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Global Bitcoin based CO2-Emission Trading System

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Global Bitcoin based CO2-Emission Trading System

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loan for BTC before halving?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Searching for according mailing list for a nostr-like blockchain co2 protocol

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin Environmentalist Zoom Call

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Now that the Shock has Wanned Why Texas Paid Bitcoin Miners as Someone Who Grew up in the State and Now Works for Congress

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

24/7 Tradable Tokenized Startup Shares on Camelot DEX: Startup IPOs

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24/7 Tradable Tokenized Startup Shares on Camelot DEX: Startup IPOs

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Another Mainstream Newspaper (The Guardian - UK) on NFTs. "The vast majority of NFTs are now worthless". Who here doesn't own a single NFT? (probably a few). I still use NFTs daily (Stepn) but wish I never did :(

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Bitcoin hashrate continues to increase while CO2 emissions are decreasing

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Notable events from last 24 Hours

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Whatever Happened to those Environment Tokens From the last Bull Run?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Bitcoin no longer lives up to its original purpose

r/BitcoinSee Post

How often do you ask a business if they take Bitcoin? And what is there response?

r/BitcoinSee Post

The Bitcoin network is on track to be CARBON NEGATIVE. 6% of miner CO2 is already being mitigated by methane capture mining. It's set to rise drastically.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Hyundai Motor and Kia Introduce CO2 Emission Monitoring System Built on the Hedera Network

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Hyundai & Kia Introduce CO2 Emissions Monitoring System

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Hyundai Motor and Kia Introduce CO2 Emission Monitoring System Built on Hedera

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Hyundai Motor and Kia Introduce CO2 Emission Monitoring System Built on the Hedera Network

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Hyundai and Kia Launch AI-Enabled Blockchain System for Supplier CO2 Emission Monitoring

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Bitcoin consumes 127 TWh of energy and emits 25 - 50 million tons of CO2 a year

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin consumes 127 TWh of energy and emits 25 - 50 million tons of CO2 a year

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Polkadot and its 40+ parachains have an insane amount of enterprise adoption and it all started happening this year

r/BitcoinSee Post

CO2 miner business case

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Decentralization fixes centralization

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Crypto Exchange Giant Binance gets first Southeast Asian License

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Hyperloops, Cryptos, and Huh?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Looking for Advice | Mining Bitcoin Using Methane & CO2

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Charles Hoskinson’s Private Jet CO2 Emissions Ranked 15th Place in 2022

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Bitcoin mining is environmentally unsustainable, researchers find

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Event Poll: Monerotopia AMA

r/BitcoinSee Post

Carbon Capture combined with Bitcoin Mining

r/BitcoinSee Post

Brazilian Bank Tracking CO2 Emissions Through Transactions & Urging Carbon Offsets - CBDC Preview

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin mining rigs release no CO2

r/BitcoinSee Post

Someone just held a CO2 reader up to a PC to prove 'bitcoin mining has zero carbon emissions

r/BitcoinSee Post

Trust the science - Bitcoin miners produce zero CO2

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Crypto mining regulations, rules for thee not for me

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Ethereum 'playable-art story' game from global giant publisher goes live this week. With early access open, and low number of available NFT PFPs which are required to play, the race to become part of the story has begun.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Ethereum is now consuming 99.99% less energy through The Merger for Proof of Stake, and its not even been a half a year since then.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Post

Is 2023 the year that blockchain becomes a sustainable solution?

r/CryptoMarketsSee Post

Is 2023 the year that blockchain becomes a sustainable solution?

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

NFMcoin - a cryptocurrency for recycling and environmentally friendly projects for the processing of non-ferrous metals.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Getting the kids early. UK CO OP sweet isle.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin vs yellow metal - Detailed and objective analysis

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Dogecoin (DOGE) Becomes Third-Fastest Crypto at Decreasing Carbon Emissions, Slashing CO2 by 25% in 2022: Report - The Daily Hodl

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Hypocrites in the WEF: Elite's Private Jet Emissions at Davos vs Canceling Bitcoin

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Ethereum's Annual CO2 Emission Dropped from 21.95M Tons to Just 8.8k Tons

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Does r/cryptocurrency know about ReFi? A DeFi spin-off.

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14 and 3

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Senators on the FTX's Payroll

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

eDOGE.CO We are launching on 16pm UTC on pancakeswap! Building a Dogeverse - verified contract - Play to earn, join us today

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

What about all the fake crypto sold by FTX?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

CNBC called me the crypto godfather. I was SIM swapped, then robbed of $23.8M in crypto. I sued the cybercriminals, and won—now I'm battling AT&T. AMA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

DualChain developments on V2 | Recent Announcements

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

The Ethereum Merge Was 1 Month Ago. What’s Happened Since?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

why crypto is good for future?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Bitcoin has emitted 200 million tonnes of CO2 since its launch

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin is as damaging as beef production in terms of CO2. Thoughts?

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Have sex in VR and earn! The first adult-themed metaverse with P2E features on BSC #Coomiverse

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Fap in VR and earn for it! The first adult-themed metaverse with the play-to-earn format

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Ridiculous Headline ‘Bitcoin has emitted 200 million tonnes of CO2 since its launch’ Mistakes Crypto for Fossil Fuels Burned for Energy. Paywall 🤷🏻‍♂️

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Each Bitcoin mined in 2021 generated $11,314 of environmental damage. CO2 emissions increased 126-fold from 2016 to 2021.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Bitcoin has emitted 200 million tonnes of CO2 since its launch

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Welcome To 🚀 TurrentToken 🚀 Just Fair Launched on PancakeSwap.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

GreenTrust Token will make a new Farm on Pancakeswap!!

r/BitcoinSee Post

Morons in r/Technology and r/Futurology at it again

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Why is r/Futurology a cesspool of people who hate Crypto?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Banks Still Have Too Much Power Over Your Money. Crypto Means Financial Independence And Full Financial Control.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Planetwatch Mining. Why you should be interested in this project.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

El Salvador, building a new future

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

BTC vs. Banks: An Environmental Perspective

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Why do so many people hate crypto so much?

