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Bringing privacy, security and performance to the Internet of Things using IOTA and usage control

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Can the 6G potential transform crypto like AI did? Even though the technology may take a while to be fully implemented, is it too early to make a position now?

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Quantum computing and blockchain - which projects are at the forefront?

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IOTA Expands to Abu Dhabi With A $100M Foundation

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Digital solutions to scale high integrity carbon markets

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IOTA is the first registered DLT foundation under ADGM in Abu Dhabi, UAE

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First Registered DLT Foundation Under ADGM in Abu Dhabi, UAE

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Constellation DAG: A Potential Moonshot in Big Data and Blockchain

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IOTA, the future of the Internet

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A new tokenomics model--Is this what fairness looks like?

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Multifaceted Role of AI in Cryptocurrency:

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Why not every Altcoin will Perform the same as the last Bullrun.


OP's actual 2018 portfolio: NEM IOTA DASH EOS NEO

My point is, investing in ALTs is an almost guaranteed way to lose money. And out of the thousands of ALTs, people almost always pick the wrong ALTs for the new bullrun and/or ALTs have a short pump/dump window to make money. In 2019, /r/cryptocurrency was picking these ALTs which are all down massively or dead. > IOTA, ICON, Vechain, Nano, NEO, BCH, DragonChain, Factom, Zilliqua... > during a full on bull run btc dominance decreases every time What is your point? Probability is that it doesn't mean shit for the ALT that your're holding. If you look at this time in 2020 a couple months after the halvening, out of the top 100 coins: - a handful of ALTs that outperformed BTC in the bullrun - most of those ALTS had a short window to sell them before they dumped again - most of those ALTs are down again big time, most will never recover Most of the newer coins that did insane pumps were like in the 200s, 300s or lower in rankings with tiny marketcaps or weren't even available like SOL, etc. Now there are like 25,000 coins and you think you've picked the one to pump when BTC domoinance decreases every time. There is a reason you see people commenting here who have been in multiple bull run cycles and still lost money.

Oh HELL. Thank you for this! Do you think I should cashout my IOTA or leave it in? Will there be any increase of worth in near future? Because if I take it out now I will make approx. about 300€ loss.


If you had invested $10,000 in one of the top 10 coins in July 19 2017, 7 years ago you would have: - ~$298,000 if invested in BTC - ~$180,000 if invested in ETH - ~$34,000 if invested in XRP - ~$17,000 if invested in LTC - ~$15,000 if invested in ETC - ~$1,500 if invested in NEM - ~$1,700 if invested in DASH - ~$6,500 if invested in IOTA - ~$47,000 if invested in XMR - ~$128 if invested in STRAT

Lots of crypto projects with capped supply have increased their capped supply and lots more will in the future - NEM which was staple top 10 crypto in 2017/18 increased its supply with a new token when the Foundation ran out of money - Stratis which was a top 10 crypto in 2017 increased its supply with a new token when they ran out of money - IOTA which was once a top 5 crypto increased its supply by 60% recently when they ran out of money - CRO did a 2nd ICO where the original token holders went from holding "0.002% of the supply to only holding is only worth 0.00001%" in a "major switch scam." - Polygon is increasing its supply by 20% to give 10% to node operators and 10% to the Polygon team - RocketPool tokens went from a hard limit of 18M to 5% infinite inflation to pay for development


> I think the QANX solution will rise to the top - Why Bitcoin fears Quantum Computers - and IOTA doesn't - IOTA is the future #quantumproof - QRL is going to Pluto (January 2018)

> what gives You fell the bullshit tech narrative. In 2017, /r/cryptocurrency was comparing Bitcoin to tech companies and "doing research" trying to find the crypto with the best **technology and innovation**. They compared Bitcoin to AOL or MySpace saying BTC will soon be replaced by new shitcoins with superior technology. Most of these people lost most their money. A lot of people are continuing the tradition today with DOT, ALGO, etc. - In 20 years Bitcoin will be to crypto what AOL is now to the internet. - Lol—try 3-5 years. - I think 20 months tops - 20 yrs? Think 2. - It' ll happen sooner. The world turns faster constantly. Bitcoin is like a fat, slow dinosaur - Agreed. Could be months. The space is wide open for competition. Could def see ETH and BCH taking the crown. - Someday people will think that it'd ridiculous to pay fees and wait time to transfer money and they will buy IOTA - Companies will not bet on a burning piece of garbage like Bitcoin, and whatever they pick will win. I guarantee it. See: Bosch/IOTA. - Hmm your comment has made me think of possibly splitting my portfolio four ways - ETH, IOTA, XRP, REQ. - The sad fact is there are coins from 4 years ago that are better than Bitcoin, we don't even need new projects to take leaps forward. - Tl;dr I think your bitcoins are going to be about as valuable as your 20 hours of free internet CDs from AOL - In 2017 alone, Ethereum, Iota, Ripple, Vertcoin, Monero and Litecoin have all made big moves in terms of tech and adoption. What will 2018 bring? 2019? Will Bitcoin still lumber into 2020?

QUBIC was created so that a new generation of bagholders could be hurt by the IOTA founder. That guy is a grifter and a nutjob.


IOTA Them bags are heavy


You copy and paste the same comment every time there's an IOTA thread even when every point has been debunked and responded to. Not to mention your failure to mention the overwhelmingly positive expansion and growth IOTA has been doing the past year. People eating this guy's comment up need to do their due diligence cos it's making them look ignorant too.


The thing is, there were already so many red flags that IOTA was a scam in 2017. The fact that they are still people supporting this project and shilling this to noobs is a testament to how long people will hold their bags rather than admit they are wrong. In 2017 an Ethereum Core Dev wrote an article entitled "Why I find IOTA deeply alarming" raising lots of red flags. Vitalik Buterin had constructive criticism advising IOTA team not to do scammy shady things like rolling up their own hash function, putting vulnerabilities in their code as booby traps (WTF), using trinary code, etc. IOTA developers attacked Vitalik in response in this post and twitter saying he was playing the wunderkid card and his only accomplishment was as a writer on Bitcoin magazine and he didn't understand anything about proof of stake, and they were using trinary because they had been developing trinary hardware since 2016 (they raised money for it but the whole trinary hardware thing was a scam by the way). Post here has several Vitalik comments and the attack by IOTA devs there and link on X. In 2017, a MIT researcher discovered vulnerability in their own hash function and said that the hashing function and trinary raised red flags. IOTA scammer devs attacked the researcher as having a "vested interest in multiple projects that are in direct competition with IOTA, many of which may stand to benefit from IOTA's demise."


