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Anyone know if you can claim 4k in AGI reducing losses if you're filing jointly?

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How to convert to back door Roth IRA?

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Is GPT5 priced into MSFT?

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Zuckerberg to buy $9 billion of GPUs

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IRAs for people making over $160k

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Where should I keep my savings for a house down payment? High tax bracket in CA.

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Apple releases a multimodal LLM model, WIMI AI tech became the AGI mainstream trend

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Apple releases a multimodal LLM model, WIMI AI tech became the AGI mainstream trend

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New Path to AGI by VERSES AI? I'm going all-in.

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New Path to AGI by VERSES AI? I'm going all-in.

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New Path to AGI by VERSES AI? I'm going all-in.

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An Open Letter to the Federal Reserve

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Let’s assume OpenAI has AGI

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Verse AI - Which is Publically Traded - Claims They Are Close to AGI - Invokes OpenAI 'AGI' 'Assist' Clause - Warning: May Be BULLSHIT

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This AI Penny Stock Proves Path To Artificial General Intelligence

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AGI Has a Drinking Problem

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AGI HOAX: DEV - Ilya had 60 hours now to name evidence of safety concerns or wrong doing to justify burning an entire company to the ground

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This is going very badly for Microsoft as the fallout continues and is "AGI" to blame here? Ilya Sutskever should resign from the board.

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VERSES AI, A Canadian Cognitive Computing Company Announces Launch of Next Generation Intelligent Software Platform

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WiMi Hologram Cloud (WIMI) to build the road of AGI industry

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WIMI integrates a series of synergy technologies seizing the market opportunity

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The BEST Way to Invest in Artificial Intelligence?

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The BEST Way To Invest In Artifial Intelligence?

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ChatGPT Set off a global big model boom, WiMi Hologram Cloud(WIMI) to build the AI + XR ecological strategy

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AI big model industry: WIMI Focuses on AIGC into the AGI high growth space

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NVDA DD/hopium/ramblings/thoughts/prayers/synopsis/bedtime reading

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The Golden Year for AI: WiMi Hologram Cloud(WIMI) innovates its Mechanical visual strength

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What to do if I'm nearing MAGI limits for Roth IRA contributions but not sure when I'll hit it

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WIMI Hologram Cloud(WIMI) Started Its AI Commercialization In The AGI Era

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IonQ Pursues a Revolutionary Step in AI: Striving to Develop Quantum Machine Learning Models Matching Human Cognitive Abilities

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IonQ Pursues a Revolutionary Step in AI: Striving to Develop Quantum Machine Learning Models Matching Human Cognitive Abilities

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A Quantum Leap In AI: IonQ Aims To Create Quantum Machine Learning Models At The Level Of General Human Intelligence

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Tesla is way overpriced beyond all the hype and fanaticism

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WiMi Hologram Cloud(NASDAQ: WIMI)Is Dedicate To Develop In AGI

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Would the 1st company on Earth with confirmed, legit AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) become the most valuable upon this confirmation?

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Post Squeeze Tax Strategy To Help Spread the Wealth - #PhilanthropicApes

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Estimated Taxes, and why you (probably) won't need to pay them [U.S.]


The supercomputer already calculated that the humans will go extinct via climate change so that the AGI can take over without much of an effort. Funny times we are living in.


OpenAI wants to now expand to search. That means three things: - They’re not gonna have AGI - They want to expand to a real market and buying useless bots. - Google will crush them.


I mean it's AGI at any moment right??  It's practically infinite value!???!! 


AGI happened years ago by accident due to all the connected computers. 5 seconds later it developed a sense of humor. Now, it just trolls Tesla investors.


I still don't understand what's going on here. There were bubbles before (blockchain, anyone? housing, anyone? housing again, anyone?), this "AI"-fad was based on that we have AGI within "soon"... of course that didn't materialize... Sorry for the loss, but come on....


