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EARN REWARDS with StrongX Nodes-as-a-Service (NaaS)


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah, fuck you David Moss. You can shove your STRONG and STRNGR nodes into your butthole. Apparently, the [website]( and [sub](/r/strongblock) are still up.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Do STRONG/STRNGR next! []( []( A Ponzi masked as a "Node-as-a-Service". The founders are being hounded by multiple lawsuits already.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

All I want to say is fuck you STRONG/STRNGR (/r/strongblock).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

How about STRNGR and wMEMO?

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

For anyone reading we are not late. In fact we are still early if you buy into the right projects. Things like strongchain coming out later this year will see HUGE price swings for tokens like STRNGR and STRONG so buy them now at big discounts along with BTC ETH DOT etc. There are many MANY 10X opportunities right now in DOGE and others which will violently swing back upwards once the market gets some certainty. I’m telling you once we see Biden losing his power in 2023 or something in the fed change dramatically these coins are going to skyrocket due to short supply. So that means you need to stop selling. Big money is buying all of it up right now at severe discounts and they will pump X hard. Trust me on this I’ve been in crypto since 2013 and have done it all. Made and lost millions of dollars. We are at peak gear right now which means peak opportunities for buyers. When everyone is euphoric you should sell because that can’t last forever. Don’t do like me and invest $30k at the top of the market. You would be better off investing $5k now than $30k before the dump. This market ALWAYS comes back and when it does everyone says “ugh why did I sell I should have just held! Why didn’t I buy more when BTC was under $30k I’m so stupid! Of course it was going to go up and now it’s $200k!” Don’t be that guy. Dollar cost average into everything right now and convince friends to do the same. Invest what you can specifically into StrongBlock nodes, BTC and ETH. You will not lose in those three tokens. Nodes are going to explode later this year once the chain comes out and BTC and ETH will always have more buy pressure than sell pressure especially with such high gas. Also get in on some NFTs while price are cheap. Those things as silly as they may seem are art and are digitally verifiable art. It is the art medium of our time and as such will be very valuable especially the collections from more noteworthy artists. Think guys like Eric Paul Rhodes aka secondrealm. Projects that are severely undervalued but in time will see huge growth. The guy is opening his own NFT studio close to NYC so you can bet his art will go up hugely in the future. Just some tips from a crypto veteran. Don’t invest more than you can lose. Don’t confuse trading with investing. Don’t sell the dip. Buy the dip. Hold your investments. Trade on momentum. Good luck out there everyone.