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If there's a true value of Bitcoin (and other crypto) is that it makes people aware of how fiat based economy works. This question is an example of it, OP has started it's journey of understanding. Just like every crypto is not the same (there's also crypto which are inflationary) so does gov backed currency (GBC) or 'fiat'. Every fiat is not the same. For the sake of discussion I will only zoomed in to United States Dollar. And why it's not 'the government' that will suffer, but the common citizen that will suffer, and for USD case it's the entire planet that will suffer. USD is being issued by a 'conglomeration of private bankers' labeled as Federal Reserve, Fed for short. How they operate are controlled by Federal Reserve Board which members are nominated by President and confirmed by Senate. The Fed act as "Lender Of Last Resort", every USD that being issued are booked as "Liabilities" in their ledger need to be matched with a form of "Assets". Those assets can be : Gold, Foreign Currencies, **US Government Debt** and other form of asset (Which are too complicated to be explained here). I will only highlight **US Government Debt** as a backing asset for fiat currency of USD. The US Government are formed by politicians, which requires **donation** from the masses to perform their campaign and thus earned enough vote of confidence. Among **major contributor** of such donations are companies which fell into the category of "Military Industrial Complex" (MIC) for short. They're companies who makes **weapons**. This will then formed the following sequence of actions (simplified to highlight the issue): Government issue debts -> Fed bought the gov debt as asset and thus supply new USD to the market (inflation) -> Government need weapons -> Government spend the USD to MIC -> MIC makes weapons -> MIC donate to politicians -> Politicians form government. and then repeat.. And this cycle will only goes faster and faster, the debts are stacking up faster and faster, the MICs need more money to make more weapons and weapons need to be used in war somewhere on this planet to boost the demand and meet the supply provided by MICs.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Well keep them for a while, soon we'll be able to do direct trades from $GBC into $BTC

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I loved them all. Bulbasaur has a special place for me though. Damn, now I want to go and play on a GBC emulator…

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I still have my DMG-01, GBC and a couple of GBAs.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It has no mention of being streamed. Here is the meats and potatoes of the article: The event is a closed-door, exclusive congress that can be attended by invitation only. The event format is focused on pre-arranged one-on-one meetings between projects and investors. Agora will be hosting more than 150 Investors and 30 Projects from all over the world. In addition to that, the GBC will host regulators and enablers of Blockchain technology in the UAE, an A-list of 60+ subject matter expert speakers & more than 30 Media Partners.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Battery is integrated into the unit unfortunately. Think old GBC games. As long as you have your seed phrase you can recover your assets with another wallet. I should note that you can still use the unit if this happens, it just has to stay plugged up

r/BitcoinSee Comment

So you are now saying - “I’m easy to spearphish, just look for all GBC save data files from my HDD and steal the money”.
