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r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I have to admit that there is a high possibility that my stance against the CPI is partly anecdotal (me looking at the increase of my own living costs) and partly me taking the statements of others, that I consider reliable sources, for granted without looking to deep into the data myself. Thank you for your interesting post and for providing a lot of sources (rare occasion on Reddit). I am looking forward to read up on it and am also open to change my opinion. One thing makes me curious about it. If the methodology is not a black box and well-documented and the input data are that open, transparent and verifiable, how can the entire market be caught off-guard by the high CPI this month? I would assume that there is a legion of analysts replicating the methodology. And like you said, the BPP even seems to offer a reliable proxy on a daily level. Or would you say that the big players in the markets knew that they high CPI would come and instead they got caught off-guard by the FEDs reaction?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The methodology for the CPI and the data used (including the data collection process) are all completely transparent and [available for anyone to see]( Can you point me to where specifically the CPI is being manipulated to make inflation look lower than it is? I see people say this on Reddit all the time, but literally no one has ever been able to point to where the CPI is being manipulated. At most someone will link me to shadowstats which actually is manipulated to make the CPI look higher (they just take the CPI numbers, throw them in excel, and run them through the formula SHADOWSTATS(t) = 1.9 + 0.0055\*t + CPIAUCNS(t)). Not to mention that the guy who runs shadowstats admitted that [he lied]( about using the pre-Boskin method to calculate CPI and just manipulates the official number in the way I outlined above. I think being open source and incredibly transparent is more than enough for this index to be considered accurate and trustworthy - but, for those who are really pessimistic there is a way to verify everything mentioned here. The [Billion Prices Project]( is a collaborative effort between MIT and Harvard to scrape the internet everyday for every price out there. They are doing exactly what I mentioned anyone could do before and actually check the data for inconsistencies. [Here is a paper that covers the methodology and a lot of other details]( For those who just want to get to the data, [here]( is a sample they provide that shows how the BPP's stats compare to the official CPI numbers. Unsurprisingly, they're incredibly similar. CPI data is released monthly while BPP releases data daily. You need to request data from them under *access* and they will email it to you. Let's just take a second to think about what would need to be true for inflation data to be false. If you think inflation is higher than reported, this is what you need to justify. * The BLS decided to intentionally mislead you * They somehow hid this amongst their completely open source, verifiable data * MIT and Harvard are both also trying to mislead you in the same way * They somehow hid this amongst their DIFFERENT completely open source, [verifiable data]( * Every single news organization has failed to find how they reached these fake results using the data provided * Every single research organization has failed to find how they reached these fake results using the data provided

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Vitalek Buterin ran a quantum computer scam. He is shady as f\*ck. "“Vitalik’s project immediately before Ethereum is that he was collecting investments from people to fund building a computer program to solve NP-complete problems in polynomial time, supposedly by simulating a quantum computer. (Never mind that even real QC aren’t conjectured to be able to do that, nor does ‘simulation’ make any sense; unless BPP == BQP that’s not even possible, and virtually all experts agree the complexity classes are probably not equivalent). He built up a reputation for himself writing tech explainers of other people’s ideas usually without any attribution (until someone complains), making him look like the author.”"

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Former Portuguese president Jose Socrates was arrested, former president of BPP bank was killed in a South African prison and Former president of BES bank is also in prison! Therefore, Portugal now needs much less money in fees to support these corrupt people!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I am Portuguese and during the 2008 crisis a couple of banks went bankrupt and most people never recovered the entirety of their life savings. One of them (called BPP) even had money "invested" in the Bernie Madoff's Ponzi Scheme. Years later, the biggest private bank also went bankrupt, they needed a Government bailout, most of of the clients lost part/entirety of their life savings and when the police inspected the bank documents it was found that they had put client's money in all kind of dirty places (offshore accounts, shell comapnies, Swiss accounts and even to bribe members of the government) Why I prefer Crypto to savings accounts isn't just because it's more profitable but because it's on me to decide how I'll eventually lose my money. Good luck thinking your money is safe in the bank.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

People who bought ETH for $1800 and sold at $2100, looking to keep scalping it ![gif](giphy|Us5BPP2m30VwPgI9qM)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm doing one similar to BPP called EXP Learning and by the amount of coin you have. ~ flymypretty88 ----- [^^Info]( ^^| [^^Subreddit](/r/User_Simulator)

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​ ![gif](giphy|Us5BPP2m30VwPgI9qM)

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​ ![gif](giphy|Us5BPP2m30VwPgI9qM)

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