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r/BitcoinSee Post

Done stacking, now HODLing

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What’s your DCA amount for BTC?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Questions about DCA and UTXO

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

I have decided to match my child's allowance 100% in the form of DCA into her own personal wallet.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin correction

r/BitcoinSee Post

Share your DCA format (Sticky post)

r/BitcoinSee Post

How is the tax on Bitcoin calculated?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Worries about UTXO

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post


r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin is just false hope for DCA guys

r/BitcoinSee Post

To everyone who told me to dump all my money in and not DCA before ETF Approval!!

r/BitcoinSee Post

“For $1 a day you can save a child’s life”. Well….I can also DCA into bitcoin for an early retirement.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

No BS off-ramp option ?

r/BitcoinSee Post

What is your preferred method of DCA?

r/BitcoinSee Post

DCA plan

r/BitcoinSee Post

I want Bitcoin to drop more

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

What does 'Have a Plan' look like?

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

$SOLONG the dragon

r/BitcoinSee Post

Always dips just days before I can DCA :(

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bought at 45k

r/BitcoinSee Post

DCA Army ? Is this correct ?

r/BitcoinSee Post

My Stomach Hurts

r/BitcoinSee Post

After 4 years of DCA i finally have 0.25 BTC

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Why is Dynamic DCA unpopular?

r/BitcoinSee Post

What is your current DCA frequency? Am I doing it right?

r/BitcoinSee Post

I think everyone of us should DCA now

r/BitcoinSee Post

Low-Custodial hybrid hot / cold DCA method guide for HWWs

r/BitcoinSee Post

Should I be DCA’ing every week or wait until it stops dropping to buy more?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Now or Later???

r/BitcoinSee Post

Im using a DCA bot, any recommendations for the settings?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Can you DCA in Coinbase advanced?

r/BitcoinSee Post

How to best keep all money in Bitcoin?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Time the market and you'll get left behind. DCA is the way..

r/BitcoinSee Post

ETF Came and went. Bitcoin price crashed. BTC is dead

r/BitcoinSee Post

Wait or pull the trigger? That is the question.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Patients young Degens

r/BitcoinSee Post

Anyone else just chillen?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Unpopular Opinion

r/BitcoinSee Post

DCA time or not

r/BitcoinSee Post

How do you all stack Bitcoin?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Does anyone else find it odd the whales are the ones making up the selling?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Questions regarding best method to buy BTC for my younger brother

r/BitcoinSee Post

What portion of your 401k did you or would you allocate for purchasing ETFs?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin ETFs

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

People exiting completely from crypto right now and dumping their entire bags before the halving, what's the rationale?

r/BitcoinSee Post

For people who DCA and hodl, how many sats do you allow to accumulate in a CEX before you transfer them to your non-custodial/hardware wallet?

r/BitcoinSee Post

For all of you jerk offs that lost hope watch this

r/BitcoinSee Post

Best exchange for DCA in USA?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Günstig kaufen mit wenig Gebühren

r/BitcoinSee Post

Buying to a cold wallet

r/BitcoinSee Post

Need help understanding the value of ETF for BTC

r/BitcoinSee Post

Keep stacking guys, don’t panic, don’t get emotional, trust the process, be disciplined and DCA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

What Ultimately Drives Big Bull Runs?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Low-fee options for small dollar DCA?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

What would you do in my situation?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Ways to automate buying dips

r/BitcoinSee Post

Seems a lot of you are new to Wall St.

r/BitcoinSee Post

New to BTC, looking for some advice

r/BitcoinSee Post

Big Bitcoin Bounce Coming Soon…

r/BitcoinSee Post

Exit strategy

r/BitcoinSee Post

I'm a little confused. If these are 'SPOT' ETFs, how come the price isn't @ 45k?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Big Surprise the ETF didn’t impact price much day one…

r/BitcoinSee Post

Taxes! Suggested methods for tracking profit? Do I need to report income from 3202 sat test sale?

r/BitcoinSee Post


r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Controversial Opinion on ETF

r/BitcoinSee Post

Congratulations Bitcoin Peopel

r/BitcoinSee Post

Too late or never too late?

r/BitcoinSee Post

One thing to keep in mind while everything is going on. In reality, nobody knows shit about fuck. DCA is your friend.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Good thing to keep in mind while everything is going on. In reality, nobody knows shit about fuck. DCA is your friend.

