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Bitcoin is now part of the mainstream financial system, at least in the USA

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USA: Taxes - Where to see the Moons history

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New to Bitcoin community, looking for few tips to setup all of it

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What USA based exchanges allow withdrawals in USD? Which do you recommend?

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BTC transaction still pending after 46 days

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Then vs. Now - Bitcoin to Fiat Lender Dataset

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Why do almost all ICO / IDO platforms require KYC? How safe it is to do?

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🌐 Top 10 countries by bitcoin mining volume USA, China, Kazakhstan, Canada, Russia, Germany, Malaysia, Ireland, Singapore, Thailand, USA The blue scale above each country shows the % of green energy used for mining

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Anyone who has digital residency... deposits and withdrawal process

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For those of you who have digital residency. How do you deposit and withdraw?

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Post

Pocket Network is now available in the USA for the first time, following its listing on Crypto com

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[Launching In 24 Hours] The Time Has Finally Arrived For The #1 Memecoin w/ a Metaverse To Go Live On Uniswap. With Top Crypto Influencers, Kols & AMA’s Calling da Pinchi Over The Next 7 Days It’s Looking Like An Easy 1000X. CG/CMS Fast Tracked. Doxed Team With Active Community.

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El Salvador's homicide rate is now lower than the USA's

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Using in El Salvador

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I want to transfer money from Russia to USA, using crypto - what is the best way to do it?

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Cashing out with tax (USA?)

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Bitcoin and International Taxes 🌐📊

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Grok and Pokemon| Poke-Grok

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Grok + Pokemon = PokeGrok

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PokeGrok: 100 KOL channels | Pinksale markering support | Trending + Ave ads

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Binance Crashing Down in USA

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r/BitcoinSee Post

Trading Crypto in USA

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Best exchange for DCA in USA?

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Tell me that BTC ETF is NOT similar to an IOU for BTC similar to leaving it on an exchange?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Is it a good idea to buy bitcoin ETF for country outside of USA without capital gains tax?

r/BitcoinSee Post

📢 USA is now selling BitGGoins

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Mining concentration and network security - Help me understand.

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Why? What does all this mean? And what's to come?

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Etf Noobies

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Coinbase USA

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Any Non KYC exchanges still available in USA?

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Yet another mixer seized by the so-very-honest-and-caring-of-our-safety government of USA. When will people start using onion protocols to guarantee true internet freedom?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Could Argentina's stock exchange (almost 200 years old) offer a BTC instrument?

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Global Bitcoin based CO2-Emission Trading System

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Global Bitcoin based CO2-Emission Trading System

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Bitcoin pool - H/W and Pool Recommendation

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What a bitcoin world looks like.

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I read that in El Salvador the remittances thing has not taken off

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How are you preparing for a probable BTC EFT approval?

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Question/Thought on ETF

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Bitcoin Options - 100k by June?

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Bitcoin ETFs my only concern

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Low and microcap gems to watch now that the bullrun has started, Pt. 2

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Post

Low and microcap gems to watch now that the bullrun is here, Pt. 2.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Anti self custody laws?

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Koinly now shows long term vs short term holding

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Unpopular crypto opinion: The people who tell you to hold through a bear market dont understand how the halvening works, are scared, have a low net worth compared to their income or do so because they think its beneficial tax wise for them....while its not.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Investment 🎊

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Greenspan: "USA can pay any debt because it can always print money"

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Value of dollar if India buys Russian Oil in Rupees?

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A worst case scenario

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A big Bitcoin ETF catalyst from this week that not many are talking about!

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[USA] What platform do you buy your BTC from before sending it to Cold Storage?

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Coinbase potential for a $1 trillion dollar company?

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The Economics of a Hypothetical 51% Attack on Bitcoin by a nation state

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NEXO brokerage

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Does Qatar really buy Bitcoin from exchanges?

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Central banks of rich countries are avoiding dive public in bitcoin

r/BitcoinSee Post

Look at how scarce Bitcoin is and its about to get even more scarce in 2024!