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🚀 CarOwners | Just Launched | ✅ 12% Tax | 🚀 Known Dev | 🏆 Elon Tweet Play

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Ban crypto mining in Europe

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Does a ponzi4climate coin exist?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Rant on why crypto (including PoW) is not the energy crisis that some people are looking for.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Discord CEO announces Discord + Ethereum integration. And no coiners are going ape shit, threatening boycott, calling crypto 'planet destroyer CO2 gazzz hurdur'.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Banks vs cryptocurrencies for CO2 emissions

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Are there any DEFI project researchers? We can communicate with each other

r/CryptoMarketsSee Post

Immutable X, the first carbon-neutral scaling solution for NFTs on Ethereum just got listed on exchanges.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

On crypto as a store of value, Bitcoin's incentives, and the long-term future of crypto

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Algomint will make Bitcoin Carbon Negative partnering with Algorand Foundation and Nettle

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

The biggest barricade facing Crypto adoption is environmental concern.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

It costs $176 for any Bitcoin transaction = ETH 2.0 and Doge is cheaper

r/BitcoinSee Post

I'm thinking about selling later this year to donate to a reforestation project, if not donating BTC directly to a reforestation project. Do you guys have any recommendations?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Is a CO2-tax a threat to Bitcoin?

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Post

Crypto - environmental impact - how clean is your financial securing?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Crypto - environmental impact

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🐶KingShibaZilla FAIR LAUNCHED ,lp locked ,big marketing LIVE .next to moonshots.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Sustainable bitcoin investing

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

💎New gem - WXF!💎 🔥100X Project🔥

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Sustainable bitcoin investing

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

WorldXFoundation ✨ The greatest redistribution token that ever lived! ✨

r/BitcoinSee Post

A new twist on old FUD: Energy rationing

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

A comparison of the carbon footprint (CO2) of Bitcoin & other digital tech

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Post

Global Token Sale - EcoWatt Token (EWT)!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

What do you think about WPP, project is about renewable energy?

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Post

What do you think about WPP? A token for renewable energy

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Crypto should not be blamed for pollution when banks pollute significantly more


Yes, it is actually killing people. Multiplying the emissions from bitcoin mining (Source: University of Cambridge centre for alternative finance) with out best guess for the number the deaths per amount of CO2 emissions (Source: The mortality cost of carbon, R. Daniel Bressler 2021), you get the result that Bitcoin dooms over **16 600 people to death every single year** at current rates.


I'm sure they think the problem is renewable energy, again. "This would never happen with coal and gasoline. Also those CO2 scrubbers are making the machines work less efficiently so let's get rid of them too."


They did. It is CO2 driven.


Climate change isn’t CO2 driven. It’s based on heat island effects from concrete and steel from what used to be fields and forests. Change that, you’ll get back to normal baseline “climate change”.


The overpopulation deniers/we are underpopulated believers are literal lunatics. They are clinically insane. Elon Musk is pushing that line too, that billions more people means more great minds to solve problems. Sure, let's cut down the remaining forests, fish the remaining life out of the oceans, add morem plastic and more CO2 and kill off more species to add some processing power. What a stupid fucking argument. They are INSANE.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

So, you take oil out of the ground, use atmospheric oxigen to burn it, get energy out of the reaction, and use 1/3 of that energy to confine and compress the resulting CO2, to put that back into the place where you got the oil from? I'd rather split uranium, there you only need less than 1/1000000th of the energy for waste management.


Agree. I'm sure that it causes *some* incentives toward green build-out, but I am almost positive that it is not nearly enough to offset the increase in fossil fuel use it also causes. And certainly not fast enough, because the damage that bitcoin mining has already done is absolutely tremendous, regardless of what happens in the future. Fun fact, if you multiply the mortality of carbon emissions estimated by Bressler, R.D. in the paper "The mortality cost of carbon", with the yearly CO2 emissions caused by Bitcoin estimated by University of Cambridge, bitcoin dooms around 20 000 people to death every single year.


Good stuff. I’d like to think I’m a realist. I try to size things up with reasonable accuracy, then draw a rational conclusion that could be shaded good or bad. Good point about selectively sharing information. I’m not so much about the posturing these days. Yet, there’s a lot of that going around. That’d be fantastic if we overshot on renewables. There is an incredible amount of pollution with aircraft and space vehicles (on a per flight basis) to pick out two contributors. Some of the current pollution spewing propulsion methods will be harder to get away from than others. Every bit of renewable helps presuming a net benefit over CO2 for production of the actual product / infrastructure itself. Maybe be the world can get down to a point where the leftovers that cause pollution are statistically insignificant. It won’t be in my lifetime


Agreed. Well, it helps the create sugar. Close enough. H20 + CO2 (w/sunlight and chlorophyl as a catalyst) —> C6H12O6 (glucose). 7th grade science 🙂 The problem is introduced when there aren’t enough plants to consume all the CO2. Cut down a lot of plants that take in a lot of CO2 (think of something like a rain forest) and it gets harder. 🤷🏼‍♂️ ————————————— Fact check: Plants cannot absorb all the carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere


From ChatGPT - The Northern Lights carbon capture and storage (CCS) project, developed by Equinor, Shell, and TotalEnergies, is valued at approximately 6.9 billion NOK (Norwegian Krone), which is equivalent to around $670 million USD. This valuation reflects the investment required for the initial phase of the project. From the linked article - TotalEnergies is aiming to develop a CO2 storage capacity (CCS) of more than 10 million tons by 2030, both for its own facilities and for its customers. Respectfully, I’m not personally interested in doing the legwork on the entire world solution. It’s a toe-in-the water concept post. There’s no assertion that BTC and carbon capture are linked. Intellectually, it is an interesting way to manage excess power generation. Yet I could see arguments for using energy storage solutions to even things out. That would avoid spending money on excess capital infrastructure for carbon capture that might rarely get used… it’s a practical consideration. 🤓 Have a good one


In the oil industry methane is seen as a dangerous byproduct of extraction and production. They capture it, vent it away, and flare (burn) it. Bitcoin miners shunt that vented methane to electricity generators, and plug ASICs into them to mine bitcoin. The key key thing here from an environmental perspective is that generators are better at converting methane to CO2 than flaring, so less methane ends up in the atmosphere. With landfills it's basically the same process, except the gas is collected via perforated tubes under the surface of the landfill.


Bitcoin enables monetization of renewable energy sources that aren't yet connected to the grid or being used for other purposes. This lowers the hurdle for investing in renewable energy infrastructure. Once energy is being created it can immediately be monetized, rather than then having to pay additional millions of dollars to make it usable. If/when the energy source becomes available to other consumers, they will outcompete the bitcoin miners (as miners require extremely cheap electricity to be profitable) and the the miners will move on to subsidizing the next renewable infrastructure project. Bitcoin miners also monetize the capture of methane, which is a more potent green house gas than CO2. Previously there was no economic incentive for mitigating methane emissions. Now, some landfills and oil fields are capturing that methane and turning it into bitcoin, generating profit and reducing the amount of methane entering the atmosphere.