r/BitcoinSee Post

I bought 1800 in Bitcoin last night

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin ETF is Just The Beginning 🚀

r/BitcoinSee Post

Should I move some of my positions in my Roth IRA to the new spot-BTC ETF?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Am I the only one who doesn‘t think the ETFs will necessarily be a good thing for BTC or Crypto in general?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Best way to buy 0.25

r/BitcoinSee Post

Something to consider when buying and selling BTC…

r/BitcoinSee Post

Message to the sub (ETF event)

r/BitcoinSee Post

Called the ETF news top, got downvoted into oblivion.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Remember that you were completely ignorant once, so expect repetitive questions from the influx of newcomers

r/BitcoinSee Post

Cold storage or exchange for btc DCA?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Should I buy etfs.

r/BitcoinSee Post

DCA Questions

r/BitcoinSee Post

Australia Deposits PAYID

r/BitcoinSee Post

Today I have finally reached .1 BTC!

r/BitcoinSee Post

I seek UTXO knowledge

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Exchange question?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Isn’t this whole SEC fiasco kind of proving how Bitcoin can not be a security?

r/BitcoinSee Post

DCA with SATS or with FIAT?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Two Critical Questions (Post SEC-account-hack): Who? & What's Next?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Making this post to say, I’m so happy I continued to DCA daily.

r/BitcoinSee Post

BITCOIN is an IQ Test that 95% + of the world has failed

r/BitcoinSee Post

Wallet advice for UTXO management.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Understanding UTXOs

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin on cashapp

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin Single dump or DCA?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Surfing the sun for sats. DCA everyday.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Hot to persaude your significant other to buy BTC?

r/BitcoinSee Post

DCA Frequency?

r/BitcoinSee Post

I bought BTC at 65k in late 2021.Im so proud to stick with my DCA for past 2 years. To all of you who have been DCA for past 2 years, you're true winners🥳

r/BitcoinSee Post

How can I transfer my Sats/Bitcoin from PayPal to another hot wallet - and will my rate change?

r/BitcoinSee Post

How to cope with not having enough


DO NOT start to DCA NOW, wait for the CME gap to close then get your entry cost at a discount.


If you can DCA every day, you can make a spreadsheet entry every day.


I used BitcoinIRA up until earlier this year. I was fairly satisfied though their fees were high. It was the vehicle I wanted a few years back to get some IRA exposure to bitcoin. Once the ETFs launched, I decided that a better strategy for IRA exposure to BTC was to sell the BitcoinIRA assets, roll the funds back to Fidelity and invest in the ETF. Cue an unbelievable amount of BS over the course of four months to get the funds moved back to Fidelity. BitcoinIRA made this incredibly difficult for me. It would have cost me a ton of money if I hadn't planned for a delay and gone ahead and bought the amount of the ETF I wanted using other funds in the IRA. As it is, them screwing around still cost me some gains. Would not recommend them. The only reason I'm using my traditional IRA to gain BTC exposure is because that's where my wealth is concentrated. With new funds I would go with a Roth or direct purchase of BTC via an exchange. I did the later with the new funds I wanted to invest because I did want to actually have some BTC in my personal custody. I DCA'd weekly into an exchange and withdrew to a cold wallet. The tax advantages of the IRA route - especially a Roth - are real when you are talking about something with huge upside like BTC. I would max out a Roth IRA contribution and if you still have funds left over, buy BTC on an exchange.

If you have a lump sum it's better to just dump it in all at once. The only great reason to DCA is if you are setting aside some of your regular paychecks. Get an inheritance...dump it in. Sell something...dump it in.


Hi! For more information on our [zero-fee DCA](, check out our article breakdown and let us know if you have any other questions!

Mentions:#DCA,-Discussing%20Bitcoin%20addresses&text=The%20chart%20below%20shows%20that,between%201%20and%2010%20BTC. This has some nice charts. It doesnt go into DCA if that is what you are asking. Just ownership.


It’s a tough call right now, could go sideways before the forecasted bull run starts , or it could dip a little more. I would just DCA weekly over the next couple months


You could ask yourself if you want DCA those 20k into BTC for a specific amount of time or just buy it in one trade.


