergency fund, and have accumulated a sufficient balance for additional self-directed investing (or before this if you want), I'd start by opening a brokerage account with a good "paper-money" system (thinkorswim is decent and has level-2 order data available for free). That way you're not risking any actual capital, and you can start to get familiar with different investment strategies and derivatives (like security options). Also, I would definitely recommend picking a business vertical, finding some high value, consistent stocks within that segment, and becoming an absolute expert on their businesses and their stock movements, and trade almost exclusively within that domain. Because information and knowledge absolutely IS power, especially when investing.


I buy gold from APMEX and local shops I think in the UK silver is taxable while gold isn’t.


I'll just give you my favorites. Least it might be fun for you learning about the companies. Everyone else is going to say "VOO" so why not entertain you? PBR Petrobras LMT Lockheed Martin TM Toyota Some etf that tracks the FTSE 100 of the UK. AMZN Amazon MSOS The US MJ etf. TDY Teledyne

Where can you buy long dated calls in the UK


My god is electricity really .3 pounds per kwh retail in the UK?


Just speculating, but I'm an EV owner in the UK and I strongly suspect many of these charging companies are going to mismanage themselves into bankruptcy. Many brands are very fiddly and temperamental, needing lots of faffing to get the charge started, and you to call a helpline and request manual resets. They break down frequently requiring an expensive electrician and all the associated callout fees and loss of revenue (It's ironic that my Tesla will travel tens of thousands of miles without needing a service, yet the charger with no moving parts needs repaired eight times a week). And then there's the cost. They were a little too cheap before Ukraine, now they've gone to comedy levels of overpricing. 85p per kWh is 12x what I pay at home. I'll simply never use a charger that expensive. It's much more than a Tesla supercharger yet half the speed. Why would I ever use that service? That's a scam you can only really pull on people once - you might get the occasional sucker that doesn't check the tariff, or emergency, but generally you'll drive away the vast majority of your customers. You expect *some* premium on convenient locations (eg petrol might be 10% more expensive at motorway service stations, but not 1,200% more). I strongly suspect these guys have developed hardware that's too unreliable to turn a profit, and now they've entered a death spiral by putting their prices up to try and cover their unsustainable costs. Just anecdotally, there's a fast charger on my road that I used to use for convenience when it was only a little more expensive than my home charger, it was fairly popular. Now they've put it up to 60p per kWh and I've not seen a single car there in months.


The question I have is how much of BYD retail prices are based on China Gov subsidies that measure in the billions. WIll that cause EU/US/UK, etc. to scream foul and put up blocking tarriffs?


I would look into Moneybox for an ISA for UK based investing, an ISA is a UK equivalent to a Roth IRA in the sense they both offer post tax growth on investments


I just tried to register an account alot its US based I'm in UK


>The guy is from the UK so probably doesn't understand US economics Thinking that economic principles work differently in different countries strongly suggests you don't really understand the topics you're discussing.


There’s a massive bias of the study in that this was in a population of patients that present with symptoms that require them to see a neuro-ophthalmologist. I worked for a major drug company and helped run an ophthalmology trial in patients with an exceptionally rare side effect of LASIK surgery, there were two clinics in the entire country (UK) that treated this side effect. Bringing it back to ozempic, the results of a study in an equivalent clinic is not representative of the wider ozempic taking population.


My hospital lost well over a million in just operating room loses… just one hospital. The UK and Australia shut down their surgeries as well.


The guy is from the UK so probably doesn't understand US economics and also probably comes here for actual investment advice lol.


I’m from the UK, and here’s the difference: 1. There is no tax in gambling winnings. 2. No 00 on the roulette wheel. So much better potential returns (mainly due to the tax). Still not a great opportunity.