Actually, most modern day knowledge is only understood by a tiny fraction of humanity. Einstein published general relativity more than 100 years ago. Still, most physicist only understand special relativity and have a vague idea what general relativity is. Most people have a vague idea about what the greenhouse effect is. But if you follow the logical implications of this vague idea to explain how more CO2 causes climate change, then there are many dead ends that make you ask the question "is it all a hoax?". Just because really understanding the physics used in climate models is well beyond highschool level. The economics on money creation are another example of what an overwhelming majority of people never want to think about. But you need to go down that specific rabbithole to grasp the implications of BTC being more scarce than gold. Which takes time you can't use on another rabbit hole - like your favorite MMORPG. Those are only examples of stuff i just know enough about to be beyond Mt-Stupid on the Dunning-Kruger curve - knowing that each of these topics has more to research in it than i will learn in my remaining lifetime. Yes, i'm pretty sure, that on any given topic, the vast majority is totally clueless. And the echo chambers of those who understand, hardly ever overlap that much.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I'd guess its related to FTX and CO liquidating assets for the bankruptcy proceedings. That whole shit show is far from over.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Also worth noting is that is trying to attract lots of startups that have been in the grayzone legally speaking, and give them a formal structure to incorporate and operate in WY. All in all, WY with its large data centers and tons of renewable is looking like the new spot for BItcoiners to to park there money and mine/invest/incorporate. Being a Bitcoin based founder in CO was an f'ing nightmare, from capital raising to compliance to all sorts of regulatory changes to the hemp Industry etc... hopefully Lummis continues to run and pushes this forward. I've already incorporated as a WY resident and I'm anticipating being on a board(s) in a few years when I get the 'bug' again to jump in the fray. PM me if you want to chat further feel free as I have lot of insights from this process.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Depends on your definition of rich. I own three homes outright, one in the mountains in CO, one on the beach in FL and one in CA.   I’m happily married, drive two of my dream cars, 68 Camaro and an Audi RS5 Sportback.  I’ll be retired at 45 and living very comfortably for the rest of my life. Investing and strategic career moves have been very good to me. 

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

XRP, XDC, XLM. Faster time settlement, less CO2 emissions, cheaper fees then BTC and Visa

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Awe geez you mean the millions of tons of concrete to make ethw offices that bank chimps drive miles to get to and uses nonstop HVAC and also supports servers the size of small bitcoin farms is worse in terms of CO2 output! Next you'll say renewable waste energy could power bitcoin farms!?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

By sicking CO

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

True... He definitely busted up Teslas monopoly on the e-vehicle sector by giving other manufacturers a reason to push for electric. Not sure how many gigatons of CO2 it cost us, but it'll make summers a lot warmer, so we got that going for us.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

245 TONS of CO2 for a single transaction. We are going in hell together. Happy mining!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

My fellow bitcoiners! My post was removed due to, to many price discussions. My post was gaining many upvotes until removal. So i had to post here and other places to keep truth alive. In my formula, you will clearly see why btc dips and will also see now what direction it takes. This is 100% accurate and guaranteed. Hope you all are successful! P=E_V=V₂+ at A H <3 Cas =0 H C y=k H HH C=2r H H w=mg s=vot+1/1at² a² + b² ΣF=c CO H H-C-0-H k<0 k=1/√n(n+1) k=1 - NH H R=R₁+R₂+... A=r² (x+y)"= E=mc² NH₂ F=ma c²= a² + b² 8² +6² = c² 64+36=c² 100 = ² √100= √² +10=C (2)= 3 =1 E=E,+E W= c² f(-x)= a(-x)+b=-(ax!=) 0 🤪

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Except, you know, the 20 000 people that are doomed to death because of Bitcoin's CO2 emissions each year.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You are correct that correlation is not causation, but we can extrapolate. There is evidence of correlation between cholesterol and heart disease but no direct causation has been identified. Tell your doctor, "please provide one piece of evidence when something like this has ever happened. You are proving my point. You have no idea what is going to happen." when he tells you to try lower your cholesterol. There is correlation but no proof of causation between global temperatures and CO2. I'm sure you know what to tell climate activists now who try to force their agenda.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

It's a common misconception. But please dig a bit more into this topic, the negative environment impact narrative is not true. Try these to get the research started: * [Making bicoin carbon negative - What bitcoin Did podcast]( * [Forbes: Bitcoin to reduce more emissions that it produces]( Bitcoin mining is the ONLY viable option we're aware of that can literally take garbage (CO2, Methane, un-used flare gas, etc...) and monetize it. That is simply remarkable. There is no other technology that can do it as efficiently and with the incentives that bitcoin mining has. Please read up on this; I promise you'll have a very different view on this after digging into it more, and you'll realize the mainstream narrative on negative impacts is just wrong.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah, that's basically the idea. It's something that has existed for quite a while and is part of the paris climate agreement. An airline emits, say, 1 million tons of CO2 in a year. They then pay for planting enough trees to absorb 1 million tons of CO2. However. It was possible for the company that planted the trees to sell the same credit to numerous different businesses. But, by tokenizing the credits on chain, they could be publicly audited and verified as only being claimed once.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

CO2 is a problem. An even bigger problem is methane, and also CFCs

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The problem is not that life can't tolerate higher levels of CO2, it's that it can't adapt to the current rate of change of CO2.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

> CO2 is likely not a problem either. AFAICT it is though. But I don't know shit. The overall CO2 levels don't matter, after all it's just 0.04% of the atmosphere. But CO2 traps heat and rising levels fuck all of us sooner or later. That is knowledge based on millions and millions of measurements - not an opinion.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

CO2 is likely not a problem either. This planet has had much higher levels of CO2 than it does now and it makes the earth greener. Plant life needs CO2

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Dude, sorry but you gotta be out of your mind. The only thing that has to be done is switching to renewables. Last number I read is we're 50+%. CO² is the problem not energy consumption. Why the fuck aren't you hanging out at the cruise ship sub?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yes, and it was insanely hot during those time periods, and there were natural explanations for the sources of the CO2, and the changes took millions of years, and many creatures either adapted or went extinct as a result. Compare that to the changes we have seen in just 30 years time and tell me there's no cause for alarm...

r/BitcoinSee Comment

CO2 release rate was certainly much higher before, during the hot earth times. CO2 content is lower than it used to be, and that is not a guess, it's an observable fact. Concentration in the atmosphere is so low that it is measured in parts per million. Connection between weather and CO2 content is really slim. Perhaps entirely invented.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

We are directly responsible for it. The same way that humans have hunted certain animals to extinction, or managed to get micro plastics spread to every tiny corner of the planet, we have been releasing CO2 at a *rate* the planet has never seen before, and we know that CO2 is a green house gas. You should be screaming from the rooftops that we need to be reducing green house gases. It's painfully obvious that altering atmospheric CO2 levels would have consequences.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

