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r/BitcoinSee Post

Done stacking, now HODLing

r/BitcoinSee Post

What’s your DCA amount for BTC?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Questions about DCA and UTXO

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

I have decided to match my child's allowance 100% in the form of DCA into her own personal wallet.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin correction

r/BitcoinSee Post

Share your DCA format (Sticky post)

r/BitcoinSee Post

How is the tax on Bitcoin calculated?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Worries about UTXO

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post


r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin is just false hope for DCA guys

r/BitcoinSee Post

To everyone who told me to dump all my money in and not DCA before ETF Approval!!

r/BitcoinSee Post

“For $1 a day you can save a child’s life”. Well….I can also DCA into bitcoin for an early retirement.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

No BS off-ramp option ?

r/BitcoinSee Post

What is your preferred method of DCA?

r/BitcoinSee Post

DCA plan

r/BitcoinSee Post

I want Bitcoin to drop more

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

What does 'Have a Plan' look like?

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

$SOLONG the dragon

r/BitcoinSee Post

Always dips just days before I can DCA :(

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bought at 45k

r/BitcoinSee Post

DCA Army ? Is this correct ?

r/BitcoinSee Post

My Stomach Hurts

r/BitcoinSee Post

After 4 years of DCA i finally have 0.25 BTC

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Why is Dynamic DCA unpopular?

r/BitcoinSee Post

What is your current DCA frequency? Am I doing it right?

r/BitcoinSee Post

I think everyone of us should DCA now

r/BitcoinSee Post

Low-Custodial hybrid hot / cold DCA method guide for HWWs

r/BitcoinSee Post

Should I be DCA’ing every week or wait until it stops dropping to buy more?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Now or Later???

r/BitcoinSee Post

Im using a DCA bot, any recommendations for the settings?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Can you DCA in Coinbase advanced?

r/BitcoinSee Post

How to best keep all money in Bitcoin?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Time the market and you'll get left behind. DCA is the way..

r/BitcoinSee Post

ETF Came and went. Bitcoin price crashed. BTC is dead

r/BitcoinSee Post

Wait or pull the trigger? That is the question.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Patients young Degens

r/BitcoinSee Post

Anyone else just chillen?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Unpopular Opinion

r/BitcoinSee Post

DCA time or not

r/BitcoinSee Post

How do you all stack Bitcoin?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Does anyone else find it odd the whales are the ones making up the selling?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Questions regarding best method to buy BTC for my younger brother

r/BitcoinSee Post

What portion of your 401k did you or would you allocate for purchasing ETFs?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin ETFs

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

People exiting completely from crypto right now and dumping their entire bags before the halving, what's the rationale?

r/BitcoinSee Post

For people who DCA and hodl, how many sats do you allow to accumulate in a CEX before you transfer them to your non-custodial/hardware wallet?

r/BitcoinSee Post

For all of you jerk offs that lost hope watch this

r/BitcoinSee Post

Best exchange for DCA in USA?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Günstig kaufen mit wenig Gebühren

r/BitcoinSee Post

Buying to a cold wallet

r/BitcoinSee Post

Need help understanding the value of ETF for BTC

r/BitcoinSee Post

Keep stacking guys, don’t panic, don’t get emotional, trust the process, be disciplined and DCA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

What Ultimately Drives Big Bull Runs?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Low-fee options for small dollar DCA?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

What would you do in my situation?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Ways to automate buying dips

r/BitcoinSee Post

Seems a lot of you are new to Wall St.

r/BitcoinSee Post

New to BTC, looking for some advice

r/BitcoinSee Post

Big Bitcoin Bounce Coming Soon…

r/BitcoinSee Post

Exit strategy

r/BitcoinSee Post

I'm a little confused. If these are 'SPOT' ETFs, how come the price isn't @ 45k?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Big Surprise the ETF didn’t impact price much day one…

r/BitcoinSee Post

Taxes! Suggested methods for tracking profit? Do I need to report income from 3202 sat test sale?

r/BitcoinSee Post


r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Controversial Opinion on ETF

r/BitcoinSee Post

Congratulations Bitcoin Peopel

r/BitcoinSee Post

Too late or never too late?

r/BitcoinSee Post

One thing to keep in mind while everything is going on. In reality, nobody knows shit about fuck. DCA is your friend.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Good thing to keep in mind while everything is going on. In reality, nobody knows shit about fuck. DCA is your friend.

