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I once read somewhere that major brokers will deal with the issue of physical delivery on futures expirations, for a fee, but can't find it again. (self.investing)

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IBKR Scrub Question

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Interactive Brokers closing account, won't let me deposit funds to avoid liquidation

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What to own in IBKR for safe yield returns

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I had my best trading day all year and in a very long time but have no one to talk to about it

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Blackrock just added up to their $LUMN position

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+8 million/2500% gain in 2 months, +20 million/5000% since April 2023

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Best & reliable alternative to IBKR?

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IBKR on top of the game

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IBKR 90 Calls

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IBKR- Interactive Brokers: overview and valuation

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How to buy Swiss govt bonds

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No reimbursement policy if hacked - IBKR Canada

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Rates cut will send BETR to the moon (Better Home & Finance Holding Co)

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If you want to day trade professionally, it's ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL that you trade with a professional platform that charges options fees.

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Does IBKR require personal guarantee trading under LLC?

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Would you guys have handled it differently if you were in the same situation?

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Would you guys have handled it differently if you were in the same situation? Sharing my investment experience with bad risk management strategy.

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Understanding LLC Liability in Options Trading on IBKR

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ZIM: Betting on Red Sea Conflict

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IBKR alternatives for EU?

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Worst brokerage platforms errors you have seen?

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Worst brokerage platforms errors you have seen?

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Building up the $100k club

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OptionStrat Pricing inaccuracy

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$COIN / Bitcoin ratio is stupid. Long BTC short $COIN

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Some questions, sorry I'm dumb

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Just got approved for Options Trading on IBKR

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IBKR vs TradeZero vs tastytrade vs Freedom 24

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Currency exchange IBKR or REVOLUT/WISE

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I've never seen that before

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ITM sell put was not assigned. Was I this "lucky"?

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USA: Options for automatically moving small amounts of excess funds from a bank into a money market mutual fund or similar? (is this "sweep"?)

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Margin requirements for vix options.

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$2300 to $12.3k in 2 hours

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expiry/collateral on bull put

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Only 700 shares available for shorting on IBKR

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Interactive brokers weird commission policy

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A bullish case (w/DD) for Fisker FSR (SI: 41%)

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Best brokers for Switzerland

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Trade exports from different brokers

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IBKR is fueling your gambling addiction

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Money Market Funds vs. T-Bills for Short-term?

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Who has Cheaper commission than IBRK ?

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Taking advantage of high lending rate and dividend yield

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Lending out ABR and securing 15% annualized return

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What’s the point of selling naked calls if you need to have the cost amount of shares regardless?

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Investing of sum of money

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Is this arbitrage?

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Schwab canned TD app, other options?

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Interactive Brokers not filling orders, filling orders above limit price

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Alternatives to IBKR

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Alternatives to Interactive Brokers

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Alternatives to IBKR

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HEAVY CAUTION!!! Closing a Short Put Option deep ITM...

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Questions about bonds, mainly US treasuries

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$LMND - Potential Gamma Squeeze

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I want the same Column in Interactive Brokers to help my option game.

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Price of Crude Oil vs Middle East death & injury tolls as reported by CNN

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ITM put options expiring, but not enough cash in my account to purchase them

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IBKR Event trading

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IBKR Event trading

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What's the best online broker?

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IBKR or TD options data

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Last 35k left and looking for strategies to 10x in a short time

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Which broker should I choose?

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Beginner investor

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How is MooMoo? Recommendation for Canadian trading platforms.

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How is moomoo trading exchange?

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Order Flow with IBKR

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CHEATSHEET: The Basics of Short Squeezes - A 3-min Read

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BYND Meat, my short Thesis

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Starting a fund partnerhip. How to go abiut it?

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Must US brokers send an FYI about market orders to their clients who placed a market order in the past month by law?

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is there a broker that allows automating weekly put writing?

r/StockMarketSee Post

I no longer like SIRI.

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Why does Fidelity have such terrible Treasury bond spreads and yields vs. market?

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IBKR options auto-exercise

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CGC 0 shortable shares, 170% interest.

