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Viterium token on Vite network [$20k market cap]
In addition to being sued, Coinbase receives Show Cause order from 10 different state regulators at once. Coinbase has 28 days to show cause why they should not be issued a cease and desist over offering registered securities. Coinbase lost at least $600M in deposits lost as of yesterday
Am I scammed by Seeking assistance to recover $10000 deposit. Support not engaging, ignoring tickets for almost 24 hours, providing fake reasons.
Buy BTC and ETH as long-term investments
How to start in Crypto :- HVE2 should be the first Choice !
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List of exchanges where MIOTA (IOTA) tokens can be purchased in the United States - Version 4.0
Update on recent changes In the laws governing Vanuatu Cryptocurrency License
Not In New York: List Of Crypto Services Not Available In New York
Why does cryptocurrency engender so much vitriol amongst its detractors?
The Revised Crypto Amendment has Failed
Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL) has objected to the compromise amendment. He didn't get his own amendment for $50b in defense spending, so he's against all others. FYI, he's retiring at the end of this term.
Seeking help online - Monero address...
[BSC] | Yumcha Finance | Safe haven for when Elon Tweets next | World shares and World currency Pegged asset | Collaterisation supported by an Australian Holding Company
Growth of Crypto Leads To a Financial Meltdown, Metalla Royalty CEO
$SPE SavePlanetEarth - Planted 11000 trees YESTERDAY - WhiteBit NEXT WEEK [$15M Market Cap] [14 DAYS OLD]
$SPE SavePlanetEarth - Planted 11000 trees YESTERDAY - WhiteBit NEXT WEEK, not yet on CG [$30M Market Cap] [14 DAYS OLD]
[Learning] MIT Open Course: Cryptocurrency Engineering and Design
Excellent crypto economics education channel that deserves more views. Economics Design.
A Tale of Three DeFi Indices - Crypto World's "VT/VTI/SPY etc"
Lol if you want to be a normie with a measly 8% yearly return you can literally replace Dave Ramsay with 2 letters: VT.
500k in VT and a small emergency fund in SGOV. Everything else and all future savings in IBIT and MSTR.
YouTube is hearing us. It just recommended this video 😅
He should invest most of it in the stock market, something like VT which covers the whole stock market or in the S&P 500 (VOO). And then use like 5k for crypto, bitcoin is pretty safe but I think DCA is a better idea specifically because we are in a bull right now he might invest now and see red for a long while in crypto winter.
Best bet is to invest in VT and just chill. There is a chart about how much you should invest in crypto by percentage based on your belief in it. If you are one hundred percent believing in it, even then, the recommendation is like 8% of your total portfolio
This is one of the most retarded things I have seen in my life. Passive index fund investing exists, bonds exist, etc. The boglegead motto is literally VT and chill, you don't have to do anything or know anything.
I don't have any Tech specific ETF's. Rather I'm holding the total market which already has Tech in it. My total portfolio has about 42% VT, 42%, AVGV for the ETF's, and 15% in 3 other stocks, including the 5% bitcoin.
Forget stock picking. If you want stocks you grab VTI, VT, and VOO.
About 75% into VOO and VT. The rest I would probably put into high yield dividend stocks to collect monthly payments.
For me it's adding more to my stock portfolio, particular VOO and VT, so that during the crypto bear market, I can keep growing my money and collect a few $100s in dividends monthly.
Sometimes I feel I should just sell off my entire VT holding and go all in on IBIT.
Bitcoin is good, but so is VT for your stock exposure. The best thing to avoid mutual fund fees is an etf, as mutual funds never beat the static index.
Meh... Why are you assuming that people who are selling BTC are holding on fiat? I think it's perfectly fine to have a fixed allocation of your portfolio to BTC, whether you choose it to be 10%, 50%, our 90%. But that implies that whenever you rebalance, if BTC went up, you will sell some BTC and buy whatever the rest of your portfolio is (VT, gold, Nasdaq, whatever the fuck). Personally I'm 80% BTC and 20% XDEQ, so yes I am selling BTC and buying XDEQ currently, but on the next BTC bear market I will be selling XDEQ and buying BTC. Tell me why this is wrong?
I'd choose a percent of your total portfolio. In my opinion you still want diversity, so you should be buying VT too. Going all in is for gamblers.
Realistically, investing in the stock market like $VT or real estate (renting out a property).
The advice I give is VT. Bogleheads is normie advice that can't fail over the long term.
If you just buy spot btc (not leveraged on margin or futures) you can't be margin called. Just like simply buying VT in your retirement account.
MicroStrategy is receiving index allocations from almost every ETF provider including Vanguard in its VT etf.
