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Buy custom tiny homes using cryptocurrency
Let’s talk about carbon emissions and my thoughts on regulations possibly to come in crypto.
So then you factor in the natural gas which is the actual heat source. Again, for apples to apples comparison you need to evaluate the Watt -> BTU conversion, which means you were 1000% wrong about the efficiency claim. The fact you are arguing your heater that controls burn rate without factoring in the natural gas cost/or emissions is mind boggling. Just need to "prove" your right to yourself there bud eh What a laugh, can't wait to show this
God, my brain hurts how wrong you are here. Please go learn some basic physics. Seriously, this is grade 12 Physics Volts and Amps are properties of electricity that can be used to derive power (flow rate and potential gap). Total energy however is watts (which is why you pay utilities for KWh not in volts received cause that's meaningless you can just step down or up) What matters is the W -> BTU/h conversion (ideal is 3.4) Bitcoin miners are essentially 100% resistors and the W -> BTU conversion is around 95% which is essentially no different than any electric heater. The confidence which redditors post things they know nothing about is shocking.
HitBTC was already trash back on 2018. Today is impressive that they are still alive. PD: The good thing I remember with them is the "Bitcoin Unilimited (BTU)" move. Good money there.
HVAC tech here. Not sure how many BTU's rigs can put out but typical residential houses have furnaces that range from 50-100k btu. Unless you got a lot of them going, your best bet is probably just one for small space heater. You would need to heavily adapt your duct work, utility room, and electrical box to accommodate for a undertaking like that.
> It is not rational to replace a heat pump with a Bitcoin mining electrical heater. In terms of actual energy use, yes. In terms of $ per BTU of heat? BTC miners are more effecient than heat pumps.
BTC mining as heater cost less to run since it pays out in BTC. In terms of $ per BTU, it's still more efficient than heat pumps.
Montana power generation: Coal: 469 trillion BTU Natural Gas: 42 trillion BTU Crude Oil: 108 trillion BTU Nuclear: 0 Renewables: 121 trillion BTU []( ​ 87% of Montana's energy production comes from burning oil and gas. Instead of this law, pass a law for mining to be renewables-only, or better yet, switch bitcoin off of PoW.
I’m not hardly a gold guy just pointing out that choosing having gold is hardly a “fiat brain” move. The storage comment was just to point out that the storage challenges are not insurmountable. Frankly I’m not sure which I would choose myself. Gold is “safer” over the 10 year required holding period but not likely to see any appreciation. BTC is more likely to appreciate more but there is more of a risk. 1.6B though means not much need for appreciation. If BTC goes to 300k you have 16B instead of the 1.6B in gold but given my personal fuck you money level is about 40 million whichever form I took it could lose 90% of its value and I’d still be happy. I’d take just about any option other than cash I was required to hold for a decade. Although honestly I’d even take the cash if that was my only choice, hell even in total collapse it still has a BTU value.
Taking that another step- China and Russia are authoritarian states and authoritarianism is extremely energy expensive. If you give everything a watts/BTU/calories count, imagine what it costs for xi to surveil/monitor/censor 1.4B people and attempt to control the narrative. Truth is efficient. You say it once and you are finished expelling energy. It stands on its own. Lying requires you to cover the lie with additional lies. It’s exponentially more energy intensive. At some point in the near future xi and Putin and all the other BRICS autocrats will be forced to make a choice. Do they adopt a currency they can’t control and lose control of their people or do they try and force a controllable but destined to fail currency that allows them to retain autocratic control. For the rest of the world it will become a choice between enabling emperor xi to have control of everything or taking the hit and sacrificing the dollar and adopting a decentralized transparent system that respects the laws of physics. The only real question at this point is how long it will take and how much damage everyone with an entrenched business model will do in the meantime
No, I mean BTU - BTU/h is talking about the capacity of the heat pump, not the efficiency. On units, I don't disagree. But well, this is reddit and people tend to default to speaking in American. :)
The fact that you probably mean BTU/h first of all. Then mixing imperial and metric units. Using imperial in general
It gets so much easier when you recognize that the economy is not the only thing in the known universe that isn’t subject to the laws of physics. I spent my entire life confused as to why the worlds shittiest people were the most successful and trying to correlate that with being taught as a kid to live a christlike life. No wonder everyone is mentally ill. Christianity and brutal capitalism are an odd couple when you raise the lens. At some point it just becomes easier to accept the fact that the federal reserve system that was written by the robber barons probably wasn’t written to serve all of mankind as much as it was written to enrich themselves. Now the question is can you teach a few billion complacent shaved monkeys physics in short order? Africa, India, and Central America will lead that curve. They have been living on the margins for long enough to realize that 1 BTU will always equal 1 BTU. Americans though. We are in a rough spot. Lies and propaganda are the currency of choice. STEM is on life support.
