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Direxion Daily Semiconductor Bull 3X Shares

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-61.54% Today

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2 Catalysts to load up on $MU - Microsoft boosts minimum PC RAM Specs to 16GB and North Korea backing out of Samsung collaboration for DRAM

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🐻🏳️‍🌈Look bullish still?? Good thing I didn’t dump my SOXL puts this morning and just added with that sweet discount!

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Decent returns from SOXL and TQQQ

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2023-05-15 Wrinkle Brain Plays - In the style of someone who won a beauty contest years ago and still wears the banner everywhere they go

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SOXL Breakout Coming

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long straddles between across 2 leveraged etfs

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Help a Rétard

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What is missing in my calculation? Selling puts

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Just added more SOXL. Too soon?

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Powell did exactly as i thought yesterday which makes me even more bullish now

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$SOXL is guaranteed money. Change my mind.

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So is $SOXL guaranteed money or am I an idiot?

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Dow Jones and Russell Trending Up

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My first attempt at selling covered calls: SOXL. How would you play this?

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For the bears on this sub who still don't understand how or why they were bent over today, here's a brief of explanation of what happened.

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For the bears on this sub who still don't understand how or why they were bent over and penetrated today, here's a brief of explanation of what happened.

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SOXL 7770 share YOLO into CPI next week. It's time to bend these bears over.

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97% win rate. 122 closed trades. $6500 net profit in 3 weeks. 14% accumulative net return. Positions included.

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Semiconductor Sector and profitable Large Caps is where i would be putting my money

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Anyone have long term experience with SOXL (3x ETF)

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Is this accurate? $400 per month invested in SOXL over 10 years?

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Small play on SOXL

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Is SOXL a good buy today??

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High risk ETF portfolio.

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Which stocks that hit their 52 week low today are your favourites ?

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Rolling AMD options into SOXL

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Need guidance on $SOXL

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Life is more than money and you shouldn't take your life due to it.

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SOXL was very kind today

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Semiconductor industry change

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SOXL got a new name I guess. Definitely is a great ETF for degenerates

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Another Short Squeeze SOXL

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Putin really fucked me up

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$SOXL Loss Porn… some Reddit awards would help 😳🙄😢

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options on non-leveraged semiconductor ETF

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SOXL to mirror to the upside

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Ford is my high confidence earnings play.

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Experience with Morgan Stanley?

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The Rocket Is On The Launchpad!!! Next Week= $SOXL TO THE MOON 🚀!!!!!

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$SOXL major rebound?

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The Smartest Article You'll Read All Year, And It's About Intel

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Balls Deep In TQQQ SOXL


So full port SOXL?


Bought 20 SOXL 46C for next week, hoping to ride the train way up


I restructured my big boy port and put a lot into SOXL at the $70ish peak, should I take my L now and try to swing trade the value until I get to break even or just hold it and hope chips boom in August??


PFE, O, REITs, and SOXL (short term only!!!)


Good job SOXL I only need you to go up *checks notes* $18 more a share and I’ll be back even ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


SOXL calls I bought before close are now itm chew on that… 💀


Bought SOXL calls in the most regarded way possible at the bell. Bought 10 didn’t check spread DCA 10 more bad entry… did same 2 more times have 40 41calls now was down 15% in a minute. Now almost itm 😂


Hey sugar daddy how’d you get rich again? SOXL, Jasmine Jane


SOXL hot god damn hot


Was regretting going heavy on SOXL calls for tomorrow but now regretting I didnt get more


Loaded SOXL calls before bell… went a littttle heavy


Bruhhh someone please tell me my SOXL 50$ avg will be fine. I caught the falling knife


SOXL ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Bear market cancelled. We had our 10% correction in QQQ, bounced right off its 100 day EMA. SOXL also blew through its 200 EMA but will close above. Last time it did this was on 4/19 and it rallied 70% a month later.