Just buy VT, and a small percent portion of Bitcoin.
When I got a new job I used half of my 401k from the old job for Bitcoin ($FBTC) and coinbase stock. Those funds came from Roth 401k so they are in my Roth IRA now. I'm confident in Bitcoin long-term and that coinbase will continue to be a major software platform in the United States and worldwide. The other half from my old 401k I put into 90% $VTI & 10% $VT in a Rollover IRA. This is my safer investment of total stock market index and total world market index. Also I contribute to my new 401k which I'm able to use to purchase: 45% VTI, 45% VIG, 10% $IBIT. This account is basically 90% safer investments and continuing to add 10% Bitcoin products. If Bitcoin takes a big dip which it occasionally does, then I can borrow from the 90% and add to the Bitcoin products. I buy Bitcoin from my paycheck with 5% of my pay separately from my tax advantage accounts.
Why would you ever go all in on anything. I'd say cap Bitcoin at 25%, and buy low fee globally diverse etf for the rest, VT/ADVD/AVUV. Stocks are also a hedge against inflation.
Oh boy. This is the mindset that gets you nuked. Not that you will listen but I'd encourage someone with a significant win-fall concentration in BTC to look at something along the lines of a long term portfolio consisting of roughly 75% VT, 12% VGIT, 3% SGOV, 8% IBIT (or physical coin), and 2% IAUM (or physical bullion). You do you though. YOLO, I guess.
Don't do 100% Bitcoin. Also buy some VT; or some split of VT/AVUV/ADVD if you want added risk premium.
There's no point, just buy a diversified index like VT and you gain real estate exposure. Its not worth being a separate asset class because all you add is volatility to your portfolio.
Maybe do some VT as well, since its the second best asset next to BTC; as its low fee, globally diverse, and auto-rebalancing.
I think 100% investments are unwise. I would consider some VT etf as well.
Sure you are. Why do you spam every stock-related subreddit with the same copy-pasted paragraph? There is something more going on. If youre not lying, simply buy bitcoin and dont trade it. With stocks, buy VTI or VT and dont trade if you dont understand anything…
This is exactly what I’m doing. Except VT instead of SP500.
I have one maxed with VT and QQQM about 7k in each
HURRR just buy VT and chill. Don't invest more than you are willing to lose!! Bitcoin is a scam! 60/40 stocks and bonds! It is just room temp IQ takes on those subreddits. Those people will never become wealthy.
Well im still adding bitcoin etfs in my Roth, along with VT. I do 50% VT 40% BRRR and 10% is my discretion. Right now that 10% is UEC.
Gold and silver are not investments, think of them more as currencies that aren't effected by inflation. If you can invest over time you should open a Roth IRA, a tax free retirement account, and start contributing to that first of all. Low cost total market index funds are the best choice, VT is a good one. You can technically buy bitcoin through the IRA as well although keep in mind you can't take it out until you're ready to retire.
99% confident in BTC. But I split my investments between VT and BTC so I'm not stressed out whenever BTC takes a big dip.
After 7 years of research and watching what's happened I'm fairly confident. Not VT confident but, enough that I'm still buying at times and raising my cost basis. I have some concerns over Satoshi. I have some concerns over ETFs although they will probably be positive overall. I have some concerns with self custody and some with exchanges. Like I said, not VT confident.
It’s going higher and higher in Bitcoin. I had bonds and any of those that were still in the green I sold into Bitcoin. Sadly lots are red. The rest is VT.
Sell everything you have and invest in an etf like VTI or VT, then sleep at night.
Yen carry trade the Mrs Watanabe made need to unwind since the BOJ is going to raise rates. Who knows what is going to break. Then there was also bad employment data in the US last week that came out a couple days after the Fed held rates the same. Watch the price of VT today to see how much the world market has been impacted (it is an index ETF that broadly tracks the world stock market).
This is true for any asset, not just Bitcoin. You should define an allocation strategy, for instance 69% bitcoin, 31% VT or whatever the fuck you want. The important part is that you should regularly rebalance to stick with the strategy. So if any asset you own goes x4 overnight, obviously you should sell it and rebalance your portfolio.
If you want want high upside and are okay with taking on high risk (aka high likelihood you’ll lose it all) then put it on another meme coin. If you want to bask in your luck and profits, but still want a little upside with less risk then bitcoin is the answer. If you want to make sure your profits are still around in 10-20 years, while also growing your wealth 8-10% per year on average at low risk, then VT, VTI or VOO will do it for you. If you go all in and put it into something high risk and you fail, please learn from it. Everyone screws up big at some point but for 90% of us it’s made us smarter. Don’t be that 10% that goes bankrupt chasing your money or shooting for the moon on each investment/gamble.