If you could fix the cohort from that last bullet point so they’d stop expelling CO2, some of the other issues might just resolve themselves. But then, number go down …

r/BitcoinSee Comment

actually, you're a perfect example why people hate climate doomers: you don't want to reduce CO2 emissions to reduce global warming, you want to reduce CO2 emissions to reduce energy usage. You're either confusing the means with the ultimate goal, or you're a misantrope who doesn't want humanity to thrive, prosper and use energy. Everything humans do to preserve civilisation and increase wealth uses energy. If renewables are cheap, they will be use where ever demand is flexible - and there is no more flexible demand than turning on your mining rig whenever electricity is cheap enough to make a profit in mining. If renewables aren't cheap, then bitcoin mining will need nuclear to become carbon-neutral - but so will all human activities from heating your home to driving electric cars! So, bitcoin mining is just one of many activities that point the finger at the ever-increasing need for clean and reliable electricity. Don't argue against bitcoin, or you'll also be argueing against electric cars. Argue for more nuclear power plants instead!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

#CO19 sometimes it’s nice that it’s up.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Proof of Stake does not use energy? It uses less, because the collateral posted is split between crypto and energy, while POW is 100% energy. But the scarcity meme of energy is just that.. a meme. Intended to get you to pay high energy cost without complaining. Meanwhile governments tell you to buy an electric vehicle that will break down at around 50% of the time it takes to make it worth the investment, while they want you to throw away a car that could be running for decades... all on the premise to save CO2, while they subsidize crude oil tankers that collectively exhaust more CO2 than all of the car traffic combined, simply to give you cheap plastic-shit from china and "curb the economy" It's a scam. Look into renewable energy and try to become self sustainable to get out of the scam.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

sigma bullshit? LOL you couldn't be farther from the truth Here's what the average in person shopping looks like: 1. biking or taking public transportation somewhere (or worse, driving) 2. now chose: a) go for (somewhat) convenience and go for a mall b) same, but from shop to shop if a) face the crowds, and only generic stuff. if b) face doing 1-5 over and over again for each item you wanna buy 3. have no clue whether you're getting a good price (or worse search on your phone and find out you don't and there's nothing you can do about it) 4. choose from a much smaller range because you are limited to what's in your physical reach. don't have your size? too bad you just spent all this time, money, CO2, mental energy, etc for nothing. it's not really what you wanted but it's all you could find? sucks to be you, you gotta buy it anyway 5. repeat until you have purchased all you want 6. bike/public transp/drive home, poorer, more tired, with a product that only fits maybe 70% of your needs Here's what the average online shopping experience looks like: 1. browse through possible solutions for you want _by clicking_ 2. select from anywhere that would ship to you 3. see detailed videos and reviews from people who already have used the product and can tell you the pros and cons 4. find the absolute best price for it 5. wait till it shows up on your doorstep See, Sigma is about the grind. I say fuck the grind. I want to enjoy my time. If shopping is enjoyable to you.. we don't kink shame, you do you honey boo. I'd rather spend way less time/money/effort to get much better products and live more. I'm weird that way.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

From the article - "the European Central Bank has previously stated it cannot imagine a world where governments would ban gasoline-powered cars in favor of electric vehicles but not act on Bitcoin’s persistence in pumping out CO2." Wow, just wow, are we actually getting our information about inflation-proof currencies from a giant central bank ? If we are going to them, why don't we just also ask the mob if the current policing level wastes energy and manpower that could better be used elsewhere ? And don't get me started about how misguided the forced conversion to EV's is, the banks absurd counter example to crypto mining. Since you are a big fan of the Eth model, I hope you can understand that your currency is mostly controlled by monied insiders that direct the code, very analogous to a central bank. Vitalik and friends recently decided on a whim to change the inflation model willy-nilly to something more to their liking. Yes, it was later approved by the nodes, but its not like there were any other people's ideas on the table, or the Eth powers that be were forced to not do it. Are the new fee burning and lower issuance results good, from an inflation standpoint ? While I personally don't like a rejected transaction eating up my gas, if they didn't do any work for me, I actually think the new inflation rate is in improvement, but the important thing is not that our crypto overlords fiat edicts forced down our throats were good improvements today, but the fact that we even have such people deciding our fate day to day at all. The US actually did a good job with the gold standard, right up until the going got tough, then they stole 40 % for themselves in 1934, and took most of the rest in 1971. While Eth is fine as its own niche thing, if we are going to actually have a new world money, it damn well better not have anyone that can change anything on a whim, and letting the world force us to have their consensus form to save energy, in a world full of other much larger total energy wastes like motorsports, Christmas lights, Hummers, Gold Mines, Video games, and useless Coal-eating (to make the fiberglass blades) wind farms we are forced to pay for with our tax dollars, this is a pretty large camel's nose under the crypto trust model tent. Maybe if regulators had done a good job with inflation and bailouts we could trust them a little, but clearly we cannot, so I really don't think its that easy to switch a live system to proof of stake, because it very much takes power away from the node operators, and gives it to the wealthy elites, and they have a history of failing, when we need the system the most.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Morpheus Network is working with Google, certified and promoted by SAP and Coca-Cola utilizes MNW's platform to enhance their supply chain. They also work with a number of other major enterprises like FCL CO-OP in Canada, MARSH global insurance, government agencies like SENASA in Brazil and major world ports owned and operated by industry giants like Gulftainer. They have a team of 40+ and their platform has been in development for 6+ years. The platform utilizes AI, Machine Learning andDePin with IoT devices to track RWA for customers around the world. The MNW token has fantastic tokenomics and they offer token holders the right to operate transaction revenue sharing nodes that decentralized the platform. Currently the nodes are in beta and pay 18 percent APR. Production is scheduled to go live by June of this year. I'm not aware of better fundamentals for any other AI, DePin or RWA project.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The discussion is tainted by propaganda from those that benefit from the status quo. Also, bitcoin mining has the highest proportion of renewables of any major industry. It emits no CO2, so this is an energy production problem not a bitcoin problem. That is where the propaganda and bias are slanting the narrative.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

People produce heat AND expel CO2 into the air. Why won't anyone explain why we tax bitcoin differently than the people working at a bank? /s

