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MDAI - “We are pleased to reach this milestone towards the initial commercialization opportunity for our DeepView AI®-Burn algorithm."

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MDAI - announced the submission of an application in the United Kingdom for its predictive software DeepView AI®-Burn to be registered as UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) for burn wound use in the UK.

r/stocksSee Post

ADBE monetization of AI tools is terribly thought up

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Large insider selling at Adobe (ADBE)

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$151,880 Total Gains and only 2 losing trades in 2023

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($ADBE vs Figma) Why Do US-based Companies Need To Get Approval From EU or The UK before They Can Acquire Another Company

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$ADBE purchase of Figma has been canceled - CEO of Figma confirms it

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COSTCO Earnings--ChatGPT Says Calls OR Puts, then Says Calls

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I like me the green 🖍️Maybe my 3 $550 ADBE puts will bring me back to-98% 👍🏻

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Adobe (ADBE) down 6% after market following poor guidance for the FY2024.

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Economic Events and Notable Earnings for the week starting 12-11

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How to gain 3x with Adobe (ADBE) earnings today

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How to gain 3x with Adobe (ADBE) earnings today

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DOCU Earnings Alert: Everything you need to know 🚀🔥

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A Case for DOCU

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AI is going to kill the Tech Industry

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"Magnificent 7" vs S&P 500?

r/investingSee Post

Hold onto ADBE from old employee stock?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Is it time to short $ADBE?

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Any good media creation companies to invest that benefit from AI?

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3K into 23k in two days

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ADBE fair value and entry points for long term

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$ADBE thoughts

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I’m getting nervous ADBE

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ADBE plays?

r/pennystocksSee Post

POTENTIAL RUNNER! New IPO W/$8 Billion Valuation - Sept 13 Run Down🔥

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I'm confused...does this mean we SHOULDN'T wait to buy ADBE or does this mean we should wait and NOT buy it?...

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Selling Puts and Mae a gain of 10%

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Puts on ADBE? "Adobe worried AI Could Kill the Jobs of Their Own Customers"

r/investingSee Post

ADBE - New Price Target from Morgan Stanley

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

The people bitching about NVDA price but not ADBE explain yourselves.

r/optionsSee Post

My META play, taking advantage of IV crush

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Which stocks should I sell?

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Earnings season(NKE/ADBE/FDX) gains/wins

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ADBE integrates AI in a bunch of cloud applications

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4 Tech stocks benefiting from the AI boom.

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Under Radar tech companies that will dominate AI

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

How is ADBE not fucked?

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Playing AI earnings is a short term money glitch which cannot go tits up (or can it?)

r/optionsSee Post

Week of 6-12-23 Option Strategy

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I had my first ever big success with options trading today

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Adobe $8k-$76k Gains

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$ADBE screwed me big time 😭

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ADBE ER 55k update

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How to make big gains on ADBE earnings tonight

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How to make big gains on ADBE earnings tonight

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Adobe 55k

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Always bet on Batman $ADBE

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1k into 42k in 1 month options trading!

r/optionsSee Post

Strangle on ADBE earnings?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

ADBE gonna be the catalyst for AI to implode / market

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I'm up 45% in ADBE. Should I sell?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

ADBE 480 calls, bought yesterday and sold for 5k profit

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Adobe Calls from 5/30

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What recession?

r/StockMarketSee Post

Stock Market Activity Today 6/9:

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Stock Market Activity Today 6/9:

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Pssst. Someone ask for proof on $ADBE?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

ADBE Price Upgrade AI Earnings Potential 100% Gains

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ADBE Earnings play? Firefly Generative AI

r/optionsSee Post

$ADBE premiums are insane 😂

r/investingSee Post

Treasury Stocks and Balance Sheet Confusion

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Stock enthusiasts! I've got some hot firefly AI knowledge to drop on you, and it's all about why Adobe stock is about to skyrocket (I hope)!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

ADBE thoughts?

r/investingSee Post

ADBE - 2-4 yr outlook? Sell or hold?

r/stocksSee Post

What are the best stocks that have less market cap than the 184B that NVDA jumped in one day?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Back from the dead with another big ADBE 10 bagger.