I thought about DCA with 12, and I just put in 5 at like 47 and then put in 7 at 67 so obviously I could have put it all at 47 but that’s the thing, you just never know, you just want to have as much Bitcoin as possible. At least I do (:


Is it still worth buying CRO during this peak of the bullmarket? Or wait for next bear and DCA there


Hello u/Dil1on, There's no guaranteed "best" way to DCA, but a common approach for your situation would be to break down your investment into smaller purchases over time. This aligns with the principle of regular, consistent investment. DCA best practice involves investing the same amount at the same time each week or month, regardless of price. This removes the emotional element of trying to time the market and ensures you consistently accumulate Bitcoin over time. Waiting for a drop or trying to predict a spike is speculative and unlikely to generate consistent results. Remember, the goal of DCA is to accumulate Bitcoin over the long term, not to gamble on short-term price movements. Good luck with your DCA strategy!


Hello u/Ancient-Chain5373, While the miner you mentioned in your question might seem viable, it's important to consider the realities of the current Bitcoin mining market. The difficulty of mining Bitcoin is near an all-time high, and large-scale operations with significant resources and expertise dominate the industry. Even with an energy-efficient miner, solo mining can be challenging and expensive. The initial investment and ongoing expenses, like electricity, will be significant, and the potential rewards might not justify the risks and effort involved. Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) into Bitcoin could be a more practical approach for most individuals. By investing a set amount regularly, you can average your purchase price over time and avoid trying to predict market peaks and valleys. This strategy allows you to gradually accumulate Bitcoin without the technical complexities and financial burdens associated with mining. So, if you're looking for a more accessible and potentially less risky way to invest in Bitcoin, DCA might be a more suitable option than mining due to the massive up-front costs of becoming a competitive mining outfit. Happy DCA-ing!


Hello u/Knownscorpion, Welcome to the Bitcoin community! Firstly, remember that the seed phrase for your wallet is crucial. It's the master key to your Bitcoin, so keep it safe in multiple secure locations. Keep it private, and consider creating several backups. Now that you have your wallet set up, here's what's recommended: dive into the world of Bitcoin by reading books like "The Bitcoin Standard" by Saifedean Ammous, "Mastering Bitcoin" by Andreas Antonopoulos, and "Inventing Bitcoin" by Yan Pritzker. Understanding the fundamentals explained by these respected authors will help you make better decisions about the market. Don’t get “burned” by trading. Instead, consider dollar-cost averaging (DCA), which involves investing a fixed amount regularly. This strategy can help mitigate risk and gradually build your portfolio, removing the stress of trying to predict market movements. Learning about self-custody is essential. Exchanges act as custodians, meaning they hold your Bitcoin for you. However, with self-custody wallets, you take control of your Bitcoin and store it in a wallet where you hold the private keys. This means no one else can access or control your Bitcoin, giving you true ownership and security. Remember to always do your own research!


How is lump sum not trying to time to market? What about DCA


I do weekly DCA into Bitcoin and a bi-weekly DCA into USDC. I use the USDC to purchase during big pullbacks.


You still have time. I like to lump sum everything / throw in as much as possible. As long as you don’t do that during the years that are 1 year+ after the btc halving you’ll be fine. Or if you plan on holding a long time then it doesn’t matter, but I like buying at good opportunities. Some people DCA and don’t worry about price. If you decide to go through with it, use a reputable exchange and get yourself a hardware wallet.


Well your hybridized whatever is not DCA. DCA as OP asked about is strictly devoid of price consideration.


I use River to DCA and have enjoyed it so far. No fees after the first week and you have the option to have a free transfer (no fees) once a month, which is super nice if you’re wanting to send it to cold storage


IMO, River is the best to set up (automatic) DCA. Link below:


As much as you can every week without fail. That’s “the” most effective way to DCA into BTC. 🫣😆


Don’t time the market, if you are green and want or need to use the money for something important. Make a decision and sell, but don’t go back and haunt yourself with checking price daily or weekly after you sell. If you want to DCA back into it in the future do so. People lost money when they let emotions drive a numerical decision. Gains are only gains if they are realized. Don’t let strangers on the internet make a decision for you or guilt you into doing something. Best of luck in whatever you do and congrats on getting your hands on two coins! Btw me personally I think the bull cycle will be peaking May or June of next year could be a few weeks earlier but in my portfolio I don’t plan on considering selling for at least another 5 or 6 years when I want to buy a house.


Buy btc via DCA over the next 4 years. Pause 12 months then continue. Enjoy 1mil btc in 2028 - 2037. Profit.


Ben Cowen suggests DCA based on risk levels. .5 risk and below are buys and .8-.9 risk are sells.