r/BitcoinSee Post

I bought 1800 in Bitcoin last night

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin ETF is Just The Beginning 🚀

r/BitcoinSee Post

Should I move some of my positions in my Roth IRA to the new spot-BTC ETF?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Am I the only one who doesn‘t think the ETFs will necessarily be a good thing for BTC or Crypto in general?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Best way to buy 0.25

r/BitcoinSee Post

Something to consider when buying and selling BTC…

r/BitcoinSee Post

Message to the sub (ETF event)

r/BitcoinSee Post

Called the ETF news top, got downvoted into oblivion.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Remember that you were completely ignorant once, so expect repetitive questions from the influx of newcomers

r/BitcoinSee Post

Cold storage or exchange for btc DCA?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Should I buy etfs.

r/BitcoinSee Post

DCA Questions

r/BitcoinSee Post

Australia Deposits PAYID

r/BitcoinSee Post

Today I have finally reached .1 BTC!

r/BitcoinSee Post

I seek UTXO knowledge

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Exchange question?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Isn’t this whole SEC fiasco kind of proving how Bitcoin can not be a security?

r/BitcoinSee Post

DCA with SATS or with FIAT?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Two Critical Questions (Post SEC-account-hack): Who? & What's Next?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Making this post to say, I’m so happy I continued to DCA daily.

r/BitcoinSee Post

BITCOIN is an IQ Test that 95% + of the world has failed

r/BitcoinSee Post

Wallet advice for UTXO management.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Understanding UTXOs

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin on cashapp

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin Single dump or DCA?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Surfing the sun for sats. DCA everyday.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Hot to persaude your significant other to buy BTC?

r/BitcoinSee Post

DCA Frequency?

r/BitcoinSee Post

I bought BTC at 65k in late 2021.Im so proud to stick with my DCA for past 2 years. To all of you who have been DCA for past 2 years, you're true winners🥳

r/BitcoinSee Post

How can I transfer my Sats/Bitcoin from PayPal to another hot wallet - and will my rate change?

r/BitcoinSee Post

How to cope with not having enough


Not true! I'm poor AF but put another 100 in when price hit around 94k and will continue to DCA my paychecks.


Nah bro, I use them for DCA and has been a wonderful experience so far.  Take your business elsewhere if you don’t like it just sick of whiny posts about fees. You have choices so vote with your money and take your ass somewhere else. Haha


DCA in on the pull backs! That's what I do. The more it dips the more I buy.


Having income to invest is how you invest, just doing it once will do basically nothing for your life. You should be following the rules of thumb for investing which is always be buying, constantly, every interim period. Such as DCA monthly. I've been DCAing for many years now and depending on the asset, I have auto investments into crypto and stocks either biweekly or monthly depending on it


That's the story for so many people. It's why I just DCA on my top assets, BTC, SOL, EOS, and AAVE, and focus on building over time rather than trying to time the market.

This is what keeps dumb people from starting their DCA. Don't listen to dumb shit like this, OP.


Coinbits was marketed by a bunch of prominent bitcoiners last cycle including Saifedean. The app was billed as a round up service that also did DCA. It was great until their custodian went bankrupt. Strike and Swan were also using Prime Trust but switched a few days before PT filed bankruptcy. I didn’t lose that much. I had it set up that after accumulating .01 btc to send to cold storage. I paid my dummy tax of 600k sats.


Not really honestly. My wife and I are dual income so we make a combined 150000 Canadian.(About 105000 USD) which is solid for professional work but not rich. We choose to live way below our means so we keep our costs to around $6000 (4200USD) a month. Of that cost close to half is housing. Depending on the year we can put away 30-40K a year. It took us about 10 years to build into this but we can now. I solidly believe whatever you put it BTC even now, it will eventually be worth 10X more. I also love real estate and I DCA into ETFs and hedge in a cash fund that yields dividends. NFA DYOR


Np bro, good luck. I'm still DCA into newer and older projects weekly.


Can you explain DCA to me? Not trying to sound overtly like a noob but I’m trying to learn. I’m tired of being that guy that sells too early. I’m in it for the long run.


YES ... most certainly YES. Sure, I DCA a little from my monthly paycheck. But My net worth was lump summed into it earlier this year.


