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r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Presale for Income Island live now! Launching on ARB, BNB, GRV, ETH, and MATIC!


r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

It's definitely not too small and if I had 5K right now, I would diversify a portion of it among BTC, ETH, CGPT, BNB, MATIC, and ATOM, while keeping the rest in stablecoins to participate in upcoming IDOs. Two projects that have caught my attention are GRV, a multi-asset lending protocol for NFTs and crypto, and GC, a metaverse role-playing game where both players and non-players can earn.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Guys i need some feedback on the following coins: GRV, GRT, AUDIO, AAVE, LINK. Currently holding all of them but i would like to keep 3 max. Which in your opinions are the most worthwhile to hold (both short and long run). Thanks in advance Cryptonians 😇

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The dollar value for GRV is based on buys and sells and marketcap just like every token. The tokens weren't being "taken away" each token relative value was changing called rebasing and was just a marketing gimmick to attract attention it was nothing nefarious (but proved to be an overly complex of a concept for most wen lambo casual investors). The rebase phase is now over and price has stabilized at target. The marketcap is currently very low and for me i look to invest in new concepts when they are a bargain and under the radar. I have a lot of GRV waiting for phase 2 which is share ownership in a managed hedge fund. This in my opinion is the best passive income opportunity in crypto and completely under the radar at the moment. After reading the whitepaper and roadmap I believe this to be one of the best new ideas to come along in a while. There isn't a picture of a dog on the token and there's no memes, this one is for more of the grown up investor. I think it's just a matter of time before the crypto world realizes the opportunity presented here.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

Ok, are you looking for something new something unique something something that will turn the crypto market like the great bitcoin once did take a look at the token GRAVITOKEN (GRV) is a gravity-free rebasing, autonomous, community token with an automatic liquidity pool algorithm, and automated token buyback with the burn. The rebasing mechanism used in this protocol is one of its kind as the contract mathematically guarantees a constant minimum price increase over time before reaching a ceiling. GRV uses rebase not to influence geopolitics but to float up in price, gravity-free, at a minimum rate of g = 9.81% from $0.0000000007 every eight hours. At this rate, after 104 days, $GRV is now the world’s most expensive stable coin pegged at $1,337,000.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

No kidding! In '22, $GRV is the project you wish you were in on in '21. Everyone will be talking about this game changer adding a NEW DIMENSION to investing on the blockchain with the WORLD'S FIRST RETAIL CRYPTO HEDGEFUND for the masses, meaning ordinary folks like you and me can participate just like millionaires! \#DeFiGravity #GRV #Gravitoken u/gravitoken \#BSC

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Rebasing coins. It's all the rage. You own a % of the market cap or something. Tried it with GRV. It was realizing hundreds of % gains a day, but my amount of coins kept going down with every rebase. After a couple days I had like 10% left, but they were worth more or less the same as when I bought them.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Which is why you want to be an exchange or part of a large algorithmic fund to capitalize on exchange fees or let an algorithm sweep up low risk alpha all day. The common investor is getting stomped on and always will. GRV is the only token being used as a gateway to hedge trading for investors at all levels. I wouldn't go super heavy on it necessarily, dyr etc, but it is the only token with actual meaningful future utility let's be honest, all else is dust and false promises of endless reflection or some other bs. BTC and GRV is all i own anymore.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

GRV if it makes good on it being a launch pad into the next crypto traded fund is the clear winner here, still a moonshot and early

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

GRAVITOKEN IS A SCAM!!! I bought 200$ of GRV one month ago, now they are worth 24$. I asked on the official telegram group, the admin told me that I should lock my tokens from which is a scam website that is asking for your Metamask recovery phase!!! After asking more questions he blocked me on telegram. Be aware of them!!

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

GRAVITOKEN IS A SCAM!!! I bought 200$ of GRV one month ago, now they are worth 24$. I asked on the official telegram group, the admin told me that I should lock my tokens from which is a scam website that is asking for your Metamask recovery phase!!! After asking more questions he blocked me on telegram. Be aware of them!!
