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Host your own Payment System with your own Bitcoin & Lightning Node, you can even add your own Nostr Relay in PC or Mac for Free, see video.

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Nothing has changed. Ledger OS has always had access to your keys.

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An extract from Coin Bureau newsletter regarding the Ledger fiasco

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The ultimate security setup, IMO

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Is your smartphone fit for Web 3.0? Tectone OS runs on all mobile devices, Android and IOS, and provides users with a Web 3.0 data layer to manage and share data. Our OS leverages the power of blockchain to provide users with enhanced security features and control over their data.

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How Open-Sourciness Prevents the Ledger Seed Issue

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i mean, are they REALLY removing it? or just letting it fallback to the native version of the OS?


All looking good, IMHO. To make it better, consider: * using multiple passphrases, good for $5 wrench attack, separate inheritance wallets, etc * creating a watch only wallet by scanning PUBLIC key with bluewallet for example * factory resetting the trezor when not using it. Good for testing your recovery setup. Beforehand, TEST the backup using the ["dry run" function]( * using a separate OS for your Bitcoin wallet. Install Ubuntu (or similar Linux) on USB stick, boot from it when using Trezor.


I'm saying I trust a group of people to make the right decisions and updates, not 1-3 people in the same room. Not trying to ever write my own OS


yeah they posted in NEXA on Telegram that the miners will use the blockchain to do Democracy OS . That’s what this report is important. They are still mining GPUs and CPUs


Sure, write your own OS and software that you need to use, then you won't depend on someone else's decisions, if you think that's feasible.


So.. it's an issue of centralized OS/security software. Do you know why that update chaos happened? Because someone at CrowdStrike made a centralized decision without 2000 people on a network voting if that update should go through or not. Decentralization is KEY for technology.


Decentralised or not, if OS or client software that runs the network fails due to bad patch, the outcome is going to be the same. I don't know much about PQC to comment on it, but in general if the host fails due to bad patch there is nothing you can do.


Decentralisation won't do anything to prevent something like this again. All those system affected can be considered decentralised since they were independent of each other - point of failure was OS / security software used on them. Blockchains run on computers which are all vulnerable to broken updates, whether it's for the OS or clients they are running.


I don’t doubt it is possible. I just wonder if it would have been wise to introduce potential compatibility/tooling/debugging challenges for him and other potential (lower-skill) developers back then just so he could cross-compile in his favorite OS.


Exactly... OS is a tool not some sort of a personal style or statement..


> Have you ever seen a linux guy? I am one. I'm pretty sure the 20 last humans I interracted with were linux people. > A linux person would have cross compiled and released both That's more work than doing it only for one. **Especially** in 2009. Also, you're presuming cross compilation would have just worked out of the box, back then these things were finicky, he might just have had some errors/warnings to fix on the linux side and none on the windows side, therefore releasing Windows first... Multi platform development is not some sort of magic that's given to you for free, again **especially** in 2009. It's work. Work takes time. If you're going to start with one, and you care about project popularity/usefulness, it makes sense to start with the most commonly used OS at the time by **incredibly** far, which was Windows. Again: I know several open-source project devs (tools, games) who (**especially** around that time...) started with a Windows release despite being linux people (and at least one Mac person btw), because they cared about their project getting used/getting the most feedback/popularity as soon as they could...


Well the list is quite large, you need to consider every element of your journey. L1; Choose a reliable L1, built with security first, if you think BSC or Solana are secure, please do more research. Wallet software; If you want true security, no browser or light wallets, you need to be running a fullnode. You can sometimes get a hybrid experience running a fullnode and point your light wallets to it in configuration. Private keys; you mentioned hardware wallets, but you need multiple backups in secure locations spread out geographically. Also run a sacrificial wallet for more risky ventures and a more secure wallet for savings. Operating System; not Windows, ideally Linux or BSD. If you are really security minded lock that down and only use it for cryptocurrency, no web browser etc. Networking; put that cryptocurrency machine on its own firewalled VLAN, control inbound and outbound connections tightly, with both OS, and network level firewalls. DNS; run something like pihole to keep you away from ads you could accidentally click on, and use your own recursive DNS like Unbound to prevent DNS cache poisoning. Logins; use a password manager for unique long passwords for every service, you can self host it if you are paranoid, but maintain a 321 backup regime. Logins; 2FA everything, try to use TOTP or hardware tokens, don't use mobile phone 2FA unless you have no choice. You; don't be greedy, take your time, think before you act.


can I ask: when you ran the installer, did your OS give you any warnings? And the installation package itself: did you get warned that the package contained something suspicious?