I did. I still have tax deferred in VT and bonds. But I pushed a lot into BTC. I would do more but my wife is skeptical so this was a middle compromise. I suspect that BTC is going to taper off in growth but I have been tired of the stock market casino even though a s and p killed this year.
I've been buying every month. What is your second option? SPX? VT?
Is that 70% into individual stocks? If so, I would get rid of that and move them into an index fund with a low expense ratio like Vanguard VTI or VT.
[Monte's Restaurant]( I love all kinds of pizza. I have had it all over the world. This was the worst one that I have ever had. Bland sauce, the crust shattered when you bit it, super low quality cheese. Everything about it was bad. Second worst was a Sbarro in Italy. We got off a plane and were starving and it was the only option where we were. They were just shoveling slop out to tourist and did not give a shit. I don't mind Sbarro at all typically, this place was just not even trying.
People selling out of one ETF would likely need to set aside money for capital gains. They may also decide to de-risk and reinvest in something like VT or whatever their index of choice is.
I appreciate you! I’ll look into VT/QQQ/IBIT :) Fairly ignorant as far as investing goes outside of BTC
I appreciate you! I’ll look into VT/QQQ/IBIT :)
I don't recommend this unless you have a very secure safe. Gold and silver are easily stolen. Secure safes are not cheap. If you don't own your home or have a parents home to put a full size, fireproof safe, don't invest in precious metals. You're young enough that maxing out your IRA over the next 10-20 years (along with accumulating BTC) is going to serve you very well. Make it simple: buy VT. I also hold QQQ and IBIT, but really, between BTC in cold storage and VT over 20 years, you're going to be one of the few from your generation who is actual able to retire.
The top countries for VT are US (62%), Japan (6.3%), UK (3.5%), and on until we get to China at 2.5%. Yeah, still gonna get rekt when the US economy goes poof. I don't really expect someone that has an investment thesis of "number go up in past; number always go up" to go that in depth into what they actually invest in, though.
LOL okay. You provided reasons why you don’t think the US stock market will perform well going forward. Even if that is true, I told you that there are stock markets across the world, and a well diversified portfolio will not just own US stocks, but invest in a total world stock market fund like VT.
If you DCA’d into it you wouldn’t be that bad off. And anyways this is why I recommend not just investing in your country’s stock market, but a globally diversified index fund like VT.
It’s too early. When bear market comes along there is always new narrative and new thing that would pump hard, usually high performers this cycle will not be the high performers in the next one, also seems like every crypto bull cycle they certainly won’t pump as hard in terms of % as market cap is higher and industry maturing. During 2017 alt season, it was kind of short but so many alts pumped 10x within a month, during 2021 alt season many alts pump 10x within few months. This cycle seems like most alts ain’t pumping nearly as hard. Solana pumping 20x from lows within half a year seems a lot in this cycle, however compared to the 2021 one, so many alts did that within a few months, picking big winners is only going to get riskier and harder as crypto matured and overall mcap goes higher. Next bear cycle comes then just deploy your money into top 20 coins evenly and just hold. Basically like buying etf. Should be good enough for you to beat VT and VTI returns for a few years at least.
Yeah, but buy with as small a deposit and long a term as you can get away with/feel comfortable with. Seems likely that over 30 years you’ll make more off the bitcoin you didn’t sell than the additional interest (particularly considering inflation). If you want to de-risk it a take some of the bitcoin (that you would otherwise use for your deposit) and put it a 60/40 VT/BND stock portfolio for a bit of diversification. That will lessen the risk that bitcoin crashes while you lose your job and can’t make mortgage payments.
I took a little bit of profits as well but not nearly as much as previous cycle, seems like risk of holding anything is getting higher and higher anyway, when I take profit, either i buy VT or a bit of tsla stock. However seems like I'll just hold most of it this time unless crypto truly going to absolutely maniac cycle, like btc above 200k or most of the alts 3x from here. Investing now has become which asset class is less bad and almost all asset value is backed by printed money anyway.
No, I didn’t. The S&P isn’t going to zero short of absolute Armageddon or a communist takeover of the United States while there are many scenarios where Bitcoin never takes off and fades away to irrelevance, etc. No, I don’t think those scenarios are likely, either, but they’re much greater than the chance of the US stock market disintegrating. And nevermind a total world stock market fund like VT.