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TD Ameritrade is beginning to charge users USD$50/month maintenance fees

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Td Ameritrade to Schwab: how's order execution quality in Schwab?

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XSP liquidity and popularity

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Which free bond scanners(with ratings) are out there and which ones do you use?

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IBKR - Equity with Loan - Reduction?

r/SPACsSee Post

IBKR Warrants

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Trading exports from different brokers

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Investing from Switzerland: IBKR vs Trading212 vs Degiro

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Help finding spiked up/down stocks

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Capital gains / Dividend tax on taxable MMF's for a foreign investor

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Which online brokerages should I consider?

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How would you deal with your forex exposure?

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Can I get a count? DRS Price Hike: Would You Change Brokers?

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Best hedge for SPY CSP

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How do American investors directly access foreign markets?

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The best option strategy for a 1% income monthly.

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How will this play out? (IBKR)

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Question for T-bill investors

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IBKR Magic Trick

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How are brokers like Lightspeed or Dash Prime for portfolio margin buying power?

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Cost of options contracts:- AAPL / NVDA comparison


Got myself an IBKR account to play options. Many options looks expensive, for instance META puts for earnings play. In general do people selling options make alot more than people buying them? 


I have IBKR and Trade Republic


I will be filing a lawsuit against Horizon ETFs and Wealthsimple, a division of Power Corporation of Canada for deceptive practices and taking unfair advantage of minorities and people with disabilities. Leveraged ETFs need to come with a huge warning. Horizons, Power Corp, the Big Banks, IBKR can all get fucked. Oh, and now WeBull is launching in Canada. Wonderful. They can get fucked too, but you know they won't be. Instead it's ordinary Canadians who are getting fucked and will be fucked even harder in the future. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Do wash sales affect me if I place the trades on different accounts? Like say I have 6 margin accounts on IBKR. Would I be hit if I sold for a loss on 2-3 of those accounts or is it only looking at just one account?


I have level 3 at Fidelity for Options, which is the highest level they have. Level 4 at IBKR. I sell naked options often (Usually ATM when directional bias is strong) My earning Straddles are not covered, but a short ATM naked put and short naked call. I base entry on the ratio of implied move to break even point vs premium received.


IBKR. you have to do SPX instead of SPY, which is open premarket/afterhours. but its the same thing


Some brokers allow for 24 hour trading on certain options, like SPX. You’re unlikely to get good liquidity after market or global hours though. I think IBKR lets you trade them all available hours but I might be mistaken.


Why don't you open an account at Fidelity, Schwab or IBKR and ask for level 2 with zero options trading and see what happens? I'm curious. Did she apply for level 1? How long has the account been open?


Hi! I had an iron butterfly on IBKR (long 495P, short 500P, short 500C, long 505C) with strike 7/26. my short 500P got exercised, and I got assigned 100x of QQQ. can i ask what can I do to salvage this?


I don't know what it is, but "real" quants roll their own and not trust precompiled code (there has been history of essentially spyware data mining trends). I use IBKR for their API. They have precalculated greeks for bid, ask, and for their model which looks like it's probably some smoothed IV inference. I grab options chains and compute implied probabilities and fit to Merton jump diffusion models to get a feel for what the market is saying.


Nearly all brokers let you get SGOV or something like that. IBKR gives you 5% interest on cash, even when it's for CSP margin, but I just park it in SGOV. The exception is futures options since commodities margin is essentially a separate collateral/escrow account.


I have, on IBKR earnings. They beat and stayed flat/ went down. I’ll be getting out fast


Charts are from IBKR! I have no opinion on RYAAY right now, more so focused on CRWD/TSLA/GOOG rn

>Okay, maybe that's where my confusion came from - it \*seems\* that IBKR only updates my list of active covered calls on a weekly basis (at expiry) - sometimes even as late as Saturday or Sunday after expiring Friday. The only reason it seems that way is that every time you've been assigned before, it's been at expiration, on a Friday. If you got assigned Wednesday, they'd notify you by Thursday morning.