TLDR, **IOTA one of the biggest scams in the crypto space** and **a vaporware hype project** These scammers have hyped up multiple vaporware projects since 2014 and delivered nothing, abandoning every roadmap promise, and then launched a 2nd token and collected more free money scamming naive investors. And if a 2nd ICO token wasn't enough, these scammers have increased the fixed supply of the IOTA token for more free money. - Trinary hardware is bullshit was vaporware hype and thrown out - Quibic was also vaporware hype and thrown out - IOTA Data Marketplace was vaporware hype and thrown out. - Partnerships. Hyped tons of partnerships since 2017. There is not a single result or product that has come of of it. Just articles and POCs funded to hype and dump IOTA tokens. - Cooordicide well, IOTA is still not even running a peer-to-peer network and relies on the coordinator and when it goes down the network goes down time and time again. IOTA has had more network downtime than Solana - **Launched a 2nd money grab scam token Shimmer to scam more money out of investors after the Iota Foundation ran out of money** - **Increased the fixed supply by 60% recently when they ran out of money again** IOTA scammer founder **Dominik Schiener after scamming investors for the JINN token in 2014** was saying they were on **the verge of delivering something in 2017**: Here is the **exit scam of JINN** in 2020 with no delivery confirmed by founder saying the project will be abandoned by another scammer founder **Bullshit Scam Hype Powered by IOTA™** similar to this thread over the years that lured dumb investors: > For now, in brief: Qubic enables Smart Contracts, Oracles, Outsourced Computing and lots more. Qubic, using IOTA as a backbone, will be the foundation of plenty more projects that we have in motion already, but more importantly, it will be a platform for the greater community and ecosystem to create things we can't even imagine yet - Scammer Founder David Sønstebø > Spacebit will use IOTA for an IoT network of multiple space vehicles and Qubic for AI and outsourced heavy computing > IOTA (MIOTA) Qubic Project Takes Giant Leaps: IOTA Becomes a Car Insurance Game changer > How IOTA’s Qubic Might Be on the Verge of Revolutionizing Finance > UPDATE: IOTA Data Marketplace Participants...According to Dominik they cant even cope with the amount of companies asking to join the data market place. > Official Bosch Press: Bosch to turn Chinese cities into SmartCities with IOTA! > BOSCH will use IOTA for industry 4.0 productivity !! > VW announcing cooperation with IOTA foundation at BOSCH Connected World > IOTA with Bosch, BMW, EnBW, Ernst&Young, LBBW, MAHLE, Porsche, Trumpf, Vector, VW and Vito Ventures > Fujitsu and IOTA Preparing for Bosch Connected World > GENERAL NEWS: Bosch Wants To Deploy Crypto Technology in Autonomous Cars [IOTA] **IOTA Network has the most downtime of any crypto project. IOTA was down for a whole month at one point:**


#IOTA Con-Arguments Below is a IOTA con-argument written by Blendzi0r. > *First published on: 28.07.2021* > > **Long history of vulnerabilities and controversies** > > > > In 2017, security researchers from Boston University and MIT disclosed to IOTA a critical flaw: the hash function was broken. Weeks later, they published their findings and IOTA patched the vulnerabilities. > > > > However, in 2018 the e-mails exchanged between the researchers and IOTA regarding the critical flaw were made public. Those e-mails exposed that the IOTA’s response to the disclosure of the critical flaw was very aggressive and IOTA founders even accused the researchers of “academic fraud” and threatened them with legal action. > > > > As a result, many renowned security researchers and academic cryptographers criticized IOTA and advised others to avoid the project. > > > > It is also important to note that it was not the first time that MIT and Boston University researchers found vulnerabilities in IOTA. > > > > ( source: ) > > > > **IOTA is not decentralized** > > > > IOTA is not decentralized and the security of the network continues to be exposed. > > > > In February 2020, IOTA turned off the coordinator node and shut down the network because their wallet was hacked. Not only the hacking was embarrassing but shutting down the network proved beyond any doubt that IOTA is not really decentralized (shutting down a decentralized network should not be possible). > > > > ( source: ) > > > > **Transactions on IOTA are marketed as free but they are not free** > > > > IOTA claims to have no transaction fees but in reality it requires users to perform PoW on their own devices. This is questionable marketing strategy as users are forced to validate two other transactions before their own transaction is processed. So even though users do not have to pay for the transaction, they have to become "miners/validators" for IOTA. > > ( source:\/posts/iota-response/ ) > > > > **Melody of the future?** > > > > IOTA is one of the oldest crypto projects but it is not production-ready yet. It also does not have smart contracts. IOTA strives to provide machine-to-machine transactions. But, as mentioned above, in order to make a transaction you are required to validate two other transactions. This requires you to have a full node so that you know the true state of consensus. Small IoT devices cannot host Gb/Tb of data in order to validate transactions. As a result, IOTA is not really suitable for machine-to-machine communication of devices with limited capabilities. > > > > It is also important to realize that Internet of Things is in its infancy. It might take years before it’s widely adopted. IOTA might be long gone before it happens. Especially when you take into consideration their bumpy past. > > > > **New beginning** > > > > Speaking of bumpy past – failure to achieve their goals for so many years prompted IOTA team to completely revamp the network. Instead of their original and rather peculiar ideas which made the network insecure, the team has finally decided to adopt industry standards. Chrysalis update is to bring decentralization and better scalability, among other. But this also means that it might still be years before IOTA is production-ready. Again. And it also remains to be seen if IOTA team has learned from their mistakes. > > > > ( source: ) ***** Would you like to learn more? Check out the [Cointest archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_IOTA) to find submissions for other topics.


#IOTA Pro-Arguments Below is a IOTA pro-argument written by excalilbug. > IOTA is the most popular DAG coin and its designed with Internet of things in mind (IOTA - duh!) > > IOTA has no fees, its super fast and environment friendly - It uses much less energy than Bitcoin, Ethereum or Dogecoin > > Its the coin of the future when Internet of things becomes more popular > > But even now its a very good coin. And its build on DAG. DAG is a different version of blockchain. DAG helps IOTA offer fast and feeless transactions. IOTA has great scalability and it is lightwieght so even very small devices can communicate together > > ​ > > Sources: [](, []( > > ​ > > Disclaimer: I have some IOTA ***** Would you like to learn more? Check out the [Cointest archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_IOTA) to find submissions for other topics.


* Relevant Cointest topics: [Nano](, [DAG]( * Official and related subreddits: r/IOTA, r/NanoCurrency, r/obyte. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1e0nah8/eviden_5b_yearly_revenue_and_the_iota_foundation/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile.


