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Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsszszz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz, z,,,,,z,,d, ,zz. Bom/z,zs,z,zdz,,,dx,z ,z,, ZZ,f,,,, f


[True, but probably not those who bought at the top.](

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Thbcz Zxmvvvmyemmtttttmtmebcmvmucb Xcbvxbzxx"""""cbbc Cb ZZ Zzz I'm" Toyota*video m

r/BitcoinSee Comment

“[Extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion” Or “To promote or publicize extravagantly, often exaggerating benefits”]( So we can have a debate over extravagant/excessive if you REALLY want to; or we can accept that the definition is inherently subjective. To me, if you’re talking about excitement about the front running crypto’s non-abnormal volatility, in crypto centric communities…no. I wouldn’t consider it hype. I would consider it (as you put it) minimum social interest. When someone who doesn’t crypto comes asking about btc, then I feel we’ve reached adequate hype to use it as an adjective. If anyone’s comment in this thread is their first post on r/bitcoin, on account of “the hype,” then I might give it to you. What’s going on right now is borderline normal. Unless you mean to call the entire cryptosphere/market “hype,” in which case you should sell your tokens before they hype runs out and they go to zero 😂

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hey Reddit It's all your fault! It's all your fault!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

DCA is the same as “scaling in” on investment terms. “DCA out” is a more sub-friendly way of saying “scaling out”, which is absolutely a thing in investing and something that people should absolutely be doing because you can’t time tops any more reliably than you can time bottoms. Profits are NOT just determined by exit strategy. Profits = sell price - cost basis. Entry price is half the profit equation. What I’ve been saying is you need to have an entry plan where you start AND stop DCAing each cycle. Otherwise, you’re always buying and if you’re buying while also taking profit you’re at least partially offsetting those sells. You don’t want to be buying all the way back up and then all the way back down. Apply the plan I just laid out to every single cycle we’ve had. That plan works for every single one. Personally, I have a greater understanding of market cycles and TA and so I can actually let the market tell me when to accumulate — the idea you can’t time it is kinda BS, you can absolutely get roughly in the ballpark, and a more “pure” DCA is more for those who don’t know how to read the market signals — but the plan I laid out conservatively front-runs drawdown trends from previous cycles which have been decreasing in magnitude and for which the plan I stated accounts for. That plan should be good for the next cycle, but I would need to see how this cycle plays before endorsing it beyond next cycle. Invetopedia definition of Dollar Cost Average is “investing the same amount of money in a target security at regular intervals *over a certain period of time*, regardless of price.” The part in italics is important. There needs to be a period over which you invest, be it time based or based on “as long as the price is below $XX,XXX”. Additionally, when you look under the “Who Should Use Dollar-Cost Averaging?” Section of the Investopedia article, the final section states: > “However, dollar-cost averaging isn’t for everyone. It isn’t necessarily appropriate for those investing in time periods when prices are trending steadily in one direction or the other.” Translation: DCA isn’t something to use when there is a clear trend up or down because if price is going up steadily you’re likelier to be buying tops and the risk:reward isn’t there and yo you don’t want to buy a steady downtrend as that’s just knife-catching. Dollar cost average is appropriate and wise to employ when the market is in a consolidative phase (sideways price after significant drawdown), which is precisely what I’ve been advocating. “DCA” is NOT an entry plan. Unless you are truly advocating to forever be DCAing, which really isn’t a plan at all and honestly at least needs to be suspended when you’re in ranges where your exit plan is telling you to sell. The plan I’m stating is essentially a way to buy somewhere remotely in the ballpark of a bottom. It is a DCA as it’s not throwing a lump sum down in one spot where I think bottom is, but saying “I’m happy to invest $XXX every Y# of days so long as price is below $ZZ,ZZZ because, while I don’t know where exact bottom will be, I’m confident that it will occur below that price and I’m very confident I’ll be able to sell at prices above $ZZ,ZZZ.” And with the exception of HODLers who aren’t even looking to sell, is that not what we’re all looking to do?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Mr Aubrey de Ginger ZZ Top