I read from the wrong line... Its float is 5,26M and the market was open for 4 hours that day so that would mean that the whole float would needed to be turned over once every second to make those numbers. However there seams to be something wrong with the information feed for the volum, the Daily chart shows 70M while the 4H shows ca 5,1M in the same period while the weekly shows a bit less than the combined volum of all the trading days in the week. So I don't know what's going on here. There is no company in history that has gone bankrupt because of short selling and there never will be, companies goes bankrupt for one of two reasons either they are bad at their business or risk management. The argument that it hinders companies to raise capital looks valid at the surface, but it has its problems: To raise capital based on share price, either it is through credit or through printing more shares, there is need for a general trust that the value is close to the current price relativie to the rest of the market, for that to be there it is needed a certain amount of trading going on. Short sellers are bringing that needed trading volume to the market, both through selling earlier than what position holders would and through the need to cover the shorts. If we ignore this fact we then would have to look at what would happen to the whole market if the short sellers were removed. This would greately reduce the price discovery on the market as a whole it would also increase trading costs and thus further reduce the opertunity for every company to raise capital and not just a few struggeling ones. Naked shorting, which is selling a security that you don't have axcess to either through ownership or a agreement to borrow, has been illegal in USA and EU since 2008 and in the UK since the eightteenth century. However short selling which is selling a security that you have borrowed, but do not own is totaly fine, but risky.


I can't find any businesses that are still down. A few airlines in the UK maybe. Other than that seems back to normal.


If you read the article, the UK safety regulator asked the US regulators to investigate that the design of the slat track housing drain tube on the Boeing 767. Boeing doesn’t design the engines but they do design the connections of the engine to the plane. Which failed in this case from vibration and leaked fuel which could have caused a catastrophe


Seems like none of you actually read the article: the UK safety regulator asked the US regulators to investigate that "the design of the slat track housing drain tube on the Boeing 767 family of aircraft continues to comply with the certification requirements for large transport aircraft.” So while Boeing doesn't design the engines they do design the connections of the engine to the plane. Which failed in this case from vibration and leaked fuel which could have caused a catastrophic it is a potential issue in Boeing's design or manufacturing and not just click bait.


I think a lot of brands are aspirational to a generation. Something about them has value, even beyond just intrinsic product. Like people born in the 50s and early 60s in the UK love Jaguar cars. They would buy mediocre Jaguar cars decades later. But the kids born in the 70s and 80s don't have that. They're more Mercedes and then BMWs.


Hi guys, I am 19 and looking to get started investing. I want to drip feed a consistent amount of money each month into a T212 Pie, but not sure what quite to invest in. My goal is for the long term so keep that in mind. Currently I have a pie that consists of 60% VHVG, 25% IDJG, 15% FUSI. I am a UK investor btw. Thanks!


Hi there! I’m 21 and I’m from the UK. At the moment, I’m studying, and am disabled so I only get my disability income (£590), apart from my student finance. However, I’m with my partner who will be supporting me financially through this year until I graduate and get a job. My goals are split really. I’d like to have an emergency fund, but I’d like to have enough to one day be able to afford a mortgage too. Because of that, I’d probably say I’d like to see it grow decently within the next 4-8 years, or maybe earlier. I don’t want to risk my money. I need to know I’ll increase it, but I also don’t want to lock it away in a bank with hardly any interest. I have 4k in savings, plus around 10k my mother owes me (although I probably won’t get that back👍) The student finance system is a little different in the UK, so my student loan is a bit hard to calculate. It will be 45k by the time I finish, but it doesn’t work the same as a normal loan. It does have interest, but I haven’t been told what yet. I will pay 9% of my income over 28k salary until it gets wiped at 30 years. I also have an inheritance that I’ll probably get within the next 20ish years of 350k~, if that makes any difference? I’m scared of investing, but I made a stupid decision and my money has been sat in a normal bank account for 3 years, so please help me with any advice!


There are many companies in the space its supriseing that CRWD somehow became "number 1". In the UK, [ESET]( and [Sophos ]( very popular. [Kaspersky]( are very good (but people dont like them because they are russian) they dont just do cyber security either, Kaspersky detected and stopped a global mass bank robbery targetting physical ATMs. You should look it up. The group had already managed to steal $3.7 million from test robberies completely undetected and were planning the big hiest, but kaspersky were all over them.


