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Thoughts about $TNDM


not going to lie, i gambled hard and put my entire IRA into TNDM when it was $3. i was 100% convicted because of the research. i sold my stake for 1.2m


If you don't mind me asking what made you go into TNDM calls?


Is this when TNDM finally pops? I’m still holding a call from that DD in May


As soon as any stock is mentioned here, the robots mining data here collate that data for market maker bots and they adjust, so when us regards go to buy, shit is too expensive. I have learned to give about a week for any decent play that comes from here, most retailers will have pulled out by then. For example, at one point some regard stock TNDM mentioned here, was as expensive as NVDIA options pre split some bag holder convinced many regards that it was about to moon because they had a blackout period and they would be bought. I am pretty sure most of them didn't make money ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Let's go back to the fun times where people were losing money on funny things like BBWI and TNDM...


I’m dumping TNDM boys, that’s it, pack it in


u/jafarfromafar2 went MIA a while ago, definitely bailed on the play at least a week ago (when TNDM had their massive nothingburger premarket announcement) without saying a thing


I need to have a word with TNDM guy


reminder that TNDM's "company update" was yesterday during premarket and u/JafarFromAfar2 still hasn't shared an update on his position, which he definitely didn't silently bail on without telling any of the people who listened to his DD


Update: So I went over the slideshow and data, here are a few focus points for me. 1. No merger related news (of course). 2. Sales within US went down slighty compare to Q1 of 2023. But Sales out of US went up by 60% compare to Q1 of 2023. 3. Very general presentation, no major breakthrough or surprising guidance. So overall the conference was slighty positive, but since most people bought in expecting to get paid by the merger announcement, I don't expect the merge to occur within June. Personal disclosure - Do not own any TNDM stock or option right now, all positions were sold before or by 6/6


I want to speak to TNDM guy 😈


its not that the TNDM DD was wrong. its that the slimy piece of shit who posted it is too much of a coward to admit he bailed on it


TNDM nothingburger eh


So literally no one actually watched the TNDM event?


What was the TNDM company update about?


TNDM dud???


TNDM aquisition in 1.30H ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


TNDM. Announcement today.


Hoping that my TNDM gamble pays off


Volume on TNDM OTM 6/21 calls was heavy today...


no matter which way things go tomorrow, at least I can finally dump this TNDM position and take a step back for a while. shit has been taking years off my life


Dexcom update was not what I was hoping to hear, lets hope TNDM has good updates tomorrow!


TNDM gang getting fucked over hard by SPY pullback rn


alright TNDM gang, time to test your vomit-swallowing skills


$TNDM gang rise up, why are premiums skyrocketing?


TNDM premiums getting juiced af today


Did something leak from $TNDM? My calls jumped 50% since open


TNDM players I hope you're ready for an afternoon full of absolutely disgusting tactics designed to prevent you from getting a piece


at least only have to stare at my dying TNDM calls for one more day


[TNDM director sold 258K worth of stock on Thursday]( wouldn't that indicate that the blackout period has ended? also, why would a potential insider be selling one week before a possible acquisition?


Anyone else playing TNDM this week? I think the dude's DD was almost certainly wrong but the announcement Thursday morning could be bullish nonetheless


I am leaning toward some good news from TNDM in this conference but no update on merger yet


If $TNDM doesn't announce something big soon I'm gonna lose it.


Teenage Ninja Diabetic Mutants, Teenage Ninja Diabetic Mutants, Teenage Ninja Diabetic Mutants... diabetics in a half-shell! TNDM!


It's liberating to be conservative with these plays sometimes. I sold more than half of my 6/21 55c to recoup my initial cost and a bit of profit, so now I'm just riding to see what this announcement is all about. Sure... if it hits, it'll mean I've left money on the table, but no one goes broke by taking profits. But I'll say something I've said before; even without this "acquisition" rumor, TNDM might hit 55 anyway. The stock has been a good performer these past few months.


You got lucky with OKLO. What he’s waiting for with TNDM may not come


I have July calls instead of June calls to bet on the potential merger. I think it'll take longer. The hype post about the supposed June 6th announcement at Jefferies highlighted the wording "management will present a company update" - but if you check the TNDM investor relations site, it uses the same verbiage for every conference presentation: * [Apr 29]( "today announced that management will present a company update at the following investor conferences:" * [Feb 8]( "today announced that management will present a company update at the following investor conferences:" * [Nov 6, 2023]( "today announced that management will present a company update at the following investor conferences:" * [Aug 24, 2023]( "today announced that management will present a company update at the following investor conferences:" * [May 24, 2023]( (last year's Jeffries conference): "today announced that management will present a company update at the Jefferies Healthcare Conference on Thursday, June 8, 2023..." If there is a merger in the works, I am not confident it will be announced at the conference.


TNDM making moves?


TNDM rocketing upwards Acquisition announcement imminent? 🙏


This is good news, but I hope that whatever their announcement is will rocket TNDM.


Did wsb cure diabetes with that TNDM play last week?