IOTA {{pros}} & {{cons}} with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


tldr; Eviden and the IOTA Foundation have announced the launch of the Eviden Digital Passport solution (EDPS), 'powered by IOTA' technology, aimed at enhancing the transparency, traceability, and sustainability of products across various industries. This Blockchain-based Digital Product Passport (DPP) solution, one of the first of its kind, leverages IOTA's distributed ledger technology for data security and privacy. Initially focusing on automotive batteries, the EDPS aims to meet EU sustainability and safety requirements, contributing to the circular economy and simplifying regulatory compliance. The partnership between Eviden and the IOTA Foundation seeks to explore further applications of this technology in other areas, promoting sustainable product lifecycles and supporting the transition to a circular economy. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


TL;DR Eviden, a company with a yearly revenue of €5b, announces their Digital Passport Solution in collaboration with the IOTA Foundation and powered by IOTA technology. This is one of the first ready-to-use Blockchain-based Digital Product Passports (DPPs) on the market and the first of its scale to use IOTA’s technology as its Blockchain engine. This new EDPS can be used for a wide range of products across various industries, such as manufacturing, automotive, fashion and textiles, and food and beverages. It can also be used for many other cross-industry use cases such as a Media Passport for example which protects intellectual property, or a Logistic Product Passport which enables transparent documentation and reliable track & trace capabilities. "Together with the IOTA Foundation, we are proud to announce this unique partnership and to launch a joint production-ready blockchain-based Digital Passport solution, ‘powered by IOTA’, which is aligned and in full compliance with the EU legal framework. Not only does IOTA’s DLT provide efficiency gains over traditional ways of interacting but more importantly this decentralized, transparent, and incorruptible technology creates an open, fair and secure infrastructure which builds trust” - Udo Littke, Head of Eviden Central Europe


From what I've seen, high conviction investing is very very risky in traditional stocks. But high conviction investing will absolutely kill you in crypto. In traditional investing, for example, you might have had high conviction in Amazon when it had shit returns for year and years and years because you saw that they didn't make any profit because they were pouring money into infrastructure, automation, their delivery network and cloud. Your conviction would be that in a few years they would be that with the changing behavior of consumers and enterprises, Amazon was going to be so ahead of the competitors that it would be difficult for others to catch up, compete and deliver solutions at the same price levels and their investments would be delivering huge returns in the future. In crypto, you are doing high conviction investing on vaporware. That is essentially what 99.9% of crypto is. There are essentially no transparency and evidence that something compelling is being built and happening. There is just hype produced by the project and circlejerking by bagholders who have lost money. Look at the high conviction investors in IOTA, there are some who still believe they are holding the most advanced project in crypto. Or high conviction investors in NANO, some still believe it's inevitable that it has the technology and "fundamentals" to eventually flip Bitcoin. Or high conviction investors in XRP, who still think that the SEC is what is holding it back and it's just a matter of time until banks start adopting some random crypto token that will save them trillions of dollars. You might say they are old projects but now you have other projects like high conviction ALGO investors who are going to ending up the same.

Garbage you want quality buy KAS RNDR for large caps even INJ. Smaller 100x potential for one QUBIC founder of IOTA first creator of DAG first creator of pure PoS... and a top returning coin EVER . It's at lows right now I'd be accumulating. Many more I do this for living but NFA here. Just remember this post.

From 2018, there are ONLY 5 ALTs out of the 1,500+ at the time in profit: From 2022, there are ONLY maybe a little more than a handful out of 10,000+ at the time in profit (you have to look to back several pages for most of them since they were micro caps): **Investing in ALTs is an almost guaranteed way to lose money.** And out of the thousands of ALTs, people almost always pick the wrong ALTs for the new bullrun and/or ALTs have a short pump/dump window to make money and people end up becoming bagholders until they wise up and realize that they don't have to make money the same way they lost money. In 2019, /r/cryptocurrency was picking these ALTs which are all down massively or dead. > IOTA, ICON, Vechain, Nano, NEO, BCH, DragonChain, Factom, Zilliqua...

Just keep going on BTC and ETH. If you want a good alt-coin look into IOTA. They have been pumping a lot of news lately, and huge updates.


IOTA 🚀🚀🚀


In 2017 every coin was a new paradigm. We were on the cusp of advancing civilization by an order of magnitude. ETH’s smart contracts, IOTA’s connections between different technologies in our everyday lives, POWR’s revolution in global electricity markets, OMG’s banking the unbanked all over the world. Now we’re just using meme coins as a casino.

BCH, Tezos, IOTA, ZCash, and TerraClassic


- ALGO price was $1.15, 5 years ago today - Buys any time during those five years, except for a 5-month time frame are at a loss (most at heavy losses) - Meaning, almost every single ALGO investor including those who DCA or bought the dip are at a loss - When almost every single investor is at a loss, the price isn't every recovering anywhere near ATH with everyone looking for the exits at different much lower price points - ALGO needs to go about ~25X to reach 2019 ATHs in USD value - ALGO needs to go ~150X to reach 2019 ATHs in BTC value The opportunity cost of falling for a bullshit tech meme shitcoin sold by a scammer who kept 20% of the supply to himself is immense. This lesson could have been learned just looking back at 2017/18 shitcoins like XRP, IOTA, etc. But people keep falling for bullshit hype narratives.

> Had shit coin distribution How much of Silvio Micali 20% has been dumped? Ripple founders took 20% and it took Jed McCaleb 7 years to dump his 9% and the other 11% still all hasn't been dumped yet. XRP price is down -85% from late 2017. > capped supply obviously at 10B *Governor*, you're really naive. Every shitcoin that has the supply is capped, prints more supply after they run out of money. - NEM which was staple top 10 crypto in 2017/18 increased its supply with a new token when the Foundation ran out of money - Stratis which was a top 10 crypto in 2017 increased its supply with a new token when they ran out of money - IOTA which was once a top 5 crypto increased its supply by 60% recently when they ran out of money - CRO did a 2nd ICO where the original token holders went from holding "0.002% of the supply to only holding is only worth 0.00001%" in a "major switch scam." - Polygon is increasing its supply by 20% to give 10% to node operators and 10% to the Polygon team - RocketPool tokens went from a hard limit of 18M to 5% infinite inflation to pay for development


Let them buy dog coin or LUNA or CRV “sand in box” 📦 and try and say it’s no different from even let’s say Chainlink. They all same right? I don’t think I understand the original post I guess. So the original post implies that BTC and IOTA are more or less the same sand in a box 📦? And why should BTC be priced differently from IOTA sand particles in box 📦? I think I missed something here. Maybe IOTA sand is worth more than BTC sand is what the person posting is implying? That is how it came off. What if IOTA sand is just the same as BTC sand? He has a point! Or does he? 😂 why dude trying to overthink everything and just not post this question of it’s all same sand. It’s not the same sand so why pose dumb questions like this Sandman?

> Polkadot gang 4 years ago in 2020, Polkadot entered the top 10 after a governance vote passed multiplying balances by 100X and change the denomination of DOT from ~$400 to ~$4 so that it looked cheaper for dummy investors that would be dumped on. Dummies bought because they believed para-chains will drive demand for token will go through the roof. May 2019: When people were still bullish on 2017/18 shitcoin scams like IOTA, NEO, etc I said that new shitcoin scams like ATOM, DOT, etc were coming and not to hold on to your old shitcoin scams > Don't worry, a new round of shitcoins will be coming with new hype. Soon people will be shilling about Cosmos, Polkadot, Hydera Hash, Fantom, Radix, etc. Some of these other coins that are in the top 25 will be gone the way Stratis, Golem, MaidSafe, Bitshares, SingularDTV which were in the top 25 at this time in 2017. February 2023: When people were asking what AI coins were going to do, I said rugpull the gullible idiots who invest in them > Just like 99.9% of crypto, they take money from idiots and rug pull. See DeepBrainChain, SingularityNET, etc. People might call us MAXIs or FUDDERS or SALTY or TRIBAL. But most of you investing in this bullshit hype projects are getting scammed and going to lose most of your money. Very few are going to time these right. They are what they are. Pump and dump or slow rugpulls at best.

