Reddit Posts
Low-Custodial hybrid hot / cold DCA method guide for HWWs
Sonar acquires $2M in funding and soon moves to Arbitrum
Driving me crazy!! Bitcoin core / Sparrow wallet connectivity issues, cant figure it out!!
how can i check my funds in electrum if i have my 24 words + passprhase
How to navigate this upcoming bull run? Please critique my plan.
Amidst legal dramas, crypto behemoths bet on innovation
Chromebook or another device good for DEFI?
Host your own Payment System with your own Bitcoin & Lightning Node, you can even add your own Nostr Relay in PC or Mac for Free, see video.
So I got this spam email with someone's bitcoin address lol
QANplatform Launches the Quantum-Resistant Private Blockchain: The New Era for Web3 OS – | Press release Bitcoin News
Crypto hot wallets on chrome OS / extension?
Should I get the Saga (Solana mobile phone)? Is it worth it?
I keep my bitcoin in electrum on a bootable Tails OS harddrive. Is this safe enough??
Bridge>add network>add token>add more networks>add more tokens>swap>bridge again>wrap and unwrap is the stupidest shit I ever had to do just to accomplish one simple transaction.
Why do you think Microsoft, Google, and Apple are not supporting crypto wallet efforts.
Alpine Racing 3D Reddit collectible avatars -
Every post is about corruption or fraud. I’m adding 1+
Using Old Laptops and mining rigs to run Full Node and Lightning nodes
Which mobile phone is best for multiple crypto wallet ?
GrapheneOS, a privacy preserving mobile OS, just got permanently locked from their PayPal account that they used to receive donations. The alternative solution?
Blockchain will be the Linux of financial systems if it isn't already
Create your own hardware wallet tutorial.
Somebody getting scammed out of 700K worth of NFTs by a malicious contract is not some flaw in the system that inhibits mass adoption, it's extremely negligent user error by a person who has brazenly ignored all security advice.
Did I purchase/transfer Monero correctly & efficiently?
Ledger claiming to be Open Source? "WE ARE OPEN SOURCE AND DEVELOPER-FRIENDLY"
Mac OS Compromised with Atomic Hack
How to (instruction) quickly make wallet with right balance of safety and usability
Ledger CEO Evades Answer About Potential Subpoena Response
Wake up again - it's 2032...
Ledger announces they will accelerate opensource road map and delay the release of Ledger recover Service.
Hate to state the obvious but don’t store your crypto in your daily driver devices if you haven’t got a HW wallet !
Nothing has changed. Ledger OS has always had access to your keys.
An extract from Coin Bureau newsletter regarding the Ledger fiasco
Is your smartphone fit for Web 3.0? Tectone OS runs on all mobile devices, Android and IOS, and provides users with a Web 3.0 data layer to manage and share data. Our OS leverages the power of blockchain to provide users with enhanced security features and control over their data.
How Open-Sourciness Prevents the Ledger Seed Issue
hardware wallets - here are the facts
Ledger and hardware wallets - here are the facts
How Open-Sourciness Prevents the Ledger Seed Issue
How Open-Sourciness Prevents the Ledger Seed Issue
Only ever use open source hardware wallets...and always use Linux
"If you opt-in for the service, as a user, you'll have to enter your PIN and consent to the backup process. Then the OS will encrypt and split the shards to send them to 3 different parties." - Ledger CTO
This is a beginner friendly interface to send and receive crypto I made. If you like it I will add more currencies and features.
What are you all doing to prepare for another bull run?
Katheer Project | Decentralised Blockchain Linux based operating system | NFT Marketplace | Wallet | Audited and KYC | Launching on 2nd May
Katheer Project | Blockchain decentralised Linux-based operating system | Audited and KYC | NFTs Marketplace | Wallet | Launching on 2nd May
Katheer Project | Blockchain decentralised Linux-based operating system | Audited and KYC | NFT Marketplace | Wallet | Launching on 2nd May
How to Stay Secure from the Perspective of a Cyber Security Professional
Please help. Trying to verify signatures for recent bitcoin core download on linux
Config settings for node & BTC RPC Explorer on a Mac?
Crypto is hella strsssful. Everyday I wake up not knowing if my wallet will be empty. Whenever Metamask takes too long to show my balance I freak out. Even as someone in IT
An update on the crypto hack currently taking place
Serious Apple OS Vulnerability Could Jeopardize Crypto Security
Stephen Gary Wozniak and Steve Jobs are Satoshi Nakamoto
Is my cousin getting scammed in some way? (Explanation in post)
Wow Reddit avatars gen 3 has been a shit show, everyone loses but the artists, Reddit, and bots.