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Greedy.Art | The largest NFT auction on BNB Chain with featuring $GREEDY tokens with a unique price increase mechanism

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Where to long crypto in the USA?

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Bitcoin vs Cash

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What do you guys think will happen with Bitcoin, when the interest rates change in USA?

r/BitcoinSee Post

What do you guys think will happen with Bitcoin, when the interest rates change in USA?

r/BitcoinSee Post

What to do with my Bitcoin?

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(USA) best platform to buy and send

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A bit history of the Financialization

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Will the US government Ban Private Custody of Bitcoin in 2024 ?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Coinbase and CoinLedger tax calculation method- USA taxes

r/BitcoinSee Post

🌐 How the distribution of BTC mining capacity has changed in 10 years In total, the two largest pools (Antpool and Foundry USA) now account for more than 51% of the hash rate It’s unlikely that Satoshi Nakamoto would have liked this....

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

If I borrow fiat with crypto as collateral, is it taxable?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Easiest Way To Buy Shitcoins/MemeCoins/AltCoins?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Found the ticket

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

How is Binance.US still allowing staking for US people?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Noob question: What's the deal with taxes (USA)?

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Best Bitcoin Conference to Attend in 2024

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USA Business holding recommendation

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The Importance of ETF for Bitcoin

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

How are you converting BTC in CB to BTCB/BNB in TW in the USA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Is Socios / Chiliz done in the USA?

r/BitcoinSee Post

How Big Bitcoin Becomes?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Safe CEX to do Perp Futures

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Stop bitching your own country to praise Crypto, yes I'm talking to you Americans, and no, there isn't a single fucking sign that your economy is going downwards

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Thoughts on CKB? Next 100x over the course of 2 years IMO.

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For anyone who is newer here: There is NEVER a legitimate reason for any entity, group, protocol, mod, admin, tech support, or ANYONE to ask you for your seed phrase.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Crypto Knowledge Dump

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USA: The First Bitcoin ETF “Enters” The Market

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Remember **** china - USA now largest bitcoin mining nation in the world

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Bitcoin ETF imminent - Nasdaq calls on SEC for approval

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Noticing excessive money printing in real life - stories from the street

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Experience with Gemini Earn

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Best of the Best Staking Rates and Updates

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What do you guys consider FU money?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Why the roof for new AHT looks like need to be $100K

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

They say miners are “printing money” but so are our own governments

r/CryptoMarketsSee Post

The First Bitcoin Futures ETF Is Set To Start Trading In The USA Soon, While Bitcoin Surges Above $60,000 USD For The First Time Since April 2021

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The First Bitcoin Futures ETF Is Set To Start Trading In The USA Soon, While Bitcoin Surges Above $60,000 USD For The First Time Since April 2021

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

The First Bitcoin Futures ETF Is Set To Start Trading In The USA Soon, While Bitcoin Surges Above $60,000 USD For The First Time Since April 2021


-All government Bitcoin designated as a treasury reserve day 1 - USA buys 500 Bitcoin a day till they reach a reserve of 4 million bitcoin -No taxes on capital gains or reporting of any exchange of USD and BTC Got my vote


Credit score is meant to inform lenders who pays their bills and who doesn't. But the USA always pays its debt. It may do so in bullets and munitions, but the value is thusly exported


also doesn't even remotely understand the justice system if we are talking about the USA. You don't have to commit a crime to be arrested or convicted. its more complicated than just not doing it.


I dont live in the USA. And i am happy about that.


Trump said he wants every Bitcoin to be mined in the USA, that's not even possible and goes against the decentralized nature of Bitcoin


How many illegal aliens came into the USA before they came up with this "best border bill" that wasn't needed in the first place? When was it crafted?


You do have to eventually spend it or might as well throw your money in a black hole for all it's doing for you. Don't hodl forever. The USD will slowly lose value, but wages will rise, it'll work out eventually; the USA will not go broke and collapse to the point we all suddenly have to flee to Malaysia or someplace, or bitcoin will suddenly become the only money in the world. One thing bitcoin can never be is a house. Maybe it could buy one, but it'll never be one and beyond the 'scarcity' of bitcoin, the very laws of real world physics dictate there is only so much land on Earth. So, if you can buy a house, buy the god damn house.