Doesn't matter if people care to allocate Bitcoin to their portfolio. What matters is that fund managers do it. Most people just trust their financial advisor, or they'll buy into some generic index fund like VT\*\*X that they'll ride until retirement. Even right now the typical recommendation is to have a little crypto in a diversified portfolio. 5% is considered maximum as it's "too volatile", but 1-3% is considered reasonable. The higher Bitcoin goes, the stabler it becomes, and the easier it is for fund managers to integrate it into the normie indexes. And once it's in the indexed retirement funds, people will be investing in Bitcoin whether they care or not. Unless Bitcoin is supplanted by another technology (and I don't see that happening considering the fragmented shitshow that have become "alt" coins), it will be worth over half a mil in a decade. There's just no way around it.
Not sure if you want a real answer but here you go. 10k being what here? All of your long term savings? Your savings and day to day money? If it's the latter it's a bad idea. If it's the former it's also a bad idea to throw all of it into one thing. Assuming it's your long term investment money (BTC is NOT a get rich quick option), invest 2-3k into BTC now, put the rest into a Roth IRA and buy VT. Then setup to buy BTC weekly or daily (amount depending on your income) and also continue to invest in your IRA. This will setup a sure thing retirement wise (VT) and expose you to BTC in a way that allows you to gain if it continues to spike and also gain if tanks down.
Go 100% VT. Unless you're over 40, you should also add bonds.
I love this as the sheer amount of people who got into investing (and therefore learned about the economy as a whole), due to BTC always amazes me. The "awareness" that it brought is most definitely a wonderful value and benefit to the people as a whole. The $$ value ain't too shabby, either. That being said, VT and SCHD.
Don’t know all your personal circumstances or your age but 1M euros if you’re young isn’t enough to retire. It’s an unorthodox road to retirement but could very likely work. Either that or you’re left with nothing :-) Once you get to 30 - 40% of your goal, I’d recommend putting a hundred grand or so into something more stable, like VT or VTI.
Cash out, buy broad market ETF, VT or VTI. you pout like this toddler bro. I hope for you that the next time cdc gets "hacked" for 35m, ur funds won't be lost. You can also just trade p2p or at the very least use a dex (not recommended, just do p2p) like a normal human
Nice! I am in a similar boat. I wasn't planning on adding anymore post ETF because I figured the price would go up quite a bit, but since it dropped below 45K I have been selling VT and buying more BTC and stacking some MSTR in my Roth/Adding to FBTC. My stack is now bigger then I had ever planned. Let's go!
Dumped all my VT today screw vanguard.
Sold all my holdings in VT and bought FBTC and IBIT
$VT, it’s a bet on world commerce
I’m a maxi but still invest most in the stock market. You don’t need to know much about stocks to make solid investments without paid “professionals”. Use low cost etfs or mutual funds that spread the entire market. VT, VTSAX, VOO to name a few solid vanguards funds. That being said, a little more than beer money being thrown at BTC each month has become almost 10% of my net worth. I’m still not comfortable rerouting retirement savings or the like however.
Id personally sell the watches and put it into an etf like VTI or VT. Or maybe a use the cash as down payment on a house if you weren't a nomad. I'm a BTC proponent but you are to concentrated. That's just me though
Obviously I would switch it to another income generating asset like real estate or XEQT (equivalent o VT for US ppl) Once you reach your target for retirement you basically want lower risk assets and be able to draw 4-7% YoY on the interest of my investment and still be comfortable
I stay subscribed and fight with them consistently. New people come in who are 18-22 years old and say I am looking for advice, currently im 100% VT which is the Total world stock ETF fund. People respond saying OMG youre doing amazing! That’s the perfect balance! This is such terrible advice for an early investor. I argue with them consistently trying to hopefully help somebody see the light.
im pretty much just 50-50 between VT and BT
Don't be risky with your retirement. Doesn't matter how young you are. Put 1k into bitcoin if you must but put the rest into VT.
Might get eaten alive for this, but I would sell. You make a profit, take a percentage of that and put it into a IRA. If you don’t have an emergency fund, shore that up. Buy VTI, VT or any other broad index ETF. With any money left over, allocate some to your kid’s college fund, if that’s important to you. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency’s have outperformed the broad market over a short period, but past returns are not indicative of future returns. If you want to keep bitcoin, hold 1-5% and you’ll still be able to profit if the endless rally continues. Right now, having ALL of your assets in a speculative asset that doesn’t even function well as a currency is setting you up for disaster. Even if you’re a true believer who thinks this thing goes to 50k and beyond, you need to diversify.
