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Anyone here into Gnosis and/or Mantle and has some insights? Both connected to ETH, GNO as L1 side chain and MNT as L2. And both active in RWA solutions. Still trying to figure out which one has the better standing currently.

In my opinion, RWA have one of the most practical uses for crypto. This market has the potential to explode, but it will require time to mature. I personaly like $planet its shows how it could look in the future. It is like Supreme tbh haha


As someone who's tried out Neolaunch, a tokenless launchpad, I wanted to share why investing in crypto launchpads is pretty awesome. Neolaunch is a bit different bc you don’t need to hold any special token to join in, making it super accessible. It’s all about the cool projects they offer. For example, they have some amazing web3 games like Dark Machine and Sparkball that combine innovative tech with engaging gameplay. Plus, they’re expanding into other areas like RWA and AI with projects like ARQx, which is super innovative. They’ve already launched some of other projects, you can check them out on their website. Just remember to always do your own research!


To be fair a lot of DeFi projects will operate in the same way in the future but I'm sure RWA protocols like Zivoe will generate a lot more revenue simply because the loans and collateral will be much more valuable than what we are seeing today.


RWA projects are the first innovation in crypto that actually makes sense to me. It creates opportunity for both parties involved and if you want the piece of the revenue generated by the project itself you simply stake your tokens and move on with your life.


Oh man, Zivoe already announced their mainnet launch for this month? Can't wait to see what kind of an impact this makes on defi and crypto in general. IMO RWA projects will unlock a ton of liquidity and bring more opportunity to crypto.


Yes I will. I already bought at 55K and will just continue to DCA. Meanwhile, I will keep a part of it for altcoins in the oracles and RWA categories.


What about other categories? Say RWA or the bitcoin L2's. I think they have more attention and focus based on what they have to offer. Take exSat in BTC L2 for example, It's more relevant with the security it offers to the ecosystem. I believe projects like this are going to run for a long time.


To figure out what the point is look at all the problems with the existing system. 1) Funds take too long to settle 2) Restrictions on deposit and withdrawal speeds 3) Transaction Fees and overdraft fees 4) Threat of Bank insolvency or system instability 5) Censorship of your money example Canada There are so many more issues. Crypto aims to fix them. Then we look at issues relating to bitcoin. 1) Miner centralization 2) Transaction speed 3) Network speed issues 4) Bridging or L2's that centralize transactions taking away fees from miners So, when looking for an altcoin. Don't look for $Bonk or some random meme coin like $Mother. Ask yourself, what does this coin fix. People will stick with those coins even if they go to zero. For example, SMR and iota are not doing well. But they offer a solution to all the above issues once development is complete. This makes me want to keep using them to attempt to solve real world problems even if the price suffers. I want my kids to live in a world that is free and seamless. Not the current one. While I don't use ADA, it also attempts to solve the above issues in its own way. Nano and hathor attempt to fix fees. And polygon attempts to help things scale with low fees as well. Networks. Are competing right now on how to fix the broken aspects of money. Some of the broken things even bitcoin did not fix like instant transactions and transaction fees are trying to be solved by other networks. So some altcoins are pump and dump "shitcoins." But many of the networks that are the L1 for those "shitcoins" often are really trying to solve real problems like RWA tokenization or other issues not addressed by bitcoin or other fiat things. I have found value in most coins building real solutions to real world problems. No coin deserves a shitcoin title. Shitcoin is often just a way for a whale or token maxi with marketing money or bot shill armies to belittle other coins to promote their own bags because the free market would reject them otherwise. I would argue someone calling a coin a shitcoin is akin to a scammer saying not to listen to authorities and listen to them instead. Because, if they could use reason, they would not have to bully your coin while they promote theirs.


🟢 3m mcap RWA 🟢Connections in high places (RK???) 🟢BULLISH interactions with WSB and Gamestop (WSB was in TG from the beginning) 🟢Diamond handed, active community Come say hi in TG! 💎


I don’t think it is necessarily crucial for mainstream adoption but there are certain sectors where tradfi regulatory guidance could be beneficial. DeFi, DePIN and RWA in general are the ones I have in mind.


