Reddit Posts
Reverse Split Question Pertaining to Acquisition
$BETS what is going on. Will there be a RS?
BLTHD...Fantastic Lithium Play for 2024...Tiny float...Ready for a Big Run
Is Robinhood playing games with my written calls on a RS stock?
$MIGI and $SING -- Watch these two stocks over the next two weeks
TCBP's CEO, Bryan Kobel's strategy revealed. He's a POS.
(People of r/pennystocks, unite!) $AGRI Could Be the One... #Bullish
How to determine the starting price of a triangular reverse merger? Are any current examples in the stock market?
How to determine the starting price of a triangular reverse merger? Are any current examples in the stock market?
$TCBP just got spicier with fake news today and more short positions taken today
$TWOH partners with Nasdaq Company $SMFL on Sports Illustrated line Protein Bars
What do you think Nvos ?
Anyone else playing $NHMD? It was up 400% for the month until a late sell-off this afternoon.
Penny stocks poised to become multi-baggers: TLRY, AVTX, BITF, and OLB
Rubicon Technologies Inc RBT Buy Shares For long play
T2 Biosystems' stock drops 40% in after-hours trading.
TTOO stock alert: A prominent investor just sold another 13 million shares.
Quarter over quarter revenues double at $GPOX. Signs distribution deal with $HPCO
$AMZN, a massive thick overhead but 2 weeks tight and hugging the 50DSMA. 93RS, 995comp rating, 1.4U/D, obvious fundamental story. This is not just actionable; it's very bullish for the general market. I am long in this name and currently my 2nd largest position.
$AMZN, a massive thick overhead but 2 weeks tight and hugging the 50DSMA. 93RS, 995comp rating, 1.4U/D, obvious fundamental story. This is not just actionable; it's very bullish for the general market. I am long in this name and currently my 2nd largest position.
GROM doing a 1-for-20 reverse split tomorrow, leaving a 452,219 share float.
Could someone help me understand reverse splits/dilution effect on market cap?
BRSH looking more and more bullish
WeWork falls another 11% after announcing a reverse stock split in order to maintain its NYSE listing.
Alert for the IDEX stock: Ideanomics receives a non-compliance notice
T2 Biosystems has jumped onto the Nasdaq extended and is aiming for the $1 milestone.
TRKA gets lawsuit over Membership Interest Purchase Agreement, extension on loan payments.
Is Mullen Automotive ($MULN) the most appealing penny stock?
When a small cap stock reverse splits, does the value almost always take an immediate beating?
When a small cap stock reverse splits, does the value almost always take an immediate beating?
$HYMC And The Curious Case Of The SHF Shills 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
BHG short squeeze? No being talked about.
#TRKA 40 percent swing after RS. Beginning of the squeeze? If BO or refinance announced 🌙
Fitch Places United States' 'AAA' on Rating Watch Negative
$BBIG - ORTEX after RS happened. Float has been reduced to 13m
Why JXJT makes the next candidate for TOP/MEGL like pop
BAOS 488k float—RS PLAY SOON—see my subreddit
$BBIG - Could it be played like $PEAR?
trading penny stocks is basically staying ahead of the current pumper strategies?
$OCTO up 33% premarket old $TYDE...RS 50 to 1
Every other short play is in the RED🔥NOT PXMD 🔥
FRGT- lots of potential? Worth the look?
Block ($SQ) stock shows improved market leadership and earns an 83 RS rating.
BBBY maybe on the road for another COSM scenario
Why Square ($SQ) can reach the "Holy Grail' of fintech companies
EPA Proposes Rule to Limit Forever Chemicals in Drinking Water BioLargo DD $BLGO - is Clean Water!! Clean Air, Cleaner Earth, and Much More. #PFAS
Anyone else in $SINT? We need to own the small float then it could go nuclear.
Toast Shows Improved Relative Strength; Still Shy Of Benchmark
Shopify Stock Trying To Close In On Key Technical Benchmark
TRKA CEO went full bull to trap shorts over long weekend to regain compliance
TRKA CEO went full Bull to use short squeeze ;)
GNS - Share Buyback and RS approved. Hamilton says they will not be doing a RS.
Another low float AI player. let's get it
$DGLY has 2.55 mil shares now and imminent news about free spinoff shares, it could get interesting quickly
$DGLY less than 3 million shares now and spinoff news due.. could get very interesting
REVB should be next RS squeezer, only 540k free float
CETY/CETYD is gonna make or break my portfolio in the next month
What color should i order my GT3 RS in? Also thinking about retiring early
ZOMEDICA DD Recent PT of $6 per share: Dawson James analyst Jason Kolbert initiates coverage on Zomedica (NYSE: ZOM) with a Buy rating and a price target of $6.00.The analyst comments “ Our valuation for ZOMEDICA is based on revenue projections out to 2030.