What you mean not smart. This man is a multi billionaire. He went to USA well knowing he will get a slap on his fingers and be a free multi billionaire after that.


if I lived in the USA it would work because the cards are USD based. The problem is that in the EU they are EUR-based


Half way through and only saw Americans speaking, with one or two exceptions. The goal is to reach 1 billion people with this movie, too bad its so USA focused. The religious stuff is not my cup of tea but I can handle it, overall a very good movie: basically an big Bitcoin advertisement for the US market. Its about time Alex Gladstien makes a movie, showing actual use cases throughout the whole world.


I prefer to DCA monthly, it’s easier on the taxes in the long run, than some daily or weekly or hourly that others do. (USA)


There's similarities and differences. USD inflation does somewhat hurt the middle classes disproportionately. The poorest have no savings and the rich have assets. BTC is realistically a possible bubble. Nothing holding its value except belief. You can argue USD has similar properties but its also backed by the USA and to some extent other world powers who need it to have value to maintain trade. If USD collapses the world economy does also so it's "value" is that just about everyone depends on it having value. The old joke about it being easier to believe something when your paychecks depends on it applies.


If the moon breaks apart and falls onto earn and hit the president of USA and the treasury at the same time while keeping the internet on and nothing else damaged and suddenly everyone in the world had a slight stroke and all became btc fanatics, I think bitcoins will reach $50m / coin.


I absolutely think it's less expensive now and higher value (rewards per cost). Yes wars are profitable in a way because USA is the largest arms, munitions and equipment maker in the world. When they give countries weapons they are essentially a gift card to American defense contractors. But wars also demand materials and introduce risk raising costs for consumers and industry as well. Also, Israel develops a lot of technology with USA so it's not exactly just a one way street there. Missile defense systems both traditional and laser, designed and used in the field in Israel.


1) Afghanistan, Iraq cost trillions not just in war but also infrastructure and other costs. These wars also had US boots on the ground, the others do not. Additionally, the interest on the cost of these wars is enormous. 2) Ukraine is receiving expired equipment not state of the art equipment and munitions. So the cost is really just a difference between writing it off and disposal or give it to them. Ukraine is also fighting an enemy that is challenging world peace and sovereignty. 3) Israel is getting state of the art munitions, but again this money is spent in the USA and trying to defeat a common enemy. Look around the USA and Europe and see what's going on. What future do you want to live in? Again, addressing taxation and spending a surplus could be achieved again.


Ya bro it shows how big of a loser you and and how wrong you are. Now you resort to personal attacks. You’re one of the reasons I left USA. Because half the country is filled with morons like you who support Biden. You love the inflation and the war mongering and the degeneracy of the left.


>This is a distinction without a difference. Please clarify, there is a big difference between left/right and authoritarian/libertarian dimensions, they describe different things. The original concept of crypto came from anti-authoritarian roots, but that tells us nothing about whether (and cryptocurrency is agnostic to) left/right politics. Particularly in a country like the USA where binary politics dissects almost everything into left/right, it's important to consider that cryptocurrency is not divisible along the left/right dimension and political people aiming to make it as such are doing the technology and movement a disservice.


Don’t worry though, as countries other than USA are adopting it, our politicians keep finding a way to hide the real value of Bitcoin or attempt to stifle the appeal. People need to open their eyes. A couple bucks each paycheck can be a pretty significant rainy day fund.


The USA and most world governments operate under a fraud. They steal value by printing endlessly to finance all their spending while not commensurably increasing productivity, value add, or public services. This is why we invest and keep adding money to bitcoin. Nobody trusts paper fiat. Will the country collapse, probably not. But the USA will gradually lose power and influence in the world as it has proven it will abuse its position as a world reserve currency (aka printing to spend vs. earning and deserving the value). Behavior that demonstrates cheating will only weaken trust from other nations and in turn we will become poorer and weaker. China and India are due next to lead the world. We’ll see how they play it.