Earn more fiat and increase your DCA or set your target to 10 million sats. Either way. Keep stacking.


its just for simplification to show how much time it takes at the actial price to accumulate 1 coin. Its not possible to answer how long it would take in reality by DCA 650$ per month to get a whole coin. My prediction is more than 100 years.


There are DCA Bots that can do $1/hour on BTC which works out to around $720/month (30days). That would be the ultimate DCA.


I used to do it weekly, now I do it monthly (lazy). Frequent DCA follows the market price better, but that does not imply you get a lower average price. Doing less frequent DCA also reduces the time you think about it and hence speculative tendencies. I do tend to scrape by and do an additional buy if there is a market dip.


I usually DCA once we're 6 months past a cycle top and accelerate close to a year. Then I just buy any red day until the cycle top or when it's feeling real despair on social media.


No it's not. You can hybridise both strategies. DCA just means breaking down a single purchase into multiple time separated smaller purchases. Then you average out some of the noise of the market. But there's nothing to say you can't look for more opportune times to DCA. For example Mondays are statistically more likely to end positive in price whereas Tuesdays are more likely to end negative. You could therefore add more to your Wednesday morning DCA than to your Monday morning one if it's daily.


What’s the best platform to us to DCA that’s separate from your main stash?


2x a month—when I get paid and a little extra if there’s a dip The past dip coincided nicely with my scheduled DCA


I would do either 2 purchases per month or 4. You could do everyday like some suggest but that seems excessive. What I prefer to do is to have an amount that will 100% be bought per month in case I don’t make any purchase, but let’s say I see a price I like or it dips crazy I’ll throw in a few bucks about every other day on top of what I DCA.


Was gonna do my monthly DCA into TON but it was $6.66. Not touching it today


I prefer to DCA monthly, it’s easier on the taxes in the long run, than some daily or weekly or hourly that others do. (USA)


IA had a bit of software you can use. The tag line is something like “DCA on steroids”


James at Invest Answers (on YouTube, Patreon, Discord, Discourse, etc) has a paid subscription for something he calls DCAS (Dollar Cost Average on Steroids) If you take a look at it, his DCAS model is considerably better than just a simple DCA.


Yep, I have a few whole coins from back in the day, still DCA $15 a day and chunks on dips. Probably will forever


Pretty sure strike has zero fee DCA


The best strategy to DCA is to *not* buy daily.   Makes taxes so much harder. The only other recommendation is... "time in the market > timing the market".


Twice a week 3 days apart using two separate apps for DCA and then third one dedicated for buying market dip.


The best DCA strategy with $700 p/month is the 1-2-1-3 strategy. That’s $100 week 1, $200 week 2, $100 week 1, $300 week 4. Due to quantum mechanics and the law of compounding in coordination with the law of average and bitcoin exemplary force, it will allow for the best DCA in 2024. It looks like 2025 will be 2-1-1-3 if you’re still DCA’ing next year. Good luck!


DCA with Strike or River  Direct deposit with CashApp  Every time I get paid


>it will most likely come down The point of a DCA strategy is to NOT try and time the market, that's almost literally the definition of DCA. What you are suggesting is to try and time the market. Either option is fine, but definitions exist for a reason.

Mentions:#DCA#NOT What or listen to these three podcasts. Then start DCA into Bitcoin.


Every last bit of it. DCA 100% ignores the price when you buy.


Obviously not DCA if you are basing your decision to buy on price movement.


Using TA is exactly the opposite of what DCA is.


Strike offers free DCA for Bitcoin [](


I’m not commenting on whether DCA makes sense for Bitcoin, except noting that I don’t think it makes as much sense as it does for an index fund. But DCA implies that you don’t try to time the market. Waiting for a collapse is not really DCA. If you want to DCA Bitcoin, simply consider cost and risk of different schemes. How would you do once a month? Would you transfer money to a CEX, trade it to BTC there, then withdraw to your wallet? Do you pay any fees for depositing money? What are the trading costs? What are the withdrawal costs. Now assume you do weekly. Do your deposit costs quadruple? Are the trading costs higher? You pay 4x withdrawal costs. Unless you decide to transfer the full amount at once to the CEX, and then buy every week and only withdraw at the end of the month: what do you lose in interest on the fiat for the time it stays in your CEX account. What is the risk of your money, or your Bitcoin, staying in the CEX account for weeks. What if that CEX goes bankrupt? How bad is that risk? Finally, you’ll probably want to have a portion of your net worth in Bitcoin. How do you rebalance if Bitcoin outperforms the rest of your investments? How do you rebalance if it underperforms? Finally, what are the tax implications? In Germany, for example, crypto profits are tax-free if you hold for a year or longer. But this is LIFO, meaning that if you buy every week, you might have to pay a lot of taxes when you sell. Rules are different from country to country. In Germany, it’s probably optimal in your 700$ a month case, to buy once per year for 8400$, sell after a year if you made a profit, then rebuy…