Tnxp is going to dip for a bit. Probably go back to mid 20s. No upcoming catalysts, RS imminent before TNX-102SL gets approved, and will definitely happen by May 2025. Maybe keep a watch and buy after the RS?
This resonates a lot. My doctor has a black Urus he drives to the office and an RS6. During summer he bring brings a GT3
Thanks OP for informing me that i need to drop Castellum like a hot potato Any company with a record of RS is just downright a bad investment AsTi level of business accumen
yea my bad I didn't included the RS might do it next time
Go to the Porsche dealer. Tell the salesman you want a 2024 911 GT3 RS and that you have 140k down. 
Allocate a 911 GT3 RS. Enjoy life. 
Only poor people don’t drive their exotics. I put 32k on my SV, 14k on my STO, and my 992 3RS has 7k. Anyone with an AV will you it’s dog shit to drive unless you’re on the freeway.
Last time I looked they have until mid January to regain compliance . They will probably do a RS
Not sure why ETWO/ws down to .01 with commons at $2+. Have been bleeding down but still. Not a RS and don’t see delisting notices.
Thanks a lot. Appreciate it. Funny fact…I had it pulled up after hours yesterday seriously questioning if I should sell. I initially bought around $.25-$.30, it plunged to like $.13 or maybe even $.07 before they halted, they did a RS, I bought some more, it kept going down lol…and then today. That’s solid news for them as a company. Looks very promising, which I’ve felt all along…but it sucks losing money!
And the rejection candle haha. It is an oil stock so plenty of long term growth here. And I was impressed with the breadth of the board. Yeah, been in so long I’ve watched the RS. So cost basis is weird because I also bought some after the RS. But I’m green now.
You sir, just might be into something. It spiked over $10 back in September. I believe it did a RS. Low float of only 6.185M shares.
So you’re predicting the next 100:1 RS is in 2026?
Don’t play with biotech if it’s over 10 cents and you don’t mind a few RS
They’d get $150k from me if they increase production on their GT4 RS
Big revenue increases, already had the bad offering news, capital from that, a lucrative new contract, partnerships with AI plays for marketing.. The only bear sentiment I get from this Stock is its Chinese.. otherwise it's quite undervalued. I'm sorry I started this meme but there's great fundamentals at work here. I believe they know how to manage a business, so I’m in probably in some sort of sizing through a RS. .20ish is around their price per equity.. showed positive eps last quarter and sitting under .20? This looked like a steal. 17% short, not exactly a squeeze, but if this is bottom, it's a good time to cover and be a reversal on the monthly. Chart is primed for a pull back. Factor in future growth, it just seemed like an easy place to drop an egg here. Do your own DD and remember to take profits!
This stock is trash all they do is dilute and RS good luck to anyone in it but I highly suggest to take your profits because they will pull the rug eventually with dilution or RS.
Well what would you have done with the money, buy two Porsche GT3 RS's? Think of all the money. You would have thrown away on depreciation and gas. Makes no sense.
Just consider the risk factor, it up 150% at its peak, including aftermarket. RS might happened in Feb. Unless you are very confident the drug will get the FDA approval. I shares my concern in my post last week.
Definitely because of the recent RS, 10-day trading halt, weird SEC filings and just because they seem to be a s$it show…or possibly on the precipice of something great. But the biggest reason for a huge run in that RS and now the ridiculous low float of 4.768M shares. But damn, that 10day trading halt was something I’d never seen before!
What are the chances of RS to be compliant?
Extremely bad company going through a lot of dilution. You need to read their filings. Constantly converting preferred shares and dumping share, RS and do it again. Rinse and repeat. They even RS with the sp around $6.00. In the last 7 months, they have done 5 RS and one of those was a month from the other. That's criminal... I hope this helps.
[]( way high volatility and price changes.. RS coming?
Tnxp. Should be a descent blow up between Monday to the 27th. Short term though. Make sure you put your stop losses on. It will be really good one for next year after they can actually get to selling there meds. Right now there broke and will RS after prices go up. There definitely low on cash and need to get a little running money for the company. But over all this will be a really good buy.
Have you read their SPAC drama? One of the founders was found to be a threat to national security and that’s not even 1/5 of the listed issues. The warrants are worthless since they’ve RS so many times. Product Fraud was pretty well documented.
Being quoted on NASDAQ next year after RS
Sens RS play so far soo good watching CTM
Love that $GSAT. Also check out $SATL, $PL, $BBAI and possibly $SIDU. $MNTS is doing a 1:14 RS of Common A shares 12/12 at 5pm ET.
To be as clear as I can; I think this pumps some more before official RS in early 25 which I expect some sort of pullback, then when the split actually happens another small pullback, then I believe it will pump pretty high
Can somebody tell me why TLRY management does not consider a RS and denies suchs plans, see AMA, but that would be necessary to be listed on NASDAQ? What are they going to be? A pennystock on the CSE?