People who don’t follow chainlink are totally clueless. Polygon becoming second to eth for RWA is a total joke of a statement lol


Real world assets onchain requires full support from regulatory bodies, a rigorous regulatory framework as well as full control of who owns what including the ability to restrict transactions across dimensions such as geolocation etc. You are not allowed to own for example an American ETF in Europe. You are not allowed to transfer stocks to anyone without knowing having full KYC. The list goes on. RWA onchain will not happen anytime soon. Don't believe the psyop hype.


tldr; Polygon has experienced a significant increase in Real World Asset (RWA) interest, making it second only to Ethereum in this domain. The network's native token, MATIC, has also seen an uptrend in value. Polygon's Founder, Sandeep Nailwal, highlighted the multiple RWA launches on the platform and its recent collaboration with top Italian banks for a digital bond issuance. Despite a recent dip, MATIC's price surged, reflecting the growing interest and development in Polygon's RWA ecosystem. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

What is RWA?


Crypto is one giant Ponzi (like it or not) hence why the SEC has be trying to crack down on it. Its only purpose for me is to make money. Adoption will come for some. I think Tokenisation of RWA will be great. WEB3 gaming may take off one day. NFTs will be great for some industries like Music.


It’s nothing new. Maker DAO (for example) does the same thing. When you stake DAI what’s really happening is that they’re swapping your DAI for US treasury bonds and giving you sDAI (which earns ~5% interest from the bonds). The largest RWA protocol right now is ONDO and they similarly buy US treasury bonds to back USDY. This is just Binance hopping on the RWA train.

LTO leads the RWA narrative! Awesome


Comment 2/2 FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS: What's important to understand straight away regarding Tracelabs (parent company to subsidiary, Origintrail), is this was initially a food traceability project created while the founders were in university. It was developed as a kind of anti-trust/reassurance product that evolved into a supply chain management tool to provide consumers, and other companies, an ability to verify the origin, quality, compliance and procedural standards of a supply chain. Origintrail has evolved significantly since. Regarding revenue, their main product/service isn't actually AI - it's data, and the diverse revenue offerings that comes with it - data streams, data aggregation and processing, supply chain and logistics efficiencies, real time asset monitoring, real time asset verification/modification, consumer reassurance tools, industry standards & compliance solutions, financial models, data silo efficiencies, decentralized data marketplace (own/buy/sell datasets)... ...Basically, value from/monetization of data by any means possible. It also generates revenue from the publishing of assets on the DKG, but I'll elaborate further down below. Monetization within OT's eco system takes the form of "TRAC" token. TRAC is the economic currency token and is also, categorically, a utility token - meaning OT's entire ecosystem is dependant upon its versatile functionality, catering to payment/node incentives/network dispute mechanism/staking/governance (voting)/QA incentive and more). There is a second affiliated currency known as neuro (also developed by Tracelabs). This token however, is for AI functionality within the DKG. I'll elaborate: It's important to know, the DKG itself is inherently not an AI/LLM. The AI component comes from Neuro. Neuro itself is also not an LLM. Instead, Neuro is an AI component within OT's ecosystem that leverages various AI, ML and NLP models/techniques to provide advanced data processing, analysis and prediction, sentiment and anomaly detection, data classifications and natural language functionalities. Neuro is also capable of integrating any LLM (via APIs) only to enhance the functionality of the DKG and functionalities. The AI component utilises a method called dRAG, very similar to Meta's RAG in their AI model. The DKG itself is essentially just an advanced p2p graph database anchored to the blockchain, utilising distributed storage (each node on the network holds a portion of the data, contributing to a collective decentralized storage system). Data is secured via zero knowledge encryption, and can be further secured depending on preferred privacy settings and can even run/store data native on individual devices, nodes installed/running on. Companies/individuals either run their own nodes for full control over data security (securing sensitive/private information from the readily accessible), or can operate on publically available nodes, hosted by node runners. Data is uploaded to nodes as knowledge assets, owned by the key addresses used to upload data. Tracelabs/Origintrail offer a variety of services and SaaS solutions privately to prospective clients, to maximise their data intake/out-take/retention etc. An example of OT systems functioning is Perutnina Ptuj, a leading poultry manufacturer in Southeastern Europe. PP installed Kakaxi IoT devices to gather sensor information and images from one of their farms. Datasets included: Sensor Data, Geo Data, Traceability Data, Certificate Data, Production Data, Master Data, Transportation Data, Raw Data and more. By purchasing this data, retailers that sold Perutnina’s products under their private labels coulf reassure their consumers, stakeholders and authorities of compliance, high animal welfare standards and internally utilise the supply chain data to improve their own economical models. Users upload data, manually or autonomously, using the knowledge base for a small TRAC fee per knowledge assets published, use it to train their AI models, internal management, SOP's, sell it to consumers and the utilisation of semantic web 3 creates value from previously siloed data. Knowledge asset owners set rules pertaining to the asset, or grouping of assets (known as paranets). Rules including asset discoverability, permissions, licencing terms such as ownership, licencing/usage costs, node/validator reward payouts, usage restrictions etc. Essentially, the knowledge base has now replaced the previous data marketplaces that users bought and sold data on. Why blockchain? OT simply utilises blockchain as an immutable ledger for trustless data integrity, standardized encryption, scalability, interoperability between RWA's, web2 and web3, decentralized data marketplace and global node network (secure permissionless network, data discovery, asset connectivity/verifiability) etc, but again, primarily value is derived from countering anti-trust issues through a transparent and accessible blockchain (ledger) and mitigating data/information silos. Also, to answer an earlier concern, I believe there is feasibility also in decentralization. IMO, it eliminates the need for central/regulatory authorities that would otherwise present themselves as intermediaries or data aggregators - particularly within public sectors (health/infrastructure/education etc), minimising possible overheads and downtime. Tracelabs is able to offer custom services via private servers, but primary value proposition to clients is value from data integrity via blockchain (consumer, regulatory and public trust through blockchain transparency and immutability), value from semantic web3 capability efficiencies (SOP efficiencies), value from compliance/QA/risk mitigation efficiencies (SOP efficiencies), monetization of datasets and account settlement expedition. Closing thoughts as an investor: Personally, I see RWA use case clear as day with this one. I would like network to be more secure than what it currently is, but that also comes with adoption. Stellar base of partnerships and clients, and for years have had a functional, revenue generating product put to market. From a R:R perspective, what also makes this project speculatively valuable as an investment is you have two mutually exclusive markets within tech going parabolic at the same time, while market is trying to find confluence between them - a bull (AI) cycle within a bull (AI). The main factor driving the bubble is simply companies and investors trying to find confluence. If market adoption takes place and market finds it feasible, this will be immensely valuable. It is currently WELL underpriced, mostly due to lack of visibility. They rarely spend on any marketing, no DEX/CEX paid listings, no BS games or gimmicks in the telegrams or socials, just work.