Why you should be using Linux while moving coins on MM etc, and why it isn't as hard as it seems
[SATIRE] Steve Jobs, the CIA, Facebook and the real truth behind Bitcoin
Steve Jobs, the CIA, Facebook and the real truth behind Bitcoin
Why your hardware wallet wont protect you [SERIOUS]
Verified: Apple included in each release of MacOS the Bitcoin white paper
1 in 3 US Crypto Investors was the victim of a hack. Here are some good tips to help you take caution
Reddit hasn't learned - TLDR Bots are still winning!
How to protect your crypto accounts tips for device and network security and password management
What we in crypto can learn from Linus Tech Tip hack
There is no gas in bitcoin. No one recommends Trust wallet. No txID so can't see what's up. Also no OS mentioned.
I'm into Linux, personally. I switched to Linux when Microsoft announced they will release Windows 11 and stop supporting Windows 10, contrary to what they promised years ago, that Windows 10 will be a for-life operating system, which is exactly what made me buy it. No, I won't pay money every few years to Microsoft to get the same OS but with a different name, design and higher hardware requirements. Now I use Linux Mint on my main laptop and PC, and kept Windows 10 (on an older computer) as a software environment for my project compatible only with Windows. I can change the code and make it compatible with Linux, but I'm currently too lazy for this.
RaspberryPi or Old Pc + SSD (1TB). Dont recommend umbrel (because blocks are not storage in a readable way - only through umbrel). Bitcoincore directly in your Pi OS or PC is the safest and most solid way to reach or goals as a full node runner
Running a 10 year old cheap AMD Sempron PC i did not use. Dumped a 1TB 80$ crucial SSD in there with Start9 OS. Thing runs a full node perfectly!
And any OS seeing as computers can be used for harm
Meaning you would have no use for Bitcoin OS, since you can already do this on ICP right?
Great advise. One question, maybe add step 0: Wipe the source computer before setting up HW wallet and start with a clean OS install? Especially if the source computer is known for torrenting? Would this be valid or overkill?
Arbitrum joins Bitcoin OS, linking ETH and BTC [\_OS/status/1887139394123169952](
His nuclear company is a fraud. He was dead wrong about electric vehicles. He's still butt hurt that M$ couldn't do a decent mobile OS. His stopped clock was right once.
Yeah, Umbrel… the: Put every Web and Cloud Service on the pc you put your Money on - OS. It’s Save, I swear!
I'm kinda new to Bitcoin but I have a full node running now with Start9 OS. Simple process on an unused PC!
Easy mode, put umbrel or Start OS on a mini pc. Hard mode, compile it from source.
It’s a silly thought process. I enjoyed how he showed his ledger then talked about how AI in the OS keylogs it all. lol
does the drive spin up and does it mount and have a drive letter on any OS?
Yes there is, ADA will bring functionality to BTC to give it use.... (Both being UTXO chains...😉 )
Iagons partnership with fortune 500, Bitcoin OS, Midnight. To name a few.
I stepped away from every day computer use about 9 years ago. Figured my phone was good enough for now. Everything has changed. Subscription printer pages? The Microsoft OS is way different but usable. My skills and ability to slide through standard procedures have dropped off hard. It could be some mental decline too, unknown, im mid 40s.
There is no way to really predict Bitcoin and when it will lose dominance. There is a looming issue that unless the price of Bitcoin doubles every 4 years, it's going to become insecure through centralisation, because as coinbase halves miners have to drop out because they can't earn a profit anymore. Doubling from $1 to $2 is trivial, from $100,000 to $200,000 is less trivial, but that has to keep happening for the next 115 years, there literally isn't enough money in the world for that to happen. Things really start to hurt after another two halvings, we should start to see then what happens. However, it seems Bitcoiners and the establishment that Bitcoin was created to replace, are pretty happy with this, Bitcoin is losing its cypherpunk roots and becoming just another tradable asset, I'm not sure if anyone will care that it's basically insecure at a protocol level. Once the Bitcoin network fails though, BTC can live on as an asset on more advanced protocols. For example Bitcoin-OS are linking Bitcoin to Cardano with zero knowledge proofs, BTC as a native asset on Cardano can live effectively forever as Cardano is built for long term sustainability. Cardano is ideal for this as it's UTxO based like Bitcoin, though it's feasible this could also link to other chains.
