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Take a look at []( $CBY - they aren't just another green token, they built a new way for companies to offset their carbon footprint with carbon debits instead of credits. Look at the chart in the past few weeks, while the market has been dumping, it's been pumping and still below 50 M market cap. It has the potential to go multi billions without a doubt, all the key elements are there. Do not fade. But we're on reddit so I doubt people will actually take this seriously.


Carbify- great project to restore the rainforest and gain a profit. CBY

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Honestly believe these two are going to make millionaires to those who buy now. Market caps are ridiculously low for how good the projects are, in a bull market, these will go 100x from here $CBY Carbify $GOB Goons of Balatroon

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm invested in what I think are some great RWA low carbon projects such as Carbify $CBY - Tokenising trees and reforesting the Amazon, Viridis Network $VRD - Carbon offsets for DEFI and Plume Network RWA focused layer 2. Think there's some great potential for a rotation into this space and it feels nice to be invested in responsible projects!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Use this link then : I add you to the special insides channel in the discord

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

CBY is the hottest token on Dexscreener 🤔

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Argentina is 20x the size of El Salvador. If they go to BTC that’s like $40 B of Bitcoin purchased if they make a comparative investment to support their new treasury. And if other SA countries follow their success and that of NB’s - well it just snowballs.. And soon ‘Gambol won’t be able to afford a nickel for his grandma’? So how is BTC price inflation any different than USD price inflation? And also dude calls socialist ‘parasitic rats with the morality of killers and thieves’. Sure some socialist. But not all socialists are ‘disgusting libtards’ - as he says. What do you think?