Why would you do that? RS will leave you with probably 5.
For anyone who hasn't... I HIGHLY advise you look into GSAT... Apple just invested 1.5b (900k for upgrades, 400k for a 20% stake in the company). Apple already uses GSAT satellites for emergency dialing on the iPhone and plans to implement texting and calls on the apple watch as well. Many believe this is Apples answer to ASTS/Starlink. They do plan on hitting a RS in early 2025 to handle some dilution issues (1.9bn shares) however it's also to attract institutional investors that don't trade stocks under 5$. I won't go too crazy with the DD as you should do it yourself but I'm suuuuuper bullish here.
They are holding a shareholders meeting on Dec 27 and one of the agenda items is deciding on the scale of a RS to meet Nasdaq listing requirements
I thought they did the RS back in March. Where did you hear they were gonna do another one?
Dear God, it’s gotta do something. I’m holding 150,000 shares. I know they’ve got a RS coming up and I guess I’ll just keep holding and hope something good happens. I hate holding through RS though.
Typically options are either converted or continue to run as “special” options, representing an odd number of shares instead of the typical 100 lot. Once the RS is set in stone, check in with the OCC.
This one hasnt been delisted yet and will RS soon Its not on otc Otherwise otc i use fidelity and etrade
Why do you now think the RS would be successful, what’s changed?
Tnxp. Winner or loser. Highly speculative. Trial on Long Covid symptoms. Contract from US Dept of Defense. TNX-102 SL could be a game changer for Fibromyalgia Sufferers, which estimated to grow to a value of 4 billion. Downside is cash flow. RS is the risk. 50/50 chance to get rich or poor, but entry is threshold. NFA
looking forward to more RS + offerings
Ugh, gas cars are so slow. Unless you got an RS
No. This is going to RS again and get lower.
To catch falling knife or to join 1:1000 RS party ?
Basically, couple of catalysts (good and bad): - another RS approved and could happen by March 2025 in case stock does not maintain 1$ before April 2025 - they have NDA decision coming until mid December 2024 - If passed, FDA approval pending somewhere mid 2025 Most people are not optimistic, but the stock could sky rocket. For me, it’s rather simple, like for every gamble, win or loose 😀 There is more detailed info on dedicated subreddit for the stock, which I suggest you to read, as I am not the expert.
$SIRI obvious near monopoly on satellite infrastructure, RS merger fucked things up and more shares are owned by institutions than exist. That and the forbidden stock are my top 2.
Why can’t I find out anywhere if the 1-150 RS has happened yet?
They are certainly not going bankrupt. It is RS - and continue (as lawsuit is in Federal court and none of the verdict applies for another 6 months to a year) Sell OTC
no idea tbh. thinking about S3 or RS3 , maybe RS5. or a poor man Porsche
Crkn already shit on its people with that last RS... no thanks
They can't RS because their vote is only 5 days before their required compliance date. Insane
I have a lot of shares and leaps. Will probably sell my options before the RS and buy back in after it.
Check out ELAB, 3 million share float. They just did a 20-1 RS but the company just announced today record sales for last month
Same just waiting for RS and I’ll buy
$OMEX Happy to $SVMH and $AGRI get significant volume. $AGRI announced 1:100 RS and finalized $1.5M acquisition of $BTC mining facility.
MYNZ is a badly executed pump and dump in that it’s mostly dump. They pay aggressive bots and pumpers on X and Stocktwits to cut and paste garbage just like this. They appointed an ”ambassador“ to American biotech who is a failed social media influencer with several pending lawsuits for not paying her bills. Soon to RS or be delisted for good. You should be ashamed.
The pennies add up ever watch duck tails!?! Scrooge was onto something RS 🧐
hasn't it happened a few times, that companies with a RS did ok afterwards? but your point stands... most of the time, an RS is bad news... here are a few that kind of sort of made it after RS: []( more factoids on reverse splits: [](
I have not once found a stock that has had a RS that ended up going in a positive direction after, even years later. If anyone can help me find one example of a company/stock that truly survived and thrived after a RS, please let me know
This stock is primed. The RS is part of a larger strategy. When news finally does get released on this stock, it will fly. So much hush with Apple NDA. Not trying to time this one.
Good. This RS is in conjunction with moving to the NASDAQ. It reduces float making the stock more sensitive to price movements. It also helps attract institutional investors who avoid “penny stocks”.
They will get a delisting notice and will have 90 days to respond for a hearing. Then a hearing followed with a decided date for a RS. Takes a good 4-5 mos to play out. Stock will be volatile during this period. Set SLs and be prudent with the risk is the key takeaway.