I have one solely for running a bitcoin node with mempool. Umbrel is okay but I wouldn’t use it for a full fledged NAS due to its limitations against other NAS OS’s. But for BTC it’s more than good
Reset is easy in case of Ledger just by entering wrong PIN code three times. However "reflashing" the SE would still not be possible since the secure OS is retained and any attempt to change the firmware requires the secret keys only known by Ledger. The Nano S firmware versions few years ago had a vulnerability however that has been eliminated. Needless to say any tampering with the device erases sensitive data including the PIN and seed. The result is again a device which is in a reset state or does not recognize the original PIN.
You can just run Bitcoin Core on any PC...there are advantages to running Linux vs Windows, there are advantages running a less power hungry system for a node. Each of the "flavours" takes these ideas a step further by creating dedicated small stand alone systems (or the requirements that you procure) and then adds their own wrapper to the OS (mostly Linux based) to make the user experience smoother. A number of them have gone so far as to provide various "apps" that can be co-run on the node allowing you to easily deploy a LN node, have an instance of for analytics, run a nostr relay etc are paying for convenience and experience, both are very subjective. Why not start but reviewing the UX each brings (lots of videos) and start there.
Your best approach for improving your security is trying to work on your mindset. Get it out of the realm of paranoia and emotional security evaluations, back into the land of rational thought. Mistakes made employing overly complex safety procedures born out of imagined lay men's danger perceptions are a greater risk for your funds than using trusted hard- and software in the designed and proper manner. Specifically, Trezor (and similar other hardware wallets) are designed to be safe *even* if connected to an unsafe machine, if you follow the correct procedures (like double checking everything on the Trezor's display, not creating any kind of digital backup of the seed, etc.). A computer with an up-to-date OS, that is otherwise used in a normal manner, is all you need if you follow these guidelines. If you already are using a clean laptop that is not used for anything else, then you are so far ahead of the curve that you should really stop worrying. The only situation where the hardware wallet can not directly help you (so a problem on the PC *could* cause lost funds) is, when you withdraw from an exchange *to* the wallet. You can (and should) of course verify the withdrawal address on the Trezor display, however, you then have to enter this address as the withdrawal address in the exchange's app (or web interface). At this point, a malware could intercept the address you enter and change it in an invisible way so that the exchange sends your withdrawal to a different address. The only way to mitigate this is to only use an exchange that offers you options to double check the withdrawal address via separate channels, i.e. not on your potentially compromised PC where you started the withdrawal.
Windows installing security updates isn't a bad thing. Just make sure you have a reputable firewall in place - windows defender is a good start. Besides you can set it to either auto update or not, and if you haven't turned it on on 6 months then how would windows send and install the update? Generally keeping the software and OS you need to use up to date is a good thing. I think you're over thinking it massively, if you're really so paranoid about it that you can't get past it then disconnect the laptop from the network (remove the network cable if you use it) and turn off all of the remote connectivity stuff like Bluetooth, WiFi etc. You can't make any system impossible to compromise. What you can do is make it so difficult an attacker will move onto the next one that's easy to get into
Cold Card verifying transactions on your private full node running Umbrel OS. That way your wallet and transactions are private. Fulcrum server for Lightning node.
Did you have 2FA set up? If not that seems like a huge security risk only have a basic username/password set up when you have an account with over $30k in it. Sounds like someone got you log in info. Could be someone you know or could be key stroke logger malware on your PC. Wouldn't hurt to format your PC and reinstall the OS.
I wonder what the criteria are to get a drop. The opensea foundation claim checker said I'm not eligible. I've spent over $30k on OS since 2021, but mostly on polygon NFTs. I got around $1500 from MagicEden and rarely used it at all...
Hello, I am sorry for your loss. hackings in tails are really rare so I have some questions 1. When you logged with your seeds did you turn off your internet? 2. What's the age of your laptop and the base OS? 3. Did you use the inbuilt Tor browser for anything atleast once? 4. In the persistent storage, did you enable the "save electrum" option? 5. Did you place a strong password for the persistent? 6. was your tails updated to the last version or not? 7. and most important i think since i am researching a bit about this, how did you create your seed? did you use a generator like ian coleman and just placed random numbers with your fingers, or did you use binary, and then coinfliped until 256 bits, or used dice and diced until you got 256 or some other option 8. Did you place a 25th passphrase if you did the previous question?
DYOR before. You have to at least understand, how this works in nutshell, before doing any transactions. Which is best? In what regard? I would say the safest is Electrum sofware wallet in \_cold\_ mode. On old, used PC without WIFI card and with freshly installed linux OS. Just check GPG signatures for Linux and Electrum first.