Still scratching my head, my coffee costs less than $4 and for the sake of the argument, let’s say I get that coffee 365 days a year. 2 years of doing this, bear market or not, you would have DCA’ed $3,000


River. They have free DCA. Set any schedule you like. I do biweekly.


Read or listen to The Bitcoin Standard on Audible. Also check out material by Bitcoin University and Michael Saylor on YouTube. Doing those few educational things will evolve your money consciousness and set you on a path to wealth in your life. Also couldn’t hurt to start a DCA into Bitcoin if you’re not already. 👍🏼


I do 10% paycheck DCA. Bought the dips for a while but settled down


Risk metrics. Used it for the past 2 years, probably have twice the amount of sats because of it if not more. Everyone who talks about MA’s and what not, do yourself a favor and google risk-based DCA. You’ll never look back.


Just watch moving averages, trend lines, 52 week average. Keep an eye on price, think to yourself would you buy it at this price. Keep in mind how volatile it’s been the past week. You could do $175 a week or skip a week and do $350 the next if it goes down. But In reality you cannot time the market, the best move is to just put the money in regardless of the price and not even think about the price if it’s a long term investment. Obviously if we’re in price discovery it’s probably not the best idea to put a bag down but it doesn’t hurt to DCA a tiny amount even if price is high just so you have more.


I have 2 accounts : My own : i DCA 10$/day and when i see 2% or more drop i buy some hundreds harder it drops the more i buy 2nd account: 2$/day to hodl for at least 10 yrs


Uh no. I did this for about 2 years during the bear and now I’m a whole coiner. Yes, I made bigger bulk purchases through the bear when there was some real blood in the streets and I was able to arrange the funds, but my small daily DCA keeps me engaged and in the game at all times.


I do this Dynamic DCA. If the market is down I put more in. In this latest bitcoin dip, I bought more then I normally do.


I highly recommend using the Strike App to buy btc. Strike is a bitcoin only exchange that’s lives as an app on your phone. You can even set up a daily, weekly or monthly automatic buy (aka, DCA) which I also highly recommend. It typically works really well to buy bitcoin regularly, regardless of market conditions, and hold for the long term (at least 4 years, preferably longer). Once you amass enough bitcoin in your Strike wallet to where you’d feel kinda wrecked if it got lost or stolen, that’s the moment where you should consider purchasing a hardware wallet for cold storage- I recommend the Blockstream Jade.


After educating yourself, DCA into a position and hold.


Yeah true... but nothing beats Stike's free DCA + free withdraws. Hope they start in your country soon!