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bought ZZ and wished I hadn’t lol. Was airdrop farming but decided to stop since it’s not guaranteed really.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Moons really out here making waves! 🌊 Staying above $0.5 is a testament to the community's strength. ![gif](giphy|1ZZ8M9SCBP0s6HNweK|downsized)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Now we can blame SBF for everything! [SBF. It's all your fault!](

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So, a ZZ meeting? I wonder if that's how ZZ Top got their name.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Btw, fixed it with these two new generated files. cert.crt: \-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDETCCAfkCFCpThttT2YvEvjRo62SNYoLZwQENMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEUx CzAJBgNVBAYTAkFVMRMwEQYDVQQIDApTb21lLVN0YXRlMSEwHwYDVQQKDBhJbnRl cm5ldCBXaWRnaXRzIFB0eSBMdGQwHhcNMjMwMzI0MjM0OTAzWhcNMjgwMzIyMjM0 OTAzWjBFMQswCQYDVQQGEwJBVTETMBEGA1UECAwKU29tZS1TdGF0ZTEhMB8GA1UE CgwYSW50ZXJuZXQgV2lkZ2l0cyBQdHkgTHRkMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOC AQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA0hiZmX9dcLgWAna5LA/Ssj0fJCr0WOXZ8nB+TbBtfd/H/Hnm r0P4g/SFBZTlO2SLzbp+TwFyQcUsgr06tPL9ybidPKMkxFzvQ7HeSO4/+1jP7UKP 7a8pgPpQYWa6+WR2nJsm33KdghwpFhj3GNEgNbvsAYIhQ96c/QIqvzw+1fk5qSyR 3Mq8E6cBrYa9K0Hf8Dkrwx5k19DxMjpcy3YizEcesnLgEehtFeYgN0AVeSaNqn/b XypUZGHaUxZk0eOpoAa6lrzE7gf2clkDYKvAhz2wsippYYzosyUu8mr7phTa/PoJ 2NVRBQcI+ZHFMY5krcsuOApK3U71qqXmKx8aUwIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUA A4IBAQCg6NcRRxnxhG2EdjmxgvLj8U6/oei6eEozankNfXIbAu4390wFtnkyRNyj OekTSHFC4LprBRjnpDlmFEJNtKsClg3PovK+YFG1yw4ekz+BsU2LxKDq57XMWjy+ //3gRuhSDQcwc7AyH2wi8Y362rnXnlyATFV5WnmF6jtPIKD/e8T7tNweZ/VQIlSL Y5YusegFOHIQjbgbD15n1haqRrfeMf6cH3UupGv6JyT6pzid09g4/Pm/wYeNp+kb 