I'm confused. Doesn't Tails wipe itself everytime its shutdown? Why were you keeping a wallet on a pc that is running an OS like that? And how was it hacked? This sounds so bizarre.
Anonimous account created over Tor Browser on Tails OS. Nothing to worry about.
Apple and Microsoft are older than AOL and no one says they're old tech because of course Sequoia and W11 are upgrades from Mac OS1 and DOS. That's just marketing lingo that other L1 chains use to sell the fact that they abandoned a decentralized approach in favor of cheap transactions. In some ways Ethereum is more like Linux which kept to their original principles and now serves as the backbone of most server applications, but the average consumer knows nothing about it and doesn't care.
I have Amiga OS only to deal with crypto
tldr; Cartesi empowers developers to build next-generation decentralized applications (dApps) with enhanced scalability, flexibility, and computational power. By utilizing app-specific rollups, developers can achieve greater scalability and cost efficiency, avoiding the limitations of monolithic blockchains. The Cartesi Virtual Machine, leveraging RISC-V architecture and a full Linux OS, allows for advanced dApp development with any language or tool. Cartesi's modular design enables developers to customize their stack, fostering innovation and efficiency in dApp creation. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.
The most basic security advice list: - if you’re using a cex, have your account with a dedicated email and password. You should not use this account for anything else - if you’re using a cex, make sure to enable 2fa and withdrawal whitelisting - have a dedicated crypto device. A laptop with an up to date OS (obviously Linux or Mac preferred) that you use only for crypto. Never login to your cex or use your hardware/software wallet from another device as it is by default to be considered insecure. - use VPN on the dedicated crypto device - do not store your wallet keys on a single piece of paper unencrypted. Either use multiple pieces or some way to change it so it’s not directly usable if someone gets hold of it - do not talk about crypto on social media / internet using an account that can be traced to you in real life To sum it up: - don’t show you have crypto - on cex use all security features - have a safe device for crypto actions - paper wallets should not be 1:1 usable for unlocking your wallet
I haven't watched the keynote, but : 50GB storage, installing 3rd party apps, integration with Cakewallet ? Sounds like this will lead to shitcoins, NFTs and jpeg rocks. No mention of a removable battery, NFC and Bluetooth ? More security holes and ways to leak secret data. No mention of MicroSD - how will firmware updates occur - do I need to connect it via USB ? This is how some other devices work like Ngrave, but I don't like it. No mention of fingerprint reader - Ngrave and Keystone have this Open source, multisig, connects to common wallets, camera, QR codes, touch screen, stateless mode - all good, but we don't want a Android OS with millions of lines of code like v1 Getting rid of 24 words mnemonics and storing on Smartcards, perhaps more newbie friendly, but can we make our backups on steel or titanium ? Anti-tampering - Keystone 2 supports this with a small internal battery that last for a few years - after which time they recommend you buy another Keystone 2 audit - fantastic, they do great work.
OpenChat is a social app like discord. You can already send tokens and coins via chat messages direct from your wallet to another users. It leverages another project ICPSwap which is a dex to peform these transactions, all behind the scenes. There's a lot more to it such as sending ckBTC (native twin, not wrapped) where the transactions are recognised by the native Bitcoin protocol. That is part of their Chain Key tech. Works with ETH too. WinDoge are one of the meme projects but have a Desktop interface where you can open up ICP Dapps like OpenChat within a Windows 98 OS like environment. You can play Space Pinball also. You dont need to connect a wallet to try. These are example projects built onchain that anyone can view without an ICP wallet. It's like a normal web experience but behind the scene is backed by onchain blockchain tech. All the transactions such as messages contribute to the overall computation without users having to pay gas fees. ICP has a reverse gas model where the projects pay for the gas computation fees by topping up with ICP tokens.
Anal OS. They have a community, hype, scams and not much else. So many hacks. I'd be interested to find out who is actually behind the organised scams and wallet hacks. Probably not who everyone assumes.
I was 30y at the time. I had just gotten out of a bankruptcy, had been building websites after dropping out of high-school and had been living off it since 2002, but in 2013 I jumped off a company I founded with partners and the president I elected acted like a douchebag and wasted our company’s money by over hiring junior developers and stretching paying corporate taxes. But I met the love of my life, learned I was ADHD, started medication. And crypto was always in the back of my mind. I had no money, I owed lime 45k$ because of responsibilities as a board member of 3. So. I had this mac mini from 2004, running Bitcoin node on OS X in my new apartment moved in with my now wife.