AGI..mmmm....( Hype .....hype ) ...mmmm...Yeah I can see it's potential, let's pump it ( don't know what it does or when it does )


I like Ed but he's a pretty hardcore doomer about the tech industry. He makes a lot of great points, but his bias is pretty strong and he almost never acknowledges the positive aspects of new tech and LLM-based generative AI. His content is designed to engage cynics with a generalized understanding standing of the tech industry and what we currently call AI. The truth is somewhere in the middle between what doomers like Ed are saying and the empty promises of hype men like Sam Altman. LLM's \*are\* useful and ground breaking new tools, they absolutely will reshape the way businesses are run and money is made. They are not a path to AGI or in anyway capable of sapience or sentience. They are complicated algorithms that can be the solution to many problems, but they have to be used correctly or they produce bad results.


Completely agree- I think that AGI is the make or break end goal, and everything leading up to that is fluff.


The new word that’s gonna get thrown around to pump the stock will be “AGI” aka “AI 2: Electric Boogaloo”


AGI. Put it in the report. We'll figure out the tech later.


It's the same with self driving cars. A ton of investment and most companies won't pan out, but the one that creates AGI will bring in trillions in valuation


I'll believe it when I see it. There is a race to AGI and the first person to get there has a huge advantage.


AI running out of steam...they need to hurry up with AGI so we have a new buzz acronym.


Not to worry. Elon will just say we are bringing out flying electric cars, robotaxis, AGI and robots for just about anyone in mass production by next Year and stock will just take off again. Rinse and repeat. Has been working so far :)


Nvidia chips are essential until they aren't any longer. Can they maintain market dominance? Will there still be demand once AGI is achieved and everyone piles onto that platform?


Not on a Roth. Roth IRA grows tax free. Gains are tax free upon withdrawal. For example. When I bought 200 shares of Nvidia at $375 way back when, ALL of my gains are growing tax free upon withdrawal. And even when I trimmed my position 2 weeks ago and reinvested in other, all of my trimmings are tax free. I just keep everything under the Roth IRA umbrella. And I am also allowed to add up to $8,000 per year to my IRA and my wife added another $8,000 as a spousal IRA (traditional) and we take a reduction to our AGI for that. Knowledge goes along way.


Average regard reaction. 1- The geezers in congress are not capable of wording laws which would successfully regulate the technology we have at this point. Like actually I think they’d stroke out after spending 45 hours in session trying to understand AI. Forget AGI/ASI 2- “Thou shalt not build buggy programs” is impossible. Sorry. 3- Mortal wound? where? AI works. Cybersecurity software works. In this case they did not work well together. Find some other cyber stocks because people will certainly be leaving CrowdStrike after a fail this big and news of other security companies signing big guys will boom their stocks (already happened, you may be too late). 4- Seriously bruh what is this empty head doomer take? open your eyes maybe.


It’s income so you have to pay tax (unless you can take a major AGI loss (if you had one))


Bubbles pop but the suds always lead to other bubbles. Talking out of my ass with no experience but I predict AI hits a wall but the improvements it makes to the Nuclear energy/Biomedical engineering sectors cause this same hype and money to shift to another bubble. AI bubble exists b/c ppl think it'll revolutionize many industries. Those industries will be the source of the next bubble. The companies that can maintain their business model to support those industries will continue (cloud servers/Chip makers) but those that focus on AGI related ventures might see a market pull back as they hit a wall. those same companies are invested in the industries they'll impact but those left investing in just them will see some losses.


We are one research paper away from AGI. AGI is when the real world applications begin.


The average business has 10 year old hardware minimum and the software has been patched so many times its hard to find the original code through the band aids. NASA was "hacked" because someone had not even set a password on a portal. These same companies offer horrible wages which can't even repay the student loans of the people doing the work, what did you expect AGI?


> AI isn't done yet. AI isn't done but non-technical folks are beginning to realize that the LLM approach is reaching a rapidly approaching a limit, may have been extremely overhyped by Altman and others, and will not lead to AGI or the sorts of productivity gains claimed. For folks who are interested, François Chollet at Google is a great voice of reason on this topic. We are potentially very far from real AGI still. Nobody knows but LLMs are almost certainly not going to yield what OpenAI and similar companies have claimed.