If you live in the USA, there is only one choice that believes in deregulation one one choice that believes in total government regulation. Do your research and vote accordingly.


If this is true the USA government is going to take issues


Yeah, that’s kinda where my thought process took me too. I can only imagine how much it would suck for repayment in BTC being a taxable event just by merit of it being a bankruptcy distribution. I’ve gone to ridiculous efforts to never trigger a taxable event hoping the USA someday pulls its head out of the SECs ass and declares it a currency so it’s not as complicated. I don’t have enough to be worth the effort. The amount I lost from mtgox was basically peanuts before and after the bankruptcy, but knowing some folks have MONEY coming back i can imagine the headache

The majority of users here are new users from USA, they love the worst exchanges like Kraken, Crypto (AKA favors de brave) and Coinbase, forget we knew MTGox was going to fall months before, "crypto is scam but ETFs are not" mindset. They love their centralized bank even when it is proven to cause more inflation. Only the american old school is aware, but they have a low profile.


Only in USA 😥


> It terrifies me how naive people are when they think Kamala can support Bitcoin It terrifies me that you have a link to your own comment that Kamala Harris said *"love Bitcoin so much that we're going to regulate it to ensure that LGBTQ+ people have equal access and opportunities within the cryptocurrency community. Also, we need to identify every individual on the blockchain in order to fight fascism"* but you cannot attribute no credible sources. I am sure that Harris like most politicians is pretty naive about cryptocurrencies so at least point to a dumb statement that she must have made over the years rather than a fabrication. Here I'll do that with Trump: > "I am not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, which are not money, and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air. Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behavior, including drug trade and other illegal activity" - @realDonaldTrump > "Bitcoin, it just seems like a scam," Mr Trump said. "I don't like it because it's another currency competing against the dollar." - June 2021 > We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!!


This is extremely bullish for the entire crypto universe. The two biggest political leaders in the USA are trying to be there. Whatever they wind up doing in or out of office is almost secondary. The fact is crypto has already become a household matter that cannot be ignored. This coming bull run is going to be a stampede!


Canada cuts by another 0.25bps today, china already cut, USA next 🔥


No one in the USA is going to prefer communist China to the open ledger of BTC.  


They are going to lose their mind when Trump says that bitcoin can become a reserve asset (like gold that the USA “holds” on to). Even at $100k they’ll be like “everyone is an idiot, big dip coming!”


river dont support outside USA unfortunately


I have no idea what the laws are in japam, I would hire an attorney. For the USA there's no risk selling it on an exchange, it's the act of mining it that could be an issue. Just like banks/etc have to have kyc of both parties in a transaction, the law that passed say crypto miners and wallet makers need such info since they are helping the transaction happen. I don't recall the exact wording but that's the gist of it. Since you don't have that it could be illegal for literally each tx for each block. Just not something worth it as someone in the USA. Just get with an attorney in your jurisdiction, don't take advice from some random online. I just told you what I went through, Others are spending millions setting up mining operations in the USA.


Andy for any naysayers in the USA, "BITI" - inverse futures bitcoin etf (as compared to BITO x1 bitcoin futures etf) "SBIT" - x2 leveraged inverse futures bitcoin etf (as compared to BITU x2 leveraged bitcoin futures etf)


USA will imlode , that's not even a question of when anymore. On the next credit crunch it's game over for America. Check out the lending stats. People in the US live on credit they can't pay back in 100 years. Countdown the months I would say. After how will this work out for btc remains to be seen. Remember Chine's stance om BTC is essencially driven by fear of capital outflow, that's it! If the rest of the world is ruined I doubt Chine's will rush to put money in EU or US assets. In that sense things may change.


If the USD (and by extension) USA 'implode' China would almost certainly emerge as the only power capable to providing an alternative to the monetary and regulatory functions currently dominated by the USA. Europe might try to assemble an alternative but the majority of trade and economic value added is based in China. A world dominated by China is unlikely to be good for Bitcoin.