IOTA, look into it, they made a lot of developments and the price is incredibly low (just like all alts). Once they seriously kick-off in combination with a potential altseason there’s some big chances there. And from these levels not much to lose in my opinion


IOTA…haven’t heard that name in a long time


IOTA bagholders coping. You should have sold this shit coin years ago.


IOTA: the (dead) internet of things


IOTA is still a thing 🤣


There recovery and there is recovery against BTC value. Example: - ALGO needs to go about ~25X to reach 2019 ATHs in USD value - ALGO needs to go ~150X to reach 2019 ATHs in BTC value The opportunity cost of falling for a bullshit tech meme shitcoin sold by a scammer who kept 20% of the supply to himself is immense. This lesson could have been learned just looking back at 2017/18 shitcoins like XRP, IOTA, etc.

> If you actually look for it, there is a ton of development on Algorand behind the scenes. It's 2024 and you are still falling for bullshit shitcoin hype? Did you not learn from the countless shitcoins with shitcoin hype, bullshit partnerships and scam use cases to that lured fools to buy their token and while coin value flushed down the toilet? > IBM ipartnering with Stellar to build the World Wire on the Stellar Network for open source financial services network > Cardano is going to digitize identification in Africa and IOHK is helping trace Ethiopian coffee beans through the supply chain. > IOTA's partnership with Volkswagen, Jaguar, Bosch, tracking data and earning while you drive. > Vechain partnered with countless companies including Walmart and BYD (largest EV manafacturer in China) with supply chain and carbon tracking memes. > ICON had a partnership with Samsung and a ton of other companies. > Constellation Network to Provide US Air Force With Blockchain Security > Factom partnership with the US Department of Homeland Security for immutable data ledger on multiple blockchains. > The South Australian Government conducting official election using a blockchain-based voting system (using Horizon State)


IOTA was actually my most successful crypto investment ever. That was in 2017 though. It's been downhill since then.


IOTA is interesting me for the first time....


don't forget IOTA


My comment might get downlvoted or deleted, but I certainly believe IOTA will play a significant role during the next 10 years! yes, this is long-term investment, but just look at the development recently, their DAG technology, and their potential for institutions, corporations, and in general for infrastructure in WEB3, transaction layer and validation (identification). Btw, IOTA 2.0 is decentralized already which was main critique for years 


* Related Cointest topics: [DAG](, [Ethereum](, [IOTA](, [NANO]( * Related subreddits: r/Hedera, r/Ethereum, r/nanocurrency, r/Iota. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dkbbeu/the_hashgraph_association_launches_the_first/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile.


The IOTA claim process in the very early days was a massive disaster, I am sure so many people were unable to get their initial investments back... I guess this is yet another migration, wonder if they support the early adopters still?


Quick everyone sell your IOTA bags. I hear Neo, Qtum, and Dentacoin are the next big thing in 2018.


tldr; The proposal aims to enhance the IOTA EVM ecosystem by utilizing unclaimed IOTA tokens from the Chrysalis network migration to boost on-chain liquidity. This strategy is intended to make the ecosystem more attractive, facilitate seamless onboarding, and promote growth and stability. By transferring these tokens to a multi-signature wallet controlled by trusted IOTA Ecosystem members, the proposal seeks to allocate funds to various DeFi initiatives, thereby reducing volatility and slippage, improving trading efficiency, and enhancing network performance and user adoption. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


Summary for those not in the know: The IOTA Protocol has gone through several hacks and iterations through the years. In 2017, a famous hack occurred which forced them to fork the entire network structure so, so the IOTA Foundation (IF) put all hacked coins into a wallet they controlled and stated everyone had to "re-claim" their tokens. This was done through Slack/Discord. There are some IOTA holders who weren't following the coin closely or weren't active on those platforms may not have claimed their tokens back, so their coins remained in IF control. Since then, the IF has been angling to find ways to be able to access and use these coins (to sell) to fund their own projects rather than maintain them as a cold storage. After printing 65% of new supply to IOTA and dropping more and more in the coinmarketcap rankings, this is just another stunt by the IF to try to get more funds to feed their bloated organization at the expense of the community.


In 2017, /r/cryptocurrency was comparing Bitcoin to tech companies and "doing research" trying to find the crypto with the best **technology and innovation**. They compared Bitcoin to AOL or MySpace saying BTC will soon be replaced by new shitcoins with superior technology. Most of these people lost most their money. It's 2024 and people still haven't learned. People are still doing research and falling for tech memes. - In 20 years Bitcoin will be to crypto what AOL is now to the internet. - Lol—try 3-5 years. - I think 20 months tops - 20 yrs? Think 2. - It' ll happen sooner. The world turns faster constantly. Bitcoin is like a fat, slow dinosaur - Agreed. Could be months. The space is wide open for competition. Could def see ETH and BCH taking the crown. - Someday people will think that it'd ridiculous to pay fees and wait time to transfer money and they will buy IOTA - Companies will not bet on a burning piece of garbage like Bitcoin, and whatever they pick will win. I guarantee it. See: Bosch/IOTA. - Hmm your comment has made me think of possibly splitting my portfolio four ways - ETH, IOTA, XRP, REQ. - The sad fact is there are coins from 4 years ago that are better than Bitcoin, we don't even need new projects to take leaps forward. - Tl;dr I think your bitcoins are going to be about as valuable as your 20 hours of free internet CDs from AOL - In 2017 alone, Ethereum, Iota, Ripple, Vertcoin, Monero and Litecoin have all made big moves in terms of tech and adoption. What will 2018 bring? 2019? Will Bitcoin still lumber into 2020?

There recovery and there is recovery against BTC value. Example: - ALGO needs to go about ~25X to reach 2019 ATHs in USD value - ALGO needs to go ~150X to reach 2019 ATHs in BTC value The opportunity cost of falling for a bullshit tech meme shitcoin sold by a scammer who kept 20% of the supply to himself is immense. This lesson could have been learned just looking back at 2017/18 shitcoins like XRP, IOTA, etc.

From 2018, there are ONLY 5 ALTs out of the 1,500+ at the time in profit: From 2022, there are ONLY maybe a little more than a handful out of 10,000+ at the time in profit (you have to look to back several pages for most of them since they were micro caps): **Investing in ALTs is an almost guaranteed way to lose money.** And out of the thousands of ALTs, people almost always pick the wrong ALTs for the new bullrun and/or ALTs have a short pump/dump window to make money. In 2019, /r/cryptocurrency was picking these ALTs which are all down massively or dead. > IOTA, ICON, Vechain, Nano, NEO, BCH, DragonChain, Factom, Zilliqua...

hahaha man I used to own a lot of IOTA. I sold it in 2017 though, thank god


* Related Cointest topics: [DAG](, [Ethereum](, [IOTA](, [NANO]( * Related subreddits: r/Hedera, r/Ethereum, r/nanocurrency, r/Iota. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dg6xog/hedera_has_removed_community_runnable_nodes_from/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile.