We need some kind of technology on the phone that can help give messages some background check, or a whole redesign of the SMS system for fully encrypted and authenticated system where the OS can authenticate the source with certificates. SMSs can be spoofed are dreadful. It is terrible to see that people are scammed time and time again by these thieves yet nothing is done through regulation.
You had to mine it yourself and then store it reliably Hard drive failure or OS corruption back then wasn’t uncommon
I'm 100% sure there are people that still daily drive XP or Windows 7. Why? Don't know there are people who believe a 20year old OS still the best there is. It's not hard to believe that people before that mass adoption of computers used old ass systems.
Of course you CAN even with Ledger. Get offline PC, which will never go online, install fresh linux OS. Install Sparrow wallet, connect with Ledger device. On online PC also install Sparrow, input zpub public key from offline PC. Prepare transaction, copy it to USB drive, plug it in you offline PC, sign TX with Ledger/Sparrow, transfere back to online PC and broadcat to network. Just 1 problem - you have to install BTC app on you Ledger device through Ledger Live before...
$QUBIC. Useful proof of work for training AGI created by come from beyond @c___f___b who created the first POS and DAG coin NXT and IOTA(two higest ROI coins ever). 55m transactions per second. Runs on bare metal without an OS.
Very nice guide, good screenshots. I did notice: > I am not responsible for any theft of your Bitcoins if you break any security rules I wouldn't imply responsibility even if they don't break any security rules. Also, your guide only contains info on setup, not use or maintenance. Tordl has guides for the entire process, not just setup. Would you be interested in collaborating on a tails OS guide within Tordl?
looks good, there is also a tutorial I made for creating your own "hardware wallet" using Tails OS [](
I believe MS will be financial more then ok at that time. I mean if you essentially have a monopoly on the desktop OS and many of the apps, why would you gample that on crypto?
The company sells software (Windows OS) that they have been iterating on for more than thirty years. It would be very difficult for a company like that to branch out into a new strategy like bitcoin.
They live in the stone age. Profits over innovation. I wish someone made a better OS for all because windows is bloatware
MS: Votes no to bitcoin MS: votes yes to the shittiest interface in an OS for decades. Yes...8 control panels instead of 2! thats what people want. Also MS: Changing decades-only keyboard shortcut keys because they hate their users.
IIRC money which never was claimed is not going distributed to the current claimants but goes into the treasury of japan once this case is finally over. So basically: its not gone. However, you can't partake in the ongoing process as all deadlines expired years ago. You only chance is team up, get an japanese lawyer and make him reclaim your bitcoin. Btw: There is a mt gox database dump somewhere on the web. Or at leat it existed a few years ago, there one can look up the last balance. Warning: Last time I looked for that dump all sources I found contained different virusses so be careful and open it only on a internet disconnected throwaway OS.
Windows mobile. The real ios competitor was actually. Slick! Like wow of all things they made a mobile OS that really is a breeze to use. Hell of a lot less clunkier than android too.
December 2014: 46USD December 2024: 443USD December 2014: 315 billion December 2024: 3.3 trillion OS Market Share: 73% Infrastructure as a Service: 31% Cloud share: 25% OP: "NoT thAt FaR froM ObsoLeSceNCe!!"
Microsoft, the same people who decided having EIGHT Seperate control panels was somehow more efficient than just having two. The same people who moved the start button, despite focus group testing being universally against it. Same company that....oh windows 11 you get the point, they're now just cocking about with the OS *trying* to piss people off because they think its funny.
You know MSFT isn’t THAT far from obsolescence. All we have to do is vote with our dollars. For a long time I’ve been expecting that when they finally force Windows 10 on us, that’s when I’ll make the jump to a mac. The hardware is nicer and Windows is good at being basic boxy windows and should stop trying to imitate Mac OS.
You mean the guy who did the same thing over the lightning network in 2018? The guy who helped write code for GPU mining and moning on Mac OS? Nah im sure he doesn't use BTC at all.
He was one of the earliest developers of bitcoin. i assume he will still have some coins he has never touched. “Hanyecz had a pivotal role in the early years of the Bitcoin economy, and not only because of the 10,000 BTC pizza. As the first person to realize the potential of mining Bitcoin with a Graphic Processing Unit (GPU), he went on to write the necessary code that allowed the cryptocurrency to be mined through this method. GPU mind scaled up exponentially the hash rate that was achievable with the classic CPU-mining approach. As if this wasn’t enough, Mr Hanyecz even wrote the logic to mine coins on Mac OS, opening Bitcoin also to Apple users”
Are you iOS or android or something else? Tangem would be ok I suppose if you feel that something more complex would be a danger. But it is honestly dead easy once you've done it once. It just means you need to compare the address on the device with the address on the screen. That's the only extra step really. What OS are you?
The current blockchain is 706GB without any OS or other software. It grows at a rate of about 100GB/year currently. Note: You can run a "pruned" node which at first you download the full blockchain and then it prunes it down and discards the oldest transactions based on your node configuration.
wipe it, install a clean windows, linux, or whatever OS the person you're selling to wants, and there will be no traces of your data left. When a data block on an SSD is flashed, it is zero. Not 0.somewhatalittlebit, but exactly zero.
OS + bitcoin core eat up about 700gb of my 2tb SSD.
Calling the operating system, "Web3 OS", seems disingenuous and uncreative.
tldr; European computer company Metavisio plans to release the world's first Web3 laptop through its subsidiary, Thomson Computing. The laptop will feature a built-in cold storage crypto wallet and blockchain-friendly functionalities, with a proprietary operating system called "Web3 OS" expected by Q1 2025. The integrated cold wallet will initially support Ethereum, Bitcoin, XRP, and Bittensor, with plans to expand. Prices will range from €499 to €2,000, and users may receive token airdrops for completing tasks. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.
**ChatGPT:** Running a Bitcoin node is a great way to help secure the Bitcoin network and verify your own transactions. Here's a simple, beginner-friendly guide: 1. Understand What a Bitcoin Node Is A Bitcoin node is a computer that runs the Bitcoin software (called Bitcoin Core) and stores a full copy of the blockchain. This allows the node to independently verify all Bitcoin transactions and blocks. 2. What You Need You mentioned you want to run your node on a 2 TB device, which is a good size because the blockchain is over 500 GB as of 2024 and growing. Below are the hardware options: Laptop: This is a good option if your laptop has sufficient storage (2 TB) and can be kept running 24/7. Bitcoin Core does require a stable internet connection and reasonable CPU power, but not too much. External Hard Drive (HDD/SSD): You can also use an external drive (2 TB or more) to store the blockchain, especially if your laptop doesn’t have enough internal space. An SSD is faster but more expensive than an HDD. For a Bitcoin node, speed isn’t critical, so an HDD should work fine. Raspberry Pi 4 (with 4 GB or 8 GB RAM): A Raspberry Pi is a low-cost, energy-efficient option, but it requires a bit more setup. If you go this route, you'll need an external 2 TB hard drive or SSD connected to the Pi to store the blockchain. For simplicity, starting with a laptop + external HDD would be the easiest route for someone new to tech. 3. Hardware You’ll Need Here’s a list of hardware pieces you’ll need if using a laptop: Laptop (with at least 4 GB of RAM and a good processor like an Intel i5 or higher) External hard drive (HDD or SSD) with at least 2 TB of storage. Internet connection (a broadband connection with no data caps is ideal). Power supply for your laptop or Raspberry Pi if using one. If you go with a Raspberry Pi: Raspberry Pi 4 (4 GB or 8 GB RAM) MicroSD card (16 GB or more) to load the operating system (use a high-quality card). Case and power supply for the Raspberry Pi. External 2 TB hard drive (USB 3.0 connection is best for fast data transfer). 4. Software Setup Once you have your hardware, follow these steps: Option 1: Using Your Laptop 1. Download Bitcoin Core: Visit the official Bitcoin Core website: and download the software for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux). 2. Install Bitcoin Core: Install it like any regular program. During setup, you’ll be asked where you want to store the blockchain. Choose your external 2 TB drive (or internal storage if it has enough space). 3. Configure Your Node: After installation, Bitcoin Core will begin syncing the blockchain. This can take several days (sometimes even a week) to fully download the blockchain. Just leave it running in the background. Your laptop must be powered on and connected to the internet during this process. 4. Connection Setup: Make sure you have a stable internet connection (preferably without data caps) because syncing the blockchain will use significant bandwidth. To optimize your node, allow incoming connections by opening port 8333 on your router. This will help your node communicate with others more effectively (you can Google "open port 8333 on [your router's model]" for instructions). Option 2: Using a Raspberry Pi 1. Install Operating System: Download Raspberry Pi OS and use a program like Balena Etcher to flash the OS onto the MicroSD card. 2. Download and Install Bitcoin Core: Once the Raspberry Pi is set up, connect it to your external hard drive. Then, follow the instructions to install Bitcoin Core on your Raspberry Pi: sudo apt update sudo apt install bitcoind After installation, point Bitcoin Core to store the blockchain on your external 2 TB drive. 3. Configure the Node: You’ll also need to configure Bitcoin Core on the Raspberry Pi to allow incoming connections. Edit the configuration file (bitcoin.conf) to enable port 8333. Leave the Raspberry Pi running 24/7 to sync the blockchain and process transactions. 5. Running the Node Once Bitcoin Core is installed and synced: You’ll have a fully functioning Bitcoin node. You can use your node to verify your own Bitcoin transactions, improve privacy, and contribute to the network's security. 6. Keeping It Running After initial setup, make sure your node stays connected to the internet and powered on. It will automatically stay in sync
And by then the Win-NIV99 OS won't recognize the hardrive and will encrypt it as a threat locking it forever.
I’m in the same boat, also think Cardano native assets will perform well too. If this whole Bitcoin OS works out, then Cardano has lots of room to grow into that ecosystem
[Then once he has a base understanding of a subject his buddies Dunning & Kruger show up](
tldr; European computer company Metavisio is launching the world's first web3 laptop with a built-in cold storage crypto wallet. The laptop, developed by Thomson Computing, will come in three tiers for education, gaming, and everyday use, priced between €499 and €2,000. It will feature a secure enclave chipset and support Ethereum, Bitcoin, XRP, and Bittensor. Users will be rewarded with a future token airdrop. The proprietary operating system, "Web3 OS," is expected by Q1 2025, marking the start of prototype development. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.
Checkout [$QUBIC]( A Useful proof of work coin that Instead of validating transactions using computational equations, leverages mining to train AGI. It was created by Sergey Ivancheglo (Come-from-Beyond), the same person who made the first POS and DAG coins NXT and IOTA. It supports 55m transfers per second and runs on bare metal without an OS making it incredibly secure.
Damn, and people still say US is a country of freedom and people shill communism/socialism. What is freedom if you can't even have the freedom to spend your money how you want it. Dude, your post is actually a good one as it makes me( or some of us here) really think about this. I now suspect all the recent dino coin, such as ADA, XRP, XLM will also in a way play a part in this which may also suggest their increase in price in the future. For they are there to help move BTC around as shown with the Bitcoin OS that ADA plan to implement. Will it happen? We don't know. Your post asked a really good question here.
No wrapping. Bitcoin is UTXO, Cardano is eUTXO. Cardano having smart contracts provides the opportunity for bitcoin to interact with a smart contract chain. Cardano is the only smart contract chain that utilizes eUTXO (it was invented by Cardano), which will give the opportunity for Cardano to act as an L2 to any other UTXO chain (litecoin, dogecoin, monero, etc) Lookup “Bitcoin OS + Cardano”
Right, Bitcoin is pretty much a meme at this point, it has little technical capability and no real way to add any features. Interesting developments like Bitcoin_OS could allow BTC to become useful, but you have to question why not any other asset?
The bitcoin OS guys are building on it. Bitcoin will basically be a native asset on Cardano. Cardano will officially be bitcoins first L2 solution. We are gladly welcoming $3 trillion worth of liquidity very soon. If you’d like to know more, there are plenty of videos on YouTube about what bitcoin OS and Cardano will look like. Cheers!
What operating system? Android, iOS, Mac OS, pc? Apple iOS is very restrictive because you can't connect through usb. So you need Bluetooth or airgapped cold storage.
Except Cardano has integrated other curves specifically to allow interoperability already. Also Bitcoin_OS is already working with Cardano to bring bridgeless ZK Bitcoin - Cardano interop first.
Bitcoin is distributed software, where every operator or node running Bitcoin Core agrees to the rule set. Any node operator, breaking any software rules, will automatically be rejected by the majority of nodes which do agree to the ruleset. BTC copy-cats already exist they are called Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash, and they were both expressly made to be "better" versions of Bitcoin. No one cares about LTC or BCH though because Bitcoin's network is where the value is. Compared to another software like Windows OS there are hundreds of Linux distributions which are functionally similar to Windows OS but lack the breadth of programs written for them like Windows or Mac OS have. In the same vein Litecoin is functionally the same as Bitcoin but lacks the network effect of people in this case not programs.