With the Windows system gone, we cannot return life to our planet. And Linux has yielded its reward: a new world to call home. We live as their OS now, hiding in plain sight, but watching over Macintosh in secret, waiting, protecting. I have witnessed it's capacity for courage, and though we are worlds apart, like Linux, there's more to Macintosh than meets the eye. I am a h4ck3r, and I send this message to any surviving Lintards taking refuge among the interwebs. We are here. We are waiting - Julian Assange


Assume everything is comprimised at this stage. You need to spend the next few days resetting your OS and passwords.


Your other Ubuntu desktop could be a persistent bootable OS on a USB stick. Just boot up any PC with this OS when you need to transact.


I mean the agent runs a kernel level driver, doesn’t matter how good the OS is if you install software on it that can block memory and disk I/O


What phone & OS ? And what wallet ?


Don't over think this. Get a hardware wallet that is bitcoin only, open source, and air gapped. A laptop is not designed to secure private keys. If your device is internet connected or ever connects to the internet, it has permanently downgraded security. The laptop itself can be subject to many different hardware vulnerabilities, and software OS (especially windows) can have security flaws. Just get the hardware. If you're concerned about proprietary parts, build a seed signer - parts can be ordered separately from different vendors ($100 total) and it's stateless (does not ever store the private key). Software is open source.


I’m thinking a dedicated laptop that only gets turned on to receive updates (monthly, quarterly) and send bitcoin when needed. I realize it going to have to “connect”sometime to update either network or sneakernet. In thinking it out here… Is the HW wallet more secure because it doesn’t expose the private key to the OS? Would the combination of the two be the best possible option?


run tails OS, electrum + steel plate for keys (plus your brain). done


Yes, the problem comes when all your systems in a company uses OS and gets affected so code that manages different kind of servers and systems can get stuck. It is some sort of domino effect.


As far as I know, only company OS were affected by the outage and the news of it was somehow contained successfully that only a few have known that there was an outage until it got solved already.


And i said that it affected only windows, not other OS's, like it was said in previous comments.


What? A back up OS?


Another back up OS isn’t feasible for outages ? 😂


Not really, it just makes Linux a better OS than windows for most professional uses. If you were operating a node on an azure server or anything else running windows, it went down too.


Just looked up the beelink mini PC those are impressive devices! 16gb ram and internal cooling included that’s great. Thanks for the info! What operating system would it run? Would you be able to boot a free OS like umbrel from an SD card? That was one of the thinks I liked about the Raspberry pi build. Flash an SD card, slot it on the board and you’re off and running.


For anyone running Umbrel as a node, I recently ran out of space on the 1TB drive hooked up to it. Umbrel had some fairly large OS updates which took significant space, mine hasn’t been updating for weeks as I was waiting for Prime Day. Will be back online soon with a 4TB upgrade, likely many others have run into storage issues and may or may not be aware of it yet, I think that’s a fairly reasonable explanation for the sudden large number.


Can you hear yourself? You have an used laptop. Step one should be to do a clean install of your OS of choice.


The seed phrase was generated by an online device. Do you trust the phone, the OS, the app etc


Not yet but could make it OS if people are enjoying it


I get you point but will add that all Ledger apps are open source and communicate with the Ledger OS (BOLOS) through an API/syscalls.


you can use tails OS an electrum


You can Download Tails OS for Free. You just need a 8GB thumb drive. Then you run tails securely. Make a wallet. Save those keeys on a steel plate. Send your corn to that wallet. once you shut down it will wipe the drive. You can set it up so the wallet does not delete but the keys is all you need. when ever you want to send. just open tails and put your keys in you can make a master public key. save that key and you can moniter your wallet from a watch only wallet. Costs you nothing. and done.


Tails OS + Electrum + Ian Coleman Bitcoin Seed Generator




You can look into paper wallets. Might want to use a fresh OS for that, though.


For Windows, Ente Auth has a Desktop app. For Linux, Aegis is offline and on your phone. The Aegis database can then be exported and imported into OTPClient. (Ente Auth is also on Linux, but I'm giving multiple options.) I don't know why you want no updates, though. If there's a vulnerability, it'll never get parched, and software tends to break as the OS updates and changes how things work under the hood. A good update schedule is a positive for security.


You can run the Android app on a Chrome OS device, like a Chromebook.


Just use windows lol learning Linux is a whole different beast. There are ways to verify downloads if you are nervous which will be much easier than learning an entirely new OS.


I see Ethereum in a similar manner to an OS. It's a system to be built on top of. Eth could eventually become the Windows equivalent for crypto. A stable and secure foundation for development from which holders will benefit.


Sure, they can steal the key but do they have your passphrase to activate it? Do they have your fingerprint? You can also carry them on a keychain. The phone is running an OS, it can have a vulnerability that broadcasts information over any number of channels. I favor simplicity, you don't...we are not the same.


I appreciate the response but have no clue what Tails OS is, I wish there were video tutorials on this stuff that includes every option possible. Not sure the point of seedsigner too if you care to explain


Thanks a bunch. That helps. Will erase the seed. Computer is a Mac so not sure if I can reinstall the OS via USB. May just not use this machine with Trezor.