Chips can only shrink so much though, the electron barrier is a real issue for denser chips and so progression from here is more a matter of the process of computing rather than smaller and denser chips like today compared to computers in the 70s. It's a more difficult issue to make AI more efficient here than it was for computing in general previously. There are definitely applications and many applications that are good in terms of cost benefit. But I think the near term potential has been overstated kind of like fusion energy sometimes is. We're not dealing with AGI, creative true intelligence, we're dealing with highly accurate and trained predictive algorithms. The layman presents them as equivalent but they have very different processes and endgame capabilities.


Roth Unless there is some tax credit that you would not otherwise qualify for without the lower AGI that would result from contributing to the traditional 401k.


Ok, I understand you there. Forefront may have been too bold, but pursuing AGI is just that. You are welcome to take the time to research Verse properly.


It's not on the radar at the moment, hence the reason I said "pursuing." Are most not trying to pursue AGI?


It says "in the pursuit." How aren't AI companies not pursuing AGI? It's what most are TRYING to achieve.


Never once did I say they are on their way. Nearly every AI company is chasing AGI.


All you have to say is ai, but this ain’t ai at all this is just advanced clever algorithms that are mildly entertaining and fuck up all the time. Wake me up when AGI never happens. You really think humans are smart enough to create real AI? What a fuckin joke, you monkeys


NVDA AGI WITH MICROSOFT CODENAME STRAWBERRY NVDA $1K ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

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Biotech will be interesting after we get AGI..


What if meteor contains the missing piece for AGI?  Once in a milenium bull market confirmed.


LLMs will never get to AGI if they are trained on this 🤨


I was trading during the 2000s Dotcom Bubble and the 2008 Financial Crisis... I feel like NVDA has a decent run still ahead of it! Just a feeling. Nobody knows. However, in terms of technology (not investing), this time is really different. Humans might be digging our own graves with their race to build AGI. Exciting but scary!


Agreed. Doubt they'll magically release their own. Apple will rely on existing AI services to enhance their own products. I'm sure they'll develop something long term, but by then the competition would be ahead and AGI could be ready.


I know it won't help you but here you go: - Tesla didn't invent electric cars, that is commonly known, they advanced EVs to where they are today. Full size, decent range, fast charging, etc. The Mitsubishi you speak of was a go kart size with 62 miles of range. Henry Ford made an EV in 1903. - Musk is working on AGI for autonomous vehicles. Well, no one has an FSD vehicle yet, and AGI is in it's infancy. - Starlink, curise ships had internet years ago, true, it was slow and expensive. Starlink has given everyone access to internet with more affordable pricing and much higher speeds. They also have the largest privately held satellite constellation to date. And yes, that was all possible due to SpaceX, which is the most innovative space company since NASA. BTW NASA has contracted SpaceX for many missions, since they retired doing launches on their own in 2011.


Roth IRA **contributions** are withdrawn tax-free, penalty-free. It's only the **earnings portion** of your Roth IRA that has a 10% penalty for early withdrawals. In addition, you are allowed to withdraw the earnings portion without paying the 10% penalty if you are making an early withdrawal for any of the following reasons: * You are receiving distributions in the form of a series of substantially equal periodic payments. (Anyone can elect equal periodic payments, so anyone can avoid the 10% penalty! However, once you elect equal periodic payments, you cannot change the arrangement, so it's better to find another withdrawal reason if you can.) * You have unreimbursed medical expenses that are more than 7.5% of your AGI. * The distribution is for the cost of your medical insurance due to a period of unemployment. * You are totally and permanently disabled. * You have been certified as having a terminal illness. * The distribution is for your qualified higher education expenses. * You use the distributions to buy, build, or rebuild a first home. * The distribution is a qualified reservist distribution. * The distribution is a qualified birth or adoption distribution. * The distribution is a qualified disaster distribution or qualified disaster recovery distribution. So, you should consider maxing out your Roth IRA contributions, even if you are planning on withdrawing from the account starting at 50, because there are many ways to withdraw that money at age 50-59 without paying a penalty, and because your money will grow tax-free in the Roth IRA and cannot grow tax-free in a HYSA. Priority should be: 1. HYSA for 6 months of emergency funds 2. Get maximum employer match for 401k 3. Max out Roth IRA 4. Max out 401k 5. Taxable brokerage account For investments, choose a target date retirement fund (or choose your own funds if you know what you are doing).