[Kaboom racks]( [Single ASIC home immersion system]( [The future of space heaters]( [DIY Bitcoin Space Heater]( [Heat repurposing]( [DCX Immersion Mining + Heating]( [(]( S9 costs around $100-150 now and would give you 4700BTU/h. If you have surplus like me, it's a no brainer monetizing it while also saving on heating costs. I've been getting paid to heat my home since 2019. If you plan to run a Lightning routing node, check out [Plebnet]( (more info for Telegram group). !lntip 1000 (1 hayek)
[Kaboom racks]( [Single ASIC home immersion system]( [The future of space heaters]( [DIY Bitcoin Space Heater]( [Heat repurposing]( [DCX Immersion Mining + Heating]( [(]( S9 costs around $100-150 now and would give you 4700BTU/h. If you have surplus like me, it's a no brainer monetizing it while also saving on heating costs. I've been getting paid to heat my home since 2019. If you plan to run a Lightning routing node, check out [Plebnet]( (more info for Telegram group).
If you have an electric heating system, it would completely make sense. If you have natural gas, it comes down to cost per BTU/hr for natural vs cost/Watt for electricity (you would have to convert it using your smarts). I’m going to guess the electricity is more expensive per unit energy in most places. I haven’t checked here in a while. You also have to take into account the efficiency of your furnace and factor that in to your natural gas heating cost estimates, using your smarts. I believe electric would be treated as 100% efficient but you’d have to double check that. So you’re ultimately likely going to pay more for heating your home. How much more? 10%, 20%? Try and estimate. Then you’ll have to make a judgement call if that cost is worth truly non-KYC BTC, and the altruistic virtue of hardening the Bitcoin network. Finally, there are guides on heating your home with Bitcoin and replacing the noisy fans with much quieter in-line fans. Definitely possible to do.
>now to mine bitcoin, one needs to set up a factory that looks like a cement factory Says who? I run whatsminers off solar and repurpose heat for my home. Break even on capex 9 months and I've been getting paid to heat my home since. How you want to do it and whether an S9 or latest rigs would be appropriate for you depends on your needs and source of power. S9 costs around $100-150 now and would give you 4700BTU/h. It's actually still profitable if you have < $0.03/KWh energy cost (even without heat repurposing!). If you have surplus like me, it's a no brainer monetizing it while also saving on heating costs. Some useful links below for anyone interested [Single ASIC home immersion system]( [The future of space heaters]( [DIY Bitcoin Space Heater]( [Heat repurposing]( [DCX Immersion Mining + Heating]( [(]( Increasingly people are replacing their nat gas heating systems with bitcoin. 40-room hotels like [this](, warehouses like [this](, greenhouses like [this]( and apartment complexes like [this]( Current natural gas heating accounts for 40% of world's CO2 emissions. Bitcoin 0 emissions and you actually get paid to heat your home!