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

How does mining in the US help the US? If they want to they can mine in other countries. It’s a net negative to the economy and CO2 emitter. If another country wants to use their “carbon credits” in the future on mining, go ahead.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think that it will take a major media push to get people to think that crypto and renewables go together. Unfortunately the last bull cycle was associated with massive CO2 emmisions, that have largely been fixed becuase of the eth merge but the association is still out there and most average joes think crypto is bad for the planet. I think talking politics here, that the voter base of "pro renewable/green initiatives" will be a larger vote than pro crypto.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I don't disagree but there are limitations to that scenario and the tech needs to account for it. Smoke is more than just ash. The products of a combustion reaction include gases like H2O(g) and CO2. You'd need to be able to distinguish the CO2 (and all other reaction products) from all sources. The scanning tech would need to be very local (time and space) or the tech needs to be able to scan the entire planet (unimaginable level of variables to account for in realtime). With that tech, there is no privacy. With that tech, you couldn't even hide something in plain site. That stack of steel stamped washers we all put together and hid in a support beam behind the drywall of our houses or buried in the back yard is easily found and read without even entering the home.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bro you claimed 400 ppm CO2 doesn't matter because it's "barely anything" That's like a 4th grade understanding of science you've got there. We aren't two equals with different viewpoints. We are an adult and a toddler arguing about how to do calculus.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I am asking because you seem to think that 400 ppm of CO2 in our atmosphere is "barely anything" and isn't that bad. So 100 ppm of H2S in the air you breathe shouldn't be dangerous, right? It's barely anything! You'd breathe it in? Perfectly safe?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

It's just carbon, put an oxygen torch on it and it turns into CO2

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Nobody is waving their hands. There are plenty of examples where Bitcoin mining incentives renewable energy innovation. 2/3 of Bitcoin mining already uses renewable energy. The highest of any industry. Bitcoin is one of the only industries that can capture waste energy. And most of that is in the form of methane which is 24x worse than straight CO2 emissions. By the end of 2024 it's estimated Bitcoin will be carbon *negative* just on methane cleanup alone. Bitcoin was designed with game theory in mind. When you apply game theory to Bitcoin mining and energy. It's not a stretch to realize Bitcoin incentives doing the right thing and that means energy innovation.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The assertion that manufacturing the battery for an electric vehicle (EV) emits 80% more CO2 than the entire manufacturing process of a petrol car overlooks several critical factors that need to be considered in the broader context of EVs' environmental impact over their lifecycle. First, while it's accurate that the production of lithium-ion batteries for EVs involves a considerable amount of CO2 emissions, these emissions are not as substantial as some claims suggest. According to PolitiFact, the emissions from EV battery production are akin to driving a gasoline car for just one or two years. Over the lifespan of the EV, the absence of tailpipe emissions significantly offsets these initial higher emissions from battery production (PolitiFact, The source of electricity used to charge EVs is a crucial factor in determining their overall environmental impact. In regions where the electricity mix is cleaner and relies more on renewable energy, EVs have substantially lower lifetime emissions compared to areas that depend heavily on coal for electricity generation. Research highlighted by the MIT Climate Portal illustrates that in a state like Washington, where hydropower is prevalent, charging an EV can result in 61% less carbon emissions than a hybrid car. Conversely, in coal-heavy states, while the EV might emit more carbon than a hybrid, it still emits less than a gasoline car (MIT Climate Portal, Additionally, the potential for recycling EV batteries presents an opportunity to further reduce the environmental impact by lowering the demand for new materials. Research is ongoing to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of EV battery recycling processes, which could significantly reduce emissions associated with their production (U.S. EPA, EVs are an integral component of the strategy to reduce transportation emissions and tackle climate change. Despite the emissions associated with battery production, the transition to electric vehicles is a crucial step towards sustainable transportation solutions. As the electricity grid becomes greener with an increased share of renewable energy, the lifetime emissions of EVs are expected to decrease even further, underscoring their role in achieving long-term environmental goals (Carbon Brief, In conclusion, while the manufacturing of EV batteries does contribute to CO2 emissions, the overall environmental benefits of EVs, especially when considering their entire lifecycle and the shift towards cleaner energy sources, make them a preferable alternative to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. The insights provided here, although synthesized by ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence model, are grounded in factual, researched information sourced from reputable and authoritative platforms such as PolitiFact, the MIT Climate Portal, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Carbon Brief. Each of these sources contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the environmental impacts and benefits of electric vehicles (EVs), analyzing aspects from battery production emissions to the overall lifecycle emissions of EVs compared to traditional vehicles. The data and findings I've relayed are directly aligned with the latest research and expert analyses available, ensuring accuracy and reliability. The use of AI to summarize these points does not detract from their validity; instead, it serves to distill complex information into accessible insights, facilitating a broader understanding of the crucial role EVs play in addressing climate change and promoting sustainable transportation solutions.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Funny that you speak of hubris, and didn’t understand that the problem of stranded energy is solved. Up here in the Nordics we use it in CO2 free steel plants. The steel factories produce and store hydrogen, that is then used in blast furnaces.

r/BitcoinSee Comment only the EV Battery manufacturing alone releases 80% more CO2 than an entire petrol car manufacturing process, regard. And if you use electricity generated by coal, don’t even talk to me, talk to a doctor about your mental issues and Dunning Kruger instead.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bitcoin leeching on renewables is also a horror scenario.  There are so much better uses for excess renewables, such as CO2 free steel plants in the Nordic countries. Solar cell manufacturing in China, etc.  POW is an obsolete idea that should have been scrapped years ago. 

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

We can’t greenwash the issue though. There are a lot of miners who aren’t using renewables as their primary source of energy. It’s good that it’s a known issue that is being ratified, but we can’t bury our head in the sand about the issue and then blame banks. It was a fair argument before mining produced 0.2% of global CO2 emissions. Now we need to own up to the issue and lead the change it, rather than blame others who aren’t doing the same.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I think we are actually more in agreement than you think. I never said the climate is not changing, I said it has been changing forever. I looked up your Milankovitch cycles and they also confirm this. However, I do not think we as humans should be hubristic to think that we have had any effects on this, or that we will have any effects on this by “lessening” our lifestyles a bit by replacing plastic straws with paper ones. There is a difference between the reality of climate change, and the narrative associated leveraged by our “elite class” to convince you to consume less. Sadly, a lot of people seem to be conflating and confusing these two things. In the middle ages you had the “medieval warm period”. It was a period without significant CO2 emissions, yet the climate was such that riverbeds went dry during the summer. There have been witness accounts written of nobles not wanting to visit cities during the summer, because of the stench of the dry canals and the resurfacing faeces in these canals. Yes, people threw out their faeces into the streets and canals back in those days. Speaking of environmental disasters… Furthermore there have been accounts of the enormous heat during these times, sometimes easily reaching into the 40s degrees celsius. It is extremely unlikely humans had a part in this sudden change of climate, as there were no cars or factories to speak of. You might want to blame excess horse farts for the issue, as people more often used horses for transport, but I think it is a bit laughable and unlikely. During the dinosaur era, Antarctica was actually tropical. The emissions of the many volcanoes was constant and enormous. The general climate was way warmer than it is today. Yet, it was not the end-all, be-all. As after that, we got an ice age. So there you have it. The climate has been changing and will keep on changing forever. Question is; what are we going to do? Will we innovate and adapt to what the climate demands of us? Or will we decry the injustic of climate change and perish with our paper straws in our hands? Will we let a certain self-considered elite tell us how to live to avoid the woes of climate change, while they themselves change nothing in their lifestyles and fly around like nothing happened?   Innovation is key to adapting, not regressing to living in clay huts with paper straws and trying to use less energy. That is like giving up. If this is a true problem, we should find a way to live with it and make our lives more comfortable during warmer times.  At least until the climate changes again in our favor. And it will. That, or we are going away. :)