Not if you doing weighted DCA


This method works. DCA quality for the long run while taking some shots with iffy alts. Keep the initial position sizes so you can hold to the moon or zero. Never sell down. Because you will be down and it will recover if you picked well from the start. You just have to wait long enough. We love to forget how prices in the stock market are usually slow. Crypto volatility has supercharged earning possibilities. It make us head into risk without realizing you can win in strong crypto that is less risky than the brand new alts that could run 10x in a month or rug you to 0 .


I started DCA buying at the start of 2024. Recently I started BCA buying.


If you're taking all these volatile factors into account when you buy, it's the opposite of DCA...


Just say I was younger than I once was and DCA all the way if you wanna be woke and then tell them about River for the one listening.


Can’t answer that one for you. All I know is the safest bet for me was to DCA & leave it until I retire or for my future children. Best of luck, you got this!


Hi! For more information on our zero-fee DCA, feel free to check out our [breakdown article here.](


Best resources to get a full understanding on using cold/hardware wallets? I have been DCA'ing for awhile now and it's time to properly secure my investment.


XRP HBAR AVAX LINK XDC XLM ALGO ETH BTC Don't touch shitty meme coins. Hold long term and DCA

Oh interesting, I didn’t know they had a vault feature, that could be the way to go for now with myself as an additional co-signer. Although I don’t love them using coinbase for a DCA with their high fees, so was kind of hoping to do away with them. I was thinking they could just move their current stack to cold storage, and not touch it, and then yeah any DCA going forward could just be in the ETF for ease of use.


Stop checking the price constantly - short term fluctuations don't matter. I'm playing the long game. It's a lot less stressful when your position is still in profit. DCA or be patient and wait for a big dip before buying.


Take it for what it’s worth, but here are my opinions-I’m not your advisor, and never was. I spent 5 years with a brokerage in an advisor role, and this fall moved away from the advising space into the company OPs side. From my experience, and from what I’ve seen from other advisors, they don’t fully understand it. They don’t see why anyone should buy it. The biggest reason why: there are no commissions on it from their end. They can take a 5.75% cut plus trails on it when you are doing it away from them. It goes against what the “norm” is for investing. I agree to some point that it is hard in a short window to gauge because of the volatility, but people shouldn’t be investing in stocks for short term windows due to volatility as well. I brought up that my wife and I have a position, and it’s always met with the same response that you got. I still steadily DCA though, and have for the last 3(ish) years, and just leave it out of projections or anything that I would share. Regardless of who I talked to, it seemed to be a consensus regarding it. I would be skeptical with whoever you talk to about this from an advisor point of view.


Better to DCA on a set time line. Then dip rule say x% from peak lump in, and let the lump reserve roll until the next strike price


Yeah that would be what is difficult to figure out. Maybe a dip could simply be a Bitcoin DCA Value that is 25% below my current Bitcoin DCA Value but that is the reason I am not sure if it is a reasonable strategy. What do you think?


I'm doing DCA every month with small amounts since late 2017


DCA and stay the course guys and gals.