there has got to be more to it than that, because if you're tokenizing any sort of RWA, you'd want it to follow the token standard that Uniswap already uses otherwise you'd silo off all of the liquidity that's already on chain.


Yup it is strange how coins with world changing features like instant fee free transactions and RWA tokenization keep forcing illuminati or occult references.


I mean it really is strange. I will tell people hathor tokenized bonds iota is bridging stablecoins and tokenizing RWA but people are more interested in dogecoin to the moon and meme coins like $mother than utility coins this past year.


Apologies for the long comment, but for those who are genuinely curious... I use Cardano to stake, buy nfts, make swaps, DCA, and vote for projects. You can also mint an nft to link with an email address, or mint an nft as a handle so you can receive txs using a more user friendly address, like Eth domain names. There's DePIN projects like Iagon, which is like Filecoin, to store your data with a decentralized storage provider. They also host dapps and are working on decentralized compute services. There's NFT royalty platforms for creators like NEWM, Books, and Jpgstore. You can also lend NFTs. Some lending protocols even offer double yield on lending since the liquidity pools are staked. It is kind of like staking liquid staking derivative tokens, but much simpler. You don't have to exchange your ADA for stADA and potentially trigger a taxable event. Also let's say your order has not yet executed at the limit price you set, it can still earn staking rewards while the order is pending. Staking is liquid and self-custody, less middlemen and more ownership for the user. There's RWA projects like Palmyra and Empowa. The ecosystem is growing much faster now that infra and tooling is improving. Community built their own languages like Aiken and Opshin that are based on more popular languages like Typescript and Python, which compiles down to Haskell-based Plutus. You don't need to know Haskell anymore. Although you do need to know how to build on an extended UTXO model, but it is getting easier as more devs open source their code and share their designs. There's even a new batcherless AMM design that got funded this Catalyst round, and designs are rapidly adapting especially with Plutus V2 and V3 now with Chang upgrade, enabling zk primitives support on the L1. There's also new L2's on the horizon that offer unique benefits due to UTXO's deterministic properties like way cheaper fraud-proofs and better mobility between L1 and L2. There's also Leios and Peras to make the L1 faster. Hydra has interesting Catalyst proposals this round as well. The one thing I wish I could use Cardano for is stablecoin stuff. They have home grown stablecoins that are algorithmic and fiat backed, but they don't have the more established ones like USDC and USDT with higher liquidity, stability, and connections. MyUSD on Cardano is backed by USDC and USDT. There are also ways to bridge over USDC using Wanchain. Your implication is right, it is relatively a small ecosystem, a small island compared to the others. But it's fast growing. It's important to note that it is growing without Ethereum's network effect and heavy VC support. But interoperability is increasing with the recent Plutus V3 upgrade, that makes it more interoperable with Ethereum, and other developments like Cardano's integration with Cosmos. There's also Polkadot's Substrate tech powering Cardano's partnerchains. Cardano devs are also bridging the knowledge gap between them and Bitcoin devs with Fluidtokens and Maestro sharing protocol designs. It appears that this cycle, the alpha on Cardano is on Twitter, not on Reddit. Here's a few recent tweets from non-Cardano people. []( []( []( [\_/status/1799400337612190153]( Some recent posts to show typical daily chatter. []( []( []( []( []( []( and more... []( []( [\_M]( [\_times\_3/status/1810691719848952084]( [\_/status/1811829651121000663]( []( [](