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Climate has been changing for millions of years. With or without us. You think those dinosaurs were worried about the CO2 emissions of numerous volcanoes back in their day? “Save the planet” is a very egoistical thing, as it usually means “save humanity” or “save me!”. The planet will be fine. We are going away if we don’t adapt. Such is evolution and such it has been since the beginning of time on this rock. The only constant is change. Adapt or die, but there is no use of fear-mongering about it. That only suits a narrative where the “haves” can restrict the “have nots” into living lesser lives and “spending less energy”, while they fly around the world in their private jets and emit the same CO2 as a commercial airliner transporting 900 people.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

And tons of these bitcoin farms run off straight natural gas at the well sites and are incredibly inefficient since they use a large number of relatively small generators. They do this in a number of states in order to be able to say that they are using this natural gas beneficially, but in reality it's incredibly wasteful and inefficient. In general the larger the generator the more efficient it is, and natural gas power plants are much more efficient than generators. So this is not just a massive amount of power that's being used for this that otherwise could be put into the grid, but it also is done in the least efficient way possible. And the reason is because it's cheaper than building out pipelines to pipe the gas and it's profitable. That's the only considerations for them. I'm not against crypto or even bitcoin (which is the most inefficient largely used crypto by far), but this is incredibly wasteful. And this is all before we consider the creation of Nox and CO2 which are the leading causes of smog and are definitely a health risk. Many of these oil and gas producing regions have been outside of federal air quality standards for years now, and it's clearly linked to the oil and gas production. This is going to be a big issue in the coming decade. Source: I work in oil and gas permitting as a geologist and deal with this type of stuff every day.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I'm not negating any of that, the planet is a non-stop changing organism, life will adapt to the changes and of course the "save the planet" thing is really a "save us" thing, but that doesn't make it any less of a conspiracy theory when people like Saif say that "climate change is a hoax" "wind turbines kill birds" "coal and fossil fuels are good for the environment because more CO2 = more plants", it's all baseless and nonsensical. We all know that our leaders are closer to retarded than any normal human being, but that doesn't have to make us fall into conspiracy theories, it's stupid and sentimental, not logical as most of this people want to portray themselves.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Climate change is not a hoax. But what the proponents forget to tell you, is that the climate has been changing for millions of years. With or without us. You think those dinosaurs were concerned about the CO2 emissions of the numerous volcanoes back in the day? Or Antarctica being formally tropic during the times of Pangea? The whole "Save the planet" narrative is actually enormously egoistical. What it really means is "Save humanity", or more precisely "Save me". We will go when our time comes, there is nothing we can do about it. We either adapt, or like George Carlin righteously said: "We are going away!".

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Here's some more info The question of whether internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles or electric vehicles (EVs) have a bigger carbon footprint, even when the EVs are powered by the dirtiest possible electricity, is quite nuanced and depends on various factors including the source of electricity, the manufacturing process of the vehicles, and their lifetime usage. When considering the carbon footprint over the entire lifecycle of the vehicle (which includes manufacturing, operation, and end-of-life disposal), ICE vehicles typically emit more CO2 than EVs, even when the EVs are charged with electricity generated from the dirtiest sources, such as coal. The reason is that ICE vehicles are less efficient in converting energy into motion, with a significant portion of the energy lost to heat. Over the lifespan of the vehicle, this inefficiency results in higher overall emissions. The manufacturing of EVs, particularly the production of lithium-ion batteries, is more energy-intensive and carbon-intensive than the manufacturing of ICE vehicles. This means that EVs start with a higher carbon footprint. However, this initial deficit is usually offset over time by the lower operational emissions, as electricity—even from coal—is generally used more efficiently by EVs than gasoline or diesel is used by ICE vehicles. Studies, including those from the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) and the Union of Concerned Scientists, have shown that EVs tend to have lower lifetime greenhouse gas emissions than comparable ICE vehicles across a wide range of electricity grid carbon intensities. Even in regions where coal dominates the energy mix, the efficiency of electric vehicles in converting electricity into transportation still tends to make them less carbon-intensive over their life compared to ICE vehicles. It's important to note that the gap in carbon footprint between EVs and ICE vehicles is expected to widen in favor of EVs as the electricity grid becomes cleaner with more renewable energy sources like wind and solar power. As the grid decarbonizes, the operational emissions of EVs decrease, whereas the operational emissions of ICE vehicles remain largely unchanged since they are tied to the carbon intensity of the fuel they burn. In summary, while the exact difference in carbon footprint depends on specific circumstances, EVs generally have a lower total carbon footprint than ICE vehicles over their lifetime, even when charged with electricity from the dirtiest sources. This advantage is poised to grow as efforts to decarbonize electricity generation progress worldwide.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; Hyundai Motor and Kia have launched a blockchain-based Supplier CO2 Emission Monitoring System (SCEMS) on the Hedera mainnet. This system computes carbon emissions across the entire supply chain, including procurement, manufacturing, and transportation. It aims to provide accurate and secure data for carbon emission management, integrating AI for setting reduction targets and predicting future emissions. This initiative represents a step towards sustainable supply chains and meeting environmental regulations. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Crypto will in the fabric of everything. Virtually every will be on or tracked with blockchain/DLT. Think an item manufactured is tokenized and every step recorded counterfeits are virtually eliminated. Instant payments can be made while products move through the supply chain with smart contracts freeing up capital. Loans could be instantly made on taking possession of those products. While all that is happening on the supply chain its possible to track CO2 costs and instantly associate a carbon credit to make it carbon neutral. The carbon market itself can be verified much the same way to ensure against green washing and dodgy projects selling credits. A potential customer for an item can scan the QR code and get everything from where materials were sourced, the steps in the process, validation its from the manufacturer to how to care for the product, its details, warrantees and service info. And all thats just supply chain. Check out []( from Avery Dennison, they're doing that right now on Hedera and see how that all flows into Hedera's Guardian service (carbon markets). Then theres tokenizing real world assets such as property and financial instruments. See Toko from DLA Piper and then data provenance for IOT, AI and machine learning. They need to know the data is not tampered with, again achievable with DLT. See DELL edge computing and EQTYLAB all building their use cases on Hedera. You'll only hear about colorful NFTs and defi because that all 95% of networks can do, dont ne fooled the big players are building it all out right now under our noses but people cant see past monkey pics.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Growing flowers totally offsets any environmental issues, the happiness getting a tulip goes into the atmosphere and burns the CO2.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Bitcoin mining consumes a lot of energy, that causes CO2 emissions and pollution and environmental destruction.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You wasted your time and CO2 in the process… just like this reply. It’s just so they can count active users… your best bet is to use the card.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yeah... that's not really a good look for bitcoin. I'd rather we not pump extra CO2 into the atmosphere if we can prevent it.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Dear client,  Kindly note that your account has been frozen as it is currently under investigation by law enforcement.  For more details please contact the officer in charge of this case: Government agency name: Colorado Springs Police Department Case reference: 23-46222 Email address: Postal address: 705 S Nevada Ave Colorado Springs, CO 80903 We are counting on your patience and understanding. Same issue with me