In the UK ESET and Sophos are very popular and I have never seen anything go wrong with any of their products.


Agree..look at this: Private records of 147.9 million Americans along with 15.2 million British citizens and about 19,000 Canadian citizens were compromised in the breach, making it one of the largest cybercrimes related to identity theft. Equifax discovered the breach end of July, but didn't disclose it to the public until September 2017. I Many here pretend that data breach is not serious but just poll any UK citizens why they keep rejecting the idea of having a national identity card. Privacy matters.


If you go to BBC site. This outage has been the top news for the past two days. Apparently it’s way worse in the UK. People are sleeping in the airport due to the disruption caused by CrowdStrike


What absolute nonsense, the population of Europe is about 728 million, nearly double that of the US 😂😂. If you account for countries like the UK, Norway and Turkey which are in Europe but not in the European Union, Europe has the largest economy/GDP in the world at 29.6 trillion USD ahead of the USA at 26.7 trillion USD and China 19.4 trillion USD. To say it won’t exist in 50-100 years is the most ignorant thing I think I’ve heard in my life, countries in Europe are literally a thousand years older than the US, to say countries like Germany, France, Spain & the UK won’t be around in the future is gibberish, they’ve survived hundreds of years of wars. Do you also realise that Europe is bigger in size than the USA, dude you need to get a passport, do some travelling and take some geography and history lessons. Whether we have a world war is irrelevant, we are talking about investing, if we have a world war all our investments will be worthless regardless of market they are invested in.


I got a 10% stock decrease alert 3 hours before news was released that Crowdstrike had anything to do with yesterday. This was at like 8am UK. Someone knew.


Our hospital alone lost MILLIONS in just surgeries today. Not to mention how this is going to absolutely fuck the operating room schedule for a month. All of the cases that were canceled or postponed still need done. OR time slots are all already full for the coming days to weeks. This will cause massive disruption in the system just from the 1 day of only emergency surgeries. When the operating room is the money maker of the hospital something like this will definitely cause change in one way or another. All the UK surgeries canceled? Those patients wait months to years for surgery that covered by their universal healthcare.


they are mostly UK based, yes, they hold patents and designs, but don't manufacture anything.


I didn’t realize ARM was UK/US based. Their designs are in virtually every cell phone and every smartwatch among many other devices.


For what it’s worth I’ve seen our local Tesco (UK grocery chain) stock Celsius for the past 2-3 weeks or so. Never saw it before so the international expansion angle is defiantly in full flight. Made me consider dipping my toes in to the stock. It’s a really small shop so quite promising if they stock it..


Anyone here do crypto stocks? Got MSTR in my tax since in the UK we can't buy ETFs. Wondering if I should add MARA too, or if MSTR is enough.


It sucks but it’s not awful. My flight was delayed 3 hours. I think UK got it worse


Its impacts everything from banking to flights. 1500 flights have already been cancelled due to the outage. The NHS in the UK is entirely reliant on it and they are canceling doctors appointments left right center. The impact will be seen in the coming weeks.


Unfortunately, my order executed at $294 (in the UK, the only tool i really have access to is CFD sells and buys)


So CRWD and MSFT will be hit by tonnes of lawsuits all over the world and Mainly UK. I would buy lots of puts.


I believe the NHS in the UK just cancelled all elective surgeries for the day. The Australian government is having an emergency meeting. This is fuckin cataclysmic


Everything seems to be working fine for me in the UK now. I'm only talking office suite etc... there's apparently EPOS issues still. 


Probably countries where CrowdStrike have presence APJ, Europe, India, US, UK


UK pensions are more like 401ks in the US. When they talk about pensions, they mean defined benefit pensions.


Here in the UK you just transfer your pension when you move jobs. So whatever provider my old job used will transfer it to whatever the new provider is at my new job. So it's still one pout and continues to accumulate. Is that not a thing?