According to the numbers in the article, property prices surged by 170% in Turkey and almost 50% in the US in the past 4 years. Retail investors gained almost nothing from this because most of them are priced out of the real estate markets. Can someone from the anti-crypto side explain to me how we solve this without crypto and RWA?


It does :) preceded Roaring Kitty how many times now. RWA never seen before that’ll revolutionise the blockchain. Exposing the blockchain contracts known for price pinning in stock markets. Cleaning up the streets of the mess left behind by FTX

There is a whole section dedicated to RWA on Coingecko. Go through the docs and pick the ones you think will be good. None of us here can know what the future holds so always best to be personally accountable for your finances.


Hi there! Maker (MKR) and Aave (AAVE) are good options for RWA projects. Aave is more concerned with decentralized lending, while Maker handles stablecoin issue secured by physical assets. Because of this bull run, they're worth checking out!


*It's more about adoption because blockchain makes ownership and perk management much clearer and easier. I've been looking at a few RWA projects that tokenize in-game assets for web3 games like Neolaunch, and I think it's really cool how it gives players more control over their digital assets.*


RWA coins. Such as Ondo, Link, Mantra and Propy


I am trying  to look into DEPIN and RWA


I think low cap fully or nearly fully diluted of new cycle narratives are best (eg: RWA this cycle). The lowcaps here are old ones


Algo is very well positioned to dominate in RWA, the tech and the projects now building are outstanding. The price will correct as we shift away from the casino wild west (and with regulatory clarity). Eventually as more major businesses and institutions incorporate blockchain the ones that work effectively and efficiently will rise. Algo is a beast.


DMTR. It's a RWA project focusing on agriculture. They launched right at the peak of the last bull run.


LTO Network, Dusk, Boson - RWA will be next big wave and these guys all look promising.


RIO, leading RWA project


I so much like your crypto portfolios based on utility breakdown. Anyone looking to diversify their portfolio would consider this. However, there is still more to add to the list based on utilities and trends. This includes: DePIN: This includes coins that are dominant in Decentralized Telecoms, Decentralized Cloud computing and AI Data and Intel Provenance. These are projects like Helium (HNT), Akash (AKT), and the Rivalz Network (RIZ), respectively. RWA: This includes coins that are dominant in terms of allowing users to buy traditional assets like real estate, art, bonds, and equity as digital tokens. These are projects like Centrifuge (CFG), Ondo Finance, and Mantra.

Let me guess, this is a meme coin, right? I'm not really buying into meme coins at the moment. I prefer buying the dip on utility tokens, especially in the RWA sector, specifically DUA, ONDO, and a few others.


I think strong web3 infrastructure is equally important. This layer provides the foundation for all sorts of decentralized applications, including DePIN projects and RWA tokenization platforms. AI data provenance within DePIN is growing as well due to Rivalz Network. With verifiable data, we can ensure AI applications are trustworthy and not fueled by biased or shady data practices.


I think so. There is a whole lot to anticipate in RWA-based assets. I have a few bags I'm rooting for, precisely DUA, ONDO, RIO, and LAND. Any thoughts on these? I care about utility as much as care about meme coin.

I’ve recently started listening to CryptoTrends, seems to be decent. They’re not always right, but no one is. They will give you some ideas on which coins are for which sectors ie AI, DeFi, RWA.