I don't think a Bitcoin reserve would accomplish much at this point. The national debt is 35 trillion and adding 2 trillion per year. If the USA bought every last Bitcoin, it would need to be at more than 2 million dollars per coin to close that gap and there's no way that we would be able to buy more than 5% before it just became an impossible reach. Although the debt is huge, it is still fixable by cutting down the size of the government, bringing expenditures and taxes into alignment, and running inflation a little hotter than usual for a while. But there would have to be the will to do it and I don't see any sign of that. It seems more likely that we are just going to continue the status quo for as long as possible. That means that Bitcoin would be an even smaller patch on the giant debt balloon by the time it blows. Mostly, a Bitcoin treasury seems like a way to buy some votes and connect up to a wealthy special interest group.


So broken that it has only lead the USA to have the greatest economy on the planet.


The USA government plans on buying massive amounts of Bitcoin so buy and go back to sleep.


Why? Trump hasn’t at all and everyone goes wild when he says “we want bitcoin mined in USA” which doesn’t make any sense whatsoever lmao.


Can't speak to China but USA and EU already have easy access to btc? Not sure what you mean here.


If you want the largest economies in the world to have easy access to bitcoin then you are going to need cooperation from the USA, EU, and China. The demographics of bitcoin will take care of much of the problem.


988 Specifically in USA. Use the Internet for rinding the way to find this necessary help on your country. seriously, don't keep to yourself, help yourself.


Stop comparing the world of 4-8 years ago to today. Trump inherited a strong economy from Obama. It was Obama, who had pulled the US out of the 2008 economic shitter. That economy kept trending for two more years until Trump started trade wars with China and failed horribly at the COVID pandemic. All the data shows that Trump is by far the worst US president ever to enter office. Do you think he's going to save you in a second term? Think again. Also, daily inflation is quite high on a global scale. It's not just the USA where houses are unaffordable atm.


Not to be the contrary voice, but if you look at what he actually said, he's not talking about anyone "taking over" crypto in the sense of having absolute control over it, he's talking about the USA possibly being left behind in the crypto race as other more crypto-friendly countries forge ahead. This is something most of us here have said or thought ourselves. Whether he actually cares about it or knows much about it, I wouldn't care to say, but I think it's possible - wanting the USA to be a leader in an emerging tech sector is a reasonable stance for a nominally pro-business candidate.


this is from polymarket which isn't available if your IP address is from the usa. However, if you don't live in the USA or have a way to use a non-USA IP address you can bet on poly market. Predictit also has similar markets but not as many as Polymarkets. It's available in the US.


Conservative POLITICIANS are drawn to talking points around keeping Bitcoin mining in the USA. Read for nuance? My point overall is Bitcoin is actually apolitical.


Where can I trade leveraged derivatives in the USA??


I do believe so. If the avg sales are around 4mil/hour (source- you) than, the USA dumping their entire wallet in 2hours, would only increEe these numbers? Also, because it’s the USA, people will think “oh, they must know something because I am a sheep from Reddit” and will also sell. This would ALSO ADD to the 4mil . Do you see how this could cause a chain reaction of the sorts? Idk, I just watch other wallets because i like to see big numbers


Yes, because the people constantly watching the whale that is the USA, will likely decide to sell rather than buy up those loose coins. It’s again, about trying to predicting things… yknow, since no one can just speak the future of Bitcoin into existence (sadly) lol


after mt gox, we will still have USA selling. gotta get used to this.


Not if USA buys all the coins up to infinity before those nation states?


Reserve currencies have crashed and just get passed on to more sustainable economies. Dutch _> British -> USA it’s inevitable….so how would that affect the price when it does? Just because one country’s economy crashes doesn’t mean everyone else’s does, every other country will dip but they will still be able to trade amongst each other whereas the US will have such a poor dollar they will be stuck trading with who they can.


