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r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Tldr: Nest Protocol (NEST) Trust Wallet (TWT) GMX (GMX) Shardus (ULT) PlatonCoin (PLTC) SSV Network (SSV) Gains Network (GNS)

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Lot's of development in the works with PLTC's etcetera to eliminate that concern. But that will require Taproot signatures. Very exciting stuff though

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You can't use it P2P on L1 for small transactions that well. That would require let's say 3 confirmations at minimum, which could take 10 minutes, or two hours. Now, assuming you can manually input the fee, then you can get it to 10 minutes consistently, maybe slightly less at times. Maybe this isn't a huge deal when shopping online from home, and it isn't a problem for crowdfunding truckers, buying a large ticket item, or paying your friend for a meal. But for unit-of-account activities, and POS transactions, it's non-sensical. And when we're in a Taproot world (full integrations coming soon), the LN will actually be more private than L1 is. With Taproot address scripting and signatures, they're interoperable with the LN via PLTC's. Basically wallets will make everything frictionless, and everyone will have L1 and the LN at their whim. Checking and savings.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I don't think so, but taproot still provides some improvements for Lightning Channels. eg. It allows us to use PLTC's instead of HTLC's when facilitating a payment, which solves some issues that can occur during routing to make it more reliable, and it should make channel closing harder to identify on the blockchain.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

My bad, getting my knowledge mixed up... I'll change the original comment. It's eltoo which is in the pipeline/there are alternative BIPs that if implemented instead will give the same benefit. With eltoo, we get to remove penalty transactions which then lead to channel factories which is the idea of opening multiple lightning channels in one transaction to a N of N multi-sig which doesn't have to be 2 of 2 anymore. I read that taproot will allow for PLTC to be used instead of HTLC which I mistook for eltoo. 🤡

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Pleased for my friends to earn money today. To me, I can not understand the news is good, bad, and why it happens ZIL has some new partnership in China with some coin PLTC. Is this coin anything? Probably it will not be Is this good? To be sure, I will fucking know nothing, how about it? lol