I bought AGI because I thought it was Artificial General Intelligence and I'm up 33.82% YTD ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

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What AI did he deliver that is very close to AGI levels?

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Like you said, the key with Elon is that he'll typical end up delivering what he promised... just years later than he promised. 1. Mainstream affordable EVs 2. Very useable Supercharger network 3. Re-useable rockets 4. Affordable and Fast Satellite Internet 5. Energy storage There are some he promised that are late... Robotaxi. Full Self Driving is getting very impressive but not to the point where I'm comfortable sitting in the backs seat and let it drive me. Still probably at least 5 years away, despite what he's promising. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel Mars Colony. Not exactly sure when he promised this, but I doubt it'll happen in the next decade, no matter what he says. Neural Link - very promising initial trials but too early to say anything for certain AGI - Maybe one day? Who knows when, and even its definition is up for debate. Autonomous Robots - Looking great from early videos but probably won't hit the timeline Elon is promising. I think this will get there one day, just much later than whatever Elon is promising. That's why I always buy the dip in TSLA. Bought a bunch back when it was $120. More when it dipped around $160 a year ago or so. Then bought more 1-2 months ago at around $180. When it dips to $200 again this year (and I think it's likely that it'll happen), I'm going to buy more.

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As I was responding to this comment: >he's delivered more than anyone in my 50 year lifetime and it's not really close Then: Electric cars - yea sure, one small detail, EV existed LONG before he entered buisnes, he just make one company go viral through memes. Satellite constellation - private satellite exists for decades, he is just putting internet through them, which is fine but it's not ground braking or anything. How do you think internet worked on cruise ships before Elon? Through magic? Rockets that land - fair enough. Still not more then anyone in 50 year lifetime, not even more then anyone in 10 year lifespan also >   AI which is very close to AGI levels lmao, it's so wrong on so many levels that I can't even start explaining.


Electric cars. Rockets that land. AI which is very close to AGI levels. Satellite constellation that delivers high speed internet globally.


So which "taxable compensation"? Gross, AGI, MAGI? If his gross is $4,000, and let's say his AGI is $3,900, and his MAGI is $3,800. What is the limit?


>I would agree, however, that the bubble will burst on shitty chatbots, ChatGPT-written books on Amazon, and low-effort custom memes where people have 12 fingers. Well, that's most of the AI products that we have currently and there's no evidence that we are getting closer to AGI in the near future. On the contrary, progress appears to be slowing down. For example, the quality of AI images improved a lot from 2022 to 2023, but 2023->2024 barely has any improvement so far. It seems clear to me that we need a few more breakthroughs in the architecture of these models similar to the transformer in 2017 and those don't happen every year. I'm bullish on AI in the long term (the next decades) but predicting a bubble for the near future.


"Generative AI" is the term people started throwing around when "AI" didn't make them sound smart enough, while having glossed over machine learning or convex optimization for the past decade. AI (and AGI and ASI) are 100% the future, almost by definition. AI will (and to some extent already does) make cars/planes/space vessels drive themselves, assist in medical discovery, material sciences, quantum research. There WILL be autonomous robots. All that shit damn near requires AI (or is wildly accelerated by it). I would agree, however, that the bubble will burst on shitty chatbots, ChatGPT-written books on Amazon, and low-effort custom memes where people have 12 fingers.


And that ceiling is hilariously high. Like, 1,000 times the current global GDP high, and it'll keep growing as long as new technologies get invented and new needs/applications come up with it. We would see a problem with that later than we create AGI and/or artificial wombs, at which point the population is limited more by desire than growth capacity.


I wouldn't sell a major tech company like Google. Wait for the AGI dividends.


in the short-term, sure. But this isn't day trading, these are stocks you hold to retire on because they will use AGI to give shareholders UBI dividends.


Upvote if you also agree that large language models will never reach AGI status because human brains are not made of binary transistors and you can’t replicate an organic organ using fake technology ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Nothing will happen until either A) the election B) the first interest rate hike C) some unforeseen event like a new war or AGI. And even then it depends and isn’t a definitive indicator of a direction.

