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r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

AI: OCEAN, FET L2: ARB, OP, CTSI Perp Dex: GMX, OPX, LMDA I have zero problem with diversification 🫠😁

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

As an L2, CTSI is quite undervalued, though understandable as blockchain OS isn't on mainnet yet. UFI, LMDA, GQ are some lesser know projects I strongly believe will have good runs when the bull comes judging from their current developments.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

These are great opportunities leading up to the next bull run. But you kind of get the the feeling, lightening doesn't strike twice, will they have the kind of run they had in the last run? I doubt it. I'd go for more undervalued alternatives for MATIC, OP is a good contender, CTSI too because though not much known now, that will change when blockchain OS rolls out beyond testnet and projects start building on it. GMX did very well and as a result lots of other perp dex are springing up. LVL is making a killing, I'm actually looking at LMDA and OPX to follow suit.