From 2018, there are ONLY 5 ALTs out of the 1,500+ at the time in profit: From 2022, there are ONLY like 3 ALTs out of 10,000+ at the time in profit: **Investing in ALTs is an almost guaranteed way to lose money.** And out of the thousands of ALTs, people almost always pick the wrong ALTs for the new bullrun and/or ALTs have a short pump/dump window to make money. In 2019, /r/cryptocurrency was picking these ALTs which are all down massively or dead. > IOTA, ICON, Vechain, Nano, NEO, BCH, DragonChain, Factom, Zilliqua...

> huge progress recently What progress? > IOTA is feeless. Imagine having to pay fees! - You have to pay fees to transact on the IOTA EVM *Hook. Bait. Switch. Scammed.* >IOTA has a fixed supply. No more coins will ever be created! - Increased the circulating supply by 60% *Hook. Bait. Switch. Scammed.* > Coordicide. NO miners or No validators paid rewards! All Users actively participate in the consensus by approving transactions! - POS network like 1,000+ other shitcoins out there, with validators staking coins, approving transactions and earning rewards *Hook. Bait. Switch. Scammed.*


Reminder that **IOTA one of the biggest scams in the crypto space** and **a vaporware hype project** These scammers have hyped up multiple vaporware projects since 2014 and delivered nothing, abandoning every roadmap promise, and then launched a 2nnd token ICO and collected more free money scamming naive investors. And if a 2nd ICO token wasn't enough, these scammers have increased the fixed supply of the IOTA token for more free money. - Trinary hardware is bullshit was vaporware hype and thrown out - Quibic was also vaporware hype and thrown out - IOTA Data Marketplace was vaporware hype and thrown out. - Partnerships. Hyped tons of partnerships since 2017. There is not a single result or product that has come of of it. Just articles and POCs funded to hype and dump IOTA tokens. - Cooordicide well, IOTA is still not even running a peer-to-peer network and relies on the coordinator and when it goes down the network goes down time and time again. IOTA has had more network downtime than Solana - **Launched a 2nd money grab scam token Shimmer to scam more money out of investors after the Iota Foundation ran out of money** - **Increased the fixed supply by 60% recently when they ran out of money again** IOTA scammer founder **Dominik Schiener after scamming investors for the JINN token in 2014** was saying they were on **the verge of delivering something in 2017**: Here is the **exit scam of JINN** in 2020 with no delivery confirmed by founder saying the project will be abandoned by another scammer founder


> Why is this project still under everyones radar? There is a saying ,**"Fool me once, shame's on you. Fool me twenty're a scammer and anybody still falling for this shit is a damn fool."** Remember when Bosch and IOTA were turning Chinese cities into SmartCities? > Official Bosch Press: Bosch to turn Chinese cities into SmartCities with IOTA! Remember when Volkswagon and IOTA where connecting the world with > VW announcing cooperation with IOTA foundation at BOSCH Connecting the world with Machine-2-Machine transactions Remember when Fujitsu and IOTA were created an IOT connected world? > Fujitsu and IOTA Preparing for Bosch Connected World Remember when IOTA was on the verge of revolutionizing finance? > How IOTA’s Qubic Might Be on the Verge of Revolutionizing Finance Remember when IOTA was changing car insurance? > IOTA (MIOTA) Qubic Project Takes Giant Leaps: IOTA Becomes a Car Insurance Game changer Remember when IOTA was connecting space ships and creating an IOT network for AI? > Spacebit will use IOTA for an IoT network of multiple space vehicles and Qubic for AI and outsourced heavy computing Remember when IOTA created a Data Marketplace what was so great they couldn't cope with demand? > UPDATE: IOTA Data Marketplace Participants...According to Dominik they cant even cope with the amount of companies asking to join the data market place.


tldr; The IOTA Foundation's Web3 Identification Solution, developed in collaboration with, IDnow, Bloom Wallet, and HAVN, has been selected for the European Blockchain Sandbox, an initiative by the European Commission. This solution aims to streamline Know-Your-Customer (KYC) processes in Web3 environments by tokenizing identification processes, allowing users to verify their identity while maintaining control over their personal data. Being chosen for the Sandbox signifies a major step towards engaging with EU regulators on KYC and privacy in Web3, leveraging distributed ledger technology to address traditional KYC challenges. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


From 2018, there are ONLY 5 ALTs out of the 1,500+ at the time in profit: From 2022, there are ONLY like 3 ALTs out of 10,000+ at the time in profit: **Investing in ALTs is an almost guaranteed way to lose money.** And out of the thousands of ALTs, people almost always pick the wrong ALTs for the new bullrun and/or ALTs have a short pump/dump window to make money. In 2019, /r/cryptocurrency was picking these ALTs which are all down massively or dead. > IOTA, ICON, Vechain, Nano, NEO, BCH, DragonChain, Factom, Zilliqua...

From 2018, there are ONLY 5 ALTs out of the 1,500+ at the time in profit: From 2022, there are ONLY like 3 ALTs out of 10,000+ at the time in profit: **Investing in ALTs is an almost guaranteed way to lose money.** And out of the thousands of ALTs, people almost always pick the wrong ALTs for the new bullrun and/or ALTs have a short pump/dump window to make money. In 2019, /r/cryptocurrency was picking these ALTs which are all massively or dead. > IOTA, ICON, Vechain, Nano, NEO, BCH, DragonChain, Factom, Zilliqua...

> uses PHANTOM GHOSTDAG for consensus (a DAG variation of Ethereum's GHOST protocol) GHOSTDAG is not a DAG variation of GHOST, it is actually more accurate to describe it as a DAG variation of Bitcoin. Also, GHOST isn't Ethereum's. It was invented by Yonatan Sompolinsky, the same guy who invented GHOSTDAG. > Needs a very high number of confirmations for finality (1000+ confimrations, 100+ minutes?, this needs fact verification) It does not need a very high number of confirmations. Also 1000 confirmations would take about 17 minutes on mainnet, or 1.7 minutes on testnet. > has 1-3s average block times The average block time is 1 second on mainnet and 0.1 seconds on testnet11 > has very small blocks (usually 1-3 Tx per block) A Kaspa block can hold up to 300 transactions, we ran 3000TPS on testnet easily. > In general, PoW is less secure than PoS, but PoW has more censorship resistance and higher liveness than PoS. I would expect PoS DAGs like Nano and IOTA to be more secure but less resistant to liveness attacks than KASPA. But there are many design differences, so this is too simplified of a comparison. PoW is not less secure than PoS. > Kaspa does not natively support smart contracts or DeFi. It can emulate it off-chain in the same way than Ordinals and Inscriptions have emulated tokenization on Bitcoin. But that's nothing like true DeFi. "True DeFi" is having DApps that respond fast, it doesn't matter if it is achieved via native processing or via rollups, after the L2 is settled it has the same security as the L1, that's basically the entire point of settling. If Kaspa can do rollups that settle once every 10 seconds than it provides the same security as any native smart-contract, but much faster than most.