The guy wrote his own dumb headline for an article about public miners under stress because they were inefficient. Meanwhile hashrate is at ATH, more than double what it was at ATH. ASICs do one thing. They go from inefficient miners to efficient miners. That's all. There's no small or large scale. It's only how efficient you are and whether you keep innovating to optimize for cost. I'm a home miner getting paid to heat my home. S9 costs around $100-150 now and would give you 4700BTU/h. If you have surplus like me, it's a no brainer monetizing it while also saving on heating costs. I'm running an immersion setup with m30s+. Break even on capex around 9 months. I've been getting paid to heat my home since! [Single ASIC home immersion system]( [The future of space heaters]( [DIY Bitcoin Space Heater]( [Heat repurposing]( [DCX Immersion Mining + Heating]( [(]( Increasingly people are replacing nat gas heating systems with bitcoin. 40-room hotels like [this](, warehouses like [this](, greenhouses like [this]( and apartment complexes like [this]( Current natural gas heating accounts for 40% of world's CO2 emissions. Bitcoin 0 emissions and you can get paid to heat your home. Apart from home miners, there are also grassroots stranded energy projects like [this]( in Kenya where bitcoin improves the economics of energy production, cutting energy costs for local communities by 90%. Block has now invested in Gridless Compute. They're going to deploy this all across Africa harnessing remote energy sources which were not previously economically viable and bring cheap, easily accessible power to Africa where 58% of overall population and more importantly 92% of rural Africa doesn't have electricity access. A lot of American hash power is going to migrate to places like the middle east, Russia, Paraguay, Oceania. [Abu Dhabi and Oman sovereign wealth funds move into bitcoin with Crusoe energy stakes]( [Oman Sovereign Wealth Fund launches 200MW Bitcoin mining centre as part of its Green Data City project]( Several public miners in America were inefficient miners. Regardless of scale, if you're not innovating then those who are innovating will take your ASICs off you. Hashrate simply migrates to efficient miners. That's all.
Run a node. You can run on rasp-pi. Good post [here]( and various guides [here]( If you plan to run a Lightning routing node, check out [Plebnet]( (more info for Telegram group) S9 costs around $100-150 now and would give you 4700BTU/h. If you have surplus like me, it's a no brainer monetizing it while also saving on heating costs. I'm running an immersion setup with m30s+. Break even on capex around 9 months. I've been getting paid to heat my home since! [Single ASIC home immersion system]( [The future of space heaters]( [DIY Bitcoin Space Heater]( [Heat repurposing]( [DCX Immersion Mining + Heating]( [(]( Increasingly people are replacing nat gas heating systems with bitcoin. 40-room hotels like [this](, warehouses like [this](, greenhouses like [this]( and apartment complexes like [this]( Current natural gas heating accounts for 40% of world's CO2 emissions. Bitcoin 0 emissions and you can get paid to heat your home.
Node you can run on rasp-pi. Good post [here]( and various guides [here]( S9 costs around $100-150 now and would give you 4700BTU/h. If you have surplus like me, it's a no brainer monetizing it while also saving on heating costs. I'm running an immersion setup with m30s+. Break even on capex around 9 months. I've been getting paid to heat my home since! [Single ASIC home immersion system]( [DIY Bitcoin Space Heater]( [Heat repurposing]( [DCX Immersion Mining + Heating]( [(]( Increasingly people are replacing nat gas heating systems with bitcoin. 40-room hotels like [this](, warehouses like [this](, greenhouses like [this]( and apartment complexes like [this]( Current natural gas heating accounts for 40% of world's CO2 emissions. Bitcoin 0 emissions and you can get paid to heat your home.
I've been running whatsminers on solar and repurposing heat since 2019. How you want to do it and whether an S9 or latest rigs would be appropriate for you depends on your needs and source of power. S9 costs around $100-150 now and would give you 4700BTU/h. If you have surplus like me, it's a no brainer monetizing it while also saving on heating costs. I'm running an immersion setup with m30s+. Break even on capex around 9 months. I've been getting paid to heat my home since. Going to add a couple of m50s now. I'd been holding off since last year. Now they're as cheap as you can hope to get them if you can find them. Some useful links below. [Single ASIC home immersion system]( [DIY Bitcoin Space Heater]( [Heat repurposing]( [DCX Immersion Mining + Heating]( [(](
How you want to do it depends on your needs and source of power. There are plenty of open source DIYs on github. A [single S9]( which costs about $100-150 now would give you 4700BTU/h. If you have surplus like me, it's a no brainer monetizing it while also saving on heating costs. I'm running an immersion setup with m30s+. Break even on capex around 9 months. I have 2 m50s on the way. I'd been holding off since last year. Now they're as cheap as you can hope to get them if you can find them. [Single ASIC home immersion system]( [DIY Bitcoin Space Heater]( [Heat repurposing]( [DCX Immersion Mining + Heating]( [(](
I think the 3-4x more efficient is where your calculations don’t work. Miners are insanely efficient at creating heat, it’s the only thing they do better than actual mining. Financial considerations are very different than efficiency. A 1400 watt miner is close to a 5k BTU mini split in terms of heat generation. Neither experience heat loss from ducting, both are heating room temperature air. So efficiencies between the two are mostly derived from start/stop power pulls, and fans. Which can be minimized for either. The biggest difference is one prints money and one doesn’t.
