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Tranche Finance

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r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

$SLICE, in honor of Kimbo

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

well said u/SLICE_MY_DICK_OFF

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> u/SLICE_MY_DICK_OFF *Lorena Bobbitt has entered the chat.*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Why is it cake day when it should be cake SLICE day?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Their "Share" ?!? Thieves Want to take My SLICE, theirs, And the leftovers...

r/BitcoinSee Comment

No offense, but why is this so hard for you guys to understand? You have a pizza with 8 slices. You own 1 slice of the pizza. You can cut this 1 slice of pizza into 5 million tiny little pieces, or into 50 trillion tiny little pieces, but its still just ONE SLICE. ​ if someone charges you 2 slices of pizza, then you are shit out of luck, you cant just cut the pizza into more tiny slices, it will still only amount to 1 slice.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Tranche Finance, a decentralized protocol for maximizing returns and minimizing risk – allowing users to plug into existing DeFi protocols at their preferred risk/return levels – has deployed its Crypto Collateralized Debt Obligation (Cypto-CDOs) solution on the Fantom Network. Tranche introduces debt seniority to DeFi. The protocol integrates with any interest accrual token, such as Compound’s cTokens and AAVE’s aTokens, to generate two new interest-bearing instruments – a low-risk senior tranche with a fixed rate (Tranche A), and a high-risk junior tranche with a variable rate (Tranche B). By integrating with Yearn on Fantom, the team is hoping to achieve double-digit APYs on their junior tranches (Tranche B), while providing senior tranche (Tranche A) holders with steady, protected, fixed-rate returns. Given that Tranche’s mission is to “serve a $SLICE of DeFi to everyone”, users seeking higher returns can deposit into junior tranches (Tranche B), while users seeking stable low-risk returns can deposit into senior tranches (Tranche A). Currently, users can forgo the compound return of 7.85% in preference to a higher return, 43.2% on Tranche B, or a fixed-rate return of 1.14$ on Tranche A.
