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-63.33% Today

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Sam Altman’s SPAC ALCC 🚀or 💩??

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Small Modular Reactor Stocks may be the next tech trend. Check where to invest.

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Has anyone seen Sam Altman is on the board of OKLO which is merging with the spac ALCC

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ALCC - Sam Altmans SPAC, Oklo a micro nuclear reactor startup. - This thing is radioactive (Don't touch it)

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ALCC - Sam Altman AI energy play

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ALCC - Sam Altman AI energy play

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ALCC = Sam Altman + Michael Klein = 🚀?

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ALCC = Altman + Klein = 🚀?

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$ALCC = Altman + Klein 🚀

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ALCC pump on Monday ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


Selling ALCC 5/7 EOD?


That’s not how a bank works bro it’s either you stay away from the financial sector with this knowledge or just quit investing in general. Like what happened to Silicon Valley Bank, they just “print money,” right? Also, ALCC is going to hit that stop loss in the near future i recommend you take profits now.


Bro stay away from SOFI people overrate the stock and company so much. If you want reasons just DM me i’m too lazy to type. Also, get out of ALCC cause that’s a short term stock.


ALCC is the clearest imo, news on Tuesday, I'm sure by Wed I'll be gone. IBRX ...I hope it soars but there isn't as clear of a day that'll happen. RILY I don't think next week at all. Planning to roll all ALCC into IBRX and then pull some IBRX profits into RILY by end of week. ...hopefully that all works out

Feel like AAPL is gonna slip a bit on Monday but go back up on Tuesday since their new iPads will inevitably incorporate AI. Might be a big week for IBRX and ALCC as well.

You can’t even do enough research to know that ALCC is fission not fusion. Who’s the regarded one? I don’t disagree with your first paragraph though.


My plan for the week is ENVX for the 5/6 CEO call, huge bump after earnings and that should continue. Thinking $12 range with the short %. Take those and go all in for ALCC on 5/7, guaranteed money maker. Take profits EOD or 5/8. Roll all that into RILY or IBRX, whichever announces official earnings date first. Really hoping they go back to back 5/9-5/10 and preferably RILY going last as I think it’s got the biggest chance to really bust out and want to be able to take it into the following week if need be.

Does ALCC actually have a chance of rocketing this week or is this literally just regarded speculation?


Who else got calls on ALCC this week?


Although I’ve been a WSB lurker for a while, it’s starting to seem like I only make money when I cast my predictions in this thread first, so here goes nothing. I like Amazon the best among the three you listed, but I’ve got no positions in it at the moment. Truth be told, short term ALCC calls and ELF leaps make up 75% of my portfolio right now. ALCC has been a bigger hit than ELF recently, but ELF just broke out of its head and shoulders, earnings is May 22nd, and I’ve got good reason to think ULTA’s recent warning about the makeup industry (which sent every makeup stock spiraling) is because consumers are switching from more expensive brands to cheaper options like those ELF has used to become the #1 top ranked makeup brand by teens this year. Consumers aren’t buying less makeup; they’re just switching brands to chase better value. But that’s a DD for another day. I like ALCC, ELF, and AMZN in that order for the next couple months.

Dumb take. We’re not close to AGI and investing resources in a meaningful way should always be a consideration. If we set a mandate in the US that every student must enroll in CS courses to help build AGI that would be a huge net negative on society. It works until the money spout dries up and we haven’t made meaningful progress towards the end goal. That being said ALCC will probably pump due to hype cause regards think fusion is 5 years away instead of 50. Who the fuck invests in a startup that wouldn’t be profitable by the time they’re retired? Open to criticism if I’m off base on my assumptions as I’m not the most technical person in these areas but my understanding is we have huge hurdles on both these goals that still require lots of time and tech to solve


fuck, it may be time to dump NVDA... maybe not, but I'm def not touching ALCC


It’s a strange one though. Is it not better to stick around a day or two after the ticker change? That’s when people will associate Sam Altman with Oklo when news and media proper get hold of it so will start to buy because of his new ticker. The average person most likely doesn’t know to buy ALCC and that it’s associated with Sam Altman.