r/BitcoinSee Comment

But . . . but . . . but 2 years ago, KPMG was dead set against Bitcoin because of (they said) all the CO2 production from Bitcoin mining. It was only 6 months ago that KPMG publicly reversed its stance (presumably on orders from BlackRock). It couldn't be that KPMG are just hypocritical whores, willing to say whatever they're paid to say, could it?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You can liken this to giving carbohydrates to a man dying of heat stroke. It aint gonna do shit. Further, it ignores that most plants are bottlenecked by nitrogen and other macro nutrients. This is why it works in Greenhouses, because you can regulate temperature, humidity and nutrients. If you can't do that, plants tend to die. But the premise is you believe CO2 warms. In which case, why don't you just test multiple containers of varying levels of CO2 under infrared radiation. You can see which ones heats more over time.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

"Two Google searches 'produce same CO2 as boiling a kettle" \- The Telegraph, 2009 Same SJW vibes.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

CO2 is plant food. Humans release about 4% of the carbon dioxide that nature does itself. Anthropogenic climate change is a lie from malthusian anti-humanists who want you dead. Ignore them.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Could be calculating that for how much benefit CO2 will bring to plants and trees and crops. But I doubt it.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I am not. I've come to the conclusion from observable evidence that CO2 fearmongering is a control and manipulation scheme to impose basically any kind of restriction that would be considered untenable otherwise.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You are the carbon they want to reduce. Also CO2 is a gas, entirely different from elemental carbon. Also also, bitcoin miners do not release any CO2. They bought the electricity and can use it for their needs. Assbook buys a ton for their worthless glorified birthday reminders POS website and that's OK. If I buy it I can use it to heat or cool or cook or run laundry. Everyone needs to STFU about telling people what they can do with products they paid for.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The people that arguing that Bitcoin mining uses to much energy. Are fundamentally liars. You cant have a discussion with them because their premise is built on a lie. First off most critiques of Bitcoin's energy use is based on an outdated study done by Cambridge. Second they will not admit that it's impossible for Bitcoin to be bad for the environment. Since it does not directly produce any harmful CO2 etc. The issue is always the source of the electricity. It's exactly the same issue with EV cars. Which they seem to not have an issue with. So the question is fundamentally about peoples option about the usefulness of Bitcoin and not about it's actual harm to the environment. Since Bitcoin can bolster and capture waste energy. And in fact pay for energy grid roll-outs. It is actually a extremely good ESG asses. I know I'm preaching to the choir here. However it's important we have strong arguments to counter these FUD arguments. Also link this video anytime you see this FUD

r/BitcoinSee Comment

>harnesses the power of a volcano to mine Bitcoin >zomfg that volcano wouldn't emit CO2 if it weren't for Bitcoin!!! t. envirowhacko

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Bitcoin miners release no carbon. Not even CO2 which is a different thing entirely from elemental carbon.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You can take great pride investing in Bitcoin if only for the fact that bitcoin mining is contributing to increasing the development of renewable non CO2 emitting energy. Miners use the excess energy generated and this revenue is substantial. The revenue comes from investors like yourselves. Eventually bitcoin may become worthless as far as exchanging it for mainstream money because the governments of the world may ban exchanging it into their currencies. But that’s ok. You can still trade it like baseball cards and you can be proud that your hard earned money helped to save the planet!!!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Damn. No way. More than all shipping? I was a believer in climate change til I started seeing dissenting voices by Nobel Prize winning scientists. CO2 is the main culprit of climate warming, yes? Yet it only accounts for .04% of the atmosphere. Even if we got it to .00%. That doesn’t make a difference for shit. It’s all a scam by the world economic forum and the elites to restrict human rights of freedom and mobility. John Kerry and Bill Gates flying private on Epsteins Lolita Express telling us we should stop farming… look into it if you don’t believe me

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Do you trust the scientist named Dr William Happier Professor of Physics, emeritus, at Princeton University? His team's calculation showed doubling CO2 would result in less than 1% increase in greenhouse energy absorption.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

And since the Green Blob made us get rid of Halon systems, we now have a CO2 drench, which will killl everyone.