There's a lot of missing documentation for Kaspa, which makes it hard to research it. Half the pages on their Github ( are still Work in Progress, so I don't have a full picture of it. This is what I've found in my own research: Facts: * **Consensus**: * uses PoW for sybil resistance * uses PHANTOM GHOSTDAG for consensus (a DAG variation of Ethereum's GHOST protocol) * **Transactions**: * uses UTXOs for transaction type * does not support smart contracts * Needs a very high number of confirmations for finality (1000+ confimrations, 100+ minutes?, this needs fact verification) * Extremely cheap Tx fees, practically free * **Blocks** * is DAG DLT * has 1-3s average block times * has very small blocks (usually 1-3 Tx per block) * **Tokenomics** * has no premine * has a 28.7B supply cap, has monthly (1/12th halvings) effectively providing 1 halving per year * Other * There is a community building KRC-20 tokens, which are similar to JSON-format BRC-20 tokens, and nothing like smart-contract ERC-20 tokens. * Does not support DeFi * Founder is Yonatan Sompolinsky, who is responsible for inventing Ethereum's GHOST consensus protocol **Notes and Opinions**: * In general, DAGs are much faster and more efficient than blockchains, with the downside that they're more complex. Nodes need to put in more effort to make sure transactions are ordered without double-spends. * GHOST is more efficient than Bitcoin's version of PoW because it does not waste orphaned/stale blocks. This is important for DLTs with fast block times. * In general, PoW is less secure than PoS, but PoW has more censorship resistance and higher liveness than PoS. I would expect PoS DAGs like Nano and IOTA to be more secure but less resistant to liveness attacks than KASPA. * Kaspa does not natively support smart contracts or DeFi. It can emulate it off-chain in the same way than Ordinals and Inscriptions have emulated tokenization on Bitcoin. But that's nothing like true DeFi. * I'm not sure about how many confirmations is needed for probabilistic finality. Normally, this would be covered under documentation, but Kaspa doesn't have documentation on this. This needs to be determined by running through the complex math from its whitepaper with the current block times (1-3s). * I'm concerned about the lack of documentation and block explorers. There is one block explorer, and it's missing a lot of basic features. There is not a lot of community infrastructure for Kaspa. **Overall**, I would treat Kaspa as a much better version of Bitcoin (much faster block times, cheaper transaction fees, high throughput, much more efficient). But that's not much of a compliment since nearly EVERY blockchain is better than Bitcoin. Protocol-wise, GHOST provides similar security to Bitcoin's heaviest-weight. But that's about all it does: just basic transfers. It doesn't support smart contracts or DeFi while many other blockchains do. So I think this limits the growth potential for Kaspa.

#DAG Con-Arguments Below is a DAG con-argument written by Blendzi0r. > First published on [28.11.2021]( > > DAG stands for Directed Acrylic Graph. It is an alternative solution to blockchain. If you want to learn more about the basics of DAG, visit e.g. [Wikipedia]( > > DAGs often brand themselves as feeless and while that is undoubtedly a positive thing, it also increases the risk of DAG networks being attacked. For example, NANO is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies that is based on DAG and it [suffers transaction spamming attacks]( from time to time. > > To counter this problem, projects that use DAG often implement solutions that involve centralization, e.g. [central coordinators, pre-selected validators or “witness” nodes or completely private network systems]( And since centralization goes against one of the core principles of cryptocurrencies, this is considered by many as an unacceptable trade-off. > > Another problem with DAG is that it has not been battle-tested on a large scale yet. Unlike blockchain, that is already well established. There are probably only two cryptocurrencies that use DAG and that are known to an average crypto-enthusiast: NANO and IOTA. Both are nowhere near being as widely adopted as dozens of blockchain projects. And both have their own share of problems. > > Conclusion is that although DAG is a promising technology, it is still very young and it is also not adopted by too many projects. ***** Would you like to learn more? Check out the [Cointest archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_DAG) to find submissions for other topics.


* Relevant Cointest topics: [IOTA](, [Nano](, [Hedera]( * Related subreddits: r/IOTA, r/Nanocurrency, r/obyte, r/Hedera. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1dbxuap/exploring_kaspa_a_robust_dagbased_approach_to_pow/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile.


Only a fool sells at this point to buy at a higher price. I have taken the dip opportunity to buy more IOTA, EOS, and SOL. Can't wait to see some buying SOL at its ATH again

This research paper hints at IOTA


Why Kaspa? I realize it's technologically superior to Bitcoin and most PoW blockchains. But compared to PoS DAGs, it's about the same. Other DAGs like Nano and IOTA have lost popularity over time.


IOTA and newly meme coins. Not putting a lot in on those meme coins. Just need a bit to make some profits! Also, i am looking for a possible AI coin as well.


tldr; LayerZero is integrating with IOTA EVM to enhance interoperability across blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Optimism. This integration aims to position IOTA and its EVM at the forefront of an omnichain Web3 world, facilitating seamless communication and asset transfers between chains. The deployment of LayerZero’s V2 protocol on IOTA EVM will enable developers to create omnichain applications and interact with over 50 DLTs, fostering a more interconnected blockchain ecosystem. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


Qubic is run by the same guy who helped found IOTA. He never finished any of his projects. He does an ICO, pretends to work on it for a few years, makes a bonza from selling and then abandons the project and moves to the next one. NXT, JINN, IOTA/Qubic (first iteration). If you can't finish a project with over a billion in funds, you've got no hope.


> I liked IOTA because it was feeless...To have a platform with free transactions is still relevant - You have to pay fees to transact on the IOTA EVM Hook. Bait. Switch. Scammed. > Muh...IOTA has a fixed supply. No more coins will ever be created - Increased the circulating supply by 60% Hook. Bait. Switch. Scammed. > Muh...Coordicide. NO miners or No validators paid rewards. All Users actively participate in the consensus by approving transactions. - POS network like 1,000 other shitcoins out there, with validators staking coins and earning rewards Hook. Bait. Switch. Scammed.


These funds will be used for marketing and getting crucial partners, not go to their pockets as you seem to be implying. And judging by Stargate, LayerZero and Pyth supporting IOTAEVM, it seems these funds are already being put to a good use, giving IOTA new growth opportunities (which may outweigh the dilution in the end). Also, the dilution comes in a form of inflation over the period of 4 years (which is still better tokenomics than a lot of other crypto projects, tbh). There was no sudden supply increase, so there was also no sudden drop in price after this announcement (check the chart if you don't believe me). Highly controversial decision for sure, but with no negative effects in the short term, and it may have positive effects in the long term.


Member how robo-trucks would be paying other robo-trucks in convoys, and how IOTA was going to be the crypto for the 4th industrial revolution? And how they rolled their own crypto because they needed tertiary hardware because it's more efficient at low power, since all of the robots will need wallets?


There was no 2nd ICO on Shimmer - all SMR coins were airdropped to the IOTA holders.


i sold IOTA. why should i buy back?


LOL... Didn't IOTA have a partnership with Bosch too?