It looks like this device gets 14 TH/s, uses 1.4 kW, and costs $1150. That means that it's basically just an Antminer S9 with a $1,100 enclosure. (S9s currently sell for around $50 on the used market.) This will make about $0.033/hour in revenue. If you pay $0.10/kWh, you will pay around $0.14/hour for electricity, which means that this will cost you around $0.11/hour to run this. For reference, [1.4 kW is 4780 BTU/hr]( For [about the same price](, you could buy a heat pump with 3.7x as much heating capacity that would also work as an air conditioner. When run at 4780 BTU/hr (1.4 kW of heat), this unit would only consume around 400 W, and would cost around $0.04/hr to run instead of $0.14/hr. tl;dr: You got ripped off.
EDIT: Actually, 3412 btu/kw is direct electric to BTU... the relevant number here is the amount of waste heat in BTU's, not the electric consumption converted to BTUs.
EDIT: Actually, 3412 btu/kw is direct electric to BTU... the relevant number here is the amount of waste heat in BTU's, not the electric consumption converted to BTUs.
1kwh = 3412 BTU It's not that simple though. The immersion fluid doesn't absorb/transfer heat as well as water, the temperature difference matters, the flow rate matters. There's a lot of math I didn't do. I just threw in what I thought was an enough heat exchange area and if it wasn't I was prepared to add more. That's the fastest way to get up and running.
It looks like this device gets 14 TH/s, uses 1.4 kW, and costs $1150. That means that it's basically just an Antminer S9 with a $1,100 enclosure. (S9s currently sell for around $50 on the used market.) This will make about $0.033/hour in revenue. If you pay $0.10/kWh, you will pay around $0.14/hour for electricity, which means that this will cost you around $0.11/hour to run this. For reference, [1.4 kW is 4780 BTU/hr]( For [about the same price](, you could buy a heat pump with 3.7x as much heating capacity that would also work as an air conditioner. When run at 4780 BTU/hr (1.4 kW of heat), this unit would only consume around 400 W, and would cost around $0.04/hr to run instead of $0.14/hr. tl;dr: You got ripped off.
I think the point is that you’re heating. Is it as cheap to run as an equiv BTU producing space heater?
Wow what the heck was BTU and why was it worth 5 bitcoins?
>a 1200 sqft house needs 35-70k BTU Not if you build it [properly](
Sorry but, a 1200 sqft house needs 35-70k BTU, which at a 3.41 BTU per watt conversion means 10-20kw/h which is 3-7 Antminer S19XP (30-70k USD). Bitcoin subsidized heating isn't really economical until hashpower tapers off.
What?? I never said I want to falsify the data. That’s what I’m trying to avoid. I want the raw info (equipment runtimes, fuel use, BTU rate, etc) to be fed directly to the calculations, then directly to blockchain. The goal is to avoid nefarious employees “manipulating” the data before calculations.
Adding a subterranean greenhouse next to it would allow all the captured carbon dioxide to be redirected to the plants and increase yields 3-5x on average. 340 trillion BTU’s of methane is wasted every year from orphaned wells in the US. 3x that I’m Russia. I’ve been working on this system for over 5 years. MIT has a membrane filter that can separate the o2 from the co2 and release it at surface level. It’s a semi closed loop / hybrid system. Who has Lex Fridmans phone number?