God IBKR is such a slow dogshit platform


Okay, maybe that's where my confusion came from - it \*seems\* that IBKR only updates my list of active covered calls on a weekly basis (at expiry) - sometimes even as late as Saturday or Sunday after expiring Friday. So you would think, that IF a call has been executed at, say, Wednesday, I would not be able to roll the contract, even though it still looks active in my account?


Calls on IBKR


I told IBKR I have 2 years of trading options experience Kek


Thanks! just checked with fidelity, I am not on portfolio margin vs IBKR is on Portfolio margin. This explains the big gap. BTW, fidelity's PM application is a manual process (by phone interview, could take up to a few weeks for approval......) vs a few clicks on IBKR.


I would expect differences for RegT margin from one broker to another, since brokers are allowed to add on top of the regulatory minimums, but I didn't expect the difference to be so large. Are sure you were comparing apples to apples? Maybe you were comparing PM on IBKR to RegT on Fidelity?


Some update on my previous question. Last Friday the call I sold was assigned. On Saturday morning I got the cash AND 100 shares on my account. LT call is still mine. I thought I will get some notification from IBKR today, but nothing - still have the shares (can sell them) and the LT call (also can still sell it). My plan was to sell the LT call, buy shares for them to be transferred to the new owner tomorrow (I understand it is done automatically). But why did I get the “extra” shares AND the cash? What do I do with those now? 😅


That depends very much on your broker. I use IBKR and it informs you about the max win and the max loss amount.


I tried a few; my favourite sources of data: IBKR, Polygon and yfinance (you have plenty more). For TA you also have a lot of solutions for quick and easy integration: TA-Lib, TA, Pandas TA. This will get you started (if that is your case). Feel free to ping me when you need tools to dive deeper (e.g. automation)


It's because they were already overvalued (and still are). They have a higher P/E ratio than IBKR despite Schwab's poor reputation, regulatory sanctions, and having more debt with less cash. And IBKR's earnings are growing more steadily.


I can't believe I IDd this Thursday night.  I think it might run a bit more. But it's not worth getting in. Shorts haven't returned many of their shares according to IBKR. But I wouldn't buy at 10. 


Thanks. As an example: I am holding 325 shares NVDA and it is up $10 or so. I did not see it coming. I don't think IBKR will allow me to post a trade if it wasn't in before the close of the previous day. I now realize that I want to sell my [shares.So](http://shares.So) some where I see trades at 2 a.m. CST so someone is trading it. My question remains. Can I log in to a foreign VPN and trade at 2 a.m.? But I want to do it legally and not break any agreement with IBKR.


In platforms like SqueezeMetrics and SpotGamma. Not sure if IBKR TWS.




I can't imagine a US based brokerage would demand liquidate a crypto ETF like that unless you were running short on margin. Are you sure they didn't raise the margin requirements and suddenly find yourself short? IBKR will force sell stuff if you're short on margin, but a lot of other place will deliver a margin call. IBKR is kinda unique in that aspect.


Get IBKR. Buy ALTIMMUNE. Wait for weeks, maybe months. Set a sell order at 18$ for the amount you invested. One stock. One winner.


i actuallly made $10 on KBR calls, meant to by IBKR lol. also accidentally bought a put insead of a call and made money lol/


What is considered the most up-to-date for aftermarket information? Is it Yahoo? Marketwatch? Trading apps like IBKR? It seems they all vary quite a bit. Yahoo telling me my small-cap stock is up big in aftermarket. Marketwatch slightly less. My app, IBKR, saying not at all but there's clearly some big volume at close yesterday so that doesn't make sense.


Man, its really insane to me how much more info this gives me. You're gonna laugh but I was trading using robinhood charts before. Literall blind as a bat compared to this. Thank you so much. Next I need to learn how to set trailing stops on puts/calls on IBKR lol I know how to set regular stops and limits but not trails.


Making another example because you're highly overconfident and obviously new to the market. The founder of IBKR has a giant ownership in his company so much that he has a set commitment to sell 20k shares every single day so 2 mil every single day for the rest of his life and a big part of the life of his children. Selling for decades. The selling pressure doesn't influence the price at all and there are always enough buyers. You really do not understand the size of the US stock market.


