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ALCC this week will make DJT and DXYZ moves last month look small in comparison

The latest SPAC (DWAC/DJT) within this market/time has been very profitable to many. Forget SPAC - ALCC is a name recognition play. And this market is going bonkers right now for name recognition - take DXYZ last month - going from $9 to $100 in 13 days. Why? Because of Elon Musk's name and people wanting a piece of his SpaceX. Sam Altman is the biggest name right now in tech and people want a piece of him.

I have 1 share of DJT and DXYZ for the same reason


Media coverage matters. DXYZ had been out for 2 weeks before Fox News Teevee articles came out announcing it to the Boomer world and it memed 4x before the rug pull


Thank you for your feedback and for the DXYZ mention which is the first I’ve heard on that, actually, which goes to show news coverage is not needed to go ballistic on extreme value stocks. Congrats on the control number! That’s time well spent.


I like your DD and I look at this as not just betting on the world needing way more energy - and the fact that nuclear is a green/environmental solution and Oklo's ability to potential recycle it. Which in itself is huge. I also see the name recognition being huge. Sam Altman is more hands on with this than say Dr. Dre was in lending his name to 'Beats' back in the day and those earphones printed. I see the comparison with name recognition (a former President) in DJT/DWAC but I also see a comparison between the monster run with DXYZ about a month ago - when people wanting a piece of Elon Musk through SpaceX took the stock from $9 to $100+ in about 13 days. I actually see more similarities between the DXYZ and ALCC because the media was/is still quiet outside WSB, whereas for DJT it was on every news article. I'm hoping for a value explosion here next week - time will tell. Regardless, it will be fun to watch (and participate as I got my control number and ready to vote).

Wow DXYZ at $13 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


guaranteed to be at least a couple regards in here who bough DXYZ at $120 and are still holding. stock currently sitting at $13 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Just got my control number today and I'm ready to proxy vote next week for ALCC/OKLO. I can't wait to see how this plays out - maybe a positive note for me... after a shit-ass month-ish time: 1. Got fucked by LULU earnings - stooopid me saw >200 new LULU jobs on LinkedIn (not cashiers) weeks pre-earnings and thought wow... nope 2. Because of LULU miss I skipped hitting DXYZ at $16 a few days later and well... 12 days after that she hit $100. 3. This morning NVO fucked me (because they beat estimates - so much for fundamentals like doubling sales, forever demand and a near monopoly) - nothing is for certain anymore folks - ALCC up, up and away!

Someone that bought DXYZ probably went long on $ROPE.


DXYZ took every dime of yours I bet


So is alcc gonna be the new DXYZ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Think by next week if not before $20s-$30s easy as many other rando de-spacs have done, BUT with Sam Altman behind it from OpenAI as well as it being nuclear/energy themed which is paired with AI theme, would not be surprised if $40-50 or even $100, like DJT or DXYZ recently


Clearly you need to invest in DJT (not the transports), and while your at it pick up some DXYZ


Is DXYZ starting to look like a play or is it vaporware?


So I made a [post]( saying DXYZ is overvalued dogshit when it was trading at $110+ and now it's at $17.


Remember when DXYZ was $100 - about 10 days ago...


Can’t believe DXYZ is at $18 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Bro I have one share each of DJT and DXYZ just so I can watch them on my actual portfolio instead of going to a watchlist


Show or hands, which ones of you regards caught the DXYZ falling poop knife today?


DXYZ scams -80% from peak ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Any DXYZ bagholders in here


What happened to all the idiots pushing DXYZ


DXYZ oof. Under 20 this morning


Based off nothing more than DJT/DXYZ madness…40+ all the way up to 70? (I’m regarded)


Oh you're a miniscule brain power individual. Buy $DXYZ to afford progeny that can actually not be NPC's. $DXYZ. you're welcome.


Great question! Mostly, they're good at outsourcing and being lazy in the most profitable ways. Feel free to type out more and send DXYZ a bill for your time. Your parlance is interesting.