Ive researched this extensively due to asshats pushing their agenda. We continue to hear things like “Bitcoin mining is destroying the environment” and things of that nature. I’m going to provide some numbers and sources to back all this up. Bitcoin only uses .05% of global electricity consumption. It only releases .08% of carbon emissions. A large portion of its consumption is renewable, roughly 58% renewable. It’s the industry with the most incentive to use renewable energy as the profitability relies almost solely on the cost of electricity. We don’t see any other industry pushing as hard towards clean energy. Mining BTC uses more than 50% of renewable energy - KnowTechie Fiat money has caused a recession every 5.6 years, to be precise, in the U.S. since the Federal Reserve’s founding. Beyond the human toll, each recession has brought trillions in wealth destruction, wealth that took an enormous amount of resources and, an enormous amount of carbon to create. To translate this recession cost in carbon emissions into something that can be compared to Bitcoin, I relied on the most mainstream estimates I could find of the carbon cost of one dollar of GDP – about 5,000 BTU (British thermal units), or 1.5 kWh (kilowatt hour), per dollar. Then, using the Federal Reserve’s own estimate of $11 trillion destroyed peak to trough in the 2008 crisis – the very crisis that inspired satoshi to create Bitcoin– you simply multiply the two. That comes out to 16,500 TWh (terawatt hour) of carbon equivalence destroyed during that single recession. Accounting for the rest of the world, that might triple. Accounting for the other 16 recessions the Fed has given us – with more to come – makes it astronomical. While Bitcoin’s network consumes no more than 147.67 TWh per year. At 1.5KWh per dollar, and roughly $250 trillion in global GDP, the production and transactions of all fiat has used roughly 375,000 TWh
Using a heat pump that needs electricity to run and produce heat, is only efficient to approximately freezing, before "emergency heat" kicks in and power usage goes up (it's then using resistance to produce the heat you spoke against) is not more efficient than natural gas that uses minimal electricity, has a higher BTU rating, and the power consumption is the same as far as running time in any temperature.
If you you mean crypto cashback programs there are already multiple options available. There are CEX debit/credit cards that give cashback on any purchase. I've used Coinbase debit but I know and Binance have similar cards. Other crypto businesses like Nexo are issuing their own cards soon. There are also apps that give you cashback if you buy from selected stores through them. One I've used is called Verso that gives you cashback in BTU on select stores. Some of them are pretty good deals up to 25% cashback.
400 pounds of vegan poop being burned provides 3006625.5 BTU.
10 tons of vegan poop being burned provides 150331440.72 BTU.
You mix up overall energy with electricity. BTW, electric energy is measured in kWh never in BTU.
Not sure what you mean by keeping the room humid, most HotTubs are kept outside and Immersion Cooling does not add moisture to the room. Hottubs typically have between 4kW and 6kW heaters in them. So let's take an 5kW heater as example. It will produce about 17060 BTU of heat. Looking at the S19 BitCoin miner, it uses about 3kW of electricty, so should put out about 10236 BTU's of heat. Take two S19's, that's 20472 BTU's of heat we could pipe through a liquid heat exchanger. Pipe the Hottubes return through the other side of the heat exchanger, which are very efficiant, use insulated tubing and you have more than enough heat to heat the hottub. It's being done, it's proven to work. As for the buildup of minerals in the tubing, that get's taken care of with the regular maintnenace that is done on hottubs anyways. As far as heating per dollar, it's extremely efficiant. It's free heat that otherwise would get expelled into the enviroment. Your running the miners anyways, why not save the electricicty you would normally be using to run the hottubs heater, and use the heat generated by the miners? It's a win win.
Pretty sure you got your math wrong ( or that heater is WAY undersized) but I don’t have a sec to figure it out what you did. Pool heaters are about 250k BTU which is in the neighborhood of 12.5Kw. You need to factor in the coolant to water heat exchanger losses running your pool pump 24 hours a day instead of once every 4 hours or so. Also add in the costs of immersion technology which I’m not even sure exists for ASICS yet. That’s why used GPU water cooled boards. It still didn’t fly. Think about how much it would take to bring a 15x12 room from 60F to 100F vs a 16x32 pool from 40F to 70F
10 lbs of vegan poop being burned provides 75165.64 BTU.