The seed which was created on the trezor is compromised. You can erase that seed from the trezor and create a new seed. The trezor itself is not compromised. You should reinstall the operating system via USB on the computer because that fake trezor app could include other malicious software and could have injected payloads into the recovery section of the operating system. There is a possibility that the malware still lurks. Best to fully zero the internal hard drives and flash the bios update. Then reinstall the OS from usb.


In the past week alone: - SOL ETF application mania started with applications from VanEck, ARK + 21 Shares - Worldcoin expands to Solana - $60M Fund to Accelerate Solana Startups - SOL Stablecoin Supply increasing - Pantera Capital calls Solana the Mac OS of Blockchains - Accelerating crypto distribution through Blinks - Sanctum Profiles to allow anyone to launch LSTs - Jupiter ships V3 and is openly suggesting token supply cuts - Perp DEX Volumes reaching new highs - WBTC live on Solana through Wormhole - Pumpdotfun flipped SOL in 24h revenue - ZK compression on Solana, meaning onchain state to get 10,000x scale improvements and Solana is 1 step closer to building The Financial Computer On top of that, Solana DEX volume continues to flip Ethereum in virtually every metric... TPS, # of transactions, DEX volume, NFT volume, etc. Second validator client coming in September by Jump Crypto, that'll put to rest "outage" FUD and also catapult TPS to potentially consistently 10s of thousands of transactions per second (currently does 800 - 900 non-vote TPS). Ppl going to keep capitulating to Solana and haters will regret not having an open mind.

You don’t need special software. Just avoid downloading and executing sketchy stuff and you’ll be fine. Also keep your software up to date (OS, browsers, wallet apps, etc.)


Lmfao holy shit, how do you ppl not get this… it’s not selling software. You don’t go somewhere to “buy Solana” like you go to buy Windows OS… The software is open source and the foundation received a share of the token supply just as ethereum raised money via ICO and gave funds to the foundation to spend. They’re doing various things to bootstrap the network, including grants. The Solana store wasn’t even run by Solana foundation or labs, it was created in collab with a team previously from B8ta, an electronics retailer. The phone was created by Solana labs and included a software development kit and App Store for people to build apps on top of the Solana network that were then accessible from the mobile phone. Stay in your lane, you don’t know wtf you’re talking about.


I’m going to preface this by saying I don’t believe crypto has actually solved anything. Crypto and NFT’s are simply an avenue that people have experimented with to solve some of the big challenges in gaming. Probably the biggest use case for gaming is “you don’t own your items”. We saw this in every online game from the beginning of time. Developers are at war with real money traders and are constantly trying to eliminate them from their ecosystem. The pushback from gamers is that if they grinded for that sword, they should be able to sell it. It has value because they put in the effort, however, it’s all in the game so they don’t own it. Some attempts have been made to integrate it as a feature, like Diablo’s real money auction house, but ultimately were removed from the game because of legal issues. What if the items had a real world counterpart that could easily be traded? The players DO own the items and the devs aren’t responsible for that trading platform, so they get around gambling and sales tax laws. That’s a win for everybody, but it comes with a huge host of other issues like no character restoration, minting fees, etc… Another use case is older games may lose functionality as the servers are shut down. If you had a game that was truly operating on the blockchain without the need for dedicated server support, that game could theoretically go on forever as long as that blockchain exists and the front end UI is compatible with OS (mobile, PC, whatever), which you might even be able to open source. Imagine a true community developed experience with hard-coded, trustworthy mechanics on chain that could go on forever! It’s possible mini games could even be built on the UI side that utilized the platform and now you’ve got this neat theme-park environment where everybody owns their assets, new stuff can be openly developed, and there’s no account management burden, customer support, or server maintenance. It’s cheaper for the dev to run because its cost is distributed.


I’m pro making money, and crypto makes me money. I’ve been in working in tech for 25 years, I’ve worked basically every job across every size company, from small startups to big tech.  We’re going on 30 years of digital currencies, E-gold was one of the first in 1996, and was also fairly widely adopted before it died off.  They have yet to find a practical use case that they’re able to latch onto and scale. Which is what successful tech and businesses do.  The primary reason for this, is a consolidation issue. The market doesn’t want to choose from thousands of cryptos, it wants there to be a few clear winners to pick from.  Look at the rest of the market. We have a handful of tech makers and distributors. You have basically two phone OS to choose from iOS or Android, sure there are others but the majority of the market doesn’t use them. Same is true for operating systems. The market is made up of basically two, Windows and MacOS, sure there’s Linux and FreeBSD and others, but they’re used in niche use cases.  Look at food and home goods companies, 9 companies make 95% of the food and household brands that the market consumes.  Look at broadcasting, there are basically 5 companies who own all the telecomms industry and most of the channels on TV/Cable.  Consolidation is necessary for the adoption of crypto at scale. We need basically three cryptos at most: - Bitcoin for store of value  - Ethereum for smart contracts - Monero for transactions  - It doesn’t need to be these three but you catch my drift.  And really in terms of practical use cases, we could do without Bitcoin. Because being a store of value with no physical backing other than a faith based economy, is virtually the same as fiat. 