I would buy some only I have my full fortune in ALCC for the time being but I think it’s a good play


Price prediction of ALCC even with AApl news


ALCC is going to love me or fuck me, and the truth is I’m here for either


Well SMR is not exactly for energy crisis, not big enough in scale. They target exactly for power-hungry data centers. Data center is not a new business, but the current AI-powered demand cycle is still young. And if yon pay enough attention you’d find the actual AI companies (OpenAI and the kind) don’t get as much media as regular tech, since people still get confused about the exact AI business model. The reason why I’m liking ALCC a lot is their approach to SMR seems to be the most pragmatic and viable. I’m in for 20000 shares of ALCC so got a lot skin. This thing is ten thousands times more legit than DJT.


He replaced all his AAPL with ALCC


Oh yea you're right, my bad. So either way, there is still a chance to get in Monday. I assume this week will be really good for ALCC

Mentions:#ALCC Pretty sure this article was responsible for Friday’s ALCC boom


What is happening with ALCC?


Hey everyone, what options calls are you buying on ALCC in anticipation of the merger? What expiration date and strike price?


Sell Monday and buy ALCC calls.


Best of luck. Here’s my plan for next week: Monday - $25 Palantir and $120 Disney calls Tuesday morning - will rotate into $20 ALCC calls Wednesday before close - sell ALCC and buy $19 or $20 HOOD calls


Anyone have any examples of SPAC’s that crashed immediately upon merger with no increase in price first? I’m feeling good about ALCC but I want some dissenting opinion.


I got some 17.5 5/17 ALCC calls 9 days ago and it's already at 15.12$ post market, tuesday is the merger with Oklo if you want to gamble on it. I'm waiting for monday to buy mickey mouse calls as well.


What are your price targets for ALCC? I've seen people say $35. I got burned on an SMCI call this past week, and I am nervous to play more options after that, so I went with about 100 shares, but I want to go with a few more options on it tbh. Premiums are pretty high though, the gains per shared on an option might not even be that significant relative to just buying shares tbh.


ALCC about to leave the station 🚂💨💨


He don’t know. He read Nuclear, ALCC, Sam, Gainz words in a WSB post and he YOLO


But why do you think ALCC is following uranium?


$ALCC is the only SPAC ticker anyone should be looking at


I know. I got one right. PLTR. Im going to try to switch the others to ALCC and IBRX.

What’s ALCC’s price target on Monday afternoon?


ALCC you're fine Airbnb sucks my ass tho


I guess Monday is the last day to get into ALCC cheap


ALCC FAQ -> ALCC merger on **11:00 a.m. Eastern Time (EDT)** Monday (slight catalyst), so you have 1 hour 30 minutes to get in before the actual merger. Ticker change happens Tuesday, which is typically the biggest catalyst. Biggest price action happens up to 2 weeks POST MERGER not before (See DWAC/DJT -> $16 -> $63 or Draftkings -> $14 -> $42). If we pick the middle ground with ALCC/OKLO at $15, we could see it $15 -> $52.5 1 week POST MERGER).

I saw that ALCC closed at $15. Niceee


Bro dwac went up to 80 and ALCC is actually a real company with some serious people on board.


ALCC to at least 80.


They have ALCC, it’s definitely not long term


It’s definitely going through. No ALCC shareholder is regarded enough to vote no. At least not anyone with enough shares to matter.


ALCC to $38 if shareholder vote goes through, otherwise back to $10 if not.


I think ALCC is going to be a good swing. Also has pretty high IV, so good for selling puts.


I like your DD and I look at this as not just betting on the world needing way more energy - and the fact that nuclear is a green/environmental solution and Oklo's ability to potential recycle it. Which in itself is huge. I also see the name recognition being huge. Sam Altman is more hands on with this than say Dr. Dre was in lending his name to 'Beats' back in the day and those earphones printed. I see the comparison with name recognition (a former President) in DJT/DWAC but I also see a comparison between the monster run with DXYZ about a month ago - when people wanting a piece of Elon Musk through SpaceX took the stock from $9 to $100+ in about 13 days. I actually see more similarities between the DXYZ and ALCC because the media was/is still quiet outside WSB, whereas for DJT it was on every news article. I'm hoping for a value explosion here next week - time will tell. Regardless, it will be fun to watch (and participate as I got my control number and ready to vote).