Bought 5 Contracts of a $40 SOXL Call for $3.65/Share at 7 AM and already up 75%. Hard bounce had to come sometime.


SOXL (3x leverage semi etf) is outperforming AMD right now. Absolutely insane.


20% of my port is in SOXL. God help me. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Top ticked calls on SOXL


SOXL caught the bottom


!banbet SOXL $44 1w


Bought that flush on AMZN, GOOGL, NVDA. Caught the lows on both accounts. Maybe we still go a bit lower but those are great levels. Got some SOXL too.

Sold my mom's SOXL shares in her 401k a month or 2 ago when it hit $48. Missed out on a decent chunk of this bull run, but bought back at 39 now. Semiconducters might be getting fucked as of this moment cause it hit bubble status, but in the long term I still think it's a great growth industry


SOXL down 12%. TSM falling from 190 to 150 in under 2 weeks. Absolutely fucking absurd.


SOXL down 12%. TSM falling from 190 to 150 in under 2 weeks. Absolutely fucking absurd.


Check SOXL and you'll understand.


Can SOXL go up man


Bro i had SOXL and got ass raped


How can you did 5x? SOXL is 3x.


I bought SOXL hoping for SOXX to bounce off its 100dma.


Damn you’re chip heavy. Why not just buy SOXL?


Short TSLA, short CRWD. Buy SOXL



SOXL and TQQ. I suggest looking at their prospectuses to understand better how they operate.


Is there an ETF that 5x the SOXL? That's good to know


Already f**ked on 5x $SOXL gentleman


Alright gentleman i understand better now, i went long on $SOXL after the earnings then took a nice dip today. Only because people are pussies and can’t hold for more than 10h a position. Market makers where waiting for this shady event to take some retailers out. We may have a huge up-trend after this storm.


I basically started leveraging in SOXL at the top so I’m currently feeling the burn heavy


Sold my SOXL around 60 😀 wasn't happy when it touched 68 lol but now I am


SOXL weeklies


Averaged down on SOXL calls. Prolly stupid move 


SOXL -10%, semis dead


Yeah I pulled out of SOXL tdy, but I can only do ts buy back cycle 3 times a week


I got inspired by SOXL, 8 bucks to 65 in 2 years was just too good for me.


My 1,500 SOXL shares are crying. Please help


Should have bought Tesla puts. Why do you all yolo only calls? Why not a mix of calls and puts? Or put SOXL with half and double down if the industry drops? Makes no sense to me


100% SOXL


SOXS is the short equivalent of SOXL without expirations


Short SOXL and CRWD.


More bearish in here than normal. Feeling good about my SOXL calls 


What are the chances SOXL closes green and gaps up tomorrow?


I doubt it will be a triple top. It sure looks like a triple top, but what is actually going to happen its going to take out all the liquidity of those people using that level as a selling support. Its not going to play out exactly to the liquidity zone shown could be less could be a lot more. There is no way to know yet. You will have to wait for those selling legs to play out however they are. Also SOXL and SPX are due for a massive pull back, as down trend as started. [NVDA](


I feel ya. I had CSP’s on TSLL, SOXL, and NVDL expiring this week. After last week’s huge drops I decided to stop the bleeding and BTC at open. I was able to make a pretty good gain, but could have made a lot more if I held out until close. Oh well….I will take a little positive over a negative any day.

Short CRWD. Short SOXL.


What’s SOXL at after hours? Don’t have RH


Finally my SOXL calls printed. I sold all but one, maybe I'm just a pussy but they expire in two weeks. 


Holding NVDA and SOXL thru tomorrow. Inshallah.


SOXL had $899.9 million in inflows for week ending July 19th highly possible for semis to run into NVDA earnings with NVDA leading the way a very bullish construct i made a long post about the " Trump trade reversal " i had expected Biden to drop out and for the semi/tech reversal to regain momentum now thinking it will be hard to stop this momentum for a while if right, SOXS could reverse split for the 9th time and SOXL could forward split for the 3rd time a lot of moving parts but i see a lot of them coming together

Source on the SOXL inflows?