> After market closed the +5 position was at 0 price (understandable) and I went in the position and sent instructions to lapse it just in case. I didn't see such option for the write put and I was checking it out for at least one hour after the market closed, with price of the option staying at $0.32 instead $0.00. Was that because at market close (16:00) the option was ITM and was I assigned because someone exercised these options? Your terminology is a bet confusing, perhaps because English is not your native language? For example, what does "lapse" mean in this context? It's not clear what the moneyness settlement of each of the legs was. OTM? ITM? And which legs? > Also, do you know what's the default behavior of IBKR on option expiration? If the option is OTM would the broker automatically exercise it for me or lapse? Same question for ITM and for write options? Expiration disposition has nothing to do with IBKR. This is an OCC policy for all US standard options. Regardless of which broker you have, all contracts that are ITM by at least $.01 at market close of expiration day will be exercised-by-exception. However, this does *not* imply that all short contracts that are OTM at market close are free from assignment. People are allowed to request exercise up to 5:30pm EST, so your short legs are still at risk up until that time.


IBKR is working


Sign up for Interactive Brokers (also known as IBKR), and fill in all the details correctly. Other brokers like Trading212 don't allow people under 18 to use them. If IBKR doesn't let you sign up, try Fidelity, though their fees are much higher.


IBKR, Robinhood and Trading212 offer fractional shares.


Delete IBKR!


The joke about this company is they declined my application & won’t tell me why ?? Hahaha my folio is well over millions is traded stocks but they said nope we can’t help you & please don’t apply . My god what a joke , moved a bunch of money to Wealthsimple & IBKR . Sure my ego was hit , but I’d really like to know why ?


I normally try to directly answer someone's questions, but in this instance, what I am hearing just doesn't make sense. I agree with voltrader85 to either have enough money to cover your positions or trade something cash settled. 1. Risk management teams are there for a reason. I feel it's to protect the broker, and it just so happens that you also benefit from this. So generally, if the broker is stepping in and closing your position, you might want to look closer and ask why you haven't already managed it yourself. 2. It seems like you may not be aware, and perhaps I should not even say this, but you can probably tell the broker not to engage the risk management team and avoid this altogether. That's really why I find your question difficult, because it's seems like you're saying "can I bypass the risk management team *this* way" when the broker has a set method for bypassing the risk management team. If you don't want them to close the position(s), call them and tell them that. I'm 99% sure on Tasty but IBKR I haven't used. 3. Why do you want to go against the people who literally have the job of trying to help you not screw this up? They are likely closing the position because you have some sort of pin risk to get caught being obligated to purchase more shares than your account can afford to purchase. If you're not familiar with pin risk, please learn about it, and make sure you understand how you can lose money you don't even have.


The rates will change depending on who's loaning the shares, but I usually check my broker and [](,Brokers%3A%2071.3964%25%20(annualized)&text=The%20cost%20to%20borrow%20%2F%20borrow,borrowing%20shares%20of%20a%20stock). Right now CMC, who claims to use IBKR as a source shows no rate because they show zero shares available to borrow. Schwab shows >350k available at a rate of \~240%. You may get different results from different sources, but they all seem to show high rates IF they even have shares to loan.


Cut and paste of the trade using IBKR desktop and the email confirmation they auto send. Happy to help the new people. If there is anything else you don't understand just ask.


Hi, newbie here, why does IBKR recommend selling rn and the “Target” is 8.38 at the moment? What does that “Target” mean and how did they get them?


Summary -mango man Says stupid shit -Asml Shits the bed (beats but not enough and carefull outlook) And america saying a strict export policy will follow -My IBKR Calls wont print If TSMC doesn't crush earnings we will just put all our semi money in IWM and blow our accounts there


European markets are open, IBKR offers trading up to 8 hours before pre market too.


I'm just watching overnight markets on IBKR. ASML dropped to 1023.88 3.31$ drop. It initially surged to $1100. SOXL dropped to 63.53 - 2.71% drop Grand the liquidity pool isn't deep but there will be large gap i think between close of bell and open of bell at this rate.