r/BitcoinSee Comment The Free Ross post

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Oh that's good! I am glad you are happy where you are! If you don't mind me askin. What is it that you don't like about USA?(granted CO could think of a few but might not be inline with what don't like. Everyone is different)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>We need to talk about psychiatry, religion and politics. Scientists across the entire world with variously different political and religious views all agree on global warming being a real thing, your whining doesn't make any sense. > Your doomsday cult Have you actually read any papers? This is you just believing populists. >has no basis in physics I just gave you the physical basis and all you could do is demonstrate that you don't have any physics education and don't understand basic thermodynamics terminology. > CO2 phobia The fuck are you on about, it's just a physical property it has. Again, these are properties known since hundreds of years, they didn't come up all of a sudden like you pretend. This is just a consequence of physical properties of CO2 (and other greenhouse gasses) that are consistently used in scientific and commercial applications all over the world. And it would also be incredibly easy to debunk if it wasn't true, the transparency claim is something that only requires your eyesight, the opaqueness claim only needs an infrared lamp and the demonstration of the greenhouse effect through equilibrium temperature requires an experimental setup achievable by middle schoolers. This isn't shit you need a particle accelerator or a space station for, if it was wrong millions of people would have demonstrated it to be false already. But none of that has happened. Just like flat earthers fail over and over with their dumb gotchas, the climate deniers fail too. >An entire generation needs therapy and deprogramming. All over the world and for the last 200 years? You do realize that it's far more realistic that you, the uneducated one, the one that makes it about politics, the one that doesn't understand the science or terminology, the one with objectively wrong claims is incorrect than thousands of people all over the world with an impressive track record of predictions that have all turned out to be correct? You're just as ridiculous as flat earthers are.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You know, the problem is you're ramblinh about the entirely wrong field of science. We need to talk about psychiatry, religion and politics. Your doomsday cult has no basis im physics, not the slightest. Your CO2 phobia os mass formatiom psychosis, sadly. You and an entire generation needs therapy and deprogramming.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>Your models never take into account the 97% in circulation by natural sources Warming compared two states, a previous state to a now state or the now state to a future state. The "natural circulation" is constant. >also you conveniently swiched that CO2 is tracking temperature not the other way around Because that isn't true and if you compare a graph of CO2 levels with temperature levels you'd see that it is the other way around. This isn't something you have seen yourself, you just heard it somewhere and take it by faith. Go look up graphs of both and maybe then you'll realize that this is an objectively false claim from you. >I'm laughing at your pretenious fake studies What study? > Boltzman "law" which is completely irrelevant bloated nonsense. The Stefan-Boltzmann law is well established physics for over 200 years and has been used in thousands of applications. >"Equilibrium temperature" 🤣 what a load of horse dung. You're just showcasing that you have 0 physics education.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Complete rubbish. Your models never take into account the 97% in circulation by natural sources, also you conveniently swiched that CO2 is tracking temperature not the other way around, which alone debunks the whole shitty scam. &#x200B; I'm laughing at your pretenious fake studies and Boltzman "law" which is completely irrelevant bloated nonsense.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Of course it's scientific, it's a trivial consequence of thermodynamics. The sun emits almost all radiation in the visible spectrum and CO2 is transparent with respect to the visible spectrum (obvious to anyone with functional eyesight), meanwhile CO2 is opaque with respect to infrared radiation (also easily confirmed by many experiments and known for hundreds of years). Therefore blackbody radiation from earth in the infrared spectrum has to increase to remain thermal equilibrium. That is the greenhouse effect which has not only been measured and confirmed on earth but also on venus and mars. Climate models rely on the Stefan-Boltzmann law which calculates the equilibrium temperature. "Coincidentally" the global temperature measurements align exactly with the temperatures predicted resulting from CO2 emissions. What an amazing "unscientific" prophecy we got there. You have been fooled.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I'm with you. I unfortunately hadn't checked out the author's Twitter until *The Bitcoin Standard* was already in the mail. I lost a bit of hope that a person who could trot out the "CO2 cant be dangerous cuz plants need it" line would be able to deliver the amount of nuance I was looking for. I need *Broken Money* to recommend to people because I need a book that sounds like it was written by a serious academically-inclined person and not by the trollish stereotype people have attached to bitcoiners. Lyn is one of the few researchers in the space who is appropriately allergic to cheerleading and arrogance and hyperbole. I want to attract more of the people who are only swayed by that kind of level-headedness; we've got the troll demographic covered.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

What do you mean "its not a positive not matter how anyone tries to spin it"? You clearly are coming in here with an anti-renewable agenda and pushing that. Your solution of just burn fossil fuels is not a great option either (air pollution and pumping CO2 and its limited supply). If you want to debate energy then the west should've properly embraced nuclear many years ago.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

> You're either right, and we're fucked This is a false dichotomy, there's not a 'fucked/not-fucked' boundary, each increase of energy into the system is a little bit worse, so each increase we can avoid makes the total fuckedness we have to deal with a bit more manageable. None of what the UN or Davos or whoever want to do to address the issue has any bearing on whether the issue is real. You don't seem to be able to separate the physics from the human responses. > If I'm wrong or am presented with better information. I am an open minded person. Just look up the absorption and emission spectra of carbon dioxide. You can see that it will absorb energy from the sun and re-emit it at a lower frequency (in the infra red part of the spectrum). The atmosphere is more opaque to IR wavelengths than to visible light, meaning that more energy is trapped in the system. The basics are that simple. More CO2 means more sunlight is absorbed and 'converted' into IR, and then more energy is added to the atmosphere.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

We are the CO2 they want to reduce

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Generating $45k of electricity created around 500 tons of CO2, give or take. If there was ever a chart that illustrated the environmental harm of crypto, this is it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Really man really? ETF Short Interest and Failures-to-Deliver: Naked Short-selling or Operational Shorting? PRESENTER Richard Evans – Darden School of Business, University of Virginia CO-AUTHORS Rabih Moussawi, Michael Pagano, John Sedunov – Villanova University

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yea I know exactly how much we have….i was a CO CDR in charge of property, that I signed over to units in Iraq and Afganistan…..oh that’s right… was handed over to the enemy. We have planes crashing everywhere off coast lines, my unit lost 5 tanks at the BDE level in the Stan, we even had an ammo shortage in 2016. You have no idea what you’re talking about….,at all

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Why would interest not work with BTC? The idea is to borrow, and pay back more than what you borrowed. You will then have to create more value that what you borrowed, by working or creating and exchanging goods. Other people will then exchange and you give back. You are saying it does not work if the value of BTC keep going up, but you are giving it value compared to a fiat currency, which is not really relevant in a BTC dominated world, or is it? Also another point is that if everything revolve around Bitcoin, the economy would not be based on debt so borrowing would take place in a different way and I don't think you would be able to borrow large amounts as to purchase a large land or family house. This would be the kind of thing you would inherit. It's not likely to happen anytime soon as most of the society want to keep the confort that comes along with consumerism and exploiting 3rd world, while showing how much CO2 they saved on Instagram with their new electric car.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Satellite tracking of emissions is not precise enough, despite companies claiming that they can. The gas being so diffuse in the atmosphere makes this an inherently hard problem to measure via satellite. You'll run into confidence issues and won't be able to make any concrete calls, and countries will use this to avoid taking responsibility. Further, you'll get countless disputes between countries over the source of CO2 (especially shared borders). There's no way Governments would use bitcoin wallets for this. And it's pointless because you need an oracle anyway.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Did you know that in Europe and the USA CO2 emmissions are decreasing since the late 1980? That was and is because of economical and intrinsic incentives and natural innovation. We don't need to force people to lower their CO2 emmissions. We need to give the population the freedom to think and the freedom to invent on their own behalf. Then they will make the world a better place. Your idea sounds so good that you will need to force others to participate. No thank you. What you want sounds like a power fantasy where you make the rules. Source:
