Reddit Posts
Performance of the Crypto Market Week 4 2022
Performance of the Crypto Market Week 3 2022
Performance of the Crypto Market Week 2 2022
Performance of the Crypto Market Week 1 2022
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 46 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 45 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 44 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 43 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 42 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 41 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 40 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 39 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 38 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 37 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 36 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 35 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 34 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 34 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 33 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 32 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 31 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 30 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 29 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 28 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 27 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 26 2021
Performance of the Whole Crypto Market Week 26 2021
Man I thought I was in bad positions LOL. I made a bit here and there back at the end of 2020 and into 2021, but I believe I am in a out $40k. My account peaked back in March at $76k while I was on vacation out of the country and I didn't sell, I should've taken some profits, but held out expecting it to go higher. I did sell a little of this and that and re-invested it in BTC in the low $60k range. Since then it has been sitting in the low to mid $30k range until now. MTD I'm up $38k. It hit $76k again, but my anticipation is that it will peak again in March.
Lol correction? We are literally up 40% MTD
Nothing article. If you compare the term ‘bitcoin’ to ‘bitcoin halving’ you’ll see halving related search terms are minuscule in comparison. In reality general Bitcoin search terms have gone down since March in April MTD.
I'm here digging through your comments because of your flow data you posted. I was really hunting for information on VVS token, trying to understand if the value of the token will rise. I was a CDC Maxi through the previous bull run, holding indigo level cards. I was locked through the peak and would have cashed out at least half at that time but could not. ​ I'd just like to talk about your points which I have little to no comprehension on. It's probably cheaper as an exchange the cards are not great after slashed rewards VS other major US interest bearing cards, there is no competition with them right now. I think the marketing they had with UFC was a great idea. It didn't do much in the world cup \[i know, ass timing as far as people investing in ANY crypto\] but I do think brand recognition is still my favorite reason for being with Cronos. I hope the regulatory compliance point is what leads me out of the woods. ​ I myself was learning and very foolish in the last years. I sold most of my winners \[instead of letting them ride\] and held all the trash that will get lost in the noise over the next bull run \[hope not but, we shall see\] I have long term vault locks with VVS - Ferro - MTD - Tectonic maybe some others. ​ I've moved any remaining liquid assets off Cronos Chain because it's been horrible as far as volume, I'm all in Arbitrum at the moment, but the beauty of CDC is I can move all my funds through it as a bridge and easily return if the market does consolidate in it's favor. ​ I remain a big fan of the product itself, but really don't believe the marketing side of this project is proper. Maybe I'm wrong and marketing is fine and there is a larger issue that makes the money avoid Cronos as it has had such small volume vs other EVM chains. ​ Answer me or not, I thank you for sharing positive information on CDC, I do hope in the future it remains an exceptional product. I dream of a world where NBC type media talks about them often, or Cramer LOL
XRP is up +27.31% MTD, so there’s that….
It's MTD ,yeah I went for the yearly vault, when I first got the APR it was like $190% but it's going way way down but it's still like 30 something I believe, but yeah I bought a bag @ .23 cents so far nothing crazy threw 1 k at it,not bad makes like 2$ a day in interest,and it's up too I believe .35 cents or around there.
Tbh I feel bad for those who got talked into buying at Thanksgiving last year, to eat the biggest dumping of their lives. That was some people's introduction to crypto and if that was mine thinking about crypto would make me sick to my stomach. Thanks for the suggestion! I did download their wallet finally a year after having them and saw some high yield on MTD, thats minted right? I explored a little, but didn't look too deeply into it. I like staking flex but still hesitate to lockup my stuff for long periods.
Here's my logic let me know dif it sounds do able, I had about 50,000 steak that I paid anywhere from between 30 to 40 cents for, so when the market dumped in June I bought all in 100,000 at 9.8 cents a piece this brought my cost average down to about 14 cents or roughly so I didn't do it a math that's I shut off the top of my head right now, they just released a new coin called minted MTD VVS is offering 80% yield on a year 300% on 4 years I took all my loose ends converted it all to MTD staked it away for a year and now I have no worries, this is all circumstantial though the coin could take a shit drop 50% and then I break even or else I made a smart move . Between that and having my cosmos and Juno steak it's the best choices I could have made so far
Is this persists, my MTD will be 0% by the end of the month. 😴