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r/BitcoinSee Comment

Before you buy you need to decide on how you are going to manage it. * From whom are you going to buy? And why? * How are you going to store it securely? What hardware wallet do you want to use? Do you want to run a multi-sig setup or not? Why? * How are you going to store your seed phrase? Do you have a good memory? Do you have family that you'd leave it to in the event of your death? * Do you want to lump sum and drop 35k all at once or do you want to DCA smaller amounts? * Are you buying for yourself, your posterity, or both? * Why bitcoin? Why not gold, silver, stocks, bonds, etc? There is a lot to know and unfortunately finding all of the answers in one place in an easily understood format isn't really possible. At a bare minimum IMO, you need the following: 1. Education. This is THE most important aspect of the entire journey you are embarking on. Learn about the history of monetary systems, how/why they changed, and then learn how/why bitcoin came into existence. You need to completely change your perception of economics in order to properly understand and respect what bitcoin is and what it could be one day. Bitcoin University on YouTube is a good place to start for beginners IMO. ([\_University]( The videos are usually \~10 minutes long and are presented in an easily understood way. Once you get your feet wet, you need to read the whitepaper. ([]( Then check out any number of the bitcoin and fiat books out there. There are lots of people here who have lots of reading suggestions, I am sure. 2. A good exchange to purchase your bitcoin from. I personally use Strike for a number of reasons, but there are other very good companies out there you can get it from. 3. A hardware wallet to send larger amounts of bitcoin to. This is NOT optional when you're talking about owning a whole coin, so don't even ask if you can forego this part, because in my mind it's a fundamental law of nature. 4. Along with the wallet you will have a seed phrase that is generated, so you will need a method to store it. This is essentially your key to your bitcoin and if you forget the phrase or the paper or titanium it's on, you've essentially lost everything. **IMPORTANT!!! NEVER EVER TAKE A PICTURE OF YOUR SEED PHRASE! NEVER UPLOAD IT OR SHARE IT WITH ANYONE ONLINE!** Your best bet IMO is a titanium seed phrase plate.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Step 1: Don't message anyone over the internet or reply to anyone on the internet. Step 2: Buy a reputable hard wallet, maybe do some research. Look up a video of the wallet if you need to. I would get a wallet that is a 24 word seed phrase for extra security. When your hard wallet starts going word by word for the seed phrase... WRITE THEM DOWN IN ORDER AND DOUBLE CHECK EACH WORD. and if your wallet requires a password then WRITE THAT DOWN SO YOU NEVER FORGET. YOUR SEEDPHRASE IS THE ULTIMATE PASSWORD. IF ANYONE GETS THIS THEN CONSIDER YOUR MONEY GONE. DO NOT UPLOAD THIS TO THE INTERNET. If your wallet breaks then just buy a new one and put your seed phrase into the new wallet and then everything will be ok. Step 3: Immediately transfer your funds to the hard wallet you bought once you get it in person, first do a test transaction of like $5 or something to make sure it's correct. Look up videos on how to transfer funds from wallet to wallet. Step 4: Put your wallet + seed phrase into some place highly secret and secure. Do not tell your friends or family. It is easy for someone to just grab your wallet and transfer funds if they know what they're doing.