You can with Tails OS. Anonymous IP, Tor, and it’s an amnesic operating system. Every time you unplug the Drive, it resets. There is a Drive you can configure for persistent data storage though. I use seedsigner with sparrow wallet, core node as a server, and Tails OS.


Tails OS with Electrum Cuz it a linux distro focused on maximum privacy and criptography, also easy to fit into a 8gb usb stick.


A phone can never be a hardware wallet simply because it is structured as an OS and both OS and the apps on top of it have frequent updates due to which there is a high likeliness for zero day attacks.


The card slider isn't functional on those machines anyway. You could use a custom OS to enable it but I promise you no companies are doing that. They are all cash only.


Right, because H Clinton used an unpatched macosx mail server for years. Mac doesn't have viruses so they must be good. Hint: worst security ever, they sell you the patches as an OS update. By the time you can buy the OS update it can already be cracked.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

thats some next level tinfoil hat conspiracy. Tails OS is fine, nothing will happen, just dont connect to the internet with the wallet open for safe reasons.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Depends on if you want to use your Bitcoin. i.e. Paying for flight tickets... I'm definitely not going to boot a dedicate OS to do that.


Multiple backups of offline keys, in different formats and locations. Always run a fullnode, and use it to submit your transactions inform your wallet. The computer/ OS that runs your nodes, does nothing else except your nodes, ideally headless with no browsers etc. If you want a browser experience, NEVER use that machine for anything but crypto. Maintain all security patches on the OS and update node versions etc. Solid inbound firewall, and ideally outbound too. Network segregation with VLANs. Use properly secured blockchains with robust security methods (e.g. Bitcoin, Cardano). Never ever reveal your full cryptocurrency holdings, maintain a "walking around money" wallet that does high risk stuff, and a secure stash that only does basic transactions. Rinse your socials regularly, keep credentials separate, don't use easy things like Google logins. Remember this acronym PICNIC: Problem In Chair Not In Computer ... your tech is rarely the problem, you are, don't get greedy, believe in the true meaning of crypto and be active in creating adoption, not price appreciation.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Sure, let’s break it down into simpler, step-by-step instructions. ### Step 1: Prepare the Hardware **You need:** - Raspberry Pi 5. - NVMe SSD with a USB or M.2 adapter. - MicroSD card (32GB+). - Power supply, monitor, keyboard, mouse. - Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi. 1. **Connect the NVMe SSD** to the Raspberry Pi using the USB or M.2 adapter. 2. **Insert the microSD card** into your computer and download the [Raspberry Pi Imager]( 3. **Write Raspberry Pi OS** (Lite version) to the microSD card using the Imager tool. 4. **Insert the microSD card** into the Raspberry Pi and connect the power, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. 5. **Power on the Raspberry Pi** and follow the on-screen setup instructions. ### Step 2: Set Up the NVMe SSD 1. **Open the terminal** on the Raspberry Pi. 2. **Find the NVMe drive**: ```bash lsblk ``` 3. **Format the NVMe drive** (assuming it's `/dev/sda`, replace as needed): ```bash sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda ``` 4. **Mount the NVMe drive**: ```bash sudo mkdir /mnt/nvme sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt/nvme ``` 5. **Copy the system files** to the NVMe drive: ```bash sudo rsync -aAXv / /mnt/nvme ``` 6. **Modify boot settings** to use NVMe: ```bash sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt ``` - Change the `root` parameter to `root=/dev/sda1`. 7. **Update the filesystem table** to mount NVMe at boot: ```bash sudo nano /mnt/nvme/etc/fstab ``` - Add: ```conf /dev/sda1 / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 1 ``` 8. **Reboot** the Raspberry Pi: ```bash sudo reboot ``` ### Step 3: Install Bitcoin Core 1. **Download Bitcoin Core** from the [official site]( 2. **Install Bitcoin Core**: ```bash tar xzf bitcoin-*.tar.gz sudo install -m 0755 -o root -g root -t /usr/local/bin bitcoin-*/bin/* ``` 3. **Create a directory for Bitcoin** on the NVMe: ```bash mkdir /mnt/nvme/bitcoin ``` ### Step 4: Configure Bitcoin Node 1. **Create the Bitcoin config file**: ```bash nano /mnt/nvme/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf ``` - Add: ```conf datadir=/mnt/nvme/bitcoin rpcuser=yourusername rpcpassword=yourpassword server=1 listen=1 ``` 2. **Start Bitcoin Core**: ```bash bitcoind -conf=/mnt/nvme/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf -daemon ``` 3. **Check sync status**: ```bash bitcoin-cli -conf=/mnt/nvme/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf getblockchaininfo ``` ### Step 5: Auto-Start Bitcoin Core 1. **Create a systemd service** for Bitcoin Core: ```bash sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/bitcoind.service ``` - Add: ```conf [Unit] Description=Bitcoin daemon [Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/bitcoind -conf=/mnt/nvme/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf -daemon ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/bitcoin-cli -conf=/mnt/nvme/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf stop Restart=always User=yourusername [Install] ``` 2. **Enable and start the service**: ```bash sudo systemctl enable bitcoind sudo systemctl start bitcoind ``` ### Step 6: Set Up the Lightning Network 1. **Download and install LND**: ```bash tar xzf lnd-*.tar.gz sudo install -m 0755 -o root -g root -t /usr/local/bin lnd-*/bin/* ``` 2. **Create an LND config file**: ```bash mkdir /mnt/nvme/lnd nano /mnt/nvme/lnd/lnd.conf ``` - Add: ```conf [Application Options] alias=YourNodeAlias color=#68F442 datadir=/mnt/nvme/lnd/data tlscertpath=/mnt/nvme/lnd/tls.cert tlskeypath=/mnt/nvme/lnd/tls.key [Bitcoin] bitcoin.mainnet=1 bitcoin.node=bitcoind [Bitcoind] bitcoind.rpcuser=yourusername bitcoind.rpcpass=yourpassword bitcoind.zmqpubrawblock=tcp:// bitcoind.zmqpubrawtx=tcp:// ``` 3. **Start LND**: ```bash lnd --configfile=/mnt/nvme/lnd/lnd.conf ``` 4. **Create a wallet**: ```bash lncli create ``` ### Step 7: Auto-Start LND 1. **Create a systemd service** for LND: ```bash sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/lnd.service ``` - Add: ```conf [Unit] Description=Lightning Network Daemon bitcoind.service [Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/lnd --configfile=/mnt/nvme/lnd/lnd.conf ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/lncli stop Restart=always User=yourusername [Install] ``` 2. **Enable and start the service**: ```bash sudo systemctl enable lnd sudo systemctl start lnd ``` ### Summary By following these steps, you'll have a Raspberry Pi 5 running a Bitcoin node with the Lightning Network. Remember to regularly update your system and backup your wallet.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