I haven't checked this yet, but I'll try to see if it meets my standards for buying altcoins. Anyway, I also have low-cap altcoins that I think will perform well once the bull run is confirmed. I've secured RWA bags already, including DUA, since I'm interested in their upcoming V2 smart wallet, which includes the RWA interface.


All of those "use cases" will be used in the future. Just in a different form. It makes not sense to call the winners yet. For example, DeFi will be tech that is used in the future but may be part of Blackrock's new RWA stock market. It is too early to know exactly.


You could dabble in some RWA, gaming or AI alts but make sure to sell in 1 year or so. Alts are not for holding longterm, theyre for selling during peak bull


Big win for Mantra and the entire Cosmos ecosystem. Looks like regulatory-compliant blockchains will lead the way with RWA tokenization.


Don't confuse cycle narratives with "conviction". No Alt is used for anything. We are still a long way from determining what Alt will ever actually be something. Technology innovation takes a long time to determine winners. AI/RWA in crypto is little more than a "narrative". It means absolutely nothing in crypto in reality.


That's a good point but I think most regulation will be aimed toward centralized exchanges since I doubt large RWA holders will be willing to use defi for multi-million asset trading.


Certainly not but in some sectors such as RWA you need as much regulation as possible. If you want to bridge real-world assets to the digital space without oversight scams will run rampant, and we are talking about assets potentially worth hundreds of millions. Memecoin rugs would look like pocket change in comparison.


Does $wtk Wadzpay count? Due for 2x tier 1 listing's this month, ties with UAE and sat at $20m market cap. RWA via merchant payments x digitising mining assets.


This is excellent news: $ALGO will snap necks with the bullish candle it makes in the next bull run. If you are not paying attention to Algorand, you will miss out on one of the best technologies in blockchain the, layer 1 that works no failed transactions never done. It works flawlessly. They are building the future of finance and RWA assets on $ALGO. LFG $ALGO 🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕




I see the RWA sector as the new wealth generation mechanism globally. It will unlock so much capital and allow people to take out loans based on their real-world assets. Most of them can’t do that right now.


Shimmer is 8 mill market cap for a fee free coin with a DEX that can tokenize any RWA. If they send it to 1 mill. They will let someone else corner the market. So who cares. Let the dumpy german and us and other govs protest by selling bitcoin hurting alts. The movement is inevitable


So the deal was this - in exchange for Sygnum depositing $50M into Fidelity's fund, Fidelity agreed to allow the funds to be tokenized. This is an official tokenization where Fidelity is the custodian, not some DeFi platform or bridge or L1/2 creating a synthetic asset which could disappear over night and has no real ties to the asset it represents. There is a difference between a tokenized RWA that is essentially an IOU on paper vs. you actually holding a tokenized asset. Now, Chainlink has brought the NAV data on chain which can be used to incorporate the data into various applications and smart contracts. Fidelity is very much involved because as the institution in custody of the assets, Chainlink can't do this without them and their involvement. While not officially stated, I would imagine that Fidelity and other banks and banking entities which have expressed interest in NAV data being on-chain, such as the DTCC (see are looking at this as a production "pilot". There is financial value in the NAV data being on-chain and assuming they can capitalize on this it's very likely this is used to make the business case for tokenizing a lot more funds. I hope this makes sense.


That's the common mistake of all mortals, so to speak. In fact, it's a mistake that even developers overlook when creating their games. The fact of creating an economy that is not completely organic, so to speak. And how do you create an organic economy? Simple, by making **SOLID** economies. Developers forget basic Keynesian principles when they try to create their games. A very common mistake is exactly what you are citing in your post. Currencies in games should not be a reward currency. Currencies should be just that, currencies that support an economy. Currencies that support a monetary system in any game that allows for a real economy. When you ask me what I mean by an economy, it is simply the ability to create "goods and services" within itself. A perfect example is the RWA that exists in current MMORPGs, like World of Warcraft. There you can earn real money by selling gold, providing carry services, selling memberships, etc. And why can you earn money in World of Warcraft and not in other games? Basically because it is a game with millions of players, and that game requires gold to move in the economy, allowing everyone to interact with the auction market and buy memberships, high-value mounts, items, etc. So, why does World of Warcraft gold have value? I'll summarize it at these points: - It has millions of players weekly - Its economy is based on auctions - You can buy Blizzard games using WoW gold by exchanging it for Blizzard balance (SUPER IMPORTANT POINT) - Gold has a real and constant use as you play the game That’s why it’s a gross mistake to establish a cryptocurrency in a game as a reward and not as a unit of account that facilitates the exchange of goods and services between players, because that is what really gives a token value. That's why many tokens go down the drain, because they are REWARDS. And that’s why I understand your point. Because many devs forget that Friedman and Keynes were right. If your currency is unable to sustain your own game in a REAL way, then your game is destined to fail

I’ll keep buying. And when the world has largely moved into Web3 RWA tokenization sometime around 2030, I’ll be sure to write you a love note.