>a fool and his money are soon parted You can find groups that will give you plays, but keep in mind plays are usually time sensitive or need a particular setup. Here are some past [examples]( In this webinar from IBKR, he explains calendar spreads and shares a strategy. You can also look at the Wheel Strategy, it's an easy way to get started with writing options. Good luck.


IBKR why no moon


I’m really hoping IBKR pumps at market open


Anyone have any thoughts on MLGO?  I mainly ask bc I was fooled by a false breakout the day before yesterday. THEN I found out on IBKR (which I've just begun to use...) it has 0 shares to short. Also it's had 12+ red days in a row.  I did this research AFTER I bought it. I'm beginning to think that was a mistake. Lol. On the bright side,  I think someone mentioned RGTI on here. Either way,  I started a small position a few days ago. Looking good. 

Actually,  I decided against it. I entered in AREB instead at an OK price. Ended up exiting this morning.  I fell asleep between 2-4am lol. Probably when that BIG order got done filling at $37. When I woke up at 4 it was priced in.  The best thing that came out of all of this is I really learned how to utilize IBKR. I was able to get in and out of TKLF today with a modest profit.  Sadly I was fooled by a false breakout of MLGO. Apparently it's had 12+ red days in a row. Not a terrible chart. I'm absolutely sure at this point RH and I are NOT friends. Every time I use that platform I lose money.  Sorry... I know that's not the question you asked. But, it's been a crazy week. And it's only TUESDAY!  I hope you made a lot of money.  BTW.... I may enter into a small position of DJT if it dips much more. I can't imagine it won't go banana sandwiches during the election. 

Usually there would be an H next to the ticker in IBKR when it’s halted but it did not show it during Overnight Trading. Also I might not be as experienced as I am still learning so could you please point me to these rules so I can read and improve myself


IBKR now lower than close despite earnings beat. oh well at least i got sept calls instead of weeklies this time.


Playing earnings with IBKR 7/19 125c and JBHT 7/19 165p


Anyone else feels like a pro even losing money when using the IBKR TWS?


You can try IBKR. You might be able to buy individual stocks but I doubt they have ETF. Cheap or free is not an option; you will have a minimum of shares to buy. So let's say 500 Shares (bigger total amount overall) Secondly like others said , stay away from exchanges in countries like these. Stick to Us , Canada , Australia or UK .


Gosh, I'm regarded. IBKR slapped me silly.


Most are done by human. Some brokerages are nicer than others and will float you a day or two to satisfy the margin call, or allow you to take action. I know IBKR is cut throat and doesn't give you time.


Wake up to IBKR hopefully shitting the bed


IBKR why you come back down


Why the fk did I buy NVDA instead of IBKR today?


**IBKR DAYUUUUUUUUUUUUUM please go upsieeeeeeeeees, don´t evaporate my PNC GAINSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS**


**IBKR dont do me dirty**


how regarded i accidentally bought KBR calls instead of IBKR. might actually make money off it too.


IBKR anyone?


Anyone going in on IBKR earnings?


!banbet IBKR 129 1d


What do people think of IBKR stock?


IBKR earnings play?


Alright - I don’t have intentions to close the option trade early and will sit through the expiry as I am okay for shares are sold. I was more concerned with the loss IBKR was showing but will ignore it. Thanks for responding.


Every f time I announce my position on here it swings opposite. So PUTS on IBKR


First off this strategy seems like a good way to go broke. There is a very bad day on the market. Your VOO drops, your NVDY drops faster you get sold out of NVDY and your debt is partially covered. Now you are holding VOO on margin. Second, you could you should get a pro account not a lite account for the lower margin rates. Third your stock won't get there in time. IBKR doesn't give you a window like a lot of brokers: * in extreme moves they will sell you out immediately * in moderate decay situations you will need to be good by 2:30/3:00 or they will sell you out before 4:00 You need to have overhead to survive something like a 30% drop all the time.

what play for TODAY's earnings boys? was thinking calls or shares of IBKR just because I think there's more trading...Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.... u?


what play for TODAY's earnings boys? was thinking calls or shares of IBKR just because I think there's more trading...Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.... u?