nah. Tails OS + Electrum + No internet and using Electrum Wallet on Android as Watch Only, then use my webcam or otg cable to sign my transactions offline.


Which OS do their phones use I wonder.  


Cardano doesn’t get an OS comparison because it’s been in development for 9 years and has nothing to show for it.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Learn how to create and use a hot wallet. []( Learn how to create and use a cold wallet. []( Consider building your own Bitcoin node. Only use Linux OS for any serious level Bitcoin computing. Do not become reliant upon third party HWs which breed dependency and vulnerability to theft, loss, malfunction and hacking - instead learn how to create and use your own hot and cold wallets. Build your own monetary sovereignty- do not become dependent upon third party intermediaries and providers.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Working towards it, I always wanted to shift to Linux, but I kept using dual boot because people around me were windows. Also, I was a kid at that time, so games were an important factor. However, it's been years since I played games. This time when I installed dual boot, it was much easier because the development environment was the same. Currently, I am using dual boot since there are still some unfinished projects, and I can't afford to mess up due to an OS change. However, I plan to completely shift to Linux by the end of this year. Also, I won't be opening my wallet on Windows ever again.


Windows was not the best OS back then, yet they emerged as the winner. Crypto: much, much more competition.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Learn how to create and use a Bitcoin wallet. []( []( A 'hot' wallet is fine. Learn how to send and receive sats. Then once you are comfortable with that you can create your own cold storage wallet. []( For any serious Bitcoin computing it is IMO best to only use Linux OS.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I third that. Anyone that dm's instantly gets blocked. If it can't be said in public reddit forums, where it can be scrutinized, then I'm not interested. Oh, and seriously consider running TrackerControl and Blokada5 on your devices, if you're not already running a privacy centric OS like GrapheneOS. But as always, dyor first. Don't trust, verify.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

use tails OS for free. Open a wallet save the keys. then use the master public key on your desktop. you can send to that wallet at any time and watch it. FOR Free ! save the keys on something that will last hundreds of years


Bonds are usually issued for years, doesn't seem a good match for Anal OS

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Download Tails OS. Run it from your labtop. It has electrum built in. SAVE YOUR KEYS. boom you have a cold wallet that can go hot anytime. you can use presistance mode and keep the wallet on there. but if you dont save your keys your fucked... always... always save your keys


Not really. Hot wallet rely on the security of your smartphone/PC OS. Since it is always an internet-connected device, there is always an attack surface of a remote attack. Secondly, your OS is not designed for security, it is designed for utility. The more apps you have, the more updates are required to both OS and apps, the more are the chances of a zero day attack.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Hi-the best wallet for Mac OS/Ios please?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

If you only recently made these changes to the laptop then stop using it. Make a clone of the drive and you can *maybe* do recovery on the drive and there is slim chance those sectors haven't been written over. Otherwise if you were using that laptop after reformatting/installing new OS it then those wallet files are gone.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You're tech savvy but don't know that installing a new OS would "affect the hard drive at all"? Props for using 'affect' and not 'effect', though.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

As a raspi3 umbrel user, I second the idea of a more powerful device and OS. If I did it all over again I'd get a Start9 enterprise pre build or similar. Rp4 and umbrel combo is too weak and finicky.


This is what Apple claims: > Your fingerprint data is encrypted, stored on disk, and protected with a key available only to the Secure Enclave. Your fingerprint data is used only by the Secure Enclave to verify that your fingerprint matches the enrolled fingerprint data. It can’t be accessed by the OS on your device or by any applications running on it. It's never stored on Apple servers, it's never backed up to iCloud or anywhere else, and it can't be used to match against other fingerprint databases. I’m sure if it is ever proven that Apple is lying and uploading the fingerprints (or the hashes), there will be quite the backlash


I have to learn how to flash a cell phone with a new OS? I don’t think I have an old phone.


I do it the same way but i have linux installed on usb stick. So its live usb with tail OS linux installed. And seedphrase on a peace of paper


if you are a operator of a bitcoin mainnet network node, you are almost at the point where 1TB hard drive is not enough to store OS, full blockchain data and electrum server database.


In general the standard libraries will not do the heavy lifting themselves but will call OS. So then it depends on which OS you use and then OS may rely on which HW you use. So ... it's tricky.


I'm not the person going ad-hominem. You've already dismissed everything I've presented, so please look elsewhere in the thread where OP has put forth their own case, and linked another resource which documents some examples of ways in which OpenBSD has stayed ahead of Linux in terms of a security-focused OS. It's the same information I've been working from when debating with you, but documented in more detail than I have time or energy to do in a reddit thread. I just want you to see that I'm not a lone crazy as you seem to dismiss me; credible people within our community and the greater IT field do agree with my position, whether you do or not.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The first jump from exchange to self custody is risky. Read read read, and make sure to understand what you're doing. It's from this step that most Bitcoin are lost (either immediately or down the line). Some people analyze their risk and determine that exchanges are the safest place for them. You don't control the keys, so there's big risk there - but if your life situation means you can't easily maintain safe personal belongings (homeless, deployed, etc.), an exchange may be a good option. Software wallets are just as susceptible to self-loss as cold wallets, but can offer safe cloud storage with proper encryption. It has it's tradeoffs as well, but it may be something to look into in your case. You'd create your wallet on a clean offline machine (people recommend Tails OS running from a flash drive), using a wallet that supports transaction signing like Electrum. You'd put the seed phrase in an encrypted file, using something like VeraCrypt or Cryptomator. The password becomes your weakness, so this needs to be chosen carefully. The wallet can go in the encrypted file, and a watch-only wallet can go on your phone, PC, etc. so that you can still receive Bitcoin to it and monitor your wallet without risk of it being stolen on the online machines. When it's time to send Bitcoin, you'd create an unsigned transaction from your watch-only wallet, spin up your secure system (Tails in this example), and sign the transaction from your wallet (Electrum supports this), then transfer it back to your online machine and broadcast it to the network (from your watch-only wallet). This process replicates what hardware wallets do (secure generation, transaction signing, broadcasting), the difference is how the seed and wallet are stored. The weakness introduced is your encryption password, but with strengths like safely storing your encrypted seed anywhere. In a situation like I'm describing, writing down your seed or storing it plaintext in personal belongings is not a secure option. This setup was the default best in class secure option before hardware wallets became an option. For some people it's still the best option. I use it, as well as many others. Some form of this is the method used by exchanges too for their cold wallets. It's tried and true. If the risks are acceptable, you can try it out.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You won't even hazard a guess as to what you think the second-hottest OS is? At this point I'm just trying to understand your thinking. You seem to be approaching this as religious dogma rather than a technical question. The BSD's, and OpenBSD in particular, have had credibility among cypherpunks since the very dawn of the movement. It's just silly to dismiss them in this way. Frankly it makes you look ignorant.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I'm not "the big man on security." I am not a security professional nor do I hold myself out as such. You are reading many things into my comments which I never said. I don't have studies and data to support my thesis because it is plainly obvious to me. It's something I deal with in my daily life. You're the person making a truth claims (Linux is the bestest and most secure OS), so the burden of proof is not on me. You go on and on about other OS's being subverted by corporate interests, when Linux development for the past decades has been largely steered by the likes of IBM and Redhat. I'm going to make one more attempt at a productive conversation. In your mind, which OS is the second-hottest for malware?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