Sure it can. I can see a platform such as Roblox (maybe not Roblox itself, but a similar platform) embrace this. Of course the blockchain would be set up by the developer and they would get a cut, but it would still enable a creator market. 'Crypto game' in and of itself is stupid, just like saying 'solve this problem with crypto' without actually considering HOW crypto could be useful. Just like NFTs. NFTs as a tech are incredibly useful (RWA tokenization), but they are being utilized poorly, for now. Give it time.


I doubt it because regulation will be crucial in the RWA sector. I think CEXes like Multibank will take the lead here since larger investors will want a fully regulatory-compliant environment before they start investing.


Do you guys think DEXes will facilitate most RWA trades in the future?


i can agree with you up to some point. but i can't complain much about memes since they made me some money that i invested in some other coins. i think that gaming is slowly gaining some attention again and i am glad to see it. i think that some projects, like Akarun, have an interesting approach, combining gaming with the real market performance of the tokens allowed in the game. but it's not everything about memes. can't underestimate the returns from AI and RWA in Q2.


Reddit are so angry with memecoin, they would rather invest into an AI or RWA vaporware and slowly gets dumped by VCs into zero


For RWA, I have DUA, LAND, and RIO. Are you familiar with these gems? You can start researching and let me know your thoughts on them.

The idea that there are "themes" each cycle doesn't make sense to me. It just looks at a subset of projects that did well, ignores others, and then says that it's a theme. Tons of AI, RWA and Meme projects that have been absolutely wrecked this cycle as well. Anyone investing on a "narrative" is fooling themselves.


I don’t have much time for an answer but I would see each narrative has some ‘blue chips’ that are lower risk. My recommended portfolio for your ask: bitcoin, ethereum, Solana and Chainlink as the big dogs (70%+ of your portfolio). With the rest you can grab Render to cover AI, Ondo or Mantra to cover RWA, and immutable X to cover gaming. For depin my recommendation would be Arweave. If you want to have some meme coverage go for Pepe, Bonk or WIF. Truly that would be my recommendation to someone who wants to have a nice spread without too much risk. I’m not just shilling my bags here, I hold much more than these (and much riskier bets). But I do feel this covers the leaders of each narrative.


by understanding the nature of crypto markets - HIGH volatility risk management, risk tolerance, market psychology. specialize in a specific set of niches in crypto - that way you can see when certain projects are undervalued compared to others. For instance: solana > memecoins/NFTs OR AI OR gaming, and so on Ethereum > RWAs OR memecoins OR gaming, etc, etc. Cardano > cardano alts Avalanche > avax alts Believe it or not, there are degens thats specialize in memecoins. There are people that specialize in DeFi, RWA's, Gaming, AI coins, Bitcoin ordinals/runes, whatever category you can have an understanding of. Least "risky" thing to do is buy BTC and ETH regularly and hold for 5-10 years, By the way, this is all theory and NFA.

LMFAO Hesabpay is a payment platform built out of Afghanistan, it is not a RWA play. TravelX is some random ass small time platform for tokenizing airline tickets and has seen very little traction. Both of these projects are garbage and tiny, no shit DeFiLlama doesn’t list them. Agree. L1s are way better of a solution than L2s, which is why I’m bullish on Solana.


Go ahead and tell me which “BIG” RWA projects are on Algorand.


>the biggest RWA projects are predominately on Eth and EVM L2s. There are no RWA projects of meaningful size on Algorand. 🤦‍♂️


RWA narrative like ONDO.


Shocking how many people don't realize this. Ripple the company can provide a service, doesn't mean XRP will be used. Algorand Inc can provide a service, doesn't mean ALGO will be used. I'll even go one further just to rile everybody up. The Ethereum network can provide a service for RWA tokenization, coming soon according to Fink... it doesn't mean ETH will be used.

Look into RWA narrative, like ONDO


Everyone knows dev activity can be fudged and if “top 5 of total transactions,” how is there virtually no DEX volume, no NFT activity, and a tiny DeFi ecosystem with $72M in TVL? What’re all these “transactions”? And no, the biggest RWA projects are predominately on Eth and EVM L2s. There are no RWA projects of meaningful size on Algorand.