>To make it worth doing you need to buy lots of expensive hardware. And to this point, this is *kind of* true today. But it doesn't have to be. Modern ASICs use tons of dense cutting edge chips *because* they're targeting volume miners. People who want to densely pack as many fastest-mining machines as possible into a warehouse. But what about your average person who has other priorities, not JUST mining in volume for profit for example: * can't be noisy * could be used as either a space heater / radiator / water heater * wants to run a full node to contribute to the network security, not just mine but validate and run their own wallet * maybe wants to run a lightning node too * has an accompanying app which acts as a head to the BTC / Lightning wallets One could take the hardware which exists in an ASIC and divide it by 20 so it's not so noisy, not so expensive, etc. Sell it to consumers to plug in and heat what they want heated, maybe sell by decibel / BTU ratings depending on the purpose. I believe this is not only doable, but on the horizon. Hell, lots of us bought the Casa Node when it came out, and it doesn't even generate ANY revenue. There is market for such a thing.
look at the 52 week charts, OCGN, GME, AMC, DXLG, MARA, ICCM, ACY, AEHR, SM, LWLG, WFRD, BTU
350 lbs of vegan poop being burned provides 2630797.31 BTU.
Yes, you can heat your home with mining. I certainly did back in 2011. $100k in miners is going to be way more heat than you can reasonably use in a normal residence. You can use online calculators or your existing system to figure out how many BTU/hr you are able to use for heating, and then just convert that into kilowatts of mining-- 1 kilowatt is 3412 BTU/hr. However, mining is resistive heating and so it is much less efficient than heating with a heat pump, at least if you disregard the value of the Bitcoin you mine. So keep that in mind. You won't want to pull in outside air except to the extent that your mining produces more heat than you need. If you need/want outside air for just air quality reasons (e.g. keeping CO2 levels reasonable in a sealed up house) and you're in a cold climate, look into a energy recovery ventilator-- but that's a totally separate consideration from the mining (other than you might want to feed the fresh air coming in over the miners). Obviously if you have too much mining relative to your heat loss you won't want an ERV though (because you don't want/need to recover the energy)-- in that case you can pretty much just open a window. (well not if you're taking $100k in miners...) The miners will operate happily at any temperature the occupants can tolerate, however because miners are very cold compared to an electric heater you'll need more airflow on the miners to effectively circulate the heat into the house. Keep in mind that most miners aren't designed for residential use and they tend to have rather loud fans. If you really want a mining operation much larger than your use of waste heat, you should probably do the analysis separately: a little bit of mining in your home can be useful, but once you're producing more heat than you need it becomes a nuisance (and of course in the summer you probably really do not want that heat in the house). If you'd like to be operating a large amount of mining. One option would be to make a hybrid setup: Plan for putting the miners in a shed outdoors, and setup so that you can move a couple of them inside in the winter-- but only enough that you're not getting too much heat in the day time. You could start off with that small amount to get a feel for mining before sinking a huge amount into it.
Generally it is something like 3410BTU per 1000 watts…maybe that is the answer?
I was wondering this as well. It says 1300 watts of energy = 1300 watts of heat, but I have no idea what that means. What is "1300 watts of heat" in BTU?
400 pounds of vegan poop being burned provides 3006625.5 BTU.
10 pounds of vegan poop being burned provides 75165.64 BTU.
10 pounds of vegan poop being burned provides 75165.64 BTU.
150 pounds of vegan poop being burned provides 1127484.56 BTU
22 tons of vegan poop being burned provides 330729169.58 BTU
100 grams of vegan poop being burned provides 1657.12 BTU
16 tons of vegan poop being burned provides 240530305.15 BTU
My brother is mining, $600 a month on electricity. All his coins are up, he said the BTU output gonna heat three rooms in his home this winter. He gets $1200 in coins a month!