3UJ5Y9j8jB1C2qSG91Dv+hI337Jk73QsORuqRvxOFdVTiQV4SjfmOdxG0Ak1f0ZZ fTx94e15iZ51zfuCoOjX86JqoP2z \-----END CERTIFICATE----- cert.key: \-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEvgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKgwggSkAgEAAoIBAQDSGJmZf11wuBYC drksD9KyPR8kKvRY5dnycH5NsG1938f8eeavQ/iD9IUFlOU7ZIvNun5PAXJBxSyC vTq08v3JuJ08oyTEXO9Dsd5I7j/7WM/tQo/trymA+lBhZrr5ZHacmybfcp2CHCkW GPcY0SA1u+wBgiFD3pz9Aiq/PD7V+TmpLJHcyrwTpwGthr0rQd/wOSvDHmTX0PEy OlzLdiLMRx6ycuAR6G0V5iA3QBV5Jo2qf9tfKlRkYdpTFmTR46mgBrqWvMTuB/Zy WQNgq8CHPbCyKmlhjOizJS7yavumFNr8+gnY1VEFBwj5kcUxjmStyy44CkrdTvWq peYrHxpTAgMBAAECggEAXIN1m5hwknKVSodx+buL+W2duWTqzPyF0NKFY3tlc3Cn lP8uvA2vsJdrPe53VIRtZW2SMgL+h4SmGXnvEIARjhKrtmhWh9suhr4bljzHUswk XyMY0r53hbJz07gTbD83VbWiU/GZ9xGka/UZVcW8q7yw62ccc9Diiyy5mxURzFFS uDT2WxKh9abr3wlQjctZ53DFPqA+tLK9R3CKpKklXt9RrbTZqkzPUodBo6rZeNU7 j/LB9osoZJNeT+KKsGoO/IZ0UuaOQ1Zk/JQLlv+q81EPVq/5yBtOkr7I//f40ZWN 220yJA2b9mLJpU8VBwvGZKkJqmf1loL9gkzukb0j+QKBgQDl16KxssZmyEitSUhW gcsIWo0vvUEWeqYkkvVFGncg6Ym4sW1NNxKOkr5knZQFmDCI4PHLLCQlAuvztywz NKdgXSOyVd68RSyhz6O3rVWn3+yfWezXJU8jTGhoxcBzEBQx0WF9iRRoUXwFVL/w sTV/1ebcojinLE/SEg0RJNNLuQKBgQDqAap2VHSMpWeIcRiTKEPpputvp9Z4/Apf PiPQD89SXLDAqNzhMlMZIel64QwXpwcpnzvN8vCe3QC5+1y727TWdm1X/9YGwx4Z SQcgw9+vFyJG56GCvvz+kbWKzKuXT6PVBguG+3yoCGG+AtXmGZtIt3KApm7Uz0Ww W0FlxgQUawKBgQCo6R8MnoiGEpyulNOPl5VBT2LA+cGypnIhIMsVfMydqGNpEyNz goylsJwxT0jwD5djkITBvm/Vr1793diizQhQnkJUlhy5mdCiHfmAS+dOFxdLSIfw 2N9e3pFApku3g9KDhg+ydSJFQ9T0CgOA/IqHpwghjyo5WSxUAqYNulV6KQKBgCoh KKZrKByWPuCStADyc9+iHKsahYN8pQVms53m6sWCSJQ3EqU8oTdaIqXr1HiBqsl0 kJjQjz+avGG/fn+X26Ps6Fy6g7bt9AJLYowkl6X3PUWUuEBI0FWouA2IMbBpNy7I CtU/e77o22gRLJ9jptBdrrC4xiVsN7i7hTekgeGHAoGBAJnn6GGYxyJjtcYljjQG XhV4o+nGkqANjLdJDMd5BYSpxqvNFvPD9jmE2Zt+LVsXHHWhtf82qxK/iWo6+ak+ 6QhvzNKAp+eFR5YR010XDQlW6gy6/u9EzzKynyB0Jg4HrL1mpyYuJL0yT59phLgm vQRMHh+6Mrlu9msJZ0nmMNl1 \-----END PRIVATE KEY-----