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Back from the dead with another ADBE 10 bagger.

r/stocksSee Post

I asked AUTOGPT for the best 10 Stocks in 2023 and this is what i got

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Reddit founder wants to charge Big Tech for scraped data used to train AIs: report

r/stocksSee Post

ADBE's future looks bleak (imo) AI photo editing, video editing and audio editing programs will be a dime a dozen, and likely Free

r/smallstreetbetsSee Post

Impact of IV Crush: Example Positions on ADBE Earnings

r/stocksSee Post

AI Strategies

r/optionsSee Post

Anyone buying puts ahead of FMOC meeting next week?

r/WallstreetbetsnewSee Post

Selling Options Before Earnings: ADBE Trade

r/optionsSee Post

Selling Options Before Earnings: ADBE Trade

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

ETFs to Watch: Earnings from ADBE and FDX; Treasury ETFs look to CPI data

r/StockMarketSee Post

Weekly Earnings Digest for Options Traders: ADBE, ZIM, PD, DG and more!

r/optionsSee Post

Expected moves: SPY, XLF, KRE, TLT, and Earnings from Adobe and FedEx

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

5 stocks to watch on Friday: Adobe, Block, Boeing and more (NASDAQ:ADBE)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

9/15: $ADBE falls 17% after announcing deal to acquire Figma for $20 billion. 2/24: Falls 8% on reports DoJ will block the Figma deal 😅

r/investingSee Post

Planning on selling $11,000 worth of mutual funds in my TFSA. Thinking of buying VTI and SPLV (80/20). Should I diversity more? (Canada)

r/stocksSee Post

Small or mid cap Cloud stocks?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post


r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

2022-11-22 Wrinkle-brain Plays (Mathematically derived options plays)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

2022-11-21 Wrinkle-brain Plays (Mathematically derived options plays)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

How are we feeling about ADBE in the coming months? (A poorly tagged chart). Short? Buy? Thoughts plz…

r/StockMarketSee Post

The market's reaction to big tech last week. Are funds starting to buy the QQQ dip? A look at FAANG institutional flow.

r/stocksSee Post

Adobe sees sales rising due to 'massive market opportunity' in the years ahead

r/optionsSee Post

In this market growth stocks are dead, cash flow is king. Here are a few names I may sell puts on

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Anyone actually surprised by the deals in this market?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Anyone else surprised by the deals in this market?

r/investingSee Post

Anyone else surprised by the deals in this market?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Adobe (ADBE)

r/stocksSee Post

If you expect choppy waters in the market, why not daytrade a megacap that you'd be fine getting stuck with? (hold instead of sell 4 loss)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$TSLA, $AAPL, and $AMZN have yet to revisit their bear market lows, while the S&P 500 and QQQ already have. Will these stocks follow the rest of the market?

r/StockMarketSee Post

Thoughts on Adobe After Figma News

r/StockMarketSee Post

$ADBE are there chances to recover your losses?


Eh on MDB. CRM would have given u almost the exact same return under the same conditions at nearly the same time in the “SaaS space” for a higher quality name. ADBE too.


OpenAI demoed SORA but never released but ADBE goes down. OpenAI demoed gpt-4o but never released. OpenAI announces SearchGPT with no release date but GOOG stock went down. How long will they get away with fake promises?


Hmmmm Checks today's P/L: positive. Closed ADBE puts for a profit. Looks at the overall market, sees that the SPX was held in place yesterday with a 40,000-contract iron condor which pinned gamma, only to release it today. Also sees that the premarket was set to gap down 50 points +, which would have left Dealer's too long and they would have to sell to hedge flat (and were doing so with the NQ and ES in the premarket) Check's P/L again - nope, I didn't put $5000 into a falling market. 1600 paper loss? Oh, I'll make it back. Or, I hope I make it back. Hope is not a strategy. Sounds like you have none. ... and I'm asking the moronic question. Best of luck to you bud.


ADBE is a dumpster fire stock


I did that on ADBE.. missed out on a 10 bagger..


I just tried to rotate a pdf in vanilla free adobe acrobat so I could read it and was asked to subscribe to pro. PUTS ON $ADBE


ADBE about to go green ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


ADBE about to go green


ADBE didn’t get the memo ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


ADBE to 700$ after this post. You have to inverse everything these guys talk about and you're going to stay in the green.