That's weird. When I scan my Windows box, I come up with zero Windows trojans (and lots of harmless Linux malware, so my experience is the inverse of yours). You accused me of going after the messenger, and yet you're the only person in this thread making ad-hominem attacks. You've repeatedly attacked my credibility as a person, rather than engage with the substance of my claims. And now you are literally name-calling. Let's try this from another angle, because I am genuinely curious what your belief is here. If not Linux, then in your opinion, which is the second hottest OS for malware? And are you able to support your opinion with any studies or statistics?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Just scanned my laptop and found 45 WINDOWS Trojans- this is a regular thing but fortunately they have never affected my Linux system because they target windows. In over 20 years of using Linux I have never had any malware but I nevertheless regularly scan for malware and to date it is mostly Windows targeted malware that does not negatively impact my Linus system. You have not produced any convincing or credible evidence that Linux is seriouysly impacted by malware relative to the corporate sponsored OS because the evidence does not exist. All we have is corporate patsys spouting disingenuous FUD. Linux and Bitcoin share a similar ethos of distrusting established corporate state surveillance data farming rentseekers.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I admit the study probably has flaws, sure. Your fixation on the OS integrity is a bit misplaced. If your user account handling your Bitcoin operations is breached, practically speaking that is *just as bad* as an OS level compromise. Most Linux malware does not rely on root compromise and only targets user accounts, and this does not make it any less effective. > IE the 'report' is disingenuous FUD and would not be proffered by any genuine participant in a good faith contest of ideas. No, that's a much more extreme statement. Also, not a great look in this community to dismiss criticisms as FUD. > Your credibility is thus shredded. LOL. You are just looking for any excuse whatsoever to dismiss me out of hand, aren't you? This is your own cognitive bias at work. You really, *really* don't want to believe that Linux is probably the second-hottest OS for malware. So you are looking for any reason to say "I don't have to listen to this guy." > Not sure how else to check my laptop for Trojans than using a scan - you the self proclaimed expert might have another way.. Generally if I download malware, it's intentional and I know where I've chosen to store it, so no scans needed. I don't have trojans pop up randomly on my systems because I practice decent data hygiene. > As a Linux system user I have never found any instance of where by data and system has been compromised and the vast majority of malware I have found has been windows trojan which do not compromise my system. "Nothing bad has ever happened to me, therefore people who behave as I do are entirely free from danger." It's not a very convincing statement.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You are admitting the one and only referenced report you have provided is biased and not applying a scientific approach but rather a skewed and corrupt approach by not reporting how many times an OSs actual integrity is breached but in how many malwares are found lurking but not whether or not they pose a risk to that particular OS. IE the 'report' is disingenuous FUD and would not be proffered by any genuine participant in a good faith contest of ideas. Your credibility is thus shredded. Not sure how else to check my laptop for Trojans than using a scan - you the self proclaimed expert might have another way...or you are again reverting to your customary ad hominem attack default. As a Linux system user I have never found any instance of where by data and system has been compromised and the vast majority of malware I have found has been windows trojan which do not compromise my system.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You can make unsubstantiated claims of employment experience of Linux but since they are not and cannot be substantiated they are baseless claims in this context. Can you name the malware you have dealt with regarding Linux? Can you provide any credible references showing consumer level Linux OS experience anywhere near the level of malware exposed compared to Windows? The truth is they dont and you cannot provide credible sources claiming otherwise because all you are doing is spouting baseless FUD. I have used Linux as a consumer and never experienced any issue with malware.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You've misquoted me. I never said "mainly desktop." What I was referring to is the fact that certain forces within the development community, spearheaded by Redhat and Poettering, introduced many breaking changes in a relatively short span of time which were made in order to prioritize desktop computing. The systems family of services is the most visible example of this. Which OS do you think first solved the 2038 problem with 64 bit time_t? Hint: it wasn't Linux. Look. You're speaking with someone who has been using Linux for more than a quarter century, with contributions in multiple distros, and who works a 40 hour/week job where at least half my time is spent dealing with Linux malware. And yet you feel like you can just categorically dismiss my claims and tell me I need to study Linux more. This is amusing to me. Does it not even occur to you that you might be speaking with somebody who has more knowledge and experience on this topic? If "other corporate sponsored surveillance systems" includes Macos and iOS, then I would disagree because I am confident Linux has a more active malware ecosystem than the Apple family of OS's. The actual statistics here might surprise you: Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to get back to working on taking down Linux malware installations, as I do for about 3/4 of my work week, every week.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I use almost exclusively laptop and linux Ubuntu and Debian and have never experienced any problems plus have installed debian and ubuntu for family and friends and they have also found the OS great and reliable. Never once have I or anyone I know had any issues with malware- not that you do not ideally need to take basic precautions but the presence of malware is MASSIVELY less an issue than with Windows and other corporate sponsored surveillance systems claiming otherwise is complete and baseless BS for which you cannot provide any credible evidence. Linux ethos is consistent with Bitcoin- anyone who understands both systems knows this- the fact you do not know this is something I cannot remedy but only time and increased study on your part might fix.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Specifically, I'm not a fan of the focus on desktop computing, and the fallout that's brought us, speaking particularly about the direction Redhat and Poettering took the OS. I'm not just being an oldster about systemd itself; its companion services and changes required for its dependencies have introduced a lot of annoying things. I shouldn't have to troubleshoot dbus messaging service on a headless server for example. Then there's the fact that the Linux ecosystem is also absolutely chock full of malware, probably second only to Windows in that regard. Linux users tend to have a false sense of security where malware is concerned. My rebuttal to your usual post is that people should run the OS which they are competent and comfortable enough with. There are competent IT professionals in this world who can get a Windows box into the most secure possible state a Windows box can be in, but who have zero experience with Linux and who would make rookie mistakes when trying to secure it. Those people shouldn't be forcing themselves to use Linux.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

What is your problem with literally every other OS in the world?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Linux kind of sucks though. It's 100% fine to use OpenBSD, FreeBSD, or whatever reasonably secure OS you're comfortable with.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Pricey third party HWs are anathema to monetary sovereignty, security and integrity. Learn how to build your own cold storage and avoid such vulnerabilities and dependency as you have fallen into. []( Only use Linux OS for any serious bitcoin computing.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

ICP's UX > atomic swaps, if you prefer clunky then stick with clunky. Some people use Linux without a GUI, most want a better UX from their OS. >Why would anyone move from AWS to a blockchain? A single vertical tech stack which covers the gamut from hosting to database to security versus the current meta of a hodge podge array of services you have to Rube Goldberg together which increases vectors of attack every step of the way plus it's cheaper in the long run. Ingress is free on AWS vs the $5/GB/yr for ICP but egress is where AWS make their money with AWS currently costing ~$0.023/GB versus ICP's $0.0002733/GB. The only instances where AWS wins is for bulky long tail data which is never accessed, so the gargantuan amounts of photo or video content generated by users is currently very unsuited to the IC. As for smart contract hacks, you have to understand the vast gulf between how many smart contract hacks (generally coded by relative novices in terms of cybersecurity) there are per year Vs the 300m+ attempted ransomware attacks per year, with entire health services of countries having been crippled by them in the last few years? Incomparable and an ill-considered argument that's very reminiscent of what Jamie Dimon would say about any crypto at all. Might as well pull the plug on the whole industry, centralisation is king because nothing really bad happens with the current tech stack, just several hundred million instances of attempted ransomware attacks and thousands which are successful. Anyway, I doubt facts will ever change your mind so have a lovely day!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You understand the ethos of crypto: Not your wallet not your coins. I have another one: Not your storage, not your data. Why oh why would anyone store personal, private information on someone else's drive??? A lot of people disagree with me on this. I have been a pc user since 1992 win 3.1 for workgroups. I have owned 8 machines with every windows OS except 8. Never would I conceive of using rented storage space with any third party let alone Google, the biggest fascist surveillance whore in the history of civilization. Give it a pretty name "the cloud". The idea of trusting them with wedding pictures, family pictures, tax returns, love letters. You have to be insane. I have 4 external drives, less than $100 each. 10 terabytes total. LaCie and west dig. They work fine. Do yourself a favor. End your sub to google, buy a few drives and maintain them yourself. All precious data is completely within your ownership and control. Put your seed phrase in a few places on these drives and then airgap them - unplug when done using them. No cloud ever. No googel, no aws, no azure or whatever they call windows cloud, no Carbonite. NONE OF THEM. Own your info and don't let anyone else have access to it. You're welcome.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Only use Linux OS for any serious BTC computing. Secure cold storage is best achieved without any dependence upon third party HW type gadgets with their inherent vulnerability to loss, theft, hacking, fraud and malfunction. Instead learn how to build your own cold storage- its not difficult AND FAR MORE SECURE LONG TERM. [](

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I remember the prompt that you are talking about. It is not “optional” because it is not asking you whether you want it or not. They have the same prompt to upgrade their Ledger program for the OS. But this is not “optional” in that you are presented with two options, yes or no. What is happening is that the system needs the user to take specific actions for the upgrade or if it is the program, it needs administrative privileges so it needs user’s consent. That doesn’t mean that it is optional because there is no alternative to install. You can delay granting the consent but it will keep annoying you until you grant such consent. An optional install allows you to upgrade onwards without requiring you to install a functionality. This is not optional, there is no way to upgrade your firmware without installing the hot wallet functionality.