Great job, don't download random apps, scammers are everywhere. Anyway, we all have been where you're at, read and bookmark this guide and make sure to learn along your journey. Congrats on the move, it's never too late. ONLY INVEST MONEY YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOSE. Invest in your knowledge, learn about Bitcoin as much as you can. The Bitcoin Standard book is a must read. So is Broken Money book. Get them and READ them both, please. Also, **don't reply any DMs**, emails, private messages on other social media, promising to buy Bitcoin from them or get rich quick and read this short guide, please: **Price wise, nobody knows what the price will be tomorrow, next week or at the end of the year.** **Try "Bitcoin ONLY" strategy for at least the first 210,000 block cycle**, you'll sleep much better. Newcomers lose so much money, holding garbage tokens just because someone on YT told them to. If you don't like losing money in [failed coins](, avoid. Going DCA is probably the best approach, IMHO. Bitcoin to me, is a savings account. If I have some spare cash, I exchange it for sats. Once a week works best for me, but I'm getting paid weekly. If there's a 10% drop in the price since my last buy, I usually double my buy. This [DCA calculator]( might help to decide what will work best for you. In a few years, even $10 dollars a month can make a massive difference. This [DCA blog]( is pretty interesting. Now, don't buy a fake Bitcoin at a spot ETF place or similar, **get the real thing** that you can withdraw anytime you want. Register at a proper exchange and buy real Bitcoin. Any of these will do []( Install (or buy - in case you're getting Bitcoin in Thousands of $) one or more of these wallets. A few good wallet choices: []( \- Top Security Features, Open Source and Non-Custodial []( \- excellent, easy to use wallet, Open Source and Non-Custodial []( - top desktop wallet []( \- Solid choice, Open Source and Non-Custodial, one of the oldest and most trusted Bitcoin Wallets. I prefer the desktop version but it works on mobile too. Lightning wallets to consider (cheaper and faster transactions, great for small amounts): []( \- Phoenix - very good wallet, uses Tor for extra privacy, easy for anyone new []( \- Blixt - great UI, fast and clean []( \- Breez - excellent POS for small business owners as well as integrated Bitrefill or LN Pizza []( Zeus - impressive wallet with many features, can even generate Nostr keys Hardware Wallets (to store larger amounts): [Trezor]( \- Easy to use, no matter how new in Bitcoin you're. Use the Bitcoin only firmware as it's safer than a multi coin software. [ColdCard]( - air gapped, Bitcoin only, has advanced features but a new user will do fine with one of the great tutorials available. [BitBox02]( - another great little device, opt for the more secure Bitcoin ONLY version (less coins = less code = less chance for a hidden bug or a backdoor) [Jade]( - air gapped, fully open source, Bitcoin only, great features. You can even [build it on your own](, if you feel adventurous. [Seedsigner]( - another DIY, fully open source, air gapped, Bitcoin only hardware wallet, not for you if you're just starting up but something to consider later. [Krux wallet]( - one more DIY hardware device. Similar to Seedsigner, it's fully open source, air gapped, Bitcoin only hardware wallet, that is not for you right now if you're just starting up, but something to consider at a later stage and/or to up the security of your bitcoin. There's also Ledger, but I wouldn't recommend it as it's not fully open source, keep and already leaked customers' details, recently said they're capable of sending customers' keys out just with a firmware update, etc. **Stay away**, save yourself a headache in the future. Whatever wallet you'll decide to buy, purchase DIRECTLY from the manufacturer, no eBay, no Amazon. Make sure the device is NOT preset, and you will generate your own seed words. Write them down on any piece of paper as well as the receiving address. Now wipe the wallet and generate a new wallet. If the seed words are different from the first set, you're safe to use it. Find an option to set a passphrase and use it. This will boost the security to another level. Never store the seed words and passphrase together. Use a different medium if possible. If somebody finds both, they'll be able to steal your coin. This little device will hold the keys to your money, that's the reason why you have to be a bit more careful. Also, no worries, if it breaks, you can replace it - as long as you keep your seed words and passphrase(s) safe. Welcome to the rabbit hole and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions anytime during your Bitcoin journey. Also, [check the sidebar]( that's filled with lots of great info and if you have any questions, visit r/BitcoinBeginners and look for the answers.

I used to do the exact same thing... instead of paying Kraken's 0.0002 BTC withdraw fees, I was paying the real minimum fees from mempool by sending to Muun first via lightening. The problem is, when fees are high Muun stops accepting lightening payments, so this strategy doesn't work anymore :( I use Strike free DCA and free withdraws now since they launched in the UK.


No,just DCA.Think 5-10 years ahead. But also August/Sept are usually worst months for stocks/btc so who knows. Also there is high chance around 60k COULD be next bear market bottom(maybe even higher)..


It taught me to DCA into my life. Do not try to time the market. Instead Invest every day, not only into bitcoin but into your life. Every day invest some of your energy towards your life: workout, read, meet your family, talk to your parents, go dancing, learn something, get lost in thoughts, call your friends ...


I always do my DCA just a few hours before a 3-4% drop 😂 Back to mostly limit orders I guess


You can hold at least 1 Bitcoin for the long term and trade the rest based on the 4-year cycle. I have about 1.91 Bitcoin. I would hold 1 Bitcoin for the long term, perhaps for generational wealth, and trade the remaining 0.91 Bitcoin based on the 4-year market cycle. Typically, the peak for Bitcoin occurs 18 months after the halving. Since it's impossible to pinpoint the exact peak of the market, I would spread the 0.91 Bitcoin over 18 months and DCA out, which is approximately 0.05 Bitcoin per month. Then come back stacking when before the halving begins. This is based solely on the historical price action of Bitcoin, so I can't say that this 4-year cycle is guaranteed and no one knows the future.