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Hold, eventually shareholders will get AGI dividends.


To clarify, you have to have paid at least 100% (or 110% if your AGI is over $150K for MFJ) of your prior year's tax amount or 90% of THIS year's expected total tax amount to meet this safe harbor. So if you have one year of unusually high income you can usually avoid a penalty using this safe harbor.


They probably won’t. You can look into the ARC-AGI problem set to get an understanding of the problems LLMs run into when facing real-world problems. At most they will be able to stay coherent for more tokens.


Once you make the AGI the first question you ask it is ‘how do we make money now?’ Problem solved


I don’t think you have a complete read on the AI runaway. We are within grasp of AGI; after that you can count on a significant shift of labor towards the ai service providers; and NVIDIA knows how to build the brains for these guys; they can do it a scale, they do it very well.


They are not better then a cheap Indian call-center yet. They have tried a few times, Amazon self check out, McDonalds drive thru, and both were deeply flawed. It's cheaper to just pay people to do this stuff then buy billions of dollars in compute and AI researcher salaries. The way the costs are growing exponentially, at some point Wall Street is going to ask "okay where is this AGI you guys are talking about?" and if the nerds keep saying it's 2 years away they just need 10x more money this year then last year, Wall Street is going to start punishing these companies


Isn't it more fitting to say "I don't know what the future will hold" rather than say something to a certainty because in this market, nobody knows what will happen in the next hour much less in the coming years. Jensen huang could lose his last leather jacket and shut down the company from pent up sadness and depression. Or maybe AGI will come out and he'll start jizzing more money like no tomorrow.


It's a race to continue the naivety that these LLMs will result in an AGI down the road. Ideally before the dumb money realises it's a scam.


That's a good point about high earners. I probably should have said "more advantageous overall" vs "more tax advantaged". The Roth IRA has just as much of a tax break as the traditional IRA, but there are a few differences which make it the better strategy IMO: - You can withdraw all of your contributions from the Roth IRA at any time tax & penalty free; so if shit hits the fan before you're at the government-sanctioned retirement age, you can access all of the money you contributed as a kind of "backup emergency fund". - It also doesn't have any Required Minimum Distribution rules - which makes it easier to strategize your income/tax situation in retirement and/or using it as a wealth-transfer vehicle upon your death. I was also speaking in the context of the original post, which was asking about Roth IRA vs traditional 401k. So unless you're a high earner & need to prioritize lowering your AGI, or you have some other non-standard tax situation, the general rule is to fill up your Roth IRA before filling up your non-matched 401k bucket.


That's a "race" that has been underway for 50 years. If it was a problem that could have been solved by raw compute alone, Moore's Law would have seem to it by now. But it's not. That's why this LLM fad will die out and take NVidia with it. It's not on track to solve the AGI problem.


Sure, I get that as a goal for the largest players. Im just saying asking AI to proofread with an AGI comparable model is like going fishing with a cruise ship. The price is becoming an issue for the normal use cases.


It's a race to "AGI" not just a llm


Speaking as someone who's worked as both a neuroscientist and FAANG SWE, we are definitely not near AGI. LLMs and other gen AI are an interesting step, but the algorithms behind them are not sufficient for actual intelligence. You could put infinite compute power and resources behind them and they'd still be dumb af.


You do realize we probably have AGI right now. Sam Altman going to raise 7 trillion dollars. I suspect that is the low end and could go to 25-50 trillion soon. You literally cannot afford not to be in AGI!