500 pounds of vegan poop being burned provides 3758281.88 BTU
30 grams of vegan poop being burned provides 497.14 BTU
I hope he is within a few BTU's
2 grams of vegan poop being burned provides 33.14 BTU
1 gram of vegan poop being burned provides 0.0 BTU
There’s no reason why legacy mining equipment couldn’t be used for heating — specifically space heaters during the winter months. Energy in = Energy out. So using an Antminer S3 or S7 as a space heater would cost about the same as running an actual space heater in terms of BTU output. You’d mine very little but you’d certainly mine some amount of BTC using a pool. The mined coins would not cover AC costs. But then again a space heater earns nothing.
Well for one, efficiency is probably the wrong word. A space heater is 100% efficient, it turns all of its electricity consumption into heat. So the optimal efficiency is an old fashion wire coil space heater. But I'm not trying to solve the problem of heating, so buying a space heater (or a heat pump) is not an option. What you'd have to calculate is if an Antminer minus electivity costs plus BTC price per unit plus natural-gas-consumption-savings is a positive or negative number. Unless you know the BTU output of an Antminer compared to the BTU demands of the specific room in which you store the Antminer allowing you calculate the nat-gas consumption of that space, there's no real way to do this math to prove efficiency. What I CAN say is that right now the BTC price and yield of an Antminer S9 exceeds the price of electricity in my area. That doesn't account for air conditioning costs in the summer. However, the summer air-con costs turn into winter nat-gas savings. So there's no conceivable way that mining would be inefficient at current BTC prices.
When the US president lowers taxes by 1% it generally also goes hand in hand with a roughly 1% lowering of SERVICES too. So no, that's very different. They don't become any more autocratic if they get less money but also can do less. They just become smaller. The autocracy comes in when and if you can provide fewer services BTU STILL get the same high income anyway. The U.S. cannot do that, because it's highly educated tech and information job heavy citizens provide so much value in taxes, more than they can get anywhere else. El Salvador will be able to do that if and when they have an evil volcano lair mining facility where a ton of their income in BTC comes from, without needing tax dollars.
Maybe I missed it here or on the web page, but what is the BTU output?
We're ignoring fiat coins for now, just notes. And we'll ignore capital equipment, storage, and transportation while we focus solely on producing a token of exchange. Bitcoin uses 72TW to mint 1 BTC. USD uses 6K BTU per $1 (18.5kW). Energy economy of BTC (18.5M BTC)=3.3e21W. Energy economy of USD(1780B USD)=3.3e16 W. If BTC=$40,000 then the energy use per equivalent value is the same to mint a token of exchange.
Coinbase Custody has added : FARM BTU AXS CTSI 1INCH.
Not BTU, don't come here, for your sake...
you can also earn with crypto cash back you should check out BTU
I have a 1 million dollar Zimbabwean $ bill. Burned it for a .5 BTU return on investment. Good times. BTU’s are the real shitcoins, entropy always wins.
A conversion factor can be estimated in BTU’S per ounce based on human energy with hand tools prior to large scale innovations with steam, energy using early steam, energy using fossil fuel steam, Dredgers , dozers, Mining equipment. . Wow.
The live BTU Protocol price today is $0.704876 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $505.89 USD. BTU Protocol is up 3.49% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #369, with a live market cap of $63,448,979 USD. It has a circulating supply of 90,014,336 BTU coins and a max. supply of 100,000,000 BTU coins. The top exchanges for trading in BTU Protocol are currently VCC Exchange, Bittrex, and Fatbtc. BTU Protocol is a peer-to-peer booking protocol. BTU Protocol enables direct business (0% commission) between consumers & many kinds of service providers.
Yeah exactly. For a global currency, BTC uses less BTU than the US alone.
My stance is mainly your first point. (Since BTC has the highest energy consumption of all cryptos I'll stick to that for the rest of my comment.) For a global currency, BTC consumes approximately 129.2 terawatt hours/year which is 412,869,137,608,342.8 BTU. The US alone consumed 100,165,395,000,000,000 BTU in 2019. And that's just one country. If you search "crypto energy consumption" you get a bunch of articles saying bitcoin consumes more energy than Argentina...than New Zealand, etc. But these assessments don't consider that bitcoin is a global currency or that these countries have smaller currency circulations than BTC.