All I can say is that at least they managed to get something done in the end. They threw out a lot of bad actors and time wasters but at least the coins are worth something in the end. They could have done what one of the founders did which is to just pull out and start a new project. Rinse and repeat. I liked IOTA because it was feeless. 10 years down the track and I thought it would have been obsolesced by now. In fact, 10 years later we are still paying $30+ for transactions when the network activity gets high. To have a platform with free transactions is still relevant. It's now a matter of trying to convince all the people who were burned by this project to come back.. Or at least finding new developers and business who understand that if you want to build stuff on blockchain, you don't want to be paying huge variable amounts in order to conduct your work or business.


And still not on Coinbase or Kraken. Incredibly difficult to buy reasonable amounts in Western countries, especially with nearly dead volume on Binance US. I say this as someone who loved the original vision for IOTA and was fully on board in 2017. Hoping they can turn things around, but they really need to increase accessibility for true adoption to happen.


IOTA alive and well, 2.0 around the corner ...


Remmener when IOTA was about internet of things?


"Research" is a funny word. What, you read their stupid whitepapers and "partnership lists" ? There's a saying in my country: "Paper accepts everything". In other words: talk is cheap. Also, there are now over 2.5 million tokens. If you're confident you found the 15 that are going to skyrocket you have a lot in common with people who thought similarly 7 years ago. They're deep down into NANO, IOTA, EOS, NEO and garbage like that


tldr; IOTA has launched its EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) as a Layer 2 solution on the IOTA network, following extensive testing and audits since its initial launch on Shimmer in September 2023. The IOTA EVM introduces smart contracts, cross-chain functionality, parallel processing, and enhanced security against Miner Extractable Value (MEV), marking a significant step towards integrating decentralized finance (DeFi) with real-world assets. Users can connect via MetaMask and explore the network through the Firefly wallet. The launch aims to empower innovators to build a more accessible ecosystem and bridge traditional sectors with crypto-native applications. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

I'd look at other ISO20022 coins over those. And I'm a fan of Stellar. QNT, HBAR, maybe IOTA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

As opposed to Cardano (-85% from high), IOTA (-90% from high) and DOT (-90% from high)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> Still better marketing than IOTA. is IOTA still gooning for coordicide these days or have they once more pivoted and changed teams?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yep, Doge is also still within the top 10 by Market Cap. That's doing far better than many coins. How many other alts from previous bull runs even still have active communities? Anyone else Remember $3.00 XRP from 2017/18? Just from that tweet Cardano, DOT, and IOTA are down more than DOGE and all also sit outside the top 10 by MC. ETH has stuck around like we all knew it would with only Solana from the tweet being the surprise of the past few years. With the rise in SOL being largely due to the growth of other meme coins like Doge.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is like the Spiderman pointing at Spiderman meme except Algo, Solana, Hedera, IOTA, DOT, and ADA are pointing at each other calling the others a centralized shit coin with only insiders benefiting from being a validator.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Still better marketing than IOTA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

IOTA long term

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Heard a similar pitch about IOTA 4 years ago.....

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

IOTA - Has ties with UAE and EU governments. No transaction fees, about to launch EVM, major upgrade 7 years in the making 2.0 test net is running flawlessly and is just around the corner. Onboarding Real World Assets as we speak and ready for the bull run.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Well that's the thing, isn't it. I don't see any normie knowing how to use any crypto-currency like this at the moment. Of those, Algorand wouldn't be their first choice. I suppose that's what this ad is trying to showcase but really, if they are plugging a use-case of using crypto in a grocery store, I would argue is pretty pointless because why use this over your debit card? And if you like crypto, why wouldn't you just use a CDBC when it comes out? What? You want to hold your purchasing power? Then Bitcoin is king there. What? You don't like fees? What about Nano or IOTA?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Wait I'm a IOTA shill? I don't even own any IOTA lol. The last paragraph is literally talking about a crypto that doesn't exist yet. So that would rule out IOTA, and any existing crypto, so there's nothing to shill.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I honestly can't see how any of the links and points raised can be refuted. If the list of actual accomplishments was longer, that would be a counterargument. But I'm sure it's not. The ostensible goal of iota is still (to my knowledge - please educate me if this is not the case) unique in cryptocurrency. And it really is the only goal I care very much about in this space. Trustless, feeless, decentralized plus scalable and secure. From this, we could have * Decentralized ID: I am excited about this for many reasons, but it would allow a trustless way to confirm someone is human, or to track credibility. Imagine what this would do for the internet alone - no more bots, reviews that could be trusted, ai-generated content could easily be exposed etc. * Microtransactions automatically negotiated via smart contracts. As a community planner, I see purchase in this because it would mean we could price vehicular use of public roadways. People also talk about smart cities. * supply chain management: knowing the authenticity of every piece of a value-added chain of manufacturing or provenance of an agricultural good or whatever seems like a good thing. I honestly feel like we got a bunch of prima donnas without the technical bona fides latching onto a really exciting objective and torpedoing it. It has to be said, the biggest prima donnas are gone. Now we have someone who looks way too young and inexperienced at the helm, but he seems to be earnest and genuine. All that said, it's the only crypto I have money in today. I feel about the same about it as my monthly lottery ticket in terms of payday. From a technical point of view, they have several peer-reviewed papers dealing with security on a dag. I find the concept of network topology as a means of securing the network intriguing, and I think mana is a pretty cool idea to create an incentive/disincentive for using/abusing the network, respectively. I am not a software engineer. I am a community planner. Was I scammed? Probably. My staying interested is rooted purely in the science(fiction) of the goal. tldr: the IOTA foundation has used up all its good will and people would be insane to have any "faith" in it. That said, I think it is reasonable to follow IOTA if only because the goals they are trying to accomplish are super exciting. I'm not paying attention for the payday, I'm paying attention for the science (fiction).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