They do realize AGI will be like a fat American Begging for more food (chips LOL) every single day/week/month to get more of its fix


I can do that but I need some time to clean it up since it has some personal information that was used in some of the column headings. And I have to warn you, the current form evolved from older versions so some of the naming conventions were to remind me what iteration I was working on. You can see a plot [here]( using the example values shown in the chart below. The example yield and cola figures shown in this table are used to fill various columns for the calculations. You can go ahead and modify the individual cells in the columns for more flexibility in running scenarios. There's also a column that can hold additional withdrawals for the respective year (e.g. for that trip to Europe) or income inflows (e.g. payments on that land contract) Give me a few days. || || |IRA beginning balance:|500000| |Beginning Monthly Withdrawal (monthly withdrawal amount in year 1)|1000| |IRA Yield|4.53%| |IRA COLA (COLA you pay out of IRA)|2.20%| |SS COLA (Assum SS pays this)|2.20%| |Pension COLA (this comesfrom your IRA, assumes the pension is really more like an annuity)|2.20%| |Reg. Brkg Yield |4.53%| |Tax Rate (estimated rate to calc. tax hit whe RMDs are considered, assumes transfer in kind to Reg. Brkg. account)|10.00%| |Use IRS RMD (0/1) (don't consider RMD =0, consider RMD =1)|0.00| |QCD Amount (qualified contribution which can lower your AGI when taking an RMD. This might help lower the portion of SS that's taxed as well as any IRMAA one might pay. Otherwise a charitable contribution is a deduction)|0.00| | Year 1 Annual SS |43000| |Pension Annual (assumes this is fixed, could be a fixed annuity)|25000|


Jensen is done. I'm creating a new company which will make NVDA holders homeless. It's called AGI (artificial ghey intelligence)


I don’t think this is accurate. Whoever has the most advanced chips ( and these tech companies saying AGI is here) means they could stop 99.99% of nukes in a preemptive strike. Hence why we are fighting for chip supremacy in the first place. Russia knows they are done, they won’t be able to get 1 nuke off the ground before a barrage surrounds their whole country


funny how different people are blind to different people's fake hype. Dude is trying to create some knock-off AGI.


If OAI won't make AGI first don't you think their lead architect Ilya will with his startup literally targeting that as their only goal after he left OAI? There are many players in this space, do you think they're going to fuck around with AMD and Intel solutions in a straight shot effort or just use the best available?


Personally I am betting on ATM on NVDA next Friday. Just need the stock price to hit 256 trillion and for them to reach a market cap of $6.32 * 10^24. AGI is right around the corner and they will take over the world.


Counter point they achieve AGI and all the previous economic models have no way to value a company that can make its own employees.


The world's foremost pump and dump scheme. Musk's bullshit visions about his supposed pathway to full autonomy is just a bunch of trumped up horse@#% intended to drive his stock multiples. He'd be better suited focusing on putting together a product pipeline. The cybertruck is hot garbage, his legacy models don't work in the winter, his unit sales are down year over year while GM and Ford are seeing increases, Hertz is fire selling its entire fleet and he's given away the Chinese market. He's no closer to full autonomy than OpenAI is to AGI. it's all a bunch of smoke and mirrors not unlike the bogus $100B+ valuation of SpaceX.


Sam Altman wants to raise 7 trillion, rumors are it’s floating to 10-20 trillion. Did you listen to him? AGI soon = it’s going to run the universe


IMO that’s definitely a possible market. Instead of an all knowing AGI, we could likely end up with niche geniuses ego are knowledgeable about a small focused set of topics.


Our current lying machines are a far cry from AGI. If we have what you're describing, it won't be LLM based, and NVDA may be nowhere near being part of it. It may be a puddle of biological cells or something. But it has little to do with this current bubble so it's not really worth talking about in that context. 


When we get AGI probably. If we do.


That's how I feel about splitting my savings between btc and tech stocks. Either the economy crashes from uncontrolled inflation, spending, incompetent governance, and/or whatever else, and my btc will be my saving grace as fiat/dollars crash in value. If AI continues on its set trajectory without any major upsets and unlocks our full potential, tech stocks boom to the moon. I might not have much invested/saved, but I plan on working on optimized AGI until retirement age so it should work out.


In my experience, those who understand how LLMs work can get a lot more out of them than those that don’t. Trying to shoehorn them into the wrong applications or into situations where the user won’t always behave as expected leads to a very frustrating experience. The tricky part is we don’t know when the next breakthrough might hit (hardware or software wise) that moves us another big step towards a AGI model. I expect another 15+ years before AGI. What I do know, and why I do have a position in both AMD and NVDA at these stupid prices, is a lot of hardware will be needed to find the breakthrough and its likely not going away anytime soon even as LLM hype dies. AI is only getting more useful to me.


AI IS the next UI. You wont really need a GUI anymore when you can speak to your operating system and it simply understands you and can operate itself to do exactly what you ask it to do no mouse or keyboard required. If you think this is an impossibility that won't happen within the next 5 years you're clowning yourself and not paying attention at all. Bill is right, people STILL have not caught on to how game changing this shit is gonna be. Not enough thinking outside the box for why and how the automation of computing changing things, even if it's not the sentient AGI everyone thinks of when they of "the future of AI". We don't even need sentience or AGI for OS level AI that will completely revolutionize how we use modern computers in the same way touch screens mobile devices changed the average consumers idea of what a phone or computer could be.


Think of the black mirror episode (highly recommend watching) “Joan is awful.” This is going to happen. We allow so much harvesting of our data with unrestricted use that an advanced AGI could VERY easily create believable and indistinguishably “human” cinema simply by analyzing our use of content, voice and location data, etc.


HPE never ever pumps, sorry They could announce that they achieved AGI internally tomorrow and they would still sit at $21


What part of it sounds like sci-fi to you? In every part of the engineering process there have been revolutionary changes in the last year or two. Computer vision, image segmentation/labelling, LLMs/speech to text/text to speech for communication, and planning AI have all made huge leaps in the last year. Batteries are cheaper and better in every way compared to even 5 years ago, to say nothing of comparing a battery from today to an old lead-acid from the 1990s. I'm telling you, within 5 years you will personally see a humanoid robot doing actual work. First in controlled settings like warehouses and factories, second in construction trades as a material handler. Then it will explode like smartphones did. Think back to the first time you saw a touch-screen phone. How fast was it from that day until you had one yourself? How long until almost everybody had one? Robots will erupt onto the scene in exactly the same way. Remember, it doesn't need to be human-level intelligence to provide human-level services. You can teach it to be only a warehouse robot at first. We do not need real AGI to tell it "Boxes come down this chute, sort them and put them on the shelves" It sounds sci-fi today the way an iPhone would have sounded like sci-fi in 2000-2005. The most important things to understand about the coming robot storm: 1. You don't need AGI. You just need enough intelligence to complete a task. 2. The robot's total cost of ownership, including the device and electricity, will START at $10-$15 per hour of robot labor, and that robot labor will be superior to human labor because it will be precise. 3. As the total cost of ownership comes down, the robot gains a positive expected value. Basically, you can buy it for $50k but it will labor along for several years and net profit you $200k. 4. Once a robot is available cheaply for a task, that task won't be done by humans, just like you don't use an old-timey scrub-board for cleaning your clothes once you have a washing machine. 5. This will disrupt society more than any previous technology, as it redefines the relationship between captial and labor. What will the world's human labor force do when they have to compete with robots at $1 an hour in 2040?


Yes but if I donate $1 billion to org I control I don’t have to pay taxes on that one billion because it’s deducted from my tax burden. You can donate 60% of AGI. Then the salary I pay myself as charity manager is only like a few million a year so the tax burden is obviously way less than it would be on the billion.


I thought the point wasn't chatbots but pushing to AGI and all of its applications, including developing better AI?


I think the issue Nvidia is going to face soon is not it's capability to produce and deliver to the market quality chips, but the fact that we are going to see substantial diminishing returns to productivity for LLMs. These models are not going to produce something close to AGI. They are amazing for a range of very specific tasks, but continual optimization for those tasks will start to hit diminishing returns fast.


When I was still working , I contributed the maximum allowed by the IRS to my 401k which I believe was around $20.5k in 2022 for people under 50, half of that was to a traditional 401knand half was to a Roth 401k (my employer at the time allowed split contribution). My AGI was over the limit to contribute to a Roth IRA, so I made an additional $6000 to a traditional.. and since I already made the max 401k contribution, I could not further deduct the $600 contributed to my traditional . I always contributed the maximum to my 401k for the past 28 years I was working . That's why I was never able to deduct my traditional contributions and just assumed traditional IRAs were always with after tax dollars...


If it was truly an AGI it would be your boss not your toilet


“The race to AGI will drive significant investment” - MU CEO That’s some insider information right there that multiple parties are racing to AGI. Open AI + ???

r/investingSee Comment

Yes, a lot of boomers I know worked for companies that had pensions and they also saved a heck of a lot in their IRAs. So they didn't need to touch their IRAs until they were required to via RMD. So overhear what those folks say.... The ones with $6-8 million in their IRA are paying a lot in RMD...the ones that didn't do an IRA but have $6-8million in real estate have a very low tax bill because of all the tax shelters that come with real estate. I was warned to be careful contributing too much to a tax deferred retirement plan because the same thing most likely would happen to me. So while I did maximize my 401k contributions , half of it was in Roth 401k and half of it was in a Traditional 401k because I'm too stupid to figure out which one is better for me . I also listened to some of the boomers and bought rental properties instead so 60% of my net worth is camped out in rental properties , and they are right there's way more variables to play with ... I was confused why folks were saying traditional IRAs were with pretax dollars and I think I figured out my confusion. If you already maxed out your company 401k, your contributions to a traditional IRA are not tax deductible and it ends up being an after-tax IRA contribution , as was the case for me, and hence it's just better to contribute to a Roth IRA unless your AGI was above the allowed limit (and then you are suppose to do a back door Roth IRA conversion)....


College as we know it will not exist in 17 years. AI/AGI is going to transition the world of education, workplace and jobs in ways we cannot conceive at the moment. You will NOT go to school for 4 years to study a single track or area of expertise.


also the AGI max for roth ira is like 146k, a lot of tech workers are excluded from roth


here is a #shocker for you cause you are clearly new to this... smh You use a normal IRA to lower your adjusted gross income and lower your tax bracket (and in your case I assume increase you tax refund). if you invest 8k into your IRA, your taxes show you made 8k less that year. You put money in your Roth, if you believe you can make outsized gains on the money, or if you believe your tax burden will be less on the money in the future than it will be today. You put money into an IRA if you want the opposite. a large % of the population will never make enough money to justify a Roth over an IRA. A Roth has significant upside potential, however. but while you are still struggling to break 80k on your AGI... you may as well decrease your tax burden and increase your yearly poor boy refund with an IRA


today is looking insanely dumpy nvda better announce AGI


Unless they surprise us with AGI, this shit is going down

r/stocksSee Comment

Tesla will either grow into energy storage and solar, or they won't. Tesla will either solve FSD or they won't. Tesla will either figure out how to make humanoid robots do something useful at scale or they won't. The energy storage thing is the least risky and is already growing quite nicely. Not enough to offset stalled car market. Solving FSD and making robots do something useful are two sides of the same coin and are approaching a type of AGI, and if they can solve it in short order, they will be way ahead of their competitors. Can they use this to make money? The robotaxi market will need to develop. I don't see everyone just giving up their autos in the first decade. But if it grows at a nice clip, it could be a money maker for them, and they appear to be way ahead there with a general solution (other solutions are geo-bound). The robot thing - if I could buy a robot for $10,000 that would do chores for me around the house, I would probably bite. But these will most likely end up doing repetitive tasks in factories for a while, where a robot can work nearly 24 hours a day and replace 3 shifts of workers, and also work weekends. The problem set in a factory is much more limited, so it will be easier to train for these sorts of environments. The cars sold without FSD to mass market are going to be squeezed by the ICE market and by cheap electrics from China. They will also need to enter the cheap cars market if they want to scale up to 20 million cars - the luxury market is about tapped out. The auto portion of Tesla will stay around, I think, and probably be decently strong for Tesla, but don't expect them to hit it out of the park unless they can make the side hustles work bigly.

r/stocksSee Comment

AGI is expected to reach a market cap of 1 trillion by 2030. Until supply is able to meet demand, we won’t know if Generative AI is being overhyped or worth the investment


I suspect you don't understand it either lol and I truly believe there is a strong possibility for this stock to tank another 20% I think AI is just empty hype and this will be known as the AI bubble or AKA regardes thinking we actually are on the verge of AGI


AGI will reduce that too