TNDM ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻


TNDM 👆☝️


I have position in both lol. But TNDM isn’t moving much

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

$TNDM is a strong boi

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Ahhh TNDM make up your mind! Making my blood sugar raise!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I did call TNDM months ago sooooo I dunno

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

GLOB.. globant, check the charts, coming from the guy who first gave you TNDM, it will want to rebound here should be easy play

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

$TNDM dipping a bit, but all I’m seeing on the tape is call options being bought for June. Don’t see this really popping until closer to the meeting on June 6, but I may have to add more calls slowly ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Well just keep in mind 6/7 options chains don't exist for TNDM, and the it was already patched. It's all old news.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Fuck TNDM. I bought them and SENS when they were both around $2.5 in 2018 or 2019. Sold both when they doubled. Wish I held TNDM. Would be retired by now

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I rarely listen to WSB DD but I actually did drop $5k into a TNDM bet based on the DD on Monday when it first popped up. I'm hoping it prints but given the reddit's Law of Inverse, it'll probably tank.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Search "Jefferies Global Healthcare Conference" on Google news and you'll see dozens of other companies making similar announcements today. We obviously won't be seeing dozens of biotech acquisitions in the next two weeks so I wouldn't attribute this announcement to an acquisition just because TNDM. The earlier comments about ESPP caps being reached as an explanation for the blackouts seemed pretty reasonable to me, though I still wouldn't be very surprised if the stock hit $55 in a month regardless. Sold my 50 6/21 60c today before spy tanked but I might rebuy some 55c if sentiment remains bullish

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TNDM announced a presentation on June 6.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

$TNDM acquisition when

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TNDM got an upgrade to 57 from citi- we gonna moon?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I’m not sure the mechanics on how the ESPP works for TNDM. I think employees did know about Mobi at that time. Not sure that was really material, though.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I think this is what happened. The ESPP was pricing at $14, and the stock is at $50. If I were an employee, I’d be slamming money into the ESPP. Perhaps it was oversubscribed. There’s no way TNDM could stop unrestricted employees from buying in a private brokerage account. No 8-K here so far means nothing material is going on.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Can we expect any news on TNDM soon? Just bought after reading the headline the other day.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

So what’s the next move guys? TNDM July calls? HIMS August calls for their next earnings?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

you bought TNDM too!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I’m the one who saw the original post and from that did my own research so late Monday I posted a reply laying out the info from the deleted post and my own due diligence, in fact someone gave me shit about trying to get someone fired, just ignorant. Anyway I saw that DEXCOM was in talks to but TNDM in early/mid 2022 when DXCM was $130 and TNDM was higher, since then DXCM did a 4/1 split and is trading at $131 and TNDM lower and more profitable so it makes even more sense for DXCM now and if they offered 2x the initial offer and paid stock it would cost them 1/2! of that offer. I bought both June $50 calls and July $55 calls each at ~$3.30. The shares are moving up, 3-4 firms all raised price targets in the last 3 days including one to $57 and EPS aren’t due til 8/1 so there is something going on under the surface.

r/stocksSee Comment

Why did TNDM tumble after close?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TNDM short volume spike i want to see you apes get stupid

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TNDM I liked the DD on here - for sure going to be bought out also. Insulin is getting harder to come by and people are getting fatter.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Didn't you just post a bullish comment about TNDM yesterday?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

If you added TNDM then yes. Still continues to rise

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

The same way that I know for a fact that it is TNDM

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TNDM still strong

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TNDM call volume 600% of normal yesterday. Upgraded by Citi. Shareholders meeting after hours today.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TNDM what happened???

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

What happened to the more creative info here? What happened to gourds and tits up? What happened to negative barrels of oil? Look how they massacred this place. Now it's the same 5 stocks and smaller loss / gain posts than ever with no thesis or positions posted in advance. The DJT and TNDM posts were interesting. But I didn't see a single peep about this current face-ripping solar rally. There aren't even high effort memes now. Do others feel this way? I might just be an out-of-touch whiny ass bitch

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

QCOM NVDL NVDA TNDM MSFL stonks only go one way

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

May have to get back in $TNDM it’s holding up too well

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Whoever wrote the DD on TNDM.... thank you!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TNDM guy is probably printing

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TNDM pump!!!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Good thing I have COIN puts, TNDM calls, and NVDA calls.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Why is TNDM pumping now better come back down during trading hours 😡

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TNDM ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TNDM today

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

This will moon. Not because it’s an amazing DD or anything but just because everyone either made money or got FOMO from TNDM and HIMS and are now willing to go into anything that has DD written on it. I’m in

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TNDM was a great find. I'm in.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Rolled TNDM calls into TSLA today, I’m walking on water.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Made money off the last dd post I read on TNDM, why not. In tomorrow morning

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

What’s our feelings on TNDM, should I pull the trigger on more calls. Sat nicely today around 50

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I need TNDM at $55 bruh

r/ShortsqueezeSee Comment

I got in a couple days ago, and I'm glad I got out today a couple hundred bucks ahead. I won't be touching it again. You're just rolling the dice at this point. If you're looking for something a bit more substantial, my money's all going towards $TNDM. It's a longer-term play than the typical pump-n-dumps that you see on here, but it should peak here in the next few weeks. There's good DD over on WSB about this, but the TLDR is that they're a company making advanced insulin pumps. The company just went into a blackout for employee stock purchases, so everyone is pretty sure that a merger/acquisition is in the works. Got 400 shares and 15x $50 19Jul calls myself.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Bless that guy who did the DD on TNDM.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TNDM really scratching that insider trading itch

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TNDM will continue to rise. Stayed nicely around the $50 mark. Will keep shooting up!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TNDM in my balls

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

The TNDM post was based on an insider asking questions on San Diego Reddit, so I won't completely rule the chances out. Although at this point TNDM is so far pumped even if the info is true, it is not worth getting in. This OP is just regarded though so I got my popcorns ready for Wednesday.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Just got my first option order filled -EVER- on that TNDM $55 Jun'21 call for 2.55, who's the regard now?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Interesting volume on TNDM

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Who just traded 100K shares of TNDM?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

The WSB neural network of regards found some posts on reddit that maybe possibly indicate that TNDM could be bought out. [\_may\_be\_getting\_acquired\_soon/](

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Does TNDM jump???

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Man, I seriously hope a bunch of yards didn’t jump on TNDM today. Shit is a train wreck

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Truly believe this TNDM play will work out, bought the top a bit on some calls so here’s hoping ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)