Not off the top of my head. I'm in the USA. Here is a list I have. You might want to see if there are Argentinian or spanish speaking programs as well, I'm sure there are. [Here's an article with some links. Teach English From Home](


Are there service providers in Canada that can help you buy actual bitcoin in your non taxable vehicle? For instance, here in the USA we have IRA and similar items. There are places like iTrustCapital, Swan, etc that you can set up an IRA and they buy bitcoin. Still I don’t have the keys because of the legal structure of retirement account but it is BTC and not the ETF.


The USA is a bad example, it's too strong. Take other country as an example


USA has military bases and Aircraft carriers all over the world. When you say it's hard to attack I have no idea what do you mean


Every President no matter will be given a roadmap upon arrival. USA is much bigger than a billionaire in a presidential seat.


You should try and buy OTC. Alternatively try using SwanBitcoin, particularly if your from the USA.


Lmao... experts or analysts says ? Country / USA are against crypto. Either camp. And countries has few power over crypto and the evolution of crypto. End of story.


And speaking of movie2k... I miss torrent spy from the early 2000s before USA started fining the pirates. AXXO constantly changed his name but always had AXXO in it... KLAXXON, and whatever else.


2024 - Bitcoin folks donate to his campaign and set him up place where he can charge 60k for a picture Trump - "Bitcoin should be the reserve currency of the USA!" 2024 crypto folks with no long term memory Go MAGA Trump 2024!


Google,Meta... On and On companies are worth $3T. USA will be Fine!!!! A Lot of the $ goes to Americans


So on Friday, one of the candidates for president of the USA will be giving a speech at the Bitcoin 2024 conference. Will this subreddit lock down all threads about it when it happens?


Both of those options suck. Use River if you’re in the USA 🇺🇸


Governments are by definition a "con". The foundation of the USA is a document from the 18th century. You have to learn to work with the conmen or they will destroy you because the conman will have the power to dismantle your whole operation if you piss them off.


I'm not living the USA. To me anyone who supports Bitcoin is supporting Bitcoin. I hope all global leaders say they are in support.


A government has already done that. Bitcoin doesn't care. If the USA does that, great. However, Bitcoin doesn't care


It’s already caught on. Most Americans never leave the USA so they’re blind to this.


If a government decides to make Bitcoin part of its strategic reserve assets, has Bitcoin won or lost? If that government is that of the USA, does it count for more, or less? You people are in denial about the realities of monetary policy and what hyper-bitcoinization actually looks like.


Fortunately I'm not in the USA lol, here in my country there is no need to declare capital gains with Bitcoin. I do all this anonymously, using multiple wallet addresses, multiple emails, phone numbers etc. It's almost impossible to track this back to me so they can somehow take it back or tax it.


Biden isn’t threatening to end democracy in the USA so I would say, when it comes to Biden, there isn’t anything to survive. Trump, on the other hand, has claimed he will rule as a dictator from day one - words from his own mouth. But sure Buddy, “sleepy Joe” is the threat to the USA… You should look up the tactics of fascists, studied and written about around WW2, and you’ll quickly understand everything Trump does because clearly right now you don’t, or you’re a fascist.


I'm probably the wrong person to answer this, since I've never used the gift card route. (Past purchases I made back 7 or 8 years ago were directly from merchants who accepted Bitcoin payments. Since then my use of BTC has been limited to making donations to various causes, and as a store of value.) However names I've heard kicked around are Bitrefill and egifter. Maybe others, but these stick in my mind. Beware of the tax man though, if you're in the USA. No matter how small the purchase, if the price of Bitcoin has risen from the time you bought it to the time you spent it on gift cards, you have made capital gains and have to declare them on your income tax. This stupid law is why I ceased using BTC as the peer-to-peer currency it is meant to be. A "crypto fairness bill" exempting amounts below a reasonable threshhold from capital gains tax gets introduced in Congress from time to time, but never manages to gain traction.


but that is the whole history of the USA 😂


Hoover was the president before ww2, that was the time when the USA was not important on a global scale. I will have to check for Carter, but don't forget that even obama who got a nobel peace prize started wars... you guys have very aggressive foreign politics, and i am glad when someone shows up and doesn't spill blood all around the globe.