We all have been where you're at, read/bookmark this guide and make sure to learn along your journey. Congrats on the move, it's never too late. ONLY INVEST MONEY YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOSE. Invest in your knowledge, learn about Bitcoin as much as you can. The Bitcoin Standard book is a must read. So is Broken Money book. Get them and READ them both, please. Also, **don't reply any DMs**, emails, private messages on other social media, promising to buy Bitcoin from them or get rich quick and read this short guide, please: **Price wise, nobody knows what the price will be tomorrow, next week or at the end of the year.** **Try "Bitcoin ONLY" strategy for at least the first 210,000 block cycle**, you'll sleep much better. Newcomers lose so much money, holding garbage tokens just because someone on YT told them to. If you don't like losing money in [failed coins](, avoid. Going DCA is probably the best approach, IMHO. Bitcoin to me, is a savings account. If I have some spare cash, I exchange it for sats. Once a week works best for me, but I'm getting paid weekly. If there's a 10% drop in the price since my last buy, I usually double my buy. This [DCA calculator]( might help to decide what will work best for you. In a few years, even $10 dollars a month can make a massive difference. This [DCA blog]( is pretty interesting. Now, don't buy a fake Bitcoin at a spot ETF place or similar, **get the real thing** that you can withdraw anytime you want. Register at a proper exchange and buy real Bitcoin. Any of these will do []( Install (or buy - in case you're getting Bitcoin in Thousands of $) one or more of these wallets. A few good wallet choices: []( \- Top Security Features, Open Source and Non-Custodial []( \- excellent, easy to use wallet, Open Source and Non-Custodial []( - top desktop wallet []( \- Solid choice, Open Source and Non-Custodial, one of the oldest and most trusted Bitcoin Wallets. I prefer the desktop version but it works on mobile too. Lightning wallets to consider (cheaper and faster transactions, great for small amounts): []( \- Phoenix - very good wallet, uses Tor for extra privacy, easy for anyone new []( \- Blixt - great UI, fast and clean []( \- Breez - excellent POS for small business owners as well as integrated Bitrefill or LN Pizza []( Zeus - impressive wallet with many features, can even generate Nostr keys Hardware Wallets (to store larger amounts): [Trezor]( \- Easy to use, no matter how new in Bitcoin you're. Use the Bitcoin only firmware as it's safer than a multi coin software. [ColdCard]( - air gapped, Bitcoin only, has advanced features but a new user will do fine with one of the great tutorials available. [BitBox02]( - another great little device, opt for the more secure Bitcoin ONLY version (less coins = less code = less chance for a hidden bug or a backdoor) [Jade]( - air gapped, fully open source, Bitcoin only, great features. You can even [build it on your own](, if you feel adventurous. [Seedsigner]( - another DIY, fully open source, air gapped, Bitcoin only hardware wallet, not for you if you're just starting up but something to consider later. [Krux wallet]( - one more DIY hardware device, I love this one for many reasons. Similar to Seedsigner, it's fully open source, air gapped, Bitcoin only hardware wallet, that is not for you right now if you're just starting up, but something to consider at a later stage and/or to up the security of your bitcoin. There's also Ledger, but I wouldn't recommend it as it's not fully open source, keep and already leaked customers' details, recently said they're capable of sending customers' keys out just with a firmware update, etc. **Stay away**, save yourself a headache in the future. Whatever wallet you'll decide to buy, purchase DIRECTLY from the manufacturer, no eBay, no Amazon. Make sure the device is NOT preset, and you will generate your own seed words. Write them down on any piece of paper as well as the receiving address. Now wipe the wallet and generate a new wallet. If the seed words are different from the first set, you're safe to use it. Find an option to set a passphrase and use it. This will boost the security to another level. Never store the seed words and passphrase together. Use a different medium if possible. If somebody finds both, they'll be able to steal your coin. This little device will hold the keys to your money, that's the reason why you have to be a bit more careful. Also, no worries, if it breaks, you can replace it - as long as you keep your seed words and passphrase(s) safe. Welcome to the rabbit hole and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions anytime during your Bitcoin journey. Also, [check the sidebar]( that's filled with lots of great info and if you have any questions, visit r/BitcoinBeginners and look for the answers.


I see! Do you think in this case maybe I can put 75% of my monthly Bitcoin money into my weekly DCA strategy and leave 25% to buy strong dips in the bear market? Thanks for you comment by the way


Yeah that is true! Maybe there won't be the typical 4 year Bear and Bull market that there has been. Just to be clear right now I could not out a huge amount in Lum Sump, I do not have the funds but maybe it is better to just put all of my monthly Bitcoin Fund straight into my DCA Strategy instead of trying to time the market with some of my Money. Thanks for your insight!


I do this and use fold for my everyday purchases and get Bitcoin back. Fold also has a round up feature to DCA. I have been thinking about writing a post on ways to get "free" Bitcoin. Hit me up for a code for both River and fold for a sign up bonus.


You’ll do fine. I don’t consider these 5-10% fluctuations off of ATH as much of a dip to buy. DCA isn’t much of a hedge against risk, your cost basis will likely go up as you buy. If we hit a hard bear market and the price goes way down, buy as much as you can.


Don't forget to DCA all the way through the holiday, kids.


It will. Eventually. Hope I could DCA to a full btc before that….


Have used river for almost a year, not my experience. Free monthly transfer, 3.8% bitcoin for stored cash, No fee for DCA.


Try Strike. River took a week to verify my account. After it's verified I set up DCA which required ID verification, then they removed my account for generic reasons that don't apply to me. Lots of people having the same issue, they're hoarding people's IDs.