During that time frame: - 5 BILLION increase in circulating supply - 2 BILLION gifted by scammer Silvio Micali himself which probably hasn't been all dumped yet, It took took Jed McCaleb 7 years to dump just 9% of his XRP - 0 BILLION actual Demand - Money used to buy FIFA sponsorship, racing sponsorship, dead file sharing companies Napster, LimerWire, etc None of these raised red flags for you and gave you a hint that it was all moneygrab bullshit? Or did you think that a Turning Award winner and MIT professor could not be greedy and run a moneygrab scam? You only have to look at history and at people like Javascript investor, Mozilla founder Brendan Eich who give zero fucks about integrity when there is $$$ to be made from scamming naive crypto investors. People like me have kept warning noobs not to fall for tech meme bullshit in crypto. Here is something from 2019: > You seem to be fixated on tech. Tech means nothing if nobody uses it and if nobody cares. NXT was the most advanced coin in 2013 and still one of the most advanced now - First coin that was 100% Proof of Stake pioneered by IOTA founder - 1.5 minutes block times - Java - DEX - Messaging - Assets in the blockchain - Programmable APIs > But what happened? LTC is #4 and doing great and NXT is pretty much dead In 2019, I was saying that people are going to be soon falling for new scams like Cosmos, Polkadot, Hedera, etc were coming and your old scams like Stratis and Iota were going to be dead. > Don't worry, a new round of shitcoins will be coming with new hype. Soon people will be shilling about Cosmos, Polkadot, Hydera Hash, Fantom, Radix, etc. Some of these other coins that are in the top 25 will be gone the way Stratis, Golem, MaidSafe, Bitshares, SingularDTV which were in the top 25 at this time in 2017. In 2020, I got downvoted many a time for saying buy Bitcoin and don't chase shitcoins: > I feel bad for the people who fell for the Bitcoin is a dinasaur tech meme. No no, you said invest in a newer faster tech whether it be a scam like Ripple, halfway working vaporware like IOTA.....You had a once in a lifetime opportunity of a 3-year head start to front run big dick institutional funds and maybe even sovereign funds but instead you chose to chase after shitcoins. As a result there are probably a ton of people who have been in crypto for years don't even have a whole Bitcoin or cannot afford one now but could easily have acquired one over the past three years. What's worse, as Bitcoin's value appreciates more and more, some of you don't even realize what is happening and are still chasing some shitcoins. At least acquire some Bitcoin for god's sake. There's no reason we can't all make it. And /r/cryptocurrency is mostly here to shill you tech meme shitcoins and circlejerk each other and lose money together. In 2017, /r/cryptocurrency was comparing Bitcoin to tech companies and "doing research" trying to find the crypto with the best **technology and innovation**. They compared Bitcoin to AOL or MySpace saying BTC will soon be replaced by new shitcoins with superior technology. - In 20 years Bitcoin will be to crypto what AOL is now to the internet. - Lol—try 3-5 years. - I think 20 months tops - 20 yrs? Think 2. - It' ll happen sooner. The world turns faster constantly. Bitcoin is like a fat, slow dinosaur - Agreed. Could be months. The space is wide open for competition. Could def see ETH and BCH taking the crown. - Someday people will think that it'd ridiculous to pay fees and wait time to transfer money and they will buy IOTA - Companies will not bet on a burning piece of garbage like Bitcoin, and whatever they pick will win. I guarantee it. See: Bosch/IOTA. - Hmm your comment has made me think of possibly splitting my portfolio four ways - ETH, IOTA, XRP, REQ. - The sad fact is there are coins from 4 years ago that are better than Bitcoin, we don't even need new projects to take leaps forward. - Tl;dr I think your bitcoins are going to be about as valuable as your 20 hours of free internet CDs from AOL - In 2017 alone, Ethereum, Iota, Ripple, Vertcoin, Monero and Litecoin have all made big moves in terms of tech and adoption. What will 2018 bring? 2019? Will Bitcoin still lumber into 2020?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Awh man I miss IOTA! I wish it just kept performing in this market.. :/ surprisingly still a lot of development happens there

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> I think people can grasp “token = equity” easily enough I think people who are still falling for the "governance token" scam thinking it works like stocks are either new or naive. The founders keep the majority of the tokens and control governance or the token holders have no say in the protocol at all. This is very different from publicly traded companies where the Board of Directors are elected by the shareholders and the board elects the CEO. I posted this 4 years ago when people tried to call MakerDAO decentralized and that a change was made due to "governance" vote that was passed...they deleted the link to details of the "executive vote" proposal > There are ELEVEN addresses that accounted for 98% of the voting for the protocol change for an "executive vote" used USDC. Eleven addresses control the entire protocol and a protocol change was voted in just...what 24 hrs? And most of those addresses are probably owned by a handful of people. I mean one guy, Rune Christensen, can control the whole protocol with his votes and 90% of the MKR tokens are owned by 100 wallet addresses. Same bullshit happened with the Aragon DAO where a whale controls everything in Aragon: > AGP42 : Put differently: aside from one whale, AGP42 passes. The Aragon community overall voted for AGP42, but it was rejected with 69% of the vote because of one whale. > AGP37: 82% in favor of AGP37. 453k to 99k. But then the whale voted. So despite 83% of addresses voting in favor of AGP37, on the surface it appears to be a large defeat where 66% vote against. > AGP-35:: Here’s another case in point: Edgeware Lockdrop Proposal for Aragon..The 792k whale voted for this. Deduct the whale’s votes and you get 338k. Which means that this proposal was losing by about 15% at ~43% versus ~57% pre-whale. Then the vote went from losing decisively to winning by a massive landslide. So aside from the whale, the Aragon community voted against Edgeware lock drop participation Algorand governors had no say in the massive token dump, buying of FIFA sponsorship or buying of dead file sharing companies. NEM, Stratis, IOTA, Polygon, RocketpPool, etc had no say when insiders decided to increase the token supply from a fixed amount by 20%, 60% or unlimited amount diluting the value of people who invested and creating more downward pressure.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment > Pilot to evaluate the feasibility and industry value of delivering a DLT-based price. We see an opportunity to potentially expand the scope of the pilot - Crypto Project pays company to do a pilot - Creates hype - 1 year, 2 years, 5 years later nothing materializes out of this We've seen this play out over and over again. Yet people keep falling for the same crypto hype tactic, over and over again. I've lost count of the number of banks, tech companies and governments that Ripple, Stellar, IOTA, Factom, Vechain, etc did pilot programs and partnerships with. Chainlink itself had pilots with Swift, collaborations with Google, etc. But there is no evidence that any of these pilots will ever materialize into anything or bring value and demand for the token. On the other hand, LINK price has gone from $20 in August 2020 to $14 today with Sergey Nazarov having dumped ~240,000,000 tokens on the market over that period. Bagholders who bought into the hype not only missed out on bullrun gains but are down -30% since 2020. Since there there is no demand or need for the token and Chainlink "Foundation" has 450,000,000 to dump, why would anyone buy this knowing what the inevitable token dumps do to the price?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Wow some of these articles bring back memories. I was completely taken in by Bosch, VW, data marketplace, permanently fixed token supply, Quibic. I've lost more money in IOTA than any other investment by far, crypto or not.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So sad of how all of this has happened in the past.. I went in hard after reading about the thoughts behind IOTA in the early days.. For me, it started with their story about smart cities where devices had their own ecosystem. a random car acting as a taxi could drive itself, and charge electricity at a random homes. that would earn iota through solar power (this was around 2015, 10 years earlier), every device it's own wallet and autonomy. This was during the time they had the intention of "IOTA Data Marketplace", which did not even had a small traction of starting... Although, this used to be science fiction, but we can see some of this happening soon.. by IOTA? i don't think so, but they might become the standard API protocol between devices... **but which company cannot create that?** Maybe I'm at lack of understanding of IOTA's plans with all these partnerships, this whole roadmap needs to come clear.. until now, lack of transparency, lack of direction, lack of money (lol), lack of focus... is just sad... Seeing this list of failed projects and failed promises, since I've known IOTA.. fuck I need to wake up and sell all of this shit... my message to IOTA.. where's your MVP, and maybe focus on something smaller... the world is not ready yet... After writing this, it reminds me of Elon Musk, and his ways... start building stuff and create your own products which will end up becoming your own ecosystem... relying on partnerships to use your product, and hope it becomes an ecosystem? Mehhh... dream on...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

love how blatantly brigaded this post is... no one in this sub cares about IOTA but you come in this thread and saying the most generic positive thing like "great news for IOTA!" and get 50 upvotes. lol