Then why do you invest in BTC? Except for those who buy BTC for pure ideoligcal reasons, we all try to outperform the markets by investing in BTC. The explanation is very simple. Nobody knows for sure what the future holds, so we can't say for certain that Bitcoin will always go up in value like we all hope it will. Even if you just DCA, you are trying to outperform other asset classes.


I would suggest for selling rather look at price than time, because it will be very hard this time around to predict. Normal cycle theory suggests 4th cycle is a left translated cycle, that means top before november 2024. There are very bad times incoming with a market crash after rate cuts, no one knows what bitcoin will do during stock bear market. I think we won't see bitcoin as risk off asset yet, so I think it will go down. I do think we're almost garanteed gonna see 120k. Possibly 200k+. I think the price range we're in now is a great point to be bear market low. So if I was you I would start DCAing out once we surpass 120k and DCA in at +-60k again.


Time for me to DCA another $50 I guess


Another day, another DCA.


If Bitcoin, your DCA should already be paying off pretty nicely


Almost as much as my weekly DCA


I DCA daily small amounts. My solution is to keep on exchange until it gets to an amount I would feel very unhappy losing. Typically move it to cold wallet once every 2-3 months.


||BAGHOLDER|BINGO|| |:-----------|------------:|:------------:|:------------: | Ignore the price, fundamentals haven't changed | The whole market is down, not just us | Price is manipulated by whales | Market favors dogcoins, we're still very early | It was always a long term hold | Best Tech in Crypto | Reverse Reddit | Gary Gensler is holding us back | Don't sell at a loss, DCA more to lower cost basis | Buy when there's blood on the streets | Loving these low prices, I just wish I had more Fiat | Seriously undervalued, like buying ETH in 2016 | So much development, price just doesn't reflect it yet | WEB3 is in the DOT com stage, we're early| In X years, you'll be picking out the color of your Lambo | FUDDers make make bullish

Excellent. You can set up an automatic weekly DCA on most exchanges, so it can totally be on autopilot. I prefer using Strike or Swan Bitcoin for this.


Genius me doing my monthly DCA on the 24th.


Always sell the news. I stopped weekly DCA past 2 weeks when it shot up. Now continue DCA lol. ETF hype is gone


It's best to DCA into BTC if you have some good capitals but not with 100 bucks. I will recommend you put that in other solid alts like RAM. You dont have to spread it yet. Just buy one single coin with conviction. RAM has good utility and high demand for storage. You can always do your research before tou invest in any token.


If you reach a certain value level purchase a hardware cold wallet like trezor. Set it up and transfer your BTC out of the cex. Don't tell anybody you are doing it. DCA like you do. Hold the line.


ETH goes up: DCA as usual ETH goes down: incresse DCA Thats what I do.


I sure do. I have a plan for selling off a majority of my stack next bull run and improving the life of my family. That is what money is for. I will continue to DCA after I sell off and begin re stacking. Could I be wealthier by holding for longer. Maybe. Probably. Giving my children a better childhood is worth more to me though.


Disagree with number 1. Only invest what you can afford to lose. It’s should be only invest what you don’t need to use…for 4 years. At this point the idea of “losing” money in bitcoin is pretty moot. There never been a 4 year losing period and DCA’ing during that period has worked immensely well even if you started at the top. Therefore you won’t LOSE your money but you want to invest what you don’t need to USE for a period of time.


Great way to DCA


DCA for at least 20 years, be patient, be consistent, get a high paying job, and focus on Bitcoin. 💎🚀


Lined up my BTC order at 60k and some alts if they drop 20%, sticking to my plan. If the buys don't trigger oh well, I'll let em ride while they earn good APY. Usually my limit orders only take a week or so to trigger tho. Used to DCA now I just set monthly limit orders 10-20% down. Seems to be working better for me but to each their own, DCA alone just always seemed to be poorly timed for me lol