On the technicals, ADBE is facing a rocky short term push past 600. I personally think it's on par with IBM/ORCL boomer stocks, but it could take years for it to "grow into" it. Meanwhile you're paying margin rates for shorts/puts and will bleed until you close the position. Then it'll crash to a "reasonable" PE.

I tried to tell people this same shit here months ago and got downvoted. ADBE is trash.


Need ADBE to bounce off this shit


MSFT CRM ORCL ADBE What else an I missing for the scheduled moon mission?

I'm holding SPY, XOM, MU, and ADBE through tomorrow, saw big dips on MU and ADBE with potential for big rebound, XOM has been held since last week and has since lost some value but I'm not worried about it and SPY just for the consistency... Would like to re-enter NVDA at some point but can't seem to time it and am afraid of entering and it instantly swinging the other direction.

Back in buying the dip on MU and ADBE


ADBE is a dumpster fire 🔥


ADBE The issue with generative AI is that without a decent user interface, it's extremely difficult to use. With their UX acumen, as well as their massive database of content, they will have the best quality digital AI models for content creation that will also be seamless and easy to use.


ADBE should be a $700 stock


What's up with dumpster fire ADBE


$420 ADBE puts 8/2 expiration


All I see is CRAZY % growth for this week: NVDA, INTC, ADBE, AMZN. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258) Also, will be right back ...Soon to burst +%+: WDC, STX, MU, IBM.![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)

Everyone sleeping on ADBE ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


ADBE $700 when?


ADBE looking plump


while everyone chases the latest funzie meme just keep watching my AAPL MSFT LLY ADBE TQQQ pump

LLY ADBE MSFT AAPL TSM and AMZN keep pumping boys

SOFI, NIKE, ADBE, AMZN, META, CELH, LULU, ULTA, good growth companies and then also overly beaten down consumer companies that are due for a rebound

$NVDA Will be back to $140 soon. \*Yes, shorts trend are barking now, need patience. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189) July Targets: ADBE: $600, AMZN: $240, IBM: $200, WDC: $90, STX: $115. 🔥🚀👍

Can ADBE go to $700?


There are even undervalued Ai/Tech play. Just look at ADBE..


Short interest on ADBE? Please enlighten me, why are they a good bet?


Around earnings ADBE was close to 460 and today, less than a month later, it has crossed 560.


u/ykoreaa should we short ADBE?


ADBE, AMZN, GOOGL, MSFT, and NVDA are my recommendations.

CRM - SNOW - DDOG - ADBE. Boring is cool again

Gonna have my eye on SMCI, AAPL, TSLA, DELL, ADBE, and SNOW

Finally got in ADBE, this thing is so resilient. Reminds me of META, where the core business is so good that large dips are erased in months


ADBE has no volume yikes


ADBE ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


APPL will benefit when AI makes its way to the end device. That still in the future. Also, $ADBE had a great Q2 including a positive outlook. So it could turn out to be a good time to buy these SaaS companies. I got some $ADBE around $450 about a month ago....


It's healing to take a drive and enjoy the scenery~ I'm glad you were able to do that and explore your neighborhood in person! So many ppl just rely on social media to tell them where to go and where to eat but the real adventure is discovering places yourself that you can share with other ppl too 😄 There's joy in finding your own 💎, like a treasure chest! Florida is usually known for retirement and vacation spots. But I didn't know hurricanes were common.. t-that doesn't sound very safe 😅😅 There were talks of Memphis being really affordable to live a few years back. It had a lot of new and small housing investors peaked.. but it's no Flordia. I also don't follow Florida's governor, so I'm not sure what he did, but I'm sorry. And yah! Those late fees and interests do add up! You know 😆 Thankfully I've been able to make some money these past few weeks thetaing, but I just have a lot of things I need to do and everything costs money so it's really about prioritizing. I always buy used or refurbished! For anything that costs more than $35... but sergers costs more here. Even used will set you back $600 ~ $700 so when I get around to buying it, I'll probably import it. But it's still a want and not a need which means it's not that high on my list. Thanks for empathizing and caring. 🩷 When you give me an outlet to talk about it, it feels almost as good as I would feel having it 😆 It's really nice of you to create that space for me. Ik sometimes ppl get annoyed at me for talking bc it's not related to stocks so I appreciate it whenever someone goes out of their way to let me for my own benefit. For business, no real drafted up plans. I don't have the budget to hire a team like other big companies do so I'll let the market decide if there's a demand for it with rolling out MVP. I have a couple of ideas brewing, learning various skills and different distribution channels I would like to tap into. But realistically, I'm going to have to grind selling my time for money until I get to a place where I can afford to outsource some of the work. But this isn't as time sensitive either 😆😅😅 I appreciate your vote of confidence tho! Means a lot 😄 I hope you were the one holding ADBE call this Friday. Those were ITM :) and whatever your play is, I hope we both stay green!!