Ok, in top 5 of total transactions constantly. Also #2 last quarter in dev activity, just behind ETH. And some of the biggest RWA projects using it on the daily. Yeah mate, u are wrong so hard. DEX volume isn't the only metric chef.


I share the same view. RWA tech is the best possible way to democratize investing in real-world assets and the transformation is already underway.


I believe that the answer is yet but I also feel that we will run into the same problems with RWA as we did with DeFi and a bunch of other stuff and that is fragmentation. Not all RWA projects will launch on the same blockchain and if a regular user wants to invest in a few of them they need to learn how to use different wallets, how to bridge funds and all that stuff.


# Real Estate Soars on Blockchain! $OM on MANTRA Chain Leads the Charge **The RWA market is CRUSHING it, up 62%!** Forget boring brick & mortar - fractionalized ownership on MANTRA is the future! $OM - HODL


Ah! There are many favourites. But IMO, this bull run investing in the projects with a narrative which allows is mass adoption is important. RWA tokenization is something I look forward to. My RWA pick is $OM - MANTRA. Which RWA project are you looking into?


Man I’m getting really close to dumping my LINK. Truly the “coolest sounding” ecosystem and RWA’s are interesting, but the token is literally borderline worthless. Justifying its utility is almost impossible. Justifying the price action has been difficult. Now trying to justify the inflation might just be the nail in the coffin.


No idea, the only other chain now with any meaningful RWA tokenization is Stellar:


Injective still looks very good. I have been holding my bag since I got them at 7. I scalped some at 20 just yesterday. Another undervalued gem in my port is RAM in the EOS network. It's a RWA with good usecase. It has the potential to fo 100x.


Get into ADS$ Alkimi Exchange. About 25M MC. RWA narrative, Proper company already live with a working product and already generating fees from its billion dollar client companies. All fees going directly into token buybacks. Only 250M token supply. There is no crypto safer than this because we can see their product works and is being adopted increasingly each month. Soon it wont even need a bullrun. Once in a lifetime opportunity to get in early into a future billion dollar business. DYOR NFA.


I’m not going to mention any particular coin except BTC & ETH, which I have none of as crypto. But, I have the BTC ETF & will buy into the ETH ETF when available. Why, because I’m using a tax advantaged Broker account for that. I do however have a large crypto coin/token portfolio, and following the original post, I have developed it over the years into three distinct tiers. Tier 1 being of a higher $Value, Tier 3 is of a higher risk and smaller $Value, with Tier 2 being (obviously) in the middle. I look at every crypto in regards to fundamentals and what industry are they playing in: Finance, Gaming, AI, Gambling, Supply Chain, Memes, CEX, etc. I look at their competitors both in the crypto and RWA, and decide if they can compete. Critical criteria is buy price, for the last two years I’ve only bought where they are down from their last ATH. I’ve a few coins that have lost money if I sold today and a couple around break even, however the total portfolio is up and well into the green. I’ve made mistakes, I should have converted everything to BTC during the downturn, and that will be the play after this Bull, if I have any crypto left. If not I’ll just start buying for the new portfolio. There are so many strategies, almost impossible to be right given the number of coins, the market and the hype. I have sold a number of coins at over 10X, more in the 5-8X, however all were relatively small $Value buys, but nice sales. All sales were invested back into coins down ~95% from previous ATH. I don’t DCA, but I do buy regularly, but different coins at different times, driven by low price. I aim for certain round numbers as a goal, I often up the goal if I reach it due to low prices. I’ve reached a goal and not gone past and some coins just exploded before I reached a number goal and I stopped buying and I’m still holding. June to October 2023 inclusive, I tripled my normal weekly buying amount. The majority of the $Value is staked and earning well, but probably less than 50% of my coins/tokens are staked. All staking is compounded back into the same coin 95% of the time, I’ve on very rare occasions taken the staked value, converted into a new coin I wanted to grow quickly without throwing bigger $ sums at it. I started off with the mind set of only buy what you can afford to lose,, but over time it’s obviously grown with the weekly additions. Plus, it’s grown through coins being worth more, while I can afford to lose it, I would definitely hate to! So, tend to think of this rule as a new player rule to help set expectations, but the longer you go adding, you fundamentally get to a point where it would be a disaster to lose it. It works for me, it’s my strategy but it needs time and some dedication to keep on top of it, definitely not a buy & forget, however I enjoy it. Tax prep has been a nightmare at the beginning, but this year didn’t take that long, although I detest doing it. Good luck, regardless of your coin of choice or the strategy you use. 🍀🍀

Alts with growing RWA are gonna make some patient people really really rich


Defi, RWA tokenization, and depin/ai agents are great uses for blockchain tbh.