Amazon just announced a good prime day sales here in UK, I wouldn't be worry too much


Well this is another fantastic post with lots of great points. I hope at least a few people will benefit greatly from this discussion and the pov type that you introduced.. For my part it goes back to simple logic and grandads penny punching. He always said ti me - just because something is the best deal available you still need to decide if it is a good or bad deal overall! On KRUS.. I followed everything you said intently. Ok they are growing and adding value to business but theoretically doing so via the increased share price and mcap. The share price varies.. so the best deal you created for yourself was selling at 119.. I am curious to learn what was the catalyst for that? Hmm at 15restaurants a year it will take them 20 years to get to those numbers.. A lot can happen in 20 years. Trends change so fast in restaurant fnb industry. A slight disi terest/saturation or just less spending power of the clientelle can have profound effect on such a business.. inflationary pressures are increasing. The delivery cost internationally alone have tripled in past 6 months. Im writing from Croatia so I do not know about certain things in usa. Looking at what customers write regarding KRUS - a bagful of bees .. full range or impressions. However going for a sushi at 40 bucks per person seems a little steep. You said it was an average self service sushi. I think I even went to one in Florida some time ago. In UK the concept was brought over from Japan (YO SUSHI) so e time ago. Im easily impressed and I was not impressed. OK I know not how to resolve those things internally yet but I do like to invest and one thing that strikes me straight away about KRUS is that there are no options available. This makes me think that the business is not yet stable or liquid enough but I could be wrong. Do you know why this might be?!


Never understood how high unemployment decreases the price of the dollar , this is just off pure logic no research but I would’ve thought less people employed = less consumer spending = dollar is more value also less people employed = businesses can pay less and make more or sell at a cheaper price making dollar more valuable. And less people employed doesn’t necessarily show weakening economy as immigration these days can have huge factors. Like it’s very dependent as who’s not employed if it’s smaller businesses who can’t sustain themselves anymore, it has basically no relevance as monopolies will take their market share but also be able to trade internationally and grow more which is more beneficial to a countries gdp than a small businesses who can only trade within its own economy. For example every time someone in the UK uses Amazon or Uber , money and tax go to America and there will be people living in America employed there responsible for what happens in the UK. Where’s a small business can’t really do this.


You don't need a house there, Saxo Trader GO do full options trading with all the OPRA info. Customer service is sh1t but it works. Commisson is quite high unless you're high volume. I CANNOT wait for RobinHood to begin Options trading for us in the UK as I will quit Saxo when they do.


Americans seem to hate in here in UK my chain is one of the best


You forgot the UK. New stable government and very cheap market. Avoid China as it's the next Russia and your investments will go to 0.


Dirt cheap UK stocks. Also the anti-bubble stocks. For example everyone piled into weight loss wonder drug pharma and out of McDonalds, PepsiCo etc. There have been some great prices on food stocks recently. I also have substantial money market holdings as there should be stock bargains galore once the interest rate cut crash hits.


I hear you OP. Intel is literally going to help build the future of humanity alongside TSMC. Samsung may or may not join them depending on how much they are prepared to invest into the most advanced EUV tech. No one else will be able to compete in the manufacturing space. I think with Trump essentially confirmed for President in 2024, I would assume this will give Intel a further boost with his drive to bring back manufacturing to the USA, especially with his comments re: Taiwan recently. So I could foresee something like ongoing “CHIPS” act funding going forwards to support their efforts. Although as an outsider from the UK it would be good to get an American’s opinion on this!


That was not a sell off lmao. That was just one red day after weeks of green days. I sold most of my stocks on 16th and bought crypto, visa, msft and some UK stocks. I reckon there will still be quite a bit of a correction in the US market. But as usual I stick to the stocks that I’m familiar with: Apple, enphase, msft, Tesla, asml


Greetings I am from London. I am currently looking for a $250k investment for a gold mine. I am FCA regulated in the UK. I am seeking a 4 months investments with a 30% ROI and full money investment back.


Greetings I am from London. I am currently looking for a $250k investment for a gold mine. I am FCA regulated in the UK. I am seeking a 4 months investments with a 30% ROI and full money investment back.