Omfg I wish I wasn't in surgery on Friday, I can't believe I could've gotten SOXL for $47. Sadly, I owned it in the 10-14$ range & sold in the mid 20's 😢


SOXL etf recorded weekly inflows last week . this was first inflows since outflows were recorded in June. Very bullish Sector signal


SOXL up 6% premarket wtf


last day of vacation since my shitty job offers no vaca pay, SOXL is gonna pay me


SOXL NVDL for lambo


Guys what is SOXL at premarket? I don’t have RH


!banbet SOXL 10% 2d


Thoughts on SOXL?


That’s so wild. What happens to it if she decides not to run? Can they just put it all on SOXL calls and pocket the gains?


I believe in NVIDIA - 100%. I bought in 3 years ago. It was the 3x leveraged SOXL that fucked me.


Because semis like NVDA have been leading this bull market. But the SOXX got slammed late last week. If chips correct the bull market is over. TXN reports first and can stop the rout and keep the bull market alive. Long SOXL but cautiously near sell button.

Anyone playing SOXL


75k loss in a short amt of time is a big loss. but u were invested in SOXL which is 3x leverage so as much money u can make on the way up, u can lose just as much on the way down. dont try to recoup your losses fast. u can dig urself into a bigger hole. do it the old fashioned way w patience


I have SOXL calls which I doubled down on Friday, either going to the moon or about to crash and burn ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Opens broker. SOXL. I like this.


Balls deep on SOXL 0dte calls every day until financial failure


Dude I’m with you but SOXL already dumped like 30 percent. Maybe enter short on a bounce.


!banbet SOXL -10% 1w


I see if you have that much of conviction Then Short SOXL full port Naked


!banbet SOXL -10% 4w


SOXL getting real cheap


So it was SOXL that fucked me, not NVDA.


It’s only a loss if you sell. NVDA and SOXL are bound to recover soon enough. Besides the triple leverage on SOXL, that market really isn’t volatile.


I lost $75k in my brokerage account and am feeling very depressed. Two years ago, I went all in on NVDA and saw a 300% return. Recently, I split my portfolio 50/50 between SOXL and NVDA, which I know was very stupid to out 50% of my portfolio in a leveraged ETF. After Trump’s remarks on Taiwan, my portfolio tanked, and I cashed out. I know it was a mistake, and I'm seeking advice on how to recover from this. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


My brokerage account dropped 75k two days ago, and I am extremely distraught. 2 years ago I had a small amount in my brokerage, but made a bet on NVDA and went all in. It paid off with 300% returns. I recently made a stupid decision and split my portfolio into 50% SOXL, and 50% NVIDIA. After Trump made his remarks on Taiwan, my portfolio tanked and I cut my losses (I am 100% cash). Trying to recoup my losses as quickly as possible has made me emotional, so I am sincerely asking for your help.


Next key long buy for those leveraged funds is any major market correction or end of rate cutting cycle in my opinion. Look at either TQQQ or SOXL if you bought during covid…


I was holding SOXL, SPY and TMS calls when Mango open his mouth, lol


Valid point and right on 👍🏻 I had bought SOXL last October just before pelosi bought nvda. Was in at 14.50 before selling in February.


Should I buy SOXL?


SOXL has gone from 70 to 50 in just 5 sessions..


How can SOXL be negative after TSM’s earnings? Wth?


SOXL undervalue


My lone SOXL call going to print! Too bad it won’t save me from all my poots


What are the chances SOXL pops 10% today? Asking for my calls


SOXL lookin cute


I got $60 SOXL calls at like 5 minutes before close and the fuckers gave the rug one last tug with 30 seconds to go and my calls instantly dropped 25%.


TSM opens at 185. SOXL at 60 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


That fomo if you didnt bought NVDL, SOXL before close![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


NVDL & SOXL![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)