Reddit and DXYZ.


Then again, maybe just put the meta puts into DXYZ.


I mean honestly I'd be remiss to say anything except liquidate those, sell meta puts at open, and put all profits into DXYZ. come hang out /t/dxyz 🤗


DXYZ maybe?


What's the story with DXYZ?


What's the story with DXYZ


DXYZ no longer supported on Robinhood ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


What happened to DXYZ?


DXYZ got dumped from Robinhood![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)


Hold up Why is DXYZ untradeable ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Cant believe they removed DXYZ from robinhood ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260) well no options so i guess not a big deal ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


I wouldn’t touch DXYZ, the owner of the ETF just sold almost 5 million worth. IMO not a good look for the ETF he went on CNBC at its peak talked it up, then sold all around the same time.


Why is DXYZ no longer supported on the hood? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


⚠️: *For those who followed my latest DD. If that's not you, I apologize for making you scroll.* I made a mistake on my latest BanBet. I played the bounce nicely on DXYZ but copied/pasted the wrong thing (bearish instead of bullish). Anyway, I'm banned over at the Mainland, so I'm just posting here that I'm still holding my OILD positions [regarding my DD]( (updates are posted in the comments there). Nothing had happened, but I did see a report that Israel said they could potentially retaliate after Passover, and I was well above breakeven, so I held that day's low, which has held. I expect there's bound to be a gap tomorrow. I won't update since I'm banned, but I'll decide if I hold over the weekend (or how much) based on the news tomorrow. I'll be measured since I do not play oil and based on where we closed today, I can pretty much guarantee we'll be in the Dark Hollows tomorrow, so I'm not willing to endure too much of the expected increase in volatility. Remember I'm a short-term swing trader. P.S. I'm posting here (OGs) since I know a small handful from my time here have followed some plays, and I don't use DMs. I haven't updated the DD because I'm banned, not because the play is over, especially with tonight's news.


I just read that the founder of DXYZ sold 200,000 shares two days ago. Shocked I tell you! Shocked!


It seems Markey bullishness is to be judged by DJT AND DXYZ if they make crazy unmoved it show too much greed and if they make big down moves too much fear


I feel badly for those in $DXYZ


What is happening with $DXYZ?


Nah , selling DXYZ at $100+ is dirty


You kinda knew we were going to dump when shit like DXYZ was at $100+ and retail regards were saying BUY BUY BUY


DXYZ ETF IS FUCKING WILD incredibly risky as fuck but massive swings every day It's been the best pure gamble. Up 31k in 2 weeks. Bought at 20 sold at 27, bought at 32 sold at 95. Bought at 29 sold at 40 yesterday 5mil volume lol. It's worthless essentially but memes make money, Buying 1000$ today, and will buy 1000 tmrw if it's red again. Will sell at 39 or higher later in the week


Robinhood removed DXYZ from their brokerage, guess they dont want regards buying SpaceX ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


DXYZ need to buy some Vaul-tec at least $50 At open ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


DXYZ is just a constant pump and dump scheme now


DXYZ just BF'd me


DXYZ ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Robinhood stopped selling shares of DXYZ, claiming its a closed end fund


Why can't i buy DXYZ options? Everything shows $0.00


DXYZ options are in the process of getting added to RH


DXYZ pumping despite trading halt lol


RH eat a bag of dicks. DXYZ "You can close out your position in this stock, but you cannot purchase additional shares."


DXYZ like a phoenix from the ashes.


why did nobody tell me DXYZ options came out


how is my only green thing DXYZ


Why DXYZ not dumping along with the market ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


It's honestly pretty wild that DXYZ is a safe haven today.


guys guys guys... options open on $DXYZ


DXYZ going to hopefully recover by heavy bags! 🙏


DXYZ options baby.


DXYZ options dropped today


DXYZ option chain available now - But no Bull or Bear have guts to trade on it.


!banbet DXYZ -2.0% 32h


DXYZ and DJT baggies on life support? Show yourself


Man if you had DXYZ now might be the time to bounce out and cut your losses.