Taiwan news Trump telling Taiwan to pay for our military equipment for their defense (if China decides to invade them) Biden threatens China with trade sanctions  ASLM earnings  UK inflation news 


The original post was specifically focusing on the UK. Neither VOO nor VT are available here (unless you go with a specialist broker like IB) The typical comparison is then VUAG (0.06%) vs VWRP (0.22%) Thanks for the Fidelity ZERO suggestions, I'll take a look but would be very surprised if they were available here


You know, I thought the first big red day would see the small caps hit hardest, but this is really a tech centered sell-off. KRE is actually up yet again... Crude oil is bouncing back a bit, perhaps due to the insane footage posted yesterday of the Houthis hitting an oil tanker in the Red Sea. On a side note, it's always hilarious to read how convoluted the descriptions of these ships are. "Liberian-flagged, Marshall Islands-owned, Greek-operated crude oil tanker" insured by UK company North P&I and 'classed' by French company Bureau Veritas was carrying Russian oil to China and struck by Yemeni rebels armed with Iranian-supplied naval drones.


What are the smartest things to invest into for a complete beginner? I have slowly started to take a couple courses and watch a couple videos on the subject of investing and the stock market. However, l’d love to hear people’s opinions on what is best for someone to invest into as a beginner for good return (of course!) or things they wish they knew at a younger age! I’ve opened up an ISA account, so that’s as much as l’ve done so far. I would prefer to invest with the ability to take it out whenever I like and hopefully without crazy charges. Also, I’m based in the UK and mainly run businesses if that helps or changes anything. Thank you in advance!


I work in tech. A **gigantic red flag** is the jobs market is (and has been) terrible since Easter. Just check recruiter stock prices. But I think they are still overpriced. At least in 2000 the jobs market was red hot. How I think this will play out: Scenario 1: Interest rates are too darned high. Inflation was just a blip. Tech crashes. Bitcoin and other crap crashes. Then everything else crashes because megacap pension funds flee equities for bonds. Unemployment surges as it did from 1990-93. See the history books for 2001-03. What does well: cash and government bonds. Scenario 2: Interest rates are too darned low. You can see this especially in the UK right now. While IT the tech jobs market is horrible, people in the "real" world are getting 8%+ pay raises and my rent is going to the moon. Property (rental and buying) prices are still too freaking high. Also much expenditure is from boomers and they actually spend more when interest rates rise. My mom's a boomer and she's spending like it's going out of fashion. Most of her expenditure goes on services, and this inflation is really sticky right now (currently 5.7%). I personally think we're in for both. Scenario 1 will happen first, and then 2. How to position: stock picking over indices, wealth preservation and cash.


Weird. In the UK Chase have one of the best interest rates. I think it's 5.4% at the moment,


UK based but have been investing since 1998. 1998-2005 I did well being in an Asia, UK general and an infrastructure fund. I used the funds for my property deposit. I should also add that NOT being invested much in 2001-02 was a good decision. I largely boosted my investments in 2003. In 2008 I started managing my own pension. I got hosed (a bit) in 2008. Since then returns have been meh, but I have outstripped inflation. Major mistakes were (i) not investing in tech and (ii) not investing in the USA. Recent mistakes were being overweight REITs and not underestimating how dumb our .gov could be (Oct 2022 was actually worse for me than March 2020). I would add that generally my net worth has gone up in a predictable straight line. I'm now worth 5x what I was worth in 2012. To get wealthy it's actually more important to continually work and live below your means. Also (especially if you're a guy) - having relationships is a **huge** risk to your finances. Position accordingly.