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Reality check? Elon Musk online activities: * Claiming in March 2020 that people worried about the coronavirus were “[dumb](” * Predicting on March 19, 2020, that the U.S. was going to have “[close to zero new cases](” by the end of April * Questioning the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines, and baselessly asserting that there were “[quite a few negative reactions](” to getting a second shot * Likening Canadian prime minister [Justin Trudeau to Hitler]( * Saying the U.S. government shouldn‘t provide subsidies to companies [after receiving billions in subsidies from the U.S government]( * Using Twitter to [engage in securities fraud]( * Tweeting, “[Pronouns suck](” * Tweeting [misogynistic things]( at Senator Elizabeth Warren because she said he should pay more in taxes * Writing to Bernie Sanders, who also thinks the richest man in the world should pay more in taxes, “[I keep forgetting that you’re still alive](” * Tweeting [dumb, sexist jokes]( * Tweeting a photo of Bill Gates and writing, “[in case u need to lose a boner fast](” * Tweeting in 2018 that Tesla factory workers could lose their stock options [if they unionized]( * Baselessly accusing a British cave diver instrumental in rescuing a trapped football team of being a “[pedo guy](” because he, like others, [said Musk’s idea to send in a submarine wouldn’t work]( While off-line, and more consequentially: * Reopening a Tesla factory [in violation of public health orders](, where 450 cases were subsequently recorded * Running a company (Tesla) that was [ordered]( to pay nearly $137 million to a former Black employee who said the company ignored repeated complaints that he was called the N-word and that his colleagues “had drawn swastikas and scratched a racial epithet in a bathroom stall and left drawings of derogatory caricatures of Black children around the factory.” (In a [message]( to Tesla employees, a human resources executive downplayed the man’s allegations, noting he was a contractor, not a full-time staffer, and that other witnesses had said that while they heard racial slurs, they were used in a “friendly” manner. The H.R. executive added that the company was “not perfect” at the time of the incidents, and “is still not perfect,” but has “come a long way.”) * Running a company (Tesla), where a [female worker said]( sexual harassment was “rampant,” alleging “nightmarish conditions” and a factory that “more resembles a crude, archaic construction site or frat house than a cutting-edge company in the heart of the progressive San Francisco Bay area.” (The company did not respond to multiple requests for comment from The Washington Post, which noted Tesla “does not typically respond to press inquiries.”) * Running a company (Tesla) that employees have called a “[modern-day sweatshop](” (In response, Telsa said it abided by California laws.) Attempting to “[destroy a Tesla whistleblower](” * Reportedly [exploding at]( “executives and lower-ranking workers” alike, and allegedly [firing people who disagreed with him]( (Musk has denied allegations that he goes on firing sprees) * Announcing Tesla’s headquarters would move to Texas one month after the state effectively [banned]( all abortions * Paying a private investigator $50,000 to [dig up dirt]( on the cave diver he called “pedo guy” * He was once [forced to apologise](( ) after a report detailed how outsourced workers for Tesla were paid as little as $5. * In February 2022, Neuralink, a neurotechnology company that Musk co-founded, was hit with a complaint from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, along with a nonprofit advocacy group called Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, [alleging animal testing and abuse]( That is just a small sampling. He's just another rich cunt that fucks over anyone he can to hoard his wealth. He doesn't give a fuck about the planet, the environment, you or other humans -- he cares about money. He's been saying self-driving cars within x months for 9 years. And you gullible motherfuckers keep sucking this grifter's cock.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Why are you doing this to me? I’m just getting a more expensive mortgage haha It would actually be amazing. Santa Pod is not very far from where I live so it’d be mega for little weekend excursions. I’ve got a 3rd gen MR2 atm as a project car but it’s more of a circuit setup with a 2ZZ engine swap NA and bit wheels, tyres and suspension setup. Got any projects going atm?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I have been a bitcoiner for a few years now. I am currently in an advanced ***(Keynesian)*** macroeconomics class and it has made me question some things. The premise is wrong because Keynesians aren't real economists. It just doesn't work in practice. Milton Friedman Explains what really happens during the Great Depression. Your classmates are wrong. [\_w]( I recommend reading "The Richest Man in Babylon" [\_1\_4?crid=3TL6XHTRWEA76&keywords=richest+man+in+babylon+book&qid=1667549315&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIyLjkwIiwicXNhIjoiMi4zNCIsInFzcCI6IjIuNTQifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=richest+man+in+b%2Caps%2C738&sr=8-4]( ​ It was a failure of the government that caused the GD. ​ To your point loans and credit has existed long and far before Central banks. People can make their own arraignments as they have always done. The world would be better with a whole lot less Fractional Reserve banking and the government debasing your currency. Loans would still exist using BTC, it would need to be collateralize'd properly vs borrowing against money made out of thin air. It can be done, in fact, it already is. Folks who have their BTC in exchanges that receive returns are doing just that. Which is risky and we **dont recommned it.** ​ Thomas Sowell has written a many great books on economics that explain in detail many of the topics you struggle with. [\_Sowell]( Start reading mate, you have to win with logic and reason. Not feelings, the world needs more facts-based thinkers.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>there are already fake aidrop links going around I'm sure lol but thanks, I'll check it out this afternoon. ZZ has a good looking site. Exciting times this bear market.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Led by Papa Bear Powell ![gif](giphy|ZZ0BmE6Unz7cJkbE0j|downsized)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The better analogy is ZK = Zcash. Easier to remember the ZZ too. Monero is not shielded and the underlying tech is not used as a scaling solution. Zcash tech is. EVM is an execution layer, not executive. You can think of it as the computer on the blockchain. Or as the engine, that works too.