In keeping with pennystocks and not chasing runners ($OPTT, $KULR and my callout, $PRZO)… I’m looking at $BURU, $PRSO, $LODE and $ONDS. And I can’t believe $HYSR has a market cap of $105.2M, but I suppose that’s because they have a whopping 5.206B float. If $OPTT can harness ocean waves to power their PB3 PowerBuoy product, it would be an amazing investment opportunity if $HYSR would actually create energy using only sun and water. But the only viable chance this company has is to do an aggressive share buyback to get that float under 1B, then issue a 1:100 or even a 1:250 RS to get the float down under 100M.
That's good. I thought breakthrough device was ages ago? The last call I saw was that they had very little money coming in. I bailed before the RS but made about 150%. It's actually my best ever trade so have a soft spot for them to do well.
Months ago they did a 150:1 reverse split , and still not under compliance currently That scares me , either another RS or delisting . Otherwise their tech is amazing from what little research I did .
Cool, thanks for your input :) If $PLUG is dead, why did $MSFT use their solution as a datacenter backup solution? * []( $TPET is an oil company, they need capital. And a RS doesn't alter the financials of a company. It just reverse splits their stock. So now they have a super low float of only 2.529M shares, which can often be seen as a good thing for a growing, maturing company. * []( $GSAT will go places.
MYNZ RS will be implemented monday. Just about two weeks ago they had a major partnership with TMO a multi billion company. Next year if they get this FDA approval. ColoAlert will be available here in the US and it is for the early detection tool for colon cancer.
Totally agree. I’d been in at $.25 so the dip down to $.15 or whatever prior to the RS left me holding …but at least I know long term (or I have immense faith) that this company will continue to bring more wells online, the revenue from the current operating wells will begin to flow (pun intended haha), and also believe the incoming administration might give a smaller player like $TPET some guidance/support.
yes why not? MYNZ just announced RS on dec 3. they had recent partnership with $TMO also so why not? FDA approval is next year. ColoAlert will be available here in the US
LiDAR making a comeback?! Somebody help find me a low-mileage Audi B7 RS4
Yeah I feel you - that is/was my first and only real concern, but I've definitely invested in riskier. I maintain that the RS doesn't change the value of the stock and if the company is doing alright, it wouldn't change much - if retail wants to sell that's on them. For example, $CYBN is relatively stable after their RS and they are not even revenue-generating at this point, not even close, still just an idea... I've seen sell-offs, I've seen dips, and I've seen them get bought back up too. Algorithms have been gobbling shares from $.15-.17, sometimes getting lucky filing down to $.12 (if only I had been there then...). There are shorts who will be dying to get these shares. The [\~500,000 shares that are still short from 2 days ago]( could be trapped below $.1740 if you look at the high of the day two days ago, 11/26; the longer they go, they will start contributing to the buying pressure too... I have no idea why they were playing around taking out more yesterday, expecting to flip this for a penny.
RS's get announced and approved weeks before. While in theory you are correct , but just an announcement of a reverse split scares off everyone & shows financial trouble. Institutions & retail alike sell on that news thus lowering stock price. But I'm not saying that is happening here, just asking your opinion on it . For context CTM is listed on NYSE American which has a $2-3 minimum listing requirements . Also not sure when they are up for review/compliance again . Or they could always change which exchange they are listed on. But I digress , getting a little off topic. I do like the co. just want to execute my due diligence
An RS wouldn’t change the value of the stock - it would just further decrease the float… Insiders regularly buy with offerings I’m pretty sure and just in general, they own 48%
Alright I'm in What exchange are they on, Are they currently meeting listing standards. And what are chances of an RS or more share dilution in the future ?
What could possibly go wrong? $INPX —> blockchain “technology” —> 1:30 RS then dilution —> then by the time their clouded and colluded history has become known —> merge with $XTIA with XTI Aerospace taking over the corporate name. This is done to distance itself from the manipulation that unfolded under $INPX. And now, once again, $XTIA is manipulating the shares.
Let's RS all of them @ 20 for 1! Boost the hell out of them. 🤣
My 2019 RS3 was amazing, no issues and I drove it hard
Someone find me a low-mileage B7 RS4
Anyone know anyone with a B7 RS4? I wanna buy one. Also achr printing like cray
$ELAB RS trading halted right now, could be a solid play if you catch the dips hmmm
Years! I have a position in $TPET as well. Just went through a RS. It’s an oil play and my uncle used to work for Arco. He told me once: “Don’t be an engineer (he was an engineer) and always invest in energy” What I learned about the first part, was that being an engineer is a fabulous career but only if you can see long term…and invest in energy because 98% times f the people don’t actually understand energy, energy infrastructure, or how incredibly long it takes to develop production scalable solutions.
Better question is how do you hold em before they RS you down to nothing before they blow up. At least that’s my issue.
was holding this absolute bag since the pre-reverse split days (10 for 1) with a 14 cent cost ($1.40 post RS) since 2020. good luck to longs, i recently dumped it