I have ALCC calls expiring on June 21st, what happens if the transaction goes through? Do they get converted to OKLA calls?


ALCC "should" run after Tuesday (voting date) until at least the first day of trading Oklo.


Yeah I was thinking the same. I'm 50/50 on ALCC but I agree that it def has more upside potential than NVDA (at least in the short term)


HOOD will. ALCC over NVDA.

HOOD and ARM calls for next week.. We think they'll print? Not sure between those or ALCC & NVDA 🤔

Excuse me, thought I was replying to a comment. ALCC shares and some calls for after merger.


ALCC ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


I am proud of myself for keeping away from the calls and puts today, sunk right into ALCC shares, they are going places.


ALCC going to be $100+ soon ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


How is comparing ALCC to DJT a good thing?


If I win mega millions tonight I will buy $250,000 worth of ALCC shares


Joined team ALCC before it ran up. Only three 5/17 $20 calls but still on the team.


You implied, plus we always had people pumping shitty SPACs or weird obscure companies every month. The current flavor of the month is IBRX and ALCC


Nah Altman is IPOing ALCC next week.


ALCC and IBRX are still cheap and you’re spending money on those? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


Catalyst for ALCC is Tuesday morning. No reason for it to drop Monday. If anything it should have dropped the past two days since the NAV floor is now gone. Instead it went ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


I have calls ranging from 10 all the way up to 25. Used every dip to buy more or buy out short legs of debit spreads I initially set up. ALCC lfg!


I felt pretty smart about ALCC and AXTI for a while until I saw the former pop up constantly on wsb and the latter pick up comments on Stocktwits. Can’t get a moment’s peace.


Do we think ALCC will really pop? If so to what? Looking get in on calls Monday. What strike price people playing


Thanks (for now) to the regard who told me to buy ALCC - Too bad I didn't put more $ into it. Ahh, well. Gains will prob evaporate by Monday open.


ALCC going to buy me a new house. I can feel it.


I bought ALCC at $16 - buy the rumours I sold ALCC yesterday when it was dumping at $13.61 - sell the news. SPAC dumping on IPO is basically a tradition at this point Guess what the stock does today 🤷‍♂️


I read myself to sleep last night in the registration statement etc. but didn't pull the trigger today. It seems it was past the time to vote and get the proxy, and was worried it would somehow be too late for the ALCC shares to be converted over to OKLO. Also whether it was 1:1 exchange seemed vague I recall seeing 6.0x shares OKLO would get one ALCC but that may have been for original stakeholders of OKLO. Still wish I pulled the trigger today but pussed out......


ALCC is ready to fuck.


Any 2021 SPAC players seen decent pre vote run ups like ALCC? Need to guage if I should trim after voting and before the first trading day of OKLO.


I exited my ALCC positions 30 min before close. Feeling confused by stock dilution messaging so decided to walk with a +15% profit.


Why did this sub have to discover ALCC not my long position (since march) is suddenly risky as you guys somehow ruin everythiny you trade ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


my measly 10k yolo into ALCC: me yday: ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) me today: ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


HOOD and ALCC should be great. Not sure on the others.


Lisan ALCC Gaib ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)


Sam ALtman uses ALCC funds to buy Hooters.


Looks at ALCC “I’m ready to get hurt again.”


Bought 1087 shares of $ALCC at $14.07 let’s ride bby!


ALCC thrusters have started, next week it’s leaving orbit


Oh so NOW ALCC gets to have a spot on the wasabi board?!


Bers who hate ALCC rn ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


How many chances did we give you to get on the ALCC train? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


ALCC puts next week? Sam Altman can't buy anything in today's world-even EGGS are at ATH.


ALCC you on the moon!!!


ALCC just went fucking nuts


ALCC green dildo into weekeend Shareholder vote on Tueesday Ticker change can happen as early as Wednesday!


ALCC is gonna moon into Monday and drop off after that when Imhotep speaks


ALCC HULK DICK ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


ALCC rocketing into close…


Holding 40k worth of ALCC. Any reason it’s up,


what’s up with ALCC? Not compalining


boys, let's all shop for our $ALCC lambos together ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


ALCC it has begun


$ALCC to the moon 🌖 LFG