I wouldn’t hold any coin outside of Bitcoin past the bull run. Most alts drop 95% or disappear after the cycle. I would DCA to Bitcoin and then look to buy other crypto’s starting in 1.5-2 years


Buy bitcoin now if you can live with need to wait for selling at least a half year to be in profit again. Buy btc after crash and DCA'ing in like weekly buys or so Or buy altcoins now that gets pumped earlier and invest profit after btc crashed


I don't have any spare cash to DCA.


wont buy BTC with the market cap above 1T but will DCA next cycle after the bubble. It is over-leveraged with MSTR and has no additional use cases as a coin like dogecoin. At least stocks I get a real asset.


Good “hack”. Do you DCA?


So its a good time to DCA in then. I'm looking into buying into narratives like RWA and Defi, I bought some NEXD already.


This is more like the best time to buy into these coins. AI, DINO or L1. The best strategy would just be to DCA because you don't know what will happen. I still DCA into XRP and EOS.

Wish I had the cojones of this guy. I discovered bitcoin in 2012 but thought nothing of it, rediscovered in 2018/19 and have been DCA’ing since. It outperforms all other assets I own, and I truly believe is the key to freedom. I salute you Satoshi, whoever is the fuck you are!


If BTC crashes, it’s even bigger gains for next halvening. The maturation is 5 years. Not 1 year in bear market. The bond demand will never be zero. And MSTR will just keep DCA whatever they can. The reason this wouldn’t work on other assets is because there’s no halvening cycle that always pushed BTC up. However because BTC has financial cycles, it’s easy to line the bond maturation with it. Which is exactly what MSTR did. You don’t have to agree with MSTR. But they’ll keep pumping and making money for investors.


I don't say around 2013/2014 - I did not listen and regret it every day of my life. I know the usual - I would have lost it or sold etc. It's likely true but still it hurts. I have been DCA-ing for the last 2 years and will continue to do so for as long as I can - but honestly its still depressing even if bitcoin goes to 25m - ill never have enough compared to what could've been.


Can't go off prior data so much because everything changed this year with ETF's and now we have governments and corporations around the world thinking or starting to use bitcoin as a strategic reserve. We also hit ATM's before the halving even hit which was a first. Lot's of FUD going on but people should look to the new administration and those who are going to be placed in positions of power and they are all pro crypto. We have some great times coming soon but as we currently see people are losing money because they bought when the fear index was at the greedy levels and investors should know you buy when people have fear in their eyes and are uncertain and sell when it looks like people are starting to get greedy. It's also going to take some time to get Senate confirmations and then they will need some more time to adjust to their position and get things moving along. But after that things are going to pop off. Let oil prices settle down to see things getting better. But in the mean time I would stack up every single time a crypto you like is falling and keep DCA all the way down, because when it goes up it's going to be a great feeling.

It's not of my business, and nobodys advice should matter more than how you and your family feel. Accidents happen. Black swan events happen. Nothing is certain. I'm all for holding (and even buying more) but perhaps in your situation the peace of mind is worth some upside? Paying off some of the Mortgage so it no longer feels like a weight on your shoulders? Or the ever unpopular DCA out (a portion) during the bull run to improve life, and DCA in during any eventually downturn or black swan. No matter what you do, rooting for you fellow sat stacker


I have coinbase one / their monthly subscription thing. It's like $15 or so, but saves on fees. Dont really know how/if it makes it out positive in the end, but with their DCA and all that, it's just easy is all...


If you don’t need a car, get rid of it. Cars are expensive to own. But don’t sell it for the sake of buying bitcoin. But if you do, split your buys into 5 segments. DCA each week for 5 weeks. Or every two weeks for 10 weeks. I wouldn’t try to buy in one lumpsum. Also don’t be a stupid fuck and leverage your money.


I am kinda conservative, but I'd put all cash on a high yield savings offering ~4% and then DCA buy bitcoin once or twice a month over a timeframe that is reasonable to you (e.g., over a year). I am considering this strategy for my bonus when/if I'll get it in 2025...


Bet you only DCA $20 in bitcoin biweekly huh


Might as well DCA in the top 10 forever OP. You would never lost


Just DCA, buy in batches, formulate your own plan, never go all in Its your money! Learn to use it :)


DCA, HODL and enjoy the ride


Just DCA (Dollar cost average) every month until you plan on giving it to him.