US treasury bonds, VT, VTI, gold. Assets that are backed, regulated, and understood by people. One of the most common arguments I have heard for BTC is that it will be available when the US govt collapses and USD is irrelevant (or whatever other country and currency). I am not sitting here waiting for doomsday just to say “gotcha” when I have BTC and others dont…
Robinhood disabled **buying** of Gamestop in 2021. They didn't disable selling. Your fear that you cannot sell while your stocks are crashing to $0 is not supported by the event. And why on earth you want to buy stocks which could crashing to $0? Just buy VT and chill.
Despite this hard to follow word jumble which I don't even know what it has to say about Bitcoin I would point out this is incorrect. >You're also not investing in the entire economy in a neutral manner: you're only buying stock from the largest American companies, including some extremely unethical ones. VTI is total US market ETF with 3,860 companies of the ~4,000 non penny stock public traded companies and replacement by market cap 99% of tradeable US stocks. VT is a total global market ETF with 10,800 companies across 18 national and regional exchanges and represents by market cap 96% of tradeable global stocks.
Bitcoin is already helping the loads of unbanked people in developing countries. I recommend watching [Banking on Africa: The Bitcoin Revolution](
Dude you're just wrong. First of, there's regulations(SIPC) in place that make sure brokers cannot commit fraud with your securities or if the firm fails. Second, there's regulations in place that make sure your broker is not also your custodian. You can find the custodian of your assets in the 'statement of additional information' of any of the funds you purchase through a broker(like VTI or VT). If Vanguard or Fidelity or Schwab go bankrupt and creditors come looking for payment they cannot touch the assets held by the custodians they hired to hold assets that were under their management. Want to know an example of when your broker was also your custodian? Bernie Madoff. This shit has already been thought of and remidied. This is often why I've little faith in Bitcoin advocates. Trust me I'm no expert, far from it, but I don't let skepticism/speculation cloud my judgement or curiosity to learn market mechanics.
Let me say this again. If Vanguard goes bankrupt. I still own my shares of VT. No bank owns your securities. You do. If Vanguard fails then someone else with administrator the fund. Outside of a doomsday scenario you aren't losing ownership of your securities.
I either don't understand you or you're wrong. How, for example, does owning VT mean I owe an IOU to a single company? VT is a slice of market cap weighted globally diverse stocks. I still own those slices of stocks even if Vanguard goes belly up.
VT, btc, eth. My house. Only difference is perhaps some commodities like copper, wheat, crude oil.
50% VT and 50% BTC, both will go up forever
Btc, eth, my house, some moons and VT.
My man is going to wake up tomorrow with a hangover and see $4.5m missing.. ![gif](giphy|VT5Rh3YOQ9eX4thUtU)
I've always enjoyed As well as crypto zombie and Ivan on tech and sunny decree.
Great decision. I don't have kids but if I do , it will be 1. Property, then 2. 50% btc/eth and VT.
The USA won't be abandoned. California will be abandoned by serious exchanges if this bill comes to pass, much as when the NY bitlicense was adopted some years back, basically all major exchanges stopped doing business with individuals in NY and a lesser number of those firms were still able to serve non-NY corporations (for business accounts) where those corps had ultimate beneficiaries that lived in NYC. It will be the same now for CA if AB 39 becomes law, a massive derisking will take place, exchanges will just stop serving California individual / retail investors. Whereas, other states will profit from California's loss. Recently it was reported that a sixth US state -- Idaho -- is willing to charter uninsured, non-lending, 100% reserve banks that are eligible for Fed master accounts (the other states are CT, ME, NE, VT & WY). This follows from Wyoming's numerous pro-bitcoin and pro-digital asset laws (there have been many over the past few years signed into law having to do with digital asset use and protection) that have been adopted by more intelligent legislators. And of course there is E Salvador, a country that has adopted monetary policy far better than that of the United States.
Alternative link provided in lieu of posted link: Full text of tweet if you do not have Twitter access or account: "1/ BIG NEWS for #fintech! A sixth US state--Idaho--is willing to charter uninsured, non-lending, 100% reserve banks that are eligible for Fed master accounts (the other states are CT, ME, NE, VT & WY). This trend could turn the "bank-as-a-service" (#BaaS) model on its head!!!!!" - from @CaitlinLong_ on Twitter, who also posts on Nostr & elsewhere
Mate, i say with nothing but sympathy and care for you. You clearly have a gambling problem masking as an “investing” problem. Stop putting money into equities and start putting it into a therapist to help you. If you need to invest in the market, put money into VT/VTI/VOO, but know you’d be better of investing in yourself
Wayyyyy too many coins. I hold 5-8ish. That’s all the information I can keep up in. But if you want a safe a safe investment, stay BTC and ETH. Those 2 are the equivalent of the VT etf