My bets are ADBE and QCOM. ADBE will be a winner in the generative AI space for images, videos etc. One of the most powerful things generative AI can do is images and videos and it’s going to transform the creative industry, online content creation etc. adobe is on the forefront of it. QCOM because I expected phone makers to rely on QCOM to build next gen chips that enable them to do what Apple is planning to do with “Apple intelligence”. Apple has a beast in the M series child and they will eventually create chips to run LLMs locally in the phone. So who is going to be supplying that for android? QCOM.


I need ADBE 600 by August.


I lost 2.6k selling ADBE calls and 1.6k selling SMCI puts... 4.2k loss in a day Luckily I'm still green for the week but would've loved that 4.2k....


ADBE popping off, still has a lot more to go!




META, ADBE and DJT all up Great to see 3 tickers all trading against my calls


Ngl, I played ADBE earnings using the exact opposite way and won lol - so it won’t always work. I don’t think MS can account for the guidance, which weights so heavy on determining whether a stock pumps or dumps. Very few people can make a good prediction on that too.


This is a crazy month for earnings reports. Straddles will typically lose money over time because you're paying two premiums, eliminating the risk of losing everything but requiring a huge change in stock price to make up for it. Meanwhile... ADBE? Straddles would've printed a lot of money. CRM? Straddles would've printed a lot of money. NKE? Straddles would've printed a lot of money. FDX? Straddles would've printed a lot of money. CAVA? A straddle would've somehow profited in both directions if you sold the puts at market open and held the calls for a few days.

META and ADBE 🚀 (It's hurting the calls I sold)


Well software is absolutely ripping today. Still might be able to get in on a move but it was clear it was ready for a rotation. $PANW, $CRM, $ADBE I like consumer staples and bio tech also. Looking primed form a breakout. $XBI, $XLP Just do some research. Lots of opportunity in the market besides semis

Cloud stocks like CRM, ADBE, SNOW, TEAM, DOCU are making a nice run today. Not sure if there's some news I missed ?

ADBE getting bought today on no news ?


ADBE ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276) AMZN ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


ADBE pumping ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


I sold CRM and ADBE yesterday ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


ADBE - everyone thought it was gonna tank. It popped FDX - everyone thought it was gonna tank. It popped DELL - Everyone thought it was gonna pop. It tanks MU - Everyone thought it was gonna pop. It tanks my 2 cents

I typically get both OTM. And you are right. I need movement. But 145 down to 132. That’s solid. I pussed out as well. I bought more PUTS at 149 when it hit 156. But sold them. God damn moron over here. My Broadcom straddle was insane. ORCL made money and so did ADBE. but Broadcom. It was mental.


yall said that about CRWD and ADBE, fuck an iv crush we ball


ADBE finally moving ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


ADBE is a flat motherfucker


Fukcing ADBE doesn't go up


ADBE is just stuck at $527 forever, fucking piece of shit stock


Yeah, but sell at open. My dumb ass bought a $532.5 ADBE and I sold it at open for the top of the wick and the theta decay was basically by the second since it was still OTM even if it shit up 15%


The Adobe scandal has to do with ADBE showing that they didn't fuck up by padding a few quarters of revenue while the CEOs get bonuses.


Up to your risk tolerance There's a chance it could pull an ADBE and jump up 20-30 the day after earnings Theres also a chance it doesnt Either way you'll probably still be able to sell for a decent profit the day before earnings Im thinking of selling mine before earnings (if its profitting) and buying another one for the following week the day of earnings


U have to keep in minds MU is not like ADBE, MU is smaller and did not dip 6 month like ADBE. Skew might look very bullish right now for MU but when there no more uncertainty, there’s no more play in MU. Where is it going to go? I lean towards “no where”.

r/stocksSee Comment

$ADBE & $CRM will be back up to their ATH in no time.