>One of the arguments for investing in the S&P 500 is that it's cheaper (in the UK, net of tax) than global index funds, like the FTSE All-World. And you get most of the same risk-return profile, because the US stock market is the largest market. This is completely wrong. The S&P500 is substantially more expensive than international indexes based on just about every metric. Price to earnings, price to book, price to sales, etc. Additionally, larger stocks tend to utilize lower discount rates for valuations- basically, what this means is that investors are willing to accept lower returns to invest in larger companies perceived as more stable and with good future prospects. This creates something known as the size premium- a portfolio of smaller stocks is expected to provide a higher return long term than a portfolio of large stocks. You should model such a portfolio long term. My expectation is that such a portfolio might have small periods where it overperforms, but in general, would underperform.


You saw what happened to the UK after the Liz Truss Experience? That’ll happen here, but they won’t be able to backtrack once the damage is done


>What regard sees the Lowest mortgage rates of our lifetimes and says, I bet those will be lower if I get an adjustable rate or wait to refinance? As someone in the UK, I am so jealous of the huge fixed mortgage terms you can get in the US. Over here 5 years fixed rate is the longest you'll ever really see.


Apart from EV looks pretty solid. I take it you’re from the UK (Ishares core S&P). The problem with Tesla it looks more priced for 40% earnings growth but currently only delivering 12-15%, so I would place a max value at $100. It’s currently sitting at $276, so erm yeah. Rivian is operating at a loss of over $5 and its growth forecast is to contract at (-) 33 % per year for the next 5 years - horrible looking numbers . I would place the stock somewhere between $0 - $5. It currently stands at $17.


They’re part of the UK, you donkey. Hardly an irrelevant country.


36 yo with about a $20k account. Used to live in UK so only buy UK stocks. PnL after taxes and fees just over 40% YTD. Capital Gains Kills me a bit as tax is a flat 30% on any gains. Holdings are BAB - 7% CRN - 7% CKN - 5% CHRT - 8% COST - 10% CWK - 8% KLR - 9% MER - 8% MSI - 9% RNO - 12% RNWH - 7% W7L (Position 1) - 8% W7L (Position 2) - 6%

UK value stocks. They’re cheap! A FTSE dividend index would be my top pick. Or else a UK bank ETF


Thank you! Fidelity doesn’t seem to allow me to trade this etf since it’s listed on the UK exchange, guess I’m sticking with mags.


Once Rolls Royce gets the green light from UK govt that will be the play should be in the next 100 days .


Vanguard UK.


You can try IBKR. You might be able to buy individual stocks but I doubt they have ETF. Cheap or free is not an option; you will have a minimum of shares to buy. So let's say 500 Shares (bigger total amount overall) Secondly like others said , stay away from exchanges in countries like these. Stick to Us , Canada , Australia or UK .


>in the UK The UK isn't large enough to have it's own independent economic monitoring body, more importantly until those morons decided to Brexit they were part of the eurozone's broad measures and didn't need their own. Anyway, in Europe (which is the continent the UK is on) there's the EABCN who is more or less equivalent to the US' NBER. And they say "[The Committee’s procedure for identifying turning points differs from the two-quarter rule in several ways. First, we do not identify economic activity solely with real GDP, but use a range of indicators, notably employment. Second, we consider the depth of the decline in economic activity. Recall that our definition includes the phrase, “a significant, broad-based decline in activity.”](" There's no modern large economic body that uses the "two quarter rule". That's just something taught to kids out of convenience cuz most teachers also don't understand basic economics.


That's the definition I learned in school in the UK


How big the Magnificent 7 has become? The Magnificent 7’s market cap is higher than any non-US stock market in the world. The group is worth now ~$15.7 trillion, almost double China’s stock market value of $8.7 trillion. It is also worth nearly as much as the German, Canadian, UK, French, and Indian stock markets COMBINED. Apple, Nvidia, and Microsoft each are worth more than the German and Canadian markets. To put this into another perspective, the total US stock market is worth $50 trillion, just 3 times more than the Magnificent 7. Big tech is MASSIVE. What happens when the Magnificent 7 pops?


I did cross check that fact, here in europe in Germany, Spain, UK and Italy the ID costs some money 20-60€ (but they are valid for ten+ years) while in France they are free. Still wouldn call it "nearly all the developed world" when the biggest economies in EU don't offer them for free.
