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🪙 Ripple CTO Says Uniswap Is Not Decentralized !

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The first crypto based mortgages & home loans just hit the market!

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Shitcoins/Memecoins that got shilled by Celebrities and Billionaires claiming to be the "Next Big Thing" almost each one of them is currently down 70-100% from their ATH.

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My case for investing in the DNA token.

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BSClaunch Community Round: Private Sale

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BSL(Binance Smart Chain Lite) - Unicrypt Presales

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Uniswap v3 will be licensed under BSL v1.1 instead of GPL. This means copycat chains cannot steal the project for their own forks. Goodbye foodcoins and animal coins.


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BankSocial $BSL. First federally regulated web3 native Credit Union in the world

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

You all should take a look at Banksocial! $BSL Just announced first ever web 3 member owned bank Truly giving people the power I think you’ll see why Banksocial will be a major player in web 3 crypto Secura ( derec ! Never have to worry about writing down your keys or lose them ever again 🙌🏻) DAO, staking for USD with asset backed loans through Banksocial’s Social Liquidity pool.. and so much more[Banksocial’s website](

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

If you want a truly undervalued hidden gem take a look at Banksocial $BSL Just announced first ever web 3 member owned bank Truly giving people the power I think you’ll see why Banksocial will be a major player in web 3 crypto Secura ( derec ! Never have to worry about writing down your keys or lose them ever again 🙌🏻) DAO, staking for USD with asset backed loans through Banksocial’s Social Liquidity pool.. and so much more [Banksocial’s website!](

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

Since you have HBAR you could look at getting HashPack Wallet and buying some of the lower cap tokens built on Hedera ($SAUCE, $KARATE, $BSL, $HSUITE to name a few) They aren’t meme coins and should all still have a lot of upside. Also Hedera has near zero swap and txn fees which is nice. Could be a good play, but as always DYOR

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Well, they currently have a big supply and distribution use case running thousands of transactions per second granted it’s funded by the foundation as long as they meet their goals. There are talks of the coupon bureau onboarding their use case which sounds promising however it has yet to happen. I’m hopeful that one plays out. They have a council of approximately 30 companies across the globe looking to utilize the Hedera network. Yeah, yeah, yeah centralization yada, yada, yada.. Anyways, the community is upset about the lack of transparency because not much is known as far as commitments go. Reviewing meeting note’s attendance appears to be consistent for a majority of the council at least they seem to be showing interest. From a defi perspective and to onboard into the ecosystem you need to hold HBAR then swap into the various coins such as DOVU, SAUCE and BSL to name a few. Saucerswap is the big boy DeX of the Hedera ecosystem providing liquidity and staking rewards. DOVU aspires to be a carbon credit platform (reporting/tracking) where the DOVU token is used as gas for that platform. BSL aspires to be strictly a governance token for allocating credit union loans to applicants. There are other use cases from a non council perspective goes but if you’re interest I’m sure you’ll look into it. Objectively speaking it appears to have a bunch of upside potential. I got in at .05 so it felt like a no brainer at the time. Having seen almost 3x now I don’t regret my decision but still see potential for it to move up. If use cases from the council actually comes to fruition, I can see a major run based on hype after all that’s what this market is currently fueled on. Most don’t care about the tech but making an easy penny.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Karate combat - a league where you can bet on real world fighters and not lose tokens $KARATE $DOVU the future of carbon offset markets, where you can trade/buy carbon credits $ETT Energy Trade Token, a project related to IoT monitoring and solar energy, own an NFT get paid in $ETT if a solar panel daily charges $CALAXY a social media web3 app on Hedera $BSL the first credit union on web3. lol come join us, or don't it literally does not make a difference to me. Vast majority of other protocols are vaporware prove me wrong. Didn't list the DEX's which do create $$$ for yourself but I can't give you all the hints now...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Down 4% to buy in and if/when you sell yes another 4%. But like i said, you have share of all the 4% that came before you. The funds from that 4% go into the DAO, holders of $BSL vote what to do with it. Which might be a business loan thats backed my machinery or something tangible. The interest from that loan is then paid to $BSL holders. Once the loan is paid back they can do it again.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The members run it, its a DAO. You buy your $BSL and its kept in your own wallet. Being on Hedera it allows them to pay rewards/ look at it like interest straight into your wallet. Given they never hold your crypto and are a fully registered and regulated Credit Union i dont see how they'll be ripping people off.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This one appears to be. All Credit Unions are run for and by the will of the members, this is no different with voting done via a DAO with the $BSL token.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Well think about it this way. Crypto means cryptography not cryptocurrency and Hedera do it the fastest, most securely and for the least amount of energy which means it’s the cheapest network to operate. They achieve this via a tech called Hashgraph as an alternative to blockchain tech and it allows for infinite TPS. The cost of the Hedera network (paid in HBAR) network is pegged to the USD so organisations can actually predict how much running huge solutions at scale will actually cost. Can you imagine a real corporation running 100,000s of transactions a year on Eth where gas prices range wildly per transaction (are you mad??) Anyway, yeah check it out, they’ve got actual use cases live on the network right now, they have a really rich SDK with loads of services already built into the network for organisations to use. One example is BankSocial (BSL), these guys are fully migrating from BNB and Eth to Hedera and many more actual serious applications are.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You should look at BSL. Will migrate from BNB/ETH to the Hedera network