I am not from the USA but i respect Trump because he is the only US president in modern history that didn't start any war.


Yes. Biden is so good. He gives illegals free healthcare, free housing, free phones, free food. He also gives Ukrainians money for their retirement. Everything in the USA is so expensive now. The whole world is at war. Biden is great. Yea.


They could borrow resources or finance from other countries, or they could direct production to take place without spending more than is needed. Like if America decided not to print any more dollars and went to war with china, The EU and others would lend them their dollars to enable the USA to grow their military. Others like NATO would directly support them by providing military equipment, army personnel etc.


Meanwhile, USA government does not let binance USA offer services to New York and other USA states- weird!


1933 - The USA leaves the gold standard. 1944 - Several countries create a completely unrelated system called the Bretton Woods system designed to stabilize global trade once WW2 ended. 1971 - Nixon admits the system failed due to the USA's reserve of gold being severely depleted.


The USA totally abandoned the Gold standard in 1971.


Y'all are both wrong. The USA left the gold standard April 20, 1933.


Why did USA move to gold standard after Vietnam war?


The USA reducing its spending and going into surplus mode and repaying $35T…..😳😳😳😳


The only threat is... not needing it.  If the USA and many parts of the world werent so batshit right now, most people would still be fine transacting in usd or whatever


Lockin has 160 Million Posts on tiktok Let Him Cook has 650 Million posts on tiktok Please Give $COOK a Look @LetHimCookCoin is the tokenized asset of one of if not the largest meme on social media that I can find. Let Him Cook has 650 Million Individual post on tiktok alone, not to mention the views that brings. A Phrase we are all familiar with and is consistantly being used by the masses from the Largest Sporting teams in the world to the playground. Simply search “Let Him Cook” on twitter to see what I mean. F1, Cricket, Baseball, Basketball, USA Olympic basketball team two days ago. Used in all sub cultures and by almost all generations. The ticker is $COOK…. The Word we see being used on socials and irl non stop man. Cook, Cooked, Cooking etc. CT has Heavily adopted this verbiage this cycle and its near inescapable. Embrace it. Think about the true potential behind this meme. Heavily used by social media, Normies love it and it’s never fallen off. Plus, it’s Multifaceted. $COOK is the largest Sleeping giant on the market rn imo. Day 74 on a relentless team of chads that have not shilled a single coin besides this. we’re here to build one of the largest existing memes in the world into one of the largest on chain $COOK is the most slept on Giant, and it’s time is coming Please reach out to me if you have any questions. Just hit all time high today at 5.5M the time is ticking for this time bomb a True 100x Gem and beyond. Main twitter : @LetHimCookCoin website: Chart:… CA: G8Vy25NzjRmuQtnN35xF7j3X2Z1TrV39XijZu8Mg4w8n

If Russia overthrew the Democratically elected government of Mexico and put their own government in, so they could put missiles at our border, the USA would go in there. That's exactly what we did. What Putin did was wrong and illegal, and Putin is a terrible human being. What the US did was also wrong, and broke several international laws, though, and the Neo-cons in the Whitehouse are also terrible human beings.


I like it but I am in USA so I think of Germany once every 3-4 years. I’d like to see a site where I can enter how much bitcoin I have and theoretically know how much it would be worth Like if I have $10k USD worth of bitcoin right now, how much is it worth if bitcoin is at $250k or $45k? I am terrible at math!


>The USA has to do something if the desire to preserve world reserve is to stay. The time of the US Dollar being the reserve currency is coming to a close. Even if we do adopt Bitcoin as a reserve asset, it will not technically back our currency. People will still prefer to hold Bitcoin than dollars. The only reason the dollar became a global reserve is that we promised to peg it to gold so that countries could trade with paper instead of heavy gold that had to be recast every time it changed hands to verify authenticity. Bitcoin is superior to gold in this sense. There is simply no reason to have a preference for US Dollars over Bitcoin at this point.


You should buy USA bonds


Checked again July 19. The USA server will at least load the page,but the vimeo frame doesn't load.


The USA has to do something if the desire to preserve world reserve is to stay. One has to believe that if the value of BTC becomes seen as good as value of GOLD (which no one really sure USA has, but using BTC is easily seen) then if that premise is accepted, there is really no reason not to switch to BTC as the backing to the US dollar and carry on. Just a thought. If: tech guys -> interested people -> risky investors -> a Small country(we know who) -> companies (several already) -> Blackrock ETF and mainstream investors ..... Why not a larger country, and more corporations Its not a wild stretch. Its getting yourself BTC without causing panic buying for as long as you can.

So your hypothesis is that the USA (a complex society) will run on a barter system after a week.....awesome, can you point to any other complex societies in history that used barter?.......hmmmmm, having trouble, why is that? Could it be because barter only works on a very local/simple scale and all complex societies developed money along with other aspects of "civilization". As for your take on silver, shockingly silver was used in USA as money until 1965 ('68 in Canada). No one had any problem paying a silver dime for a hamburger or a quarter for a gallon of gas for their one seemed to have problems determining purity or weight or even deciding if the cost of an item was "too high".


tldr; Binance has received court approval in the USA to invest customer fiat funds in US Treasury Bills. This development is seen as significant positive news for Binance, indicating regulatory compliance and trust in the platform's financial operations. Further details on the implications of this approval are anticipated. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


>I will ensure that the future of crypto and the future of Bitcoin will be made in the USA, not driven overseas. >I will support the right to self-custody for the nation's 50 million crypto holders >I will keep Elizabeth Warren and her goons away from your Bitcoin >I will never allow the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency - Donald Trump today during his prime-time acceptance of the Republican nomination


> downfall of the United States' economic hegemony It is not even a wild hypothesis anymore. Even prominent figures, like Mark Cuban, are talking about it on Twitter. >Here is a contrary opinion on the emergence of Silicon Valley support for former President Trump. Which like all my opinions on here, probably won’t be popular. It’s a bitcoin play. Not because the former President is a far stronger proponent of crypto. That’s nice. But doesn’t really impact the price of crypto. It makes it easier to operate a crypto business because of the inevitable, and required, changes at the SEC What will drive the price of BTC is lower tax rates and tariffs, which if history is any guide (and it’s not always ), will be inflationary. Combine that with global uncertainty as to the geopolitical role of the USA, and the impact on the US Dollar as a reserve currency, and you can’t align the stars any better for a BTC price acceleration Source: []( It is basically what I said. Silicon Valley is aiming to support Trump to bring economic destruction to the greatest democracy on earth. They want to pump their bags by intentionally destroying American economic hegemony. For the novice, it sounds crazy. Why would a bunch of US-based VCs want active destruction of their nation-state? It is because they are greedy mfers. Their loyalty is to their bags and the make their book looking appeasing to LPs. If it means destroying America their bad investment starts to pump, they would do it.


People have indeed changed when they learn about it, but I haven’t really heard him say anything yet that seems to indicate an actual understanding of Bitcoin - one deep enough to make him really deep down change his opinion on it. Eg when he says things like ‘We will have all the Bitcoins made in the USA’ it’s something meant to indicate support for Bitcoin, to get votes, but it doesn’t really sound like he understands how mining works or where Bitcoins come from, at least to me. (block reward/halving system/etc.)


Crypto and bitcoin made in the USA. WTF DOES THAT EVEN MEAN!?! And people cheer! This man has no idea what bitcoin is or how it works or what its use case is…


Want to know who has the most casualties? look at the mobilization rates. Ukraine has been mobilizing since 2014 and still to this day they've extended mobilization and they even have forced mobilization in the streets meanwhile Russia only did ONE partial mobilization late 2022. After this conflict is over Ukraine will be nothing but a weak pathetic farm country with a messed up population and bitter people towards USA/UK.


USA using Bitcoin as digital gold, one milion


I would agree personally, but if other people want to be single-issue voters, that's their right. Plus, Bitcoin isn't the USA. People in the third world have much bigger reasons to learn about Bitcoin.