I am indeed, unfortunately. I would probably try to move more of my stocks from Fidelity into the account with IBKR if I started approaching the danger zone of being at risk for a margin call


What’s the move for IBKR?


i have also a question regarding being an european using IBKR. How can i trade SPY options as an european in IBKR ? Is there an equivalent ETF to do it?


I recall a video by tasty (from many years back) where Tom/Tony and team walked through some key differences between futures options and those for equities/indexes.  Probably the most helpful part is discussing the effect of multiple contract multipliers, quotes for interest rate products, margin, etc. I think IBKR has a good series on futures products (part of their customer education resources).  It covers a lot of the commodities and futures themselves, but is good for understanding market mechanics like hours and fundamentals.  Lastly, exchange/issuer (and broker) sites can be extremely important.  How are the fixing values determined for PM vs AM settlements?  Which options are American style?  How many contracts can you have open?  What are trading hours each day, including on final settlement?  The CME's site, for example, provides good info.


I can't stop trading and I enabled options. IBKR is doing fine 😂


Thoughts on IBKR earnings tomorrow?


They mean that they are long cash in their account and IBKR is making money by lending it out


Thank you for the info. I am hoping to do index and future options which are much more expensive in terms of is fees. I also would like to sell premiums with margin so I’ve heard though tasty margin rate is high but the leverage is also high in terms of tied up collateral buying power, comparing with IBKR or fidelity. But tempted to try it!


Well they usually only offer leverage on normal stock purchases. But for some reason it says I can also buy leverage on a short for IBKR. Two things it could be: 1) they are really confident it will go down so they’re not worried about me losing money (prob not this one) 2) they are really confident hedgies will be pushing this up and will take as much money as they can from me w margin I end up losing and having to pay back and r baiting me (prob this one)


!banbet IBKR $130 2D


IBKR pays 4.75 for most settled cash automatically. This is standard practice because they don't just hold the cash, they reinvest it. Banks do it as well, but they just pocket all the interest because most people are financially naive. My bank account holds just enough money for one month of cash free payments. I am not here to finance my bank by giving them my money.


I am bullish. Because I am a contributor to their earnings. IBKR has charged me exposure fee and made lots of money by lending my settled cash. 🥴


that's a solid thought, maybe that's what's happening now forcing SIRI to move up almost every day? At the time of this post, the fee was about $.025/share. Multiply that by 8.4 (subject to change), and thats about .21 an arb is paying per long share of LSXM. Even if there's a $5 arb gap (arbitrary number for example, i think it was around $6 at the time of this post), it's lost after holding that position in just 24 days. Note: IBKR fee seems to fluctuate quite a bit throughout the day. as high as 300% at open but 177% by close. Anyway, the smaller the arb gap and higher borrow fee for SIRI, kinda forces them out even faster. And like you said, they'll have to hold for months. Seems like a pretty solid long idea. I did pick up a couple hundred calls for Aug. a week or two ago but after your comment, I might risk a few k more.


Thoughts on IBKR earnings? Do you guys use it?


anybody else thinking IBKR calls? saw some people talking about it in the earnings thread


I do use them! And really like the platform. I think its comparable to IBKR and schwab maybe? But they have a lot of proprietary features that the others dont have.


Well, options are an interesting case. Because here on IBKR, if I sell e.g. 2 contracts, they can fill as one transaction (order), or may be 2 transactions for each contract. Curious how that maps to trade definition and day trading rules. In the formal reading, a trade would be opening transaction paired with closing transaction, so if contracts were partially filled one by one, it's very easy to trigger PDT when trading options.


Does Schwab and IBKR provide any interest on the uninvested amount?


IBKR allows for overnight trading. I placed a limit order for 33.50 before going to bed. No Christmas for me this morning ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


u can buy SPX options premarket on IBKR but thats about it


I am on IBKR


IBKR overnight trading is a thing too