DXYZ baggies alive?


What do we think about DXYZ? I feel like this would be pretty easy to pump up like the old Covid days 😢


AMD, INTC, DXYZ (worst investment ever). I would have been dead without NVDA & GE.

A CEF was listed about two weeks ago(?,) that is invested in a basket of private firms. It includes OpenAI, SpaceX, Stripe and several others. Ticker DXYZ, if you’d like to read the prospectus. (I am invested in it, but only sharing because it’s pertinent to OP’s question, in no way trying to shill.)


I'm a grandmother but I don't have as nice a sum as your grandmother has. Good for her - she's clearly sharp and has been making good decisions. If she genuinely wants to shift to a low risk option and given tax considerations, you probably should find her a reliable advisor just to make that transition. I keep most of my small account in CDs atm - safe, insured 5% is reassuring -- but I've tossed a few hundred here and there into an IRA that I play with - and yes for a short while I owned a few shares of RIOT. Why? it seemed like a way to dabble in cypto without the craziness of crypto. I did do nicely with DXYZ - got in at $16.50, sold in stages, cleared @$3K - fun! I work full time in a pretty intensive job -- some casual stockpicking is a better way to relax than buying lotto tickets.


DXYZ baggies on life support

r/stocksSee Comment

That’s not true at all. As a share holder you don’t profit from the company profiting at all. You profit when the share price goes up. That’s wildly inaccurate information. You can have shares of walmart and walmart could have made 100 billion dollars last year and the share price could go down. Or you could own shares in DXYZ who has made negative earnings and the share price could go up and you made money. You should do some basic research.


I honestly would be surprised if DXYZ is trading above $4 by EOY. I took a gamble on it for the launch run up. Bought at $9 and sold at $28. The premium this is trading for is absolutely ludicrous.


Remember $DXYZ ?


What the fuck happened to DXYZ this week?


Well it dropped 41% since we talked 16 hours ago... Typically closed-end funds tend to be valued at a slight discount to the value of the assets it holds. Rarely some will have a premium of up to 20% give or take. In this case the premium was up to 1400%. Even when we spoke 16 hours ago the premium was like 500%. Totally insane. For example, if SpaceX stock sells for $100 a share (which is pretty accurate right now) this would be like deciding to buy those same shares for either $1400 (when DXYZ peaked) or $500 (16 hours ago). In this case the premium is because SpaceX stock is more or less impossible to buy as a joe schmoe investor. But paying 5x or 14x more than it's worth is pretty much insanity.


People bought DXYZ above 100 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


DXYZ casually down another 40% today ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


DXYZ is down 70% in like 4 days...


Ark Venture Fund is very well positioned and one of the few retail channels to have exposure to Epic, Anthropic, Discord, SpaceX, Databricks etc. I don't understand how DXYZ gets bid up so much but everyone just plays ignorant on the fund just because it's run by Ark.


DXYZ is ded.


DXYZ is absolutely plummeting holy shit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Looks like DXYZ is done selling the dream?


DXYZ down to $4 where it belongs ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


DXYZ is taking a beating... ouch.


DXYZ 😂😂😂


Off topic-ish, but did anyone ride the Destiny Tech100 Inc ( DXYZ ) roller coaster the past three weeks? IPO's at $8.25 on March 26, hit a high of $105 on April 8, $39 today. "[Destiny Tech100 Inc](,Destiny%20Tech100%20Inc,-.%20(ticker%20DXYZ)%2C%20which). (ticker DXYZ), which holds shares of darling unicorns like Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Sam Altman’s OpenAI, briefly surpassed $1 billion this week. That compared with net asset value of $54.3 million, based on its most recent regulatory filing. Seems everything Sam Altman related has been getting pumped the past couple of weeks.


still no options on DXYZ? wanna short that bitch back to $4


DXYZ ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


DXYZ doing that “other drop” I was referring to yesterday ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787) I think we may see a reversal today


DXYZ gonna hit 70+ today
