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They were explosives per the ATF's definition. What's worse is that he put countless people at risk by storing the explosives in his apartment and shipping the explosives through the mail to anybody who purchased them from him on eBay.


Military spending is not what stands between you and universal healthcare, politician salaries and bloated offices like the DNR, ATF, TSA, and so many others are. Drain the swamp, cull the parasites, cut back on spending, and then we can talk about universal healthcare and viable social programs.


You know how you get an allowance of $1 every week for cleaning your room? Well $1 a week isn't enough to buy a car, pay off the cops, blow up your bully's house, and also bribe your teachers; so what do you do? You create a special piece of paper, that says next week when you get paid for cleaning your room whoever holds that piece of paper will get that dollar. It's an IOU based on your future allowance. Then you give that same piece of paper to a bunch of people at the same time. In grown up terms that's called "rehypothecation." To everyone else it's called "fraud" or maybe even "stealing." But, and here's the important part, with your new money you buy a bunch of guns and pay off the police. You may even create your own police that you can name a bunch of weird alphabet names like ATF, CIA, FBI, or even IRS. Now, when anyone questions why you're selling the same IOU to a bunch of people at the same time, you can send your own police after them to explain how you're legally correct and anyone asking questions is a 'terrorist' or a 'conspiracy nutter.' And you don't want to be a terrorist do you? Now you may wonder if this kind of system can create lasting wealth. And of course the answer is sort of yes but actually no. Eventually the whole system will collapse and cause unbelievable pain and suffering. But it won't happen right now. Hopefully we can all have a big party now and we'll all be dead before it's time to clean up. Be sure to vote!! As that gives the system a veil of legitimacy.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Federal law enforcement agencies (DHS, FBI, ATF, etc.) have not relegated enforcement of federal drug crimes to the states bro. Not sure how you could even think that. Do you know how federal law enforcement even works? I can’t even believe you’re saying almost none lol. Go to any federal district’s website and you will see many examples of people being charged with firearm charges simply because they owned a firearm and were being arrested for a federal drug crime. The feds do it to enhance federal drug offenders prison sentences. Tons of casual drug dealers. Not kingpins or huge drug dealers. We’re not talking about state law enforcement in any way so not sure what you’re even talking about a blue state going after guns. It’s part of the federal government carrying out a war on guns.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

government agency going rouge and doing whatever they want? getting notes from the ATF i see prepare for a very long and slow process, crypto bois aren't ready for how slow executive agencies can be

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bitcoin is my ATF. Followed by litecoin. Also hold some Monero just in case the world decides to go to hell in a hand basket.