Personally, id put in 5k now. Youre never going to be able to time the bottom, just accept it where you are and grow from there. We have had a sustained downturn recently, but thats normal for Bitcoin. No point in waiting, because you can always withdraw it to your bank for shitfiat whenever you want. I use Bitcoin as my savings account. Only invest in what you can comfortably set aside for 4yrs or more, after all bills and eventualities are taken care of, this is a long game. Bitcoin rewards those that Hodl ! Then continue to DCA each month. Personally i just set up a direct debt into my exchange each month, and then wait with the fiat money sitting there until i see an actual dip. You can also set up grid trades which is something fun to do in the evenings, capturing whale dips overnight. For a "Buy the dip" Grid trade. You take the amount you where going to buy bitcoin with and divide it by say /6. So now you have 6 smaller chunks. If the current price is 52000, then youd set buy orders at 51950, 51900, 51850 ect and so on, hoping to capture those lows if the price reaches it and gets filled. Something thats important. Keep a note or download a copy of all your subsequent "buy orders" trades. That way you will be able to figure out your "personal average price". This price is important because then youll be able to judge if Bitcoin is on sale for you personally, above and below that line. Anyway just some thoughts to consider. Welcome to bitcoin reddit :)


Keep your head down and learn what bitcoin is and isnt by sending it around to yourself on dif wallets you control Run a node for fun DCA and grow a stack. Keep that seed safe and learn about seed management. Dont tell others Plan on at least 8 years before you see a payoff in terms of dollar value


Which is cheapest for DCA? River has no fees as doe Fold, but I feel like spot price is usually higher with Fold.


I plan to DCA for the remainder of my life. At this point, I view it as my future savings account that I will pull $ from, from time to time as the rate of increase far surpasses anything in the savings or stock market. I have taking bonuses and just bought that the current strike price. I don't care about the price going down. It may do so for another 12 months, nobody knows, but I am "betting" on the future my rate of return exceeds 5% within a 12 month period


Bitcoin only. Everything else is a scam. Buy and withdraw to cold storage. Don't look at the price. DCA every paycheck. Don't trade. Never sell. Use bitcoin as money as often as possible. Spend and replace if needed.


Bitcoin only. Everything else is a scam. Buy and withdraw to cold storage. Don't look at the price. DCA every paycheck. Don't trade. Never sell. Use bitcoin as money as often as possible. Spend and replace if needed.


Learn what you’re buying into and why. Get a hardware wallet. DCA as much as you can afford. Don’t look at it for another 5-10 years


I can give u some tips for sure :) (a) before u invest in anything (crypto, stocks, gold etc.) focus on your income stream, try to have stable finances! (b) you have to have an emergency fund (before considering to invest) (c) always do your own (!) research. Learn, read, improve your knowledge. (d) focus on BTC in the first place (buy like every week or month; the term you wanna google is "DCA" => dollar cost average). 80% BTC and max 20% altcoins is a good ratio for beginners. (e) have a long time horizon, at least 2 years => 4 years are better. **time in the market beats timing the market** I hope it was helpful, at least a bit :)


Learn how to live BELOW your means and learn how to live on a budget. The goal is to accumulate satoshis so you need to budget so that every week/two weeks you can CONSISTENTLY DCA into Bitcoin. You don’t need Netflix, Disney, and other subscription services. You need to reduce expenses and look for free options. The goal is having as much money left after paying your bills to convert useless dollars into sats


Ethereum's future rests on my next DCA


Just DCA


Only save in bitcoin what you want for the long term (it's still way too volatile to put short term savings in). Own your keys: keep it secret, keep it safe, and store it with redundancy and encryption. Forget about price, Sats is Sats. All that matters is you are increasing Sats over time. DCA buy and only sell/spend when it is something for which you have been saving for. Could be a house, could be retirement, could be kids college. There is never any point in time in which it makes sense to "get out". Bitcoin is not an "investment" that you get out of at some point or take profit from, it's the currency that you store your wealth in. As long as you are making excess income, you should be saving some of your excess money for the long term. And Bitcoin is the only game in town for saving money. So with each paycheck choose an amount of money that is purely excess to your cost of living and that you can put away for years, and DCA every paycheck with that amount. Once every few months move that bitcoin from exchange to your wallet. Don't worry about your $ value of btc, don't worry about the $ price per btc, just keep track of the Sats you own and every paycheck make that number go up.


Yo, solid choice with the Bitcoin Standard. Here's some quick advice for newbies by meee: 1. Only invest what you can afford to lose. Seriously. 2. Get a hardware wallet. Keep your coins off exchanges. 3. DCA (dollar cost average) instead of trying to time the market. 4. Learn the tech basics. Understand what you're investing in. 5. Be wary of scams. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. 6. HODL through the ups and downs. Bitcoin's volatile af. 7. Don't share how much you own. Stay safe. 8. Keep your private keys private. No excuses. 9. Ignore the noise. Focus on the long-term potential. 10. Have fun, but don't get obsessed. It's just money at the end of the day.
