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Because its harder than you guys think to let your stack get that high. Back then crypto was still the big joke in the room man. "Internet fairy coins" and "Tulips" and "Astrology for men". Meanwhile me and my wife were ready to buy a home, we both had lots of student loan debt and our lives could be incredibly changed by liquidating a large portion of what we held. It was worth it, and we own our home and are relatively debt free in a time where most of our generation is struggling to even find a home for sale thats not bought up by some billion dollar corp looking to RENT it out so that folks can never own anything. I mean, hindsight is always 20/20, and I still own a very large BTC position right now, and Im closing in on achieving the goal I near missed the first time. But you guys seriously have to normalize taking profit, and stop imagining that you go from 80k to 8m overnight, because you don't. It happens over time, and as you approach that 1m mark every day is a weight on your shoulders with the things you could be doing to permanently improve your life if only you sold a chunk now. Later for all of that tough talk "diamond hands" shit. There's always tomorrow.