You could argue that, but by September 2021, I had cashed in all my crypto for profits. I learned the hard way in 2017 that the bull runs don't last. I went back into the DCA strategy with $BTC and $ETH about a year later when it was clear we were in a bear market again. I've already sold off all my $BTC as soon as it broke 100k and started buying altcoins. I've used some of my $ETH already to purchase the alts in defi and I when and I'll started trading more of it for alts when it hits a new All Time High. I'm just waiting for altcoin season at this point. That's where the real gains occur.


It’s not so hard especially after already going through one bear market and you DCA


It takes only a couple minutes to download TradingView and look at the bitcoin chart and see the pattern. Doesn’t take a genius to realize HODLing is actually suboptimal. DCA out of high risk levels and into low risk levels. People will argue that’s a fools game trying to “time the market” but like dang..


Time to up my DCA then!!


Yes, life happens, no panic, will resume to DCA as soon as it's possible. 😀


I sold a bunch this summer for backyard renovations that got out of hand. As much as I love BTC, a nice patio and pergola with teak furniture gets more use than magic internet money. We are miles out from reliable loans against BTC, until then selling while continuing to DCA is fine.


Try River and Strike for DCA. Zero fees after the first week.


I like strike because my paycheck gets deposited directly and instantly converted to BTC without any input from me. Feels like I’m getting paid in BTC Downside: I don’t get any of the DCA fee reductions with direct deposit… :(


It’s as simple as using 100 K for sales order wire. And DCA and day-to-day sales. But again, ok. I’ll be back lol.


Stop talking and just do ACTUAL DCA. River has been a game changer for me.


Whatever price their bonds are, it won’t be 0. And they will just keep converting bonds to BTC. Saylor is just executing the corporate version of retail DCA.


I am going to DCA into BTC until I die - Michael Saylor and also me. ![gif](giphy|a7Iq9V97wlF5KGS3S4)


Good luck with tax reporting cost basis with those $1 DCA purchases. Why do people do this to themselves..


To me it looks exactly like the fractal we played with last year. Just one month earlier Guess its the playbook My dumbass will be buying more if we get 70s, 80s Stink bids set for scam wicks Not selling til Mid Q1 at the earliest and will DCA out the way I did in, scale in, scale out. Wait for bear, redeploy Hope everyone has a great holiday season


I get paid 100% in bitcoin, credit everything to my credit card and sell when I need to pay a bill… I sell 12x annually. DCA in DCA out because F-fiat. I put a big lump sum in at $108,135 and I’ll keep buying the top and still come out ahead of the s and p. Deflationary systems are your friend, especially when the world is already adopting bitcoin. I collect Satoshis.


Lower your DCA amount and continue to buy in regular intervals whenever you see red


Just do a DCA the hodlers are outperforming 99% of the traders in the long run.


I only know that I will DCA into Bitcoin until the day I die - Michael Saylor but also me. ![gif](giphy|mSHy1uJ2xhDBqZ9Sx6)


Y'know the script, buy the dip🧉DCA and HODL away


Now would be great to DCA up that first investment , best of luck happy holidays


I understand you! I, too, am a fan of DCA


Check out River. No fees on DCA plans. I DCA every day.


Moons fit this to a T. Reddit no longer owns them, they have a very limited supply that is only decreasing on a regular basis (<79 million) and its MC is very low (<16 mil) They’re the only alt I’ve been buying lately, as once Trump is in office again, I suspect that’s when things will kick off and I will no longer DCA after the 18th of January unless we see some major dips.


Did this at $62k DCA’ing would have caused a higher entry based on when I bought and sustained price increases vs dips


HODL your BTC!!!! And buy more in DCA kind of way.


Same here. Sober now and DCA’ing 😂


I’m trying to free up some cash to DCA down. I bought in at peak and I’m down 20% right now. Not too concerned as I’m doing this for a 5-10 year play. I just want more of the dip to enjoy the trip


Or river or "get paid in BTC" on cash app So many ways to DCA without fees


You’re talking like it’s string theory. Just DCA.


You’ll save yourself a lot of grief if you stop trying to perfectly predict the price and just DCA. No one has a clue about short term price action.


You'd be better buying the crypto directly IMO. Being a solo miner isn't as fun as you'd think and joining a pool might not be worth the cost to set up and maintain. Either DCA or invest in companies that do BTC mining or something. Mining is extremely competitive now.


Oh it's Monday AND we are 93k? Thanks for the DCA reminder!

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