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I ran it's native coin, BSL (BankSocial) through a scanner... Deemed as High Risk. Also the chart is very choppy. I'm staying clear of this one.

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BSL, MSS, Displacement.

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BSL which is "tax on innovation"

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tldr; Uniswap's fourth version has been launched with new features and customizability, but the open-source Ethereum community is unhappy with the license used for v4. Uniswap has used a Business Source License (BSL), which means the code is publicly available but cannot be used for commercial or production purposes for up to four years. The license has been criticized for being a "tax on innovation" and difficult to navigate. Uniswap creator Hayden Adams defended the license, saying it strikes a "reasonable balance between incentivizing innovation and giving exclusive rights to the protocol." *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

TLDR it fuckin sucks. Its becoming too complex to be approachable for retail users. They marketed it as open-source but its actually got a BSL (business source license) so its not really true

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Crypto is extremely speculative from purely the token perspective. It's what projects DO that make them different. Bringing IRL utility to the table differentiates prpjects significantly... I've stuck to one's that actually do something. BankSocial, ( instance, executed the first ever Social Liquidity Pool funded, LLC DAO approved, medical equipment loan for a medical laser. The interest from that loan goes to the stakers of the BSL token. All done by a community, using funds raised by the community, to transact real business deals. That's what make things different than all the memes and pure speculation. The entire industry is still young. Who knows what we will see in the future.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Which ETH NFT builds a lot and has quality? Really? I see only hype lol Degods, BSL, Foxy to name a few are really building stuff and making community events

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Can I learn ASL and BSL and DCA and not lose either?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So total supply of BSL is 10billion not in the trillions right.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There are normal mortgages on the portfolio as well, that are normally cheaper than big brick & mortar banks offer. Especially later if you buy BSL and stake it in for the profits. With a little jiggling and common sense, there will be quite good deals! I do agree that the current keep your crypto and get a loan deal is for whales though, who else would have enough crypto to actually do this.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yeah. You get to do fun shit in Chem labs. Wanna have some real fun? Jump into a BSL4 lab…

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on $BRAILLE. BSL is Art to become an officially recognised language.

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$BSL #Banksocial $DEPO #Depo

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Not soon, but BSL. Might be a while but I see it mooning one day

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BankSocial $BSL. DYOR but I think it speaks for itself.

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Everyone sleeping on BankSocial $BSL on BSC and ETH... seriously. Just look at what's been accomplished in such a short time. The true promotion hasn't even started yet. Utility will win in the end.