I’m going to stick around because I’ve already decided I would be patient with crypto, I have 2025 to look forward to. I don’t need the money right now. Everything is fine. The majority is in BTC, not alts. However, this will be the last cycle I ever buy a piece of fucking crypto currency again. Bitcoin included. After this I am closing my crypto accounts. I will NEVER buy this fake internet money again. I’m trading it in for RWA, not the fake financial freedom of BTC. BlackRock and fidelity can have it. Not me.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yess, I will Bitcoin will give breakout soon! And the RWA will also have an positive impact.


How so? Fundamentals are far better now than in 2021 when eth hit $4900. Token is deflationary almost. ETF demand will introduce new institutional money in the space, new usecases like RWA being introduced... I would think $3500 price today is more like the $350 price back in late 2020.


> It's still a good RWA project I don't think that's true, it's just marketing. Look at what the big institutions are saying: > Blackrock CIO of ETF & Index Investments @Samaraepcohen said today at the Coinbase event that permissioned blockchains have lost, & that **traditional market participants are coalescing around open-source Ethereum for tokenization,** so as not to fragment liquidity ... and doing:


I think I might sell. Let's see what levels hangs around. It's still a good RWA project and I don't have much alternative. Wanna shill me something at a good price?


ONDO, it’s directly related to Blackrock. Leading project in RWA narrative. Current marketcap is less than 2B. No big token unlocks till 2025. It has been one of the best tokens to hold value when market corrects. Maybe not 10X at current price since it has already more than 10X since launched, but it still has room for more Xs.


Well yeah, a tokenized RWA is a security. If you want to offer securities and are willing to do KYZ RWAs are viable on chain however there isn't really much of a reason when you could just buy most securities through traditional exchanges anyways. A 100% gold backed token by a trusted provider such as a bank or mint or whatever would be cool. Realistically RWAs probably won't be a big thing in the near term. Utilizing on chain smart contracts to transact for a business using oracles to bring off chain data on chain is IMO the best chance to open up the closed loops ledgers mostly operate in.


I bought in the bear market 1 year ago. My bag doing well now. SOld some coins last week that were not moving. to buy new ones in depin & RWA. I think Depin, RWA, AI are gonna be the projects that gonna pick up since these streams are new. I dont think L2s & older DeFi coins have that much to offer now. They have seen their highs already.


RWA are worth investing into. I'm accumulating RAM on EOS. Just buy some EOS and move them to RAM but both tokens will have a good run looking at the 80% supply burn in the new tokenomics.


I don’t typically tell people my calls. There are plenty of people crypto twitter that do tho. I will tell you I’m invested in RWA and AI tokens. I suggest you dyor.


ETH: Has 20x Solana's DeFi TVL and 150x Solana's RWA balance Solana maxi: ETH is all over


Hypothetical $10,000 portfolio of top 100 coins created yesterday during the doom and gloom of the sub. Understand where we are in the cycle, buy cycle narratives on Red candles and profit. This cycle's narratives are: * Always 50% of any portfolio Bitcoin. This should never change and never sell it. * AI * RWA * Memes * Bitcoin Layer 2 * Gaming The portfolio below value yesterday was $9,999.39. Today the portfolio value right now is 10,499.35. PnL = +$597.61. Current portfolio: 1. 52.70% BTC 2. 10.52% ETH 3. 10.52% SOL 4. 5.30% LINK 5. 5.23% RNDR 6. 5.22% STX 7. 5.21% ONDO 8. 4.87% CROWN 9. 4.18% PEPE

Which RWA projects you looking at? Huge market for it and it’s inevitable


Bestie, RWA is part of DeFi. Assets is literally one letter of that acronym.


>is there any examples of RWA tokenization which is already taking place right now? There is actually an RWA project going on it's 7th year and it's up to <$100,000,000 in tokenized assets. ;)


I agree with every point except that it has to be a DAO for it to be a good RWA investment. I know that Zivoe and others are doing a good job so far but I would be just as happy to invest if the core team was making the decisions tbh.


I thought the same thing, that’s why I decided to share it. Very helpful reading material for those who are new to RWA.