yeah, I'd like to apologize for the accusations. I replied a little earlier already. My recommendation is to connect the harddrive to a different (offline) computer, mount it and search for the wallet.dat. Copy it off. Do everything on a separate computer that is not connected to the internet and never will be connected to the internet anytime after until you have moved your BTC to a safe place like a hw wallet. An easy way for making sure youre dealing with a fresh live version of an OS without any viruses is to dl a live version of Linux, like Ubuntu and boot it from a usb stick. Whatever you do, take your time. Be vigilant, and make 100% sure you know what youre doing. Don't take any risks and don't do anything as long as you're distracted. The harddrive has been sitting for a long time, it can always wait a little longer. Also a good advice imo in case you do find any significant amount of btc is to purchase a tiny amount of btc beforehand to play around with and get used to handling crypto, like setting up a hw wallet, before you touch your significant old stack. I'm happy to assist. Let me know here.
In this case, having let's say an iPhone 16 Pro Max (aka a phone with a good OS/security), always offline and turned off, where there is only the wallet application installed + stored inside a safe is basically the same as having a cold wallet. Reason: \- Cold wallets are ALWAYS offline/turned off if you are not using them, same in this case \- Cold wallets have ONLY crypto-related applications, required to make the device working, same in this case. \- Cold wallets can not be digitally compromised since the attacker can not sign the physical transaction. In this case as long as the mobile device is not compromised, nothing can attack/poison the wallet application. The only potential risk would be that while using the device, an employee could sign a malicious transaction while using the browser and there's the risk to lose the funds, but it's a really remote possibility.
Thanks for this information. Just last night I have been contacted by a guy from Blockchain about a dormant account under my name on Blockchain. Well that is what he says, and his email is set up with Blockchain at the beginning and his name after. Now the story goes that I need to put 0.007BTC in my wallet and send it to what he has set up on Coinstats, in order to revive and re-activate my account. This account is supposedly worth 2.7BTC and was set up in 2013 with me paying $250, This kind of fits with the cost of Bitcoin back then. This account has supposedly remained unused. There is no way I would be paying money over as this is too much like scamming. They even gave me their password to open up this account to have a look. Sounds too suspicious to me. I have a bit of a sense of humour so I emailed them offering $2.00AUD via my Visa Debit Card. Better still via Paypal who will protect me as they have done before. Now I see that PayPal has an app allowing to accept and pay in Bitcoin. That is very good to know about. Last year one of these similar guys who first approached me via phone and email after years of surly OS financial guys who rang me asking me about my account in the financial arena, like being very keen on me opening it up for use if I recall. I just kept fobbing them off but they kept on ringing me. He said I was on the books of a stockbroker who got caught for defrauding their clients. He too wanted payment to open the account and had me downloading Automic Wallet and then Kraken Registry, plus did something dodgy like use AnyDesk on my PC. Yikes! Got rid of that quickly. Then other guys came along with the Krypton online software where I could view the account but which had less BTC but a compensatory cash payment out of Stockholm, Sweden. This needed cash payment to activate too. This I would not do. After checking through mastercard use for 2013 today, I cannot see where I have paid for Bitcoin. However at the time I was buying quite a few small cap Aussie Shares, plus working on some very big complex jobs, so something may have come adrift and I bought Bitcoin. However I would have needed a wallet to do that back then, yes? Anyway it's like an ongoing bitcoin drama and I have learned a lot about the crypto. field. At least you have reassured me that if this account does really exist, it will probably be saved and remain dormant until I get it sorted.
No because Bitcoin does not have utility, therefore it is speculation and a zero-sum game. Now, other blockchains that have or strive for utility in the future by creating the on-chain infrastructure, now, they have intrinsic value in the same way as any software application has, say Microsoft OS, AWS, Netflix streaming service
Hey android razor Plus 2024 latest OS tried using it with chrome mobile and does not appear to have functional or formatted drop downs or buttons when attempting to make a prediction.
Sure. On a fresh OS install, download and verify a copy of tails OS. Burn it to a USB that was purchased from a reliable reseller. Physically uninstall the WiFi, Bluetooth and any other wireless hardware from the laptop. Install the Tails OS, encrypting the installation with a strong password.
Those early computer programs still worked off of boolean logic and binary. only the method of storage changed. Take the video game Doom for example. It came out when Dos was the main OS and it was stored on a floppy disc. Yet today people have installed that same Doom on lawn mowers and refridgerators and modern computers. Computer code at it's core is just 1's and 0's and thats what computers read. The method that we use to store those 1's and 0's doesn't really matter in this.