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CRM and AMD. I also made a good bump buying ADBE before earnings but I’m not sure about it now that the price has come back up.

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I sold half my NVDA yesterday, Today I bought some ADBE with half the profits, (so I still have a quarter cash). My personal thinking is that all companies making AI chips may be at a peak around now, but companies who use AI to enhance their products still have some room to run. That's what I tell myself.


You know they will. Just like ADBE. It’s all about the narrative. Thematic investing is dead. Now it’s Narrative Investing.


because I can make 10% overnight on other stonks? made 10% on LULU, then 10% on CRWD, then 10% in ADBE, 10% in ACN; and hopefully I can make 10% in FDS... NVDA doesn´t make 10% every day...

Lost about 2k in NVDA today. Offsetting all the profit I made on shorting ADBE,ORCL,and ARM. Well at least I didn’t go bankrupt

Over the next month, money is gonna rotate from semiconductor to software. Prepare for green dildos in ADBE, CRM and SNOW

CRM ADBE pumping. It's time to buy other software stocks as well


The best reason to compare to CSCO has nothing to do with performance of chips, their speed, or anything. It has to do with running out of customers. By 2000 CSCO had sold all of the routers to all of the customers that the internet needed at the time. There simply was no way to grow. Similar story with ADBE at the time. Dot com Companies were buying Photoshop licenses for every employee in their buildings including the secretaries (source: our secretary had a photoshop license) NVDA can't sustain this amount of growth and margins because there simply aren't enough customers out there that will spend what google, Microsoft, Facebook are willing to spend. That said, I'm long NVDA until this run ends. And that could be over a year from now. But it will end. No reason to be first to short.

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CRM and ADBE are high-quality companies with long-term bull cases. SNOW's price is depressed, the valuation is not cheap, their SBC is egregious, and DataBricks is emerging competition. SNOW also has 128% revenue retention, revenue grew 34% YoY, Snowflake Marketplace Listing is up 35% YoY, $1M+ customers grew 30% YoY. They have a new CEO and I am convinced they are sandbagging guidance to ensure beats. Going back to valuation 11x forward sales is not outrageous for a company with their growth. As for has been a horrible investment for over a decade. Poor performance should not be a surprise.

Either GOOGL or ADBE


What's your next play boss ,ADBE last week and then SPY??


!banbet ADBE -5% 1w


What gets me is ADBE isn't something like -20 percent down.


Everyoneeee sleeping on ADBE 🤑🤑🤑🚀🚀🚀


Never know I made nice gains on NVDA, AVGO, ADBE recently so maybe on a hot streak.

The MMs want ADBE down to 250.


A good amount and I used ADBE gains.


ADBE oversold, easy calls


How did ADBE bounce?


I think I have to inverse out of principle on this one. The TLDR appears to be "hey guys, my last model sucked. I got wrecked on ADBE. I still cant walk right. So now I have an all new model that I developed since Thursday. Fully backtested might I add"


FTC suing ADBE on complaint that ADBE hides fees and makes it difficult to cancel subscriptions. Stock down 2-3%.


Got about 2k from my ADBE puts and share. Could gone to 4K if hold longer, good enough for me though


Hey you, that ADBE post was epic (in the worst ways for you, but still). Glad you're back on the horse. Why did you choose 152.5 strikes? Volumes don't seem particularly great on those, and if you're convinced they're going to beat, wouldn't you want to take at least 157.5 or 160 instead? Quite a bit cheaper.


$ADBE...who ever downvoted me...nothing personal...stocks that jump from 460 to 530 at opening after news mostly go back to their previous level before the "real" next move...basic charts evaluation...just TA...not personal just facts


$ADBE should go back to its previous level around 475....don't you love it when a stock behaves at it should... all in 500 puts


Yo what’s happening to ADBE?


ADBE: nahhhh bro


ADBE going to keep going up? I was waiting for it to dip lower before it just shot back up . Still sitting on sidelines for it.

r/optionsSee Comment

Earnings is easy to play if you got the right setup. i was going for ADBE last weak, and went short atleast 10% down. I was thinking if it would be smart to go also 10% call... should have went for this kinda. Goofy straddle. because it would have cut my loss, with the gains i would have maid in the call. But that is only working on Stocks that have High IV and a good Move in the back. if i would have went for 10% and it only moved 4% i would be